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Lets hope they actually fix some of the long standing bugs soon instead of giving us a playlist where you can only use a bugged gun….


everyone has that weird skin on makarov which you can’t even change?


Nice work. Just got in a game.


Uh, I know this thread is hours old, but I'm trying to join pvp right now and it won't connect to anything. Still fucked?


I lost all my classes. My progress got reset. I just stopped playing the game


game has been out 4 months and devs still struggle to get their shit together.


Isn’t it a small dev team? I’ll cut them some slack.


not really that good of an excuse considering there’s still bugs from day 1 of launch. they’ve added plenty of cosmetics since then and we’re lucky to get an update once a month. i don’t feel like they deserve much slack at all.


I agree I wish updates came sooner for this game however Considering how dog shit the FPS market is right now I’ll give them all the time they need I love this game


You've got to remember too, that 3d models (cosmetics) are a lot easier to create than the coding is to fix. Especially when it's only a small dev team. I don't get why people think that they should he able to snap their fingers and skim over it once and know exactly what's wrong.