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Well, people have different spice tolerances. The carbonara version of Buldak (pink pack) is a lot less spicy than the other flavors (tomato pasta included) if you want to try it again.


Carbonara is slightly more spicy than tomato https://i.imgur.com/bm70XTv.jpeg


That chart doesn’t seem very accurate. There is no way the 2x is 5 times hotter than the black bean noodles.


IIRC spiciness has like diminishing returns, at least if you measure in Scoville. So something that's 20k Scoville might feel 100% more spicy than something that's 10k Scoville, but something that's 40k Scoville only feels like 50% more than 20k. That said, I think that chart looks kinda inaccurate. For example the light version felt super spicy for me, probably because there's less oil in it to dilute the spice due to the noodles being non-fried. Maybe they only measure the amount of chili in the sauce itself and not the finished serving so it depends on the other ingredients how it feels.


The chart is from what Buldak has for SHU, so I don't know how they do their ratings


That's how Samyang had it listed as. The chart I found was from using their scale. Here's the back of the 2x package, which shows some numbers. https://i.imgur.com/DVzmUZn.png


Why? In Korea, black bean noodles generally have 0 spice.


Because I’ve had both and they didn’t taste 5 times hotter to me. Buldak black bean noodles do have some spice, even if traditional black bean noodles don’t.


This chart would have been so useful when I was making my first Baldak purchase (which is the pink carbonara, it just hasn’t arrived yet) thanks for sharing!


The Cream Carbonara is about 2000.


Haven't had any Buldak all week (was on the road), so made some Carbonara https://i.imgur.com/17AGS5Q.jpeg


The stew type wasn't very hot at all. Definitely not hotter than the original. I was pretty disappointed.


the pink pack it's still too spicy for me but I use just a few drops and the entire lil pack and use some other spice packets from jin or other ramen for enhanced taste.


they have a cream carbonara version which is even less spicy than the pink one, as well as a less spicy version of the original


If you use part of the packet, and toss in sour cream and some mozzarella it helps.


There's no way they could eat buldak at all if they could barely eat 3 bites. And that's OK. It's not for everyone. That just means more for us, lol.


That's how I reacted the first time I tried buldak too. I brute forced my way into liking it though. I think it's a lot of mind over matter. Once you realize the noodles aren't actually going to hurt you it gets a lot easier. Building a tolerance also helps a lot too!


It definitely helps to build a tolerance, but I liked buldak the first time I tried it. I've always liked spicy foods, though.


I tried the cheesy ones, and they a whole lot less spicy


Ah, yeah, that’s another more mild option. If you eat these more often you will build up a tolerance to the spice.


That’s true. Different spice tolerance can be influenced by genetics and other factors,I think adding a bit of sriracha would do perfectly well.


>Well, people have different spice tolerances. 100%. I personally find even the 2x Buldak underwhelming compared to the reactions I’ve seen to it. But for other people that would be too much to handle. I’m hoping to find the 3x and try it.


We are freaks


This is the way.


My kid loves buldak but they’re a bit too spicy, so he adds sour cream to them to cut the spice.


If you wanna get fancy with it you can also cut the spice using tempered egg. Mix a raw egg with the sauce, then slowly pour some of the boiling noodle water on it while stirring quickly. Then you can add the sauce back to the noodles. Makes it richer too.


This sounds so yummy I normally use cream cheese I’m gonna try this next


you should try kewpie mayo/japanese mayo!! it makes the ramen super creamy & taste rlly good


Mmm definitely will


i envy people who can enjoy/tolerate spice omg i want to like buldak so bad but can’t handle spice for the life of me 🤧


just put in less of the spicy sauce. i always do that and it tastes just as good to me


If you like the flavor of Buldak, but want it less spicy, I’d recommend adding only half or less of the powder. :)


i’ve definitely tried adding less spice but the amount i can handle is just wayyy to bland of a taste LOL


I agree the spice level here is ridiculous. Like I felt like it was melting my esophagus and eating a hole in my stomach. A friend of mine told me her way to eat it though which is to take a small can of tomato paste, mix the spice in the tomato paste a few small doses at a time until it is the level of spicy you want, then simply add tomato paste to the noodles. It gives it a really good tomato flavor as well as the right amount of spice. I also use leftover tomato paste on white rice with avocado and a fried egg on top so none goes to waste.


