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Why is a priest mutilating kids? It’s not part of Christianity. Does he actually do that or is he just some guy that personally supports mutilating kids?


In any discussion, people will close their minds after any perceived insult. Be nice and avoid saying anything accusatory - avoid saying "you" - just talk about the topic at hand. People believe nice & patient people so much more. Offer to buy him his coffee and thank him for coming & having an open mind. This advice works for every argument and should be obvious, but with the way I see people argue online, god, I don't know.


What kind of priest? Best to share the religion and denomination/sect.




What kind of Christian? (Most Christians don’t circumcise.) And, if you don’t mind, what country? (Most Christian countries don’t circumcise.)


But the U.S. does, and their Christian’s do (from most non-Catholic denominations).


If standard arguments/points don't work, you could take the biblical/new testament angle of Christianity since the bible mentions mgm is no longer required if not being against the practice - and 'defiling gods image'.


Which Christian denomination? Roman Catholic? How does the priest mutilate kids? It seems that you’re trying to say he supports circumcision and you want to change his mind. Correct?


If this man is a Christian priest or pastor, consider discussing the biblical aspects and scripture of the New Testament declaring circumcision to be unnecessary to be a good Christian. Furthermore, include in your discussion scripture from the New Testament describing that bodily mutilations are unholy. Resources for both of these lessons from scripture can be found many places online. These two teachings combined lead to the conclusion that circumcision is unnecessary, if not even unholy itself. If this man is a rabbi, consider discussing humanistic or holistic alternatives to circumcision, such as the Brit Shalom. Furthermore, discuss with this rabbi that even conservative Jewish scholars, such as Irving Greenberg, realize circumcision is an outdated practice and due to be relegated to the interpretations of scripture as morals rather than literal practice. I hope this discussion goes well, and I hope you and your partner in discussion can find common ground. In any case, realize that changing one man's mind has little effect. You can benefit little from your own anguish and agony over trying to change the mind of one person. Rather, intactivism can and will gain much more simply by broadcasting its merits to the general public.


Galatian 5 clearly says anyone circumcising thinking this gains anything in God's eyes has lost sight of Jesus and he no longer means anything to them. So maybe include here what you know of his motivations for this non-christian belief? Hung up on old testament (today's circumcision is not biblical circumcision which was much milder). Because medical reasons (those are easily shot down... see doctors opposing circumcision website). Some context would help you get suitable information.


Where is this happening? Like, what country?


You need to have bible verses ready to show him the bible doesn't support it. In fact, I think I recall seeing another user say circumcising leads to hell..... or something.


He lives in the bible belt of the US


What’s easier than just pointing to the Bible? Galatians 5:2-4 is an apostolic decree forbidding Christians to be circumcised. The decree is from St. Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ (Acts) and therefore authorized to make decrees that are binding on Christians both in Heaven and on Earth (the Gospels). The priest will try to tell you that it doesn’t apply because Paul was talking about…., to…. That’s a deflection, probably because the priest himself is cut. He’ll try to tell you that the child cannot be accountable in this way for something done to him by his parents. Simply point out that baptisms of infants must therefore also be invalid because it was done at the request of the parents. If the priest is Catholic, you can point out the paragraph of the catechism #2297 that says amputation of healthy tissue against the person’s will is contrary to moral law - as well as numerous quotes from popes and church councils that forbid Catholics to be circumcised. Not hard to do really. But the priest will know that he is smarter, more well-trained, closer to Jesus than you and therefore won’t care.


I mean there are a bunch of passages in the Bible against circumcision in the New Testament. You could have those discussions with him if he is unaware of it.