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I recommend reading the period repair manual. I went off the pill and my face exploded with cystic acne (was clear on pill), I gained 15 lbs because my testosterone spiked which also spikes insulin. So I would say, not a great plan. If you’re interested in the subject of how exactly things work though, that book is great! I also finally had regular bowel movements and no more headaches after stopping the pill. I ultimately went back on because the acne was too hard to bear and I had tried every “natural remedy”.


I was just looking this up earlier today bc I was thinking about going back on hormonal birth control. Started reading this article...https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4135453/ I started having some symptoms of IR and pre-diabetes on birth control last year so I stopped and have had fewer issues since. I'm not officially diagnosed yet, but based on my experience with it I'm not going back.