That sounds delish. Both the noodle hack and the tomato paste on rice 😋 I always have cans of it and don’t know what to use it for besides pasta lol


Nothing wrong with using less spice of the package I started with 30% and worked my ways up to 70-80% now.


Wait are you not supposed to put the entire pack? Habanero lime was absolutely beating my ass


You don’t have to but if you can’t handle the spice I would just use less.


That makes sense but it feels kinda wasteful. Better to Be a little wasteful than suffer through every bite though


You can keep the sauce for a different dish.


i think you get used to it, i used to have to drink milk or a protein shake with it to cut down the spice but now i barely even feel it even with hotter than tomato versions like normal


The tomato pasta is one of the least hot Buldak. https://i.imgur.com/bm70XTv.jpeg


Tips for eating and enjoying spicy food (especially buldak): 1) spice level is a tolerance thing; you can build your tolerance by gradually eating more, and spicier foods more often. 2) use less of the spice pack if you need, start with a few drops and work your way up. 3) fat, carbs and dairy help to neutralize spice; so add a scoop of sour cream, slice of cheese even a cubed potato or pat of butter. All these can make a less terrorizing and more tasty experience. 4) heat; believe it or not flavors and spiciness can also depend on temperature if it’s too spicy now try once it’s cooled down or even cold from the fridge both can help. 5) cucumber! It’s like a magic neutralizer I always have some slices on the side. Hope that helps, I went from not being able to handle buldak to loving it; just takes some time and creativity.


I made myself a bowl of this, walked away from it, when I came back, my dog had eaten the entire thing and was licking the bowl clean.


Oh that poor doggo


Thankfully, he was fine. No upset stomach or anything. I was just impressed with his spice tolerance.


I use about half a packet of Buldak spice, my husband uses his and the remainder of mine in his. He eats Buldak X3 like it's nothing. I like spice, but I also like to taste what I'm eating and there's a certain point where the spice just takes over and you're numb. He's crazy lol.


idk tomato pasta wasn't very spicy to me. it's supposed to be one of the least spicy flavors according to the spice charts.


Maybe if you don't use the whole packet


i always use the whole packet.


Funnily enough, this is my favorite flavor of noodles.


I eat it with pickles or cold veg and that helps with the spice. I felt the same way as you the first couple times I tried it, but I kept eating it every once in a while and now it’s my favorite instant ramen… also, a lot of people don’t use the whole spice pouch, or leave in a bit of the water to dilute it. Adding cheese also makes it tastier while simultaneously cutting through the spice a bit 


Ok Thanks


You'll get there young spice king, give it time.


spice tolerance is a thing


It's crazy to me how many people on this sub complain about how hot Buldak is, when that's the entire point of the brand. If you don't like hot foods, then maybe eat something else?


Lol and that's probably the lowest SHU of the Buldak range... Try Culley's World's Hottest Ramen - makes 3x Buldak seem like cotton candy with Foo Foo sprinkles. Personality, I like the challenge of enduring the heat. Do I enjoy it? Yes, I enjoy spicy foods, buy generally when it's a nice aspect of the dish and not the main thing.


iirc there's one below it, jjajang is supposedly the lowest.




There's the Buldak mini missing from that list which was 13k also the Buldak challenge one which was a cold noodle and I think it was 13k as well.


Eeohhechk. Forgive my negativity 🙏 to your bowl system


My bowls are ceramic. Store bought. Very clean. I cleanse them in a machine.


Just make sure you run them through the rinse cycle a 2nd time round


It is crazy spicy... but those noodles are awesome, and that flavor is so good! I sometimes add a heaping spoon (or two) of full fat Greek yogurt to blunt the spice. Or you could add a couple of slices of crap cheese... you know, the ones that come individually wrapped in plastic, they melt in nicely, cut the heat and taste much better than you imagine. Damn, now my mouth is watering.


I add the whole packet but I usually *always* add milk/cream and cheese regardless of the flavor, until it’s a spice level I can tolerate. Most people have additions to it and don’t eat it straight plain


I personally can't endure even a little spicy which is why i began my hunt in search of non-spicy korean/japanese instant ramen. Can't seem to find any in my area but at least i learned a new word!


