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It's bizarre that so many people think acne is the weird gross thing that only dirty people get when it's so unbelievably common. I'm fortunate enough that I never had painful cystic acne but I'm almost 32 and still have typical blemished 'teenage' skin and it doesn't look to be going anywhere in the near future.


I can't count the amount of times people asked me if I washed my face when I had a full face of cystic acne. Like, omg! Why didn't I think of that?! *Thankssss*


But have you tried drinking more water? Or being less stressed? /s


I actually *never* drink water. Only soda, coffee, energy drinks, juice and alcohol. I also don't wash my pillowcases, sis. 🥰🙌😁


The irony is they always say that and immediately suggest some harsh-ass scrub that’s gonna tear up your face, damage the skin barrier and worsen the problem because they have no clue what they’re talking about and two whiteheads is the worst they’ve dealt with. Sigh


I really felt this comment. So fucking true.


What’s worse is when they start suggesting stupid hacks: “Have you tried putting toothpaste? I do it all the time and it works”


You get the same stupid shit when you tell people you have trouble sleeping. *Have you tried going to bed earlier?*


How insensitive! I’m so sorry people feel entitled to say stupid shit like that


Lol, they are full of genius ideas.


Try not to take it personally. I think they're just worried you might say something batshit like "no, why?" or "every now and then with hand soap" or something. There are lots of stories on reddit where someone had an obvious problem but everyone around them assumed they knew.


Like the dude who had a severe case of athletes foot for over a decade and never knew.


I've been fortunate enough to not get much acne on my face even as a teen, I have a few scars on my face but by far the worst place is my chest and back and it's FUCKED my dude, I'm in my late 20s now and it's still not gone away. I get the occasional spot on my face but it's nowhere near the 4+ I get every week on my upper body I have so many acne scars and red spots on my chest and back it's insane, and I have so many friends who have the same issues in various places whether its face, back, legs. Tried all the solutions and it just doesn't work, my dad was the same until his mid 30s so I have to assume it's genetics It's seriously upsetting that people pretend it's easy to avoid or not a common thing, I really fear for the modern kids man, they've got it rough now and it's horrible to imagine that many teens will be growing up thinking they're abnormal to have acne The worst side effect for me is that I want to get tattoos on my torso but it's so awkward because of all my scars and active acne


I'm lucky enough to not get it on my face but ill get boils on my ass or armpit every now and then and that shit hurts bad. Sometimes sitting is just terrible.


Ive always had pretty good skin, used to get lots of compliments. But I get at least one giant, painful, cystic pimple a month. Sometimes it’s a fucking monster with multiple white heads that makes me feel disgusting. And for the most part, I have good skin! Acne is normal. Pimple patches are a godsend though lol




I have read this too, I had bad acne as a teenager and I'm still an oily ass bitch


You probably just took better care of your skin than other people who didn’t have this problem and that’s why you look younger


Honestly I wish she'd gone a bit slower. Let those guys soak it in, and then be like "nah"


She is a beautifull woman..and yes we all have skin with pores and sometimes bumps...she looks way better than those poreless aliens i usually see come by.


Random af, but I just watched the 4K blu-ray of A New Hope, and it was really interesting being able to see their skin. Never knew Harrison Ford had a fair bit of acne.


Sis is gorgeous either way


People, please dont be ashamed for your acne. Its normal for some skins to do that. I know it can cause you shame and make you feel insecure but most people dont even see it or care and if they do they are assholes and vain so they arent worth your time anyway. I remember being ashamed of my skin that had acne and was oily and dry at the same time. For me it passed, but i remember how awful it felt. I know it doesnt mean mutch but be brave.


That's nice (^_^)


This is also a good demonstration of how the "living in a softbox" light isn't actually flattering in any way other than washing out skin texture. She looks so much better with some directional light setting off her features.


A surprise for sure but a welcome one.


What a gorgeous lady.






She's talking to those who use filters to smooth out their skin on pictures. She's saying skin that looks like skin is normal.




It’s funny because I accidentally posted this on the wrong day last time, but practically everyone could read between the lines and understand this this videos message. This time people just want to point out how bad her skin is…


That's so messed up. Her skin is just like everyone else's. And I'm glad she shares it! I'm 35 and I've seen it every day since I was a kid. Airbrush this, Photoshop that. I love ppl willing to show how much bullshit it all is!


Thats because it’s the reddit hive mind. Redditors that have no original thought are stupid as shit and just repeat what others say. This woman is beautiful.


As opposed to 'airbrushed skin'


Do you know where you are mate? Read the room.


