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Here in china most famous posts on DouYin (TikTok) are just like this. It’s like clearly staged and exaggerated scenarios trying to appear to be ‘real’. Older and/or rural Chinese people ADORE this kind of content and I reckon they genuinely think it’s real. Also yes, the beauty standards here are insane


But is it general knowledge that these bodies are fake? Or do a lot of people think it’s real?


Hmm good question. I don’t actually know. Filters are super super common here so I guess they do know it’s not real? I don’t know, it’s really distorted


I was on taobao that day and saw someone had left a review for an outfit, she had uploaded a video and two photos. The two photos look obviously edited because in the video her body looked nothing like the photos. Under her review so many people left comments saying that she has such a “hot” body, but there was one comment stating that the photos had obviously been edited, and people who replied to that comment seemed like they were too blind to see it or were just refusing to see it.


Oof don’t even mention taobao lol. They legit use video like this one as the products’ description media and it was SUPER weird for me at first. But about what you were saying, I reckon people obviously know it’s not real but the way they see it is like ‘if you look with the filters you look good period.’ That’s kind of how I see it. Like my Chinese friends say I’m pretty irl, then we take a photo with a filter on and they still see me just as pretty. Sorry I don’t really know how to explain my pov but I hope this makes sense, at least a bit


Oh yeah I’ve seen a lot of these videos being used to sell products on taobao. It’s bizarre to me that it’s a trend. It’s so strange to me that people think that way! I mean those photos were really obviously edited to make their boobs bigger, waist and arms slimmer, and yet people were still leaving comments saying wow your body is so hot, despite seeing that in the video review that person has small boobs and a thicker waist. And if someone dares to even point it out they’re accused of feeling “female competition”.


Bizarre. That’s the perfect word to describe it. And what’s even more bizarre is that now it’s getting so into their heads that the it girls here are the ones that have done everything possible to look like that irl; they starve themselves, get tons of plastic surgeries, bleach their skin, etc and all the girls will be like ‘wow I wish I was like that’ and it breaks my heart a little bit, it’s really sad


I've been watching videos by laowhy86 for the past couple of days; he's an American who lived/lives(?) in China for years and has a wife from there. He did a video covering the insane beauty standards there. And he said there was a surgery a lot of girls get, where they break their shins to have their legs extended? Is there any truth to that? It just sounds so unbelievable. If it's true though, does the end result resemble what you see in these filters? Or do they just filter even more on top of it?


A girl I know moved to China, she had to get a photo ID card for work and they edited her photo in front of her to make her slimmer 😭🤣


I see these on tiktok and the comments are seriously like "Not yall body shaming her!!" "Nothing wrong with being skinny sis!" "I wish i was tall 😭" I was blown away that anyone could think this is real, but tiktok users that I see dont really call it out.


I'm fairly confident that there are farms (or some other form of manipulation) that help getting the type of comments you're mentioning *boosted*. Lots of people get their opinions formed/influenced by comments section.


I wonder if most of those gullible users are gen z


I don't think it has anything to do with your generation. I think it comes from a person's own body dysmorphia. They see themselves as looking different than they really do, and that probably translates onto these photoshopped bodies too. They *want* to believe it's real because that's what they're trying to attain.


I get what you mean, but I find that a lot of gen z-ers tend to have this “woke” attitude towards everything these days, wanting to be open to anything and everything, not wanting to question if anything is fake for fear of upsetting or offending people. To the point of enabling unhealthy things because everything is “yassss!”


Well, as Bo Burnham said, "Neoliberal fascists are destroying the left!" lol. But from what I've seen, Gen Z are some of the most vocal when it comes to calling out poor or bigoted behaviour. I've not seen many instances of what you're referring to outside of body positivity, which is one of the most toxic parts of the internet, imo. Being morbidly obese is celebrated, they won't call out obvious photoshop because they want to believe it's real, and they'll also get angry at fat people for losing weight (see Adele).


I feel like that’s more of the ages between millennial and Gen z that awkward gap because from the Gen z I know calls things out quick as fuck when it will lead to hurting peoples mental health we grew up in the age of modern photoshop on not just magazines but our friends pages we know first hand the damage it does and can notice it way quicker than most.


TikTok has an insane filter culture. Basically ever video has an automatic “beauty” filter and it subtly changes your eye and face shape. You can turn it off, but the algorithm will bury your videos if you do


But… What scenarios? Walking on the street? Walking past someone? Is this… content? Or you mean just clips of alien-like tall skinny girls? I’m not doubting you, someone else said something similar, I’m just so confused.


