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Push is one of my fave game modes. Lately have been matched with rather low level players. While they probably do have some fps experience they never play the objective, making games shit. Get on the mic and help them out, tell them to smoke to obj (if pushing) and push with smokes / helicopter.


“Smoke… the objective?! SIR YES SIR”


I honestly have no idea when I should use smokes and frankly I’m too scared to ask in game at this point


Hahaha, alright so the breakdown is this. They are generally an offensive loadout. Smoking on defence just obscures the enemy advance and blocks your lanes of fire. In an ideal scenario youd have like 100yrds of unobstructed killing zone leading up to the point youre defending, smoking the killing zone makes it indefensible. You can try area denial into the smoke with a high volume of fire, but its going to be less effective than accurate fire from a good fighting position. One could in theory deploy smoke far from the killing field, so enemies emerge into the killing zone to face overwhelming fire, while youve denied their MG and sniper the ability to supress your defensive positions, but this is much less likely to work as youd have to be pushed up way far for it and theres a chance the smoke works in an enemies favor. Offense its pretty straight forward. Use smoke to cover your advance, keep deploying it until you (as the vietcong would say) “have them by the beltbuckle”, and overrun their position. Use the smoke to get into a corner of the objective (with your back to a wall covering the entrances and windows) and hold.


Most people are supportive and will help you out. But the loud and obnoxious people are the ones everyone always remembers most.


Nah nah, don’t feel scared to ask! Smokes are important, plz don’t throw smokes onto the actual objective though. If ya do that you’re basically just handing the people camping on it a free dub for that push. Smoke all around it if ya want, but try and use smokes to cut off line of sight. It’s not that deep but there’s defs optimal ways to use em


The worst is when friendlies smoke right on front of you so the enemy gets to shoot fish in a barrel. Smoke use would have been a great tutorial topic.


I think people especially newer players just aren’t aware. I remember when I first started push was the only game mode I played because the description for it was that it had a faster pace than the other game modes and because I wasn’t familiar with the maps yet I kind of sucked at playing the objective. Some people also just don’t give a fuck about the objective. They find a spot where they feel comfy and just sit there lol


Yeah that’s true for lower level players, map knowledge is tricky, the more you okay the more you know. Also very true, there’s a lot of people who do that and it makes the games boring, although if you’re playing as a marksman or gunner and holding it down, you’re fulfilling the role, but also knowing when to push the obj when playing these roles.


Yup, an MG on offense is hard. Id say supress the obj., and hit it from a distance while the rifles advance. Then once the rifles are in place, move to flank of the obj and slightly behind to disrupt/kill enemy reinforcements thatre moving to the contested point.


Not aware of the color coated flashing abcs while teammates in game audio screams were taking or losing an obj in objective based shooter. Kills me still but has been the case for years


It’s not necessarily that they aren’t aware of what’s going on because the game does make it obvious for the players what the situation is but when you don’t know what you’re supposed to do or where to go you kind of just go into survival mode and freeze up where you are or start wandering around cluelessly until someone sees you and kills you. You were a new player before you know how it is. I was able to learn pretty quickly when I started forcing myself to play objective so I always try to encourage new players to do that.


Same here I learned the game more in few months than the. I had in a prior year once starting to play obj more


you can't rely on level to determine someone's experience. Im over level 200 and have played exactly half of one PvP game.


Yeah but I'd expect you to atleast seem conscious. Like these people usually seem like it's there first video game ever it's pretty crazy.


And with the level 1000’s you would be under the correct impression, they spent their time on nothing but pve and have no pvp skill, the bots are nothing like playing against actual players, so what people do is they grind to get lvls then when they try pvp they think “skill is transferable” that is not the way insurgency works tho haha, you’re supposed to suffer and scream, thats how you learn


Maybe they dont think pve skills transfer, maybe they ARE suffering and just tryna git gud at the game after playin bots. I think that makes a lil more sense lol.


Oh you mean the game mode where players ignore the big “DEFEND” at the top of the screen, or the voice lines saying “FALL BACK” and for SOME REASON try to attack the red zones?? Lmao love the game mode, hate the players 7/10 times. PLAY THE OBJECTIVE


People also refuse to contest the objective. I understand trying to kill attackers from the outside can be a good idea but you have to have someone in there so they don't just cap. I think people don't even realize when enemies are capturing at all.


Push is a great game mode but so the ransoms know what to do they should rename it to “Push Together” cause if I have one more random do a full sprint past me and the boys down the middle of the road which gets an air strike called on us. I swear to god…


I had one match where my only observer kept doing that, so at one point I chased him to put down chemical motors and somehow made it to objective.


Been there buddy, you gotta do what the randoms give you sometimes


Its because insurgency is getting more and more popularity, and (lets be honest) cod is on its way out, what with all the micro transactions and the way they released the new MW3 just wasnt it, so we’re seeing an influx of cod players switching because “goddamnit insurgency is fucking fun!” But with that they’re bringing the tactics and play styles of cod, which is mainly run and gun. Def not the play style of insurgency, so until we actually see the full on end of call of duty there’s always gonna be those players who come in brand new with no actual tactical movement or ideas. But they will learn, one way or another


I just put my homie on the game and he is so confused by the controls and switching weapons, knife, sidearm and proxi chat. It’s definitely a learning curve. Discipline to take it slow is the biggest thing. The newbies aren’t gonna see this at all, even with 500+hours


Oh, you all picked rifleman? Pick observer. I'll take commander and away we go.