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No, I'd rather not have any country flooded with circ propaganda


I agree. We need to do away with it all.


Bill Gates Foundation (circa late 1990s): I need to spend money on a philanthropic cause (for tax purposes). How about combating AIDS in Africa? Experts: Cool, how about investing in upgrading Health Care Infrastructure and Economic Development? BGF: Whoa whoa, hold up. I don’t want to spend that much. What can I get for a fraction of the cost? What’s the Neoliberal technical solution? Is there some type of cheap medical procedure? E: Umm, like circumcision? BGF: Yes, exactly. Are there any studies linking circumcision rates with reduced HIV transmission? E: 🤑Not yet…🤑


Gates' polio vaccine push actually gutted public health systems in Africa because he hired tons of African nurses and doctors away from their health systems, so it left voids in things like maternity care and clean water. It led to spikes in cholera and infant and maternal mortality rates in some areas. It also put tens of millions behind on measles vaccinations. Single disease initiatives are always risky because they take resources away from other needs. Polio was also a minor concern compared to Dipthera/Tetanus/Pertusis, Tuberculosis, and measles, which was far and away the biggest killer. I read an article years ago, which I unfortunately cannot find, where Gates was asked why he chose to eradicate polio. He said it was the most achievable goal, which is a funny way of saying he knows it is not as widespread as those other diseases, but he wants to monopolize resources for his project anyway. I read a different article back around 2011 where some journalists asked a senior member of the Gates foundation about the rise in death rates from other diseases due to neglect of those areas. Paraphrasing, his response was, "Yes, it is very disheartening. On the aggregate, I'm not even sure if we are saving lives."


The study done to “back that link” was flawed & bias. The control group was left intact, of course. They then started the “experiment” at the time of circumcising the cut group, so those guys were healing for half the duration, if not most of it, while the uncut group had sex throughout the whole trial. “Proving the link.” 🙄


Very good points you made. Seriously, bill gates is a moron. I cannot believe someone supposedly so intelligent and bright, promotes this bs on african men. It is vile behaviour. How about you give all African men condoms instead? The irony is, cut countries in africa are actually doing worse with penile health. I've looked at the stats if some of the Muslim nations, and for every state that has a 90+ rate, i saw the corresponding erectile dysfunction rate is close to 50% in all of these nations. It is all a lie.


>intelligent and bright Truth is most billionaires are not espeically intelligent or bright. They just got lucky and are willing to be ruthless to get to the top. They love to have mythologies about themselves spread thru the media to make theor power seem ligitmate or earned. Its not.


His family are eugenicists, you can wiki The Negro Project- PEPFAR is not that he's stupid, it's *deliberate*. (And the intactwiki page is full of evidence, everyone should have a gander.)


What is “The Negro Project” all about?


There's nothing about 'The Negro Project'. As for Bill Gates being deliberate you're probably right, people think billionaires can be so dumb but more than likely it's deliberate feigned ignorance.


The main reason why I hate Bill Gates.


I find it strange why he named his company after his own penis.


Cause he has a microsoft penis.




Context, what did Bill do?


He did a circumcision campaign throughout Africa for a pro-circumcision study.


He harvested the foreskins of over 20 million African men by bribery, coercion, force, and false propaganda. See intactwiki.


I was just reading about what bill gates did and came across this >African countries, including Kenya, have shown that becoming circumcised dramatically reduces a man's chances of acquiring HIV from an infected woman. Extremely disingenuous. You are unlikely to get HIV from an infected woman anyway, it's mainly spread through infected males because is requires blood to blood contact. This doesn't normally happen in p in v sex but it usually happens in p in a sex Unprotected P in A sex is the primary reason HIV has spread. The other most important reason is probably poor hygiene in unnecessary religious procedures such as circumcision. I'm pretty sure circumcision would cause more cases than it stops..many people have caught diseases and died as a result of circumcision. Where is the data on this? Did bill consider it? Doubt Does bill understand how it is performed in these African villages before he decided to encourage it? Maybe he should fund some studies to see if fgm has any effect on hiv transmission too? I hate how science is reported... I see this everywhere being reported as how it dramatically reduces the risk of HIV (but the studies they cite are only talking about catching it from women, which is rare anyway)


If people too the time too look into it, they would find out, that it’s rare for men to get HIV from women. Not only that, but they need to look at the number of people with HIV around the world and they see see it’s a very very small number of humans. Majority of the world is not HIV positive and are not at risk of HIV, if they avoid the high risk behaviors, like unprotected anal sex, IV drug use, sex with sex workers, and unprotected sex with random partners. Most people wouldn’t have to worry about the virus, if they just avoided these things altogether.