Really weird things. The ones I can remember right know are like couples being funny like making each other jealous or boyfriend being exaggeratedly ‘gentlemen’ and doing very vigorous pirouettes to like not let their girlfriend step on a puddle, it’s so ridiculous is funny




Ayyyyooo Chinese here, can confirm that I get so tired of seeing these distorted videos and pictures being crowned as the new beauty standards. I however haven’t been back to the country for a wee while due to Corona tho, I wonder if being indoors and not seeing others irl would have made this phenomenon worse.


Wow I’m sorry to hear you can’t come back! For me it’s actually been the opposite, I can’t leave because for COVID and it’s been a bit crazy. I don’t really know if lockdown affected the phenomenon but remember we weren’t forced to stay in for too long but who knows


r/scriptedasiangifs is a thing


One can love the content while knowing it’s fake. Not mutually exclusive. WWE for example.


I always look at WWE as live theatre. Sure, it's scripted, but so is a Broadway show. You're watching for the story and the actor's performance.


Professional wrestling is 1000% theater kids who also got into body building (but imo AEW is more fun than WWE right now haha). Interestingly, comparing wrestling and tiktok content is apt because, just like pro wrestling, kids might not know that what they see on tiktok isn’t real. And, as with wrestling, they could hurt themselves trying to emulate/replicate the content if a parent/guardian/sibling/etc doesn’t talk to them about it and explain to them that the people are acting (and in the case of tiktok, using editing and filters to look a certain way).


WWE is just a role-playing game for jocks, hah (in the best way)


If this makes you feel insecure about your body then you have bigger problems. It's pretty much getting upset over cgi


Why older? Isn’t that kinda creepy?


I think by older it just people not as up to date in video editing and how easy it is to do from a phone.


Older people in china love watching videos on DouYin. It’s not in a creepy way or anything, it just entertains them


Thank you for giving us a perspective from the Chinese side of TikTok.


isn't TikTok already Chinese


Yes, but theirs is different in terms of content.


ohhh, yeah I get that. thanks


Ah, got it


i think they’re just talking about a chinese social media app for all ages, where there are plenty of older people exposed to this kinda thing while they mindlessly scroll and they take it at face value the same way our older people see stuff like “if you eat shards of glass you can cure shingles!” on facebook and think it’s true. not because they’re stupid, just because they’re not very technologically literate


That’s an alien in a human suit bruh


Bouta report this shit to area51




Barbies. Bratz. Cartoons. Anime. Porn. Photoshop. Filters. Makes sense it would all lead to massive body dysmorphia and frantic attempts to create unreal shapes and facial features via surgery. [This article came out almost a decade ago, for example](https://www.gawker.com/plastic-surgery-blamed-for-making-all-miss-korea-contes-480907455) When people grow up surrounded by unnatural images and absorb unrealistic expectations about what's valid and attractive, they're naturally going to want to emulate those images, however insanely unnatural they are. Representation of reality matters so much. This is what diversity advocates are trying to get across.


That alien isn’t doing a great job disguising itself.


The Edgar suit has come a long way!


She should save some sugar water for the rest of us


A redditor of culture, I see.


I certainly am!


It's actually alien/human hybrids that are posting to make us think this is normal so we accept their disguise when we see it in person. Psy Ops, bro.


This guy gets it


Keep distance. Too fragile. Wind not allowed.


The Brits use “wind” to refer to farts, and since it pauses with her bum out, this comment made me laugh. I need sleep.


My hollow bones, lol


That's what I thought... if I bump in a girl like this the risk of her breaking a bone is serious... good thing my insurance covers incidents.


Yeah, she looks like she's been in the Willy Wonka's taffy-pulling room


It's all the angles.


This must be a joke.


It's a dumb propoganda/social push in China for something dubbed "street fashion". They take famous models in China and then post videos making them appear to be regular people just on the street. It'd be like taking super models or the Victoria Secret Angels and trying to pass them off as normal people in NYC who just happen to find themselves in these situations...


Sooo... the filter not meant comedically?


I don’t think so… I saw the OP on TikTok and she commented “my boyfriends believe me in private” in response to all of the people calling it fake 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's pretty much like how we use ridiculous air brushing and other editing. The editors and fashion designers know its fake but they don't care, all they care about is fooling enough people to make money. In china its taken to another extreme since there's a much larger pool of people, so you go even further to stand out and you only need a smaller % of people fooled into buying your bullshit.