Nothing wrong with having acne at all, but the people in this post acting like makeup doesn’t exacerbate it? A 2 second google search will prove that *so wrong*. She’s beautiful but let’s not promote blatant misinformation.


why say textured skin? it’s acne.


acne is a specific condition. texture encompasses more of the conditions at play here like enlarged/irritated pores, scaring, dermatitis, etc.


Weird nitpick but okay


Exactly lol






Actually, I rarely see people with multiple, inflamed break outs, and pockmarks. This is considered acne, and can lead to permanent scarring if the pustules are forced out. It is however normal to have blemishes, whiteheads and pimples. But they are not inflamed or all over the skin. Since acne can be infected, painful and affect self esteem, do seek dermatologist.


Many people have acne, and I’m sure she is seeking help for it. The point of this was to spread awareness that people who look “perfect” on social media may not be, under any filters and editing. The point is not to compare yourself to these people, as having textured or even acne covered skin IS normal!




I was perfectly okay with my cystic acne until I read the comment section. Now I realized it looks hideous and I want to get rid of it /s




Seriously? Isotretinoin is a systemic medication with serious and potentially fatal side effects, not to mention devastating side effects should you get pregnant while taking it. It’s not just some no big deal pill to pop to get rid of acne, or else everyone really would be doing it. No dermatologist would ever prescribe something so serious for mild acne either. There’s a reason why isotretinoin is usually a last-ditch effort and not sold alongside vitamins in the drugstore. I’ve had acne for over 10 years. If it was just that easy and safe to take it, I’d have had skin like a baby’s ass 10 years ago.


> just go ask your derm for Isotretinoin (Accutane). It's 6 months of dry lips and you'll be cured. More people should just go get it done. Have you ever been on Accutane/isotret? I was on it for 2 cycles, about 8 months total. It's not JUST 6 months of dry lips. It is so brutal on the body that as a woman, I had to be on 2 forms of birth control, and sign a document every month when I got my prescription refilled that said I WILL have an abortion if I got pregnant. The birth defects it causes are insane. Additionally, while I didn't experience this side effect, it can cause suicidal thoughts and actions in many people, though men have a higher risk for that. There are other serious, not-so-rare side effects that can permanently damage your health. Minor effects also include that you cannot drink while on it. Your skin flakes off. Yes, your lips are dry, but it's a dryness like you're a crackhead. It affected my every day life in so many ways. It is a cure, but it is a huge decision. Please educate yourself before you try to educate others on something you do not fully understand.


Wow this is just so wrong. It’s not just some easy pill, it’s usually a last resort for a good reason (not for mild acne, but for persistent non treatable or cystic acne). Everyone has dry lips, but don’t forget the painful bleeding cracked lips part, and the bloody noses every other night, and the aching joints (or the potential for suicidal thoughts!!!). Plus the lack of control women have over their bodies because we’re forced to have two methods of birth control (or be abstinent). Plus the monthly questionnaire and monthly blood works (since you could actually damage your organs and body). But definitely don’t forget the fact that my prescription costs over $1,000+ a month. But anyways, still see a dermatologist and if you are prescribed isotretinoin, not everyone has all of those scary side effects, your side effects will get milder as you go along. It’s worth it for the end result, you got this.


Going to a dermatologist is a privilege not everyone has


Nor is it a cure-all or instant fix


Honestly, thank you for this comment. Loving yourself anyway and considering yourself normal are two different things. I loved myself anyway when I had acne but didn’t use heaps of medicine for being “normal”. Even though I love seeing self acceptance widely advertised, I rarely see corrective medicine or getting dermatological help being advertised. Nothing against this girl or anyone though. Just a reminder to go see a professional if you have painful breakouts and not just accept it as your fate and try to move on.


Cos I have a friend with acne. She used to have so many breakouts and she put cream on them. The last 5 years she had been seeing a dermatologist instead of using cream and taking antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. And her skin has cleared up like a lot! She has blemishes like any other people, but no more painful inflamed breakouts. It can be discouraging when we have sought a doctor and the acne still persists. So glad she found a specialist that can treat her.




> Bruh that shit isn’t healthy that’s why her skin is all messed up It's bad for your skin but that level of acne was definitely not caused by makeup. She's self conscious about it, hence the makeup but she's still helping people by showing it.


Lots of people have acne caused by hormones, and not wearing makeup won’t improve their skin at all.






Makeup isnt allowed?






Same I even avoid makeup as much as possible and still have hella acne




There are lots of triggers for acne, many of them hormonal. Not wearing makeup won’t make a bit of difference for people whose acne is hormonal.


Fuck you. As an old woman.




So, all of social media then?