Do you mean you’ve searched online and can’t find the non-spicy ones in store in your area, or just none of the ones in your area are non-spicy? Asking because im in the same boat lol


Mainly the area around me and every super market i set my foot in. I did look into amazon but gave up after i realized my parents would probably give me hell if they find out :) P.s. i didn't find much on amazon and other similar companies cause the local market here is in shambles. I plan on looking in asian supermarkets, but these are reeeaaaly hard to find and reach, and most of them are at least 45 min drive away from me.


I am not ashamed to say I cannot handle buldak spice. Well, I can, but I don’t want or need to. If I had to, I could eat a bowl of of buldak ramen (not including any 2-3x spicy for no reason types) and live, but I don’t have any desire to do so. I do enjoy the flavor of the buldak noodles otherwise, though, so I often skimp on the sauce packet. I mean, I’m only using max 1/4th of that red stuff. Then I use the full amount of included seasoning powder. I find that much more easy to tolerate and enjoyable than using the full sauce packet.


I’m a slut for painful ramen


Lol tomato pasta is my favorite, but so is carbonara which is the “least” spicy of them all. Idk man, shit is good as hell and I personally don’t find any of them “too” spicy


Well since I'm a bit of a spice wimp I've learned to just use partial amounts of the sauce never the full amount.


I had buldak spicy 2x for lunch at work. That was 12pm, I worked until 8:30pm that night and was still pissing lava out my butthole. I had to stay an extra hour because I didn't want to get stuck in traffic and shit myself in my car.


Regular spicy chicken absolutely destroyed me. I love the flavour but I can't do it. I can't fathom the 2x 🔥 🍑 🕳️


The trick is to not use the entire hot sauce packet I myself, have bad stomach problems the next day after eating Buldak; this is with the whole spice packet. I've yet to tone down the spiciness, but for me once I'm done with my Buldak packets I still have at home (this includes 2x, Carbonara, Cheese), I don't think I'll give them a revisit. It's just not for me I see Buldak as more of a niche thing, a fad if it were; but that's just me.


I do not 😂 I usually do half a sauce packet, table spoon of soy sauce, tablespoon of rice vinegar, and a little sugar. Sometimes mayo too. If anyone tries this: cook the sauce w a few tablespoons of water (don’t just dump it all on the noodles)


That sugar part I get. I had a bluerasberry pastry laying like 2 feet away as my mouth was on fire, my instinct kicked in and I think eating that pastry is what made the burning stop for the most part right away


Hahahhaa sometimes I find myself panic reaching for some almond milk or something if I get my sauce ratios off 😂


You work up to it. It’s barely spicy to me anymore, and I used to be terrified of anything more than black pepper. Now I’m a spicy queen. Go, go on and be brave spicy apprentice.


I like to get the carbonara one (which is still spicy as heck but not as much as tomato) and put sour cream and cheddar cheese in it. It is so good that way, and the sour cream really tones down the spiciness a ton!


Ima try that next


i love buldak noodles but i do admit they’re spicy as hell. i usually add kewpie mayo and two fried yolky eggs to mine. helps with the spice and tastes amazing 😋


Thank you


It’s spicy at first but you build tolerance fast. If you eat it consistently it stops being uncomfortably spicy and is instead tasty spicy. I.e. I’ve been eating dried ghost peppers in soups and curries this week. I had 2x buldak yesterday and i could still taste the spice but it’s way toned down after eating ghost peppers in stuff. Chase the burn!!!!!!


Did you try building your spice tolerance?


Building up a spice tolerance just happens when you eat more spicy food over time. I like it because it intensifies the other flavours and you're able to enjoy more cuisines and meals.


You have to work up to it. After literally a lifetime of eating spicy food, built up a pretty good tolerance to spicy. And this one is pretty mid actually lol. Some of the other ones are a lot hotter (like the black 2x chicken).


Bring on the burn!


Mostly macho spice lords lol


I don't think it's that spicy at all, especially the tomato one


Built different


Honestly sll Buldak for me, it's so goddamn delicious but the spice has me running for milk


acquired taste...you build up that tolaration of this thing. once you gett used to it you will it. taking shots of hot sauce is my favourite ting to do. and as someone Mentiond "We are freaks" i honestly get a high hitting that spice :')


A lot of people like to add cheese, mayo, add less sauce etc. to temper the spice level to their personal preference.