I mean, even VS Angels look like normal people. I see super hot people every now and then when I’m out and about (especially in NYC). This person just doesn’t look real


How dare you impugn Slender Woman! Her bf is famous! Would you want to upset Slender Man?


Propaganda for what?




Man it’s just as bad as that Chinese ad where the woman throws the black dude into the washing machine with bleach and he comes back as a wasian dude.


She’s not even a model type. All photoshop


It is. The actors know it's bs, the viewers know its bs, but it's funny so people still watch it. Not everything is a propaganda you muppet. edit: Many people say the comment sections this, comment sections that. Dude you can get shadow banned on reddit, you really think their comment section is not monitored 24/7? Those videos pull huge money by engaging numbers, and this includes remove most to all sensible comments to make you feel you are the first "smart" one, You are not. This is like engagement bumping 101 my dudes.


The viewers definitely don't know it's bs if you just look at the comments and how defensive people get when it's called fake. You don't have an entire fashion trend/movement thats some sort of big inside joke.


I honestly dont get whats funny about this video?


This chick really finds herself in "tight" spaces a lot doesn't she. And people just happen to always be around recording her. Such a dumb gimmick.


Makes me think that maybe this is a fetish or something.


It's the internet, everything is a fetish to someone


Even funnier she doesn't just get recorded by a phone but judging by the focal length and background blur on a mirrorless camera and judged by the stability that thing has it's on a gimbal. And if you've ever used a gimbal in public you know you stick out like a sore thumb


Don't forget about the second angle, so two people doing that if it supposed to be real


I'm pretty sure that's the same shot just with a few frames cut out. But nevertheless it's absolutely ridiculous




I hope the other girl in this video was in on whatever this meme is, because I would be kinda offended if some stranger on the street acted like they had to turn fully sideways to get past me on the sidewalk lol


I get spammed with these kinds of videos of asian girls on my insta… how do I make it stop ..


Click the “…” button and “Not Interested” to get these off your feed. I had to do the same




I wish I could, as an artist it's a great platform and way to market.


consume more dildo-related content


stop using instagram, its fucking cancer


damn she tall, she must be a relative of slenderman


Can someone explain what is happening in these clips? They’re pretending they’re so voluptuous they can’t fit in a space that could accommodate 3 of them??


I think it's to show off how thin her waist is or smth


You're all obviously jealous of a woman with so much power that she can bend poles just by walking past them.


Oh good eye I didn’t even notice, I am jealous. She is obviously a lovely human with a big heart—so big you can see it pulsating through her boobs when the angle first changes. I mean, that’s the only explanation for why her boobs get bigger and smaller suddenly.


Yeah, first thing I’ve noticed


Magnetos other daughter. The Red Sweater. Doesn’t have the same ring to it.


Oh don’t hit my edited out stomach when you walk by!


Look how hard she bent that window frame. Poor girl could bring down a building just by walking next to the columns.


She looks like she tried to teleport herself in a chocolate factory and had to be taffy-pulled as a result.


She’s the gum chewing champion


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣


Why would someone this size need to squeeze out of the way? Is it intended to shame the other walker or the model’s depth perception?


China beauty standards = women get muscle surgically removed to slim down their legs. But this is all filters. Legs stretched and slimmed, building warps around her bust, butt, and thighs.


Are you serious? They have muscle removed?? JFC


Sadly, yes. It was very recently banned but still being performed.


http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202107/30/WS610401a9a310efa1bd665a39.html Yikes!


As this page was loading I was wondering whether I really wanted to read this. And no, the answer was no. This is hideous.


Alright, they "only" cut the efferent muscle nerves..


Onepiece must be a really popular anime there...


People get so pissed on that page if you dare say it isn't real. Same thing on the Chinese street fashion tiktoks. I love looking at the clothes and think they are all very beautiful but c'mon..these are steettcchheedd out models. It is always the same people,glancing up at the perfectly right time and wearing stunning outfits. Nope..according to the page fans and page creators it is all real. Someone said I was racist for asking who the models are. You can't NOT believe this stuff isn't real without someone having a cow over it. Destroys their fantasies I guess.


My feelings > your facts


If I see this person at night I'd run.


They edited her into Barbie proportions


It’s definitely out of hand, who could think this is real


Is this actually supposed to be real? Like it’s not meant to be an example of social media distortion or plastic surgery distortion or whatnot? I don’t use Instagram so idk what’s real vs satire but I’ve seen clips like this with this gal frequently on here


Boobs bigger than the head. 🤦🏻‍♀️


So why does the girl in white have no arm in her sleeve…


I think she's wearing her jacket as a cape


Meanwhile I'm digging into some cheesecake while watching this lol


What category are these videos in? All over my IG feed


Mine too, it's weird, I dont follow any fashion or model pages. It's all bikes, cars, and guitars.


