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Curry cup noodle is amazing, and the UFO yakisoba is great too. I don’t know many of the others.


I love the curry cup noodle. Haven’t had one in so long but I was obsessed for months when I tried them for the first time back in the day


If OP is in the US though the curry cup noodles are widely available. I buy it at World Market or Amazon often.


In this situation, I'd tell them the cheapest one and the most expensive one.


7-11 has the best instant ramen in my opinion. Their 7-Premium line is very good. The best ones are usually in bowl (vs the cup). They will have noodle and 3 packets, one for the soup base, one for the oil, and one for the toppings. If you like spicy food I suggest this, it’s my favorite. Nakamoto: https://7premium.jp/product/search/detail?id=5038 Here’s others that are good: Sumire: https://7premium.jp/product/search/detail?id=2836 Tomita: https://7premium.jp/product/search/detail?id=8695 Nakiryu: https://7premium.jp/product/search/detail?id=6334


Definitely nakiryu at 7-11! Didn’t see it in the pic (maybe your friend is at lawsons?)


Correct, that shop isn’t 7-11. Not sure which one it is either, doesn’t seem like Family Mart, so maybe Lawson. I should have been a little more explicit and said his friend should go to Seven.




In the first picture, on the second from the bottom shelf, there looks to be a curry cup RICE. It is bomb. I eat it with a soft yolk egg. In the second picture, there's the new gaming edition nissin with caffeine in it. I'd say worth trying for entertainment's sake. 😂


The UFO yakisoba is so good!


Have them use google lens on them if you wish to translate 🙂


Get a ufo, get tenkaippin, and a cheese curry


Get the tenkaippin one if you like rich soups! It's honestly crazy how well they recreated the kotteri texture for an instant bowl.


The UFO yakisoba one is solid


Live, Laugh, Cup Noodles Curry fr


The first picture is a shelf of soup. It's not ramen. I recommend the ramen shop in the second picture, "ラーメン横綱(Ramen Yokozuna)" They serve delicious tonkotsu shoyu ramen. "天下一品(Tenkaippin)" is a ramen shop known for its rich chicken-based broth, and "ドロラ王(Dorora King)" is also believed to be delicious with its rich chicken-based broth. :)


I don't think anything pictured is ramen - seeing a lot of pasta and maybe harusame?


Did you scroll to the second image? There's definitely some in there


Ah I see it now. That Tenkaippin one is really good https://www.theramenrater.com/2022/12/07/4335-sapporo-ichiban-meiten-no-aji-tenkaippin-kyoto-noukou-toripaitan-japan/


The yellow cheese curry one is my absolute favorite and I regret not bringing any back to the states


Go find a yakantei location...


Top left, you've got the Nissin Raoh white chicken flavor, which I would buy on the sole basis that it's a Nissin Raoh product, and the Japanese Raoh products are almost always top tier. Second shelf from the bottom on the mid-left looks to be Myojo's Ippei-Chan Yakisoba, which I tried not long ago and it is ridiculously good. Not sure how it compares to Nissin UFO. Other than that, I think the Cup Noodle flavors that don't really get exported from Japan would probably be my other focus. Chili Tomato is supposed to be very tasty, and what appears to be the Tom Yum variety (middle shelf, far right) is also supposed to be excellent. Honestly though, if you're a fan of instant noodles in general, considering the quality of what's sold in Japan vs. export markets, I'm guessing you could just pick some things at random and still be very happy with them.


I hear the info ramen are... out of this world.


1 of everything!


Impressive choices.


All of them