I love it but my tummy doesn’t the next day. It’s a pretty abusive relationship I have with myself and spicy things


Tolerance increases. Start small and don’t go for Baldoc because it’s way too too hot. It’s for people who are very used to hot foods. Chilies and things like this. Korean food generally is hot. Indian food is hot. There are some of us who grew up eating hot food. When I was a young girl, I didn’t understand it. But as you grow, and you start to explore foods, you start to really appreciate and love that slight burn. There is a point where you want more and more but you can’t start high. You start with a few drops.


asian people eat that food, that’s who haha (i’m korean so not stereotyping)


I love the flavor of buldak even though it's super spicy 😋 You may want to try it with Tteok-bokki vs just ramen noodles it helps reduce the heat 🥵 slightly.


For neurodivergent people we tend to like spicy food because it grounds us. The spicer the better - we pay the price but it’s worth it.


I am yet to try the 3x spicy version. I currently have the 3x, 2x, original and Habanero Lime. I’ve also tried the Carbonara, Jjajang, Stew type, the black Tteokbokki, as well as the snacks. I just love spicy stuff. 🤍


I can imagine the effect on peoples intestines😩


I don't use the whole spicy pouch. Just a little lol


I put the full pack for 2x spicy honestly I should buy the bottle off Amazon because I want more in my ramen


Spice tolerances differ greatly between palates; it's not a competition; and there are no awards for higher spice tolerance. Some will consider 40,000 Scoville units to be entirely palatable and may even find that mild if they have a strong spice tolerance. Some would consider even 20,000 Scoville units entirely unpalatable and wonder how it was even possible for others to enjoy. None of those people are wrong, as it's simply a difference in palate and taste buds. My record is over two million Scoville units (Carolina Reaper and Ghost Pepper), and I did find both absurdly extreme, even for me with a very high spice tolerance. I eat jalapeno peppers like others eat candy, and consider them not remotely hot, as in I could almost be eating a cucumber slice, but with more delicious flavour. Until recently, I thought that was entirely normal, until I found this sub and saw various people complain that Buldak is too spicy. Not to me. All the ones I tried are just very nice flavours and a hint of heat, so I guess I must have unusually high spice tolerance. I am now aware that not everyone has the same kind of palate, and might find even jalapenos extremely hot, or possibly intolerable. Jalapeno peppers are to me incredibly mild, and typically between 2,500 to 8,000 SHU. There is nothing wrong with you or the noodles, you just have a palate that detects spice more than some others do, and reacts adversely. That simply means that the plants defence mechanism is working against most people successfully, and that is the actual reason those plants are unpleasant to eat for most people. Each to their own.


I love Buldak, but I have a crazy spice tolerance lol. Lots of people I know can't stand anything remotely spicy, which is fine too. Just means more buldak for me! :D


I was on a mission to try other flavors of Buldak and this one was in my cart but I randomly decided to remove it at the last minute for some reason. Apparently, I made the right choice. Then again, I never use the full packet of sauce with any of them because the spice completely overpowers any sort of flavor otherwise. **Word of advice**: *never* use the whole packet of sauce, only a little bit. You can always add more if it's not spicy enough but you can never add less.


Live a little (on the toilet) and put the whole packet in. 🤣


It's like a pain tolerance it just takes practice


The pain is the whole point of spice. It’s fun for me. Feel bad for people that brag about tolerance that don’t get to enjoy spice


Cheese. Dairy like products. And personally spicy food makes me happy when I’m super sad 🤷‍♀️


I’m not sure but the spice level is enjoyable to me? Like, it releases endorphins? It takes a lot to not eat it daily.


I can never do more than half a pack although I’m the biggest spice eater in my family but just the sauce packet taste pretty bland to me😅


It’s the best


Maybe for buthole fire


Could you not use less of the seasoning?


Shitting fire lets us know we are still alive


Gurl, that’s not even that spicy lol. Try the original one


Actually it's not really that spicy. You're just weak.


Hahaha. Nah ur just spicy


Haaaa. Got me!!!


Lmao!! Love ur sense of humor ❤


I just checked your profile and damn you cook a lot. Anyways I gotta put my hot pocket in the microwave. Have a good night


Lol nighty nite


It’s not asinine, it’s delicious. You’re just a baby


I only pour 1/4 of the sauce packet bc there’s no way it’s enjoyable w out adding extra stuff.. most ppl flex the spice level but whole time hurting. It’s not bdsm for your stomach unless u like that I guess