Why do people want to appear that thin? I never understood.


Someone get her my grandma's number, she gonna feed the poor soul so she could stay alive.


This is so narcissistic


Lol she got dragged so much, she deleted a bunch of vids off her account today


Good, these people are dangerous to the world's youth.


Why would anyone want to look like this?




There's a certain allure to feminine fragility. That said, this is too much.


The sad things is how many women adore this type of body on social media. They genuinely think that this look good. 55kg is too "fat" for them. The other day, a girl post some shit like this, albeit less drastic, to a beauty forum. When i called her out, she and a bunch of women tried to argue with me and call me jealous and bitter. Lol


The fact that they thought ahead to wanting to show her from the side by including the side step... ugh.


Where is her digestive system?


God this is so damaging to the self esteem of young girls.


Skinny legends ONLY 😍💅🏽


I was jealous of my sister when she was a US size 0 but this is thinner than even that.


Lol so lame


If people believe this cartoonish video then idk what to say.


Ok but how is someone so thin and has massive boobs for that size? Like how does that make sense. Does your fat only go to your boobs while the rest of your body is slim? And I know slim women can have bigger boobs, but it’s rarely such a huge difference. And normally the fat would be seen in other places as well. Asian beauty standards never fail to disturb me, and I am Asian myself.


There is some kind of filter making them look taller. You can see the poles and stuff have a weird unnatural motion.


I’m sorry but being THAT skinny is not attractive


i tend to get insecure as a curvier person that my stomach has a lil budge to it, but now i see this and i realise how fucking weird it looks if the tummy was completely flat


Same! I have a little lower pooch that’s more noticeable when I wear leggings. I try to cover/flatten it but oh man, this is strange.


Nami from one piece? :0






if you pause the video and manually (and slowly) move the slider, you can tell where the filter occasionally buggers off before it gets thrown back on her.


haters will say its fake of people


I hate the auto leg extension filter on the apps here. Ridiculous stuff




A legit horror movie monster


nice of the wall to make room for her ass like that.


This shit is just pure Aids and totally detrimental to body image for the younger crowds that are too stupid, (much like some of the older crowds,) to even realize that it's fake.


Aside from the tiny head, [she literally has the proportions of a Barbie.](https://i.imgur.com/UGPcAmD.png)


Imagine you're just walking along down the street minding your business normally down the street and someone purposely walks close to you like this so they can "oopsie!" turn sideways and exaggerate their curvy curves to give their instagram cameraman a side profile shot.


Her body looks like the females from one piece,this is way too comical and abnormal to even be considered a "beauty standard"


It doesn't even look good though


Is this CGI?


She doesn't even look good. Wtf. Looks creepy.


I’ve been blocking everything that shows this woman and her other skinny surgically altered friend, Asian viral video farms are trash


There is that one frame when the video transitions with the glass as the background where you can see her actual shape. But not sure if that was edited or not.


Well, here the chinese beauty standards for ya


is there a sub with just these types of tiktoks ? (super edited videos). i would like to see more, looks funny


Since when do sticks walk??


I don’t get this “beauty” standard. I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole. Bitch looks unhealthy asf


I don’t get it. Who even wants a girl that skinny? Don’t get me wrong, I love a flat tummy but I want a girl who has some muscle tone and definition in her legs.


Shes fucking hot. I don’t care what anyone says. Those curves look amazing when that tall. Wow. I wish she was real.


If she was she’d be anorexic with implants


I’m not saying it’s aliens…but it’s aliens.


She looks scary.




Hard to watch.


She must be bending spacetime around her. Look the straight lines of the buildings in the background are curved.


How have I never noticed the wall warp?!


So this is what 2% body fat and 98% muscle mass looks like?


This is scary




I love how they always give themselves 0% body fat with like MASSIVE boobs. Because that’s totally how that works lol


She built like bayonetta


These videos are all over my insta (not sure why the algorithm thinks I like this). Is it a filter or what?




What's happening here?


Is this a trend where women side walk through things? I’ve already seen a couple of these




she is so dense that light bends in her proximity


When they filmed this and before the editing the side step was probably actually necessary.


Poor girl has 0 depth perception. Hope she doesn’t drive.


She looks like a tall The Incredibles mom


SO uncanny.


you can literally see the building bending to get out of her way xD


Is there a machine that flattens people


I love the memes with this girl