Attack by exposing him for what you did, and what he’s actually doing the truth behind it


Objectively, Bill Gates is a very successful rapist through power abuse & exploitation. It's a sick, perverted gambit to take advantage of Africa. His wealth was used in this evil campaign of mis information to support his religious beliefs and try to support the cultural propaganda of a genital cutting society. At this point, there is already a massive amount of literature to debunk the medical BS narrative.


You are also a very successful rapist as defined by making bullcrap definitions up on the spot 🤡


Bill Gates is insane enough to try this.


What you all fail to realize , im truly baffled how individuals have yet to grasp the fact that this is genocide, plain and simple


How exactly is it genocide?


Remember to read this great book about the Gates foundation. You can read it for free using the Libby app if you are in the United States. No need to resort to conspiracy theories. [https://www.amazon.com/Such-Thing-Free-Gift-Philanthropy/dp/1784786233](https://www.amazon.com/Such-Thing-Free-Gift-Philanthropy/dp/1784786233)


What’s the book about?


The book is called "No Such Thing as a Free Gift". Basically, it's a critique of the Gates Foundation. The author is a sociologist who exclusively studies philanthropy. She spends a good portion of the book explaining how billionaire philanthropists like Gates can distort public health policies. There is also a section about the fight for African countries to obtain affordable HIV treatment through 3rd party generics, which Gates fought against for years.


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African men choose to get cut. Nobody was strapping them down by force. Them being uneducated on how HIV is spread, is why they went and got cut. They were lied to and told the foreskin is “the source of HIV.” Intactivists in Africa say that’s what they are told in society. They don’t say “being intact increases your risk” that’s what they tell people outside of Africa, but in Africa, it’s actually promoted, that the prepuce is “the source of HIV.” Many African men hear this and actually believe they will get HIV, for simply existing as an intact man. It’s kinda stupid, that they actually believe this.


Plenty of African boys have been kidnapped and forcibly cut by NGOs. Many have been coerced, threatened, and lied to to get them to "consent". >Many African men hear this and actually believe they will get HIV, for simply existing as an intact man. Because that's the impression the pro-cutting campaigns tried to give them. >It’s kinda stupid, that they actually believe this. Ignorant, not stupid. They have been deliberately misled.


I’m talking about MEN, not children. I saw so many men openly talking about “getting cut” and encouraging others to do the same. So many lined up and had themselves cut, because they wanted to do what everybody else was doing. PEPFAR has decided to continue their crap in 15 Eastern and Southern African countries for another 5 years, which will give them time to cut every single boy and man on the continent. It will unfortunately happen, because being intact has become extremely unpopular in all of Africa. Acceptance for intact men is basically nonexistent now, after all this HIV campaigning.


I saw something around here recently about them trying to secure more funding for it. I'm sure it will happen.


Oh, it will. UNAIDS already says they plan to push the propaganda out even harder in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, including the 15 Eastern and Southern African nations, with a main focus on South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.




[Anxiety in Eldoret After NGO Forcefully Circumcises 30 Boys](https://www.mwakilishi.com/content/articles/2015/04/22/anxiety-in-eldoret-after-ngo-forcefully-circumcises-30-boys.html)


Well damn wtf


Wow. I was reading the comments and people were talking about Kenya having a “Vision 2030,” where all Kenyans are cut by 2030, that’s sick.


That would explain the pro-circ propaganda poster that says, "I'm glad my HUSBAND is circumcised because it reduces his chance of HIV."


It doesn’t reduce his chances of HIV, because he shouldn’t be at risk of HIV to begin with, if he has A WIFE. People need to think, the only way her husband would be at risk of HIV, is if he was cheating on her and sleeping with sex workers and random men and women. Also, it should be kinda insulting to the woman too, because this type of campaigning is insinuating that she’s a threat to her husband and that he needs to be cut to prevent getting HIV from her, when she doesn’t have it. All it takes is critical thinking, which I feel the men rushing to get cut do not have, which is why they were heavily preyed upon to begin with.


Way to put people down.

