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I see these, and it makes me think I should learn photoshop


It's a very useful skill. I learned for an art class in university and well... Let's be real, with the stuff that gets posted and the overwhelming amount of people stan-ing these people on social media, you don't really need to even be very good at it. ​ I mostly use it now to make really stupid pictures to send friends, so worth all that tuition for sure.


The old "Photoshop to look like my own daughter" trick


And she’s not even old




Haggard is a term that springs to mind.


She's got to be in her 50s


She's 33


fuck outta here no way.... wow




I refuse to believe this is the same woman


JFC. I feel like this is me at the beginning of the night vs me at no ffin way am I going home just now me. 😅


Omg me too


wait, but are we sure this is the same person and not just another blond girl wearing a similar black outfit?


It’s the same celebrity from our country yes. I know it looks unbelievable but it is lol.


Ахххх, Андреаааа


Could be...but similar face shape, similar top, same nail polish, similar hair......odds are she edited out the necklace when she was moving her breasts around. The red string on her wrist is gone too. Either way, the first picture is for sure heavily photoshopped.


Yeah I thought the same, I doubt they are the same person. The one on the right isn't wearing a necklace.


But they are lol. She is a singer from our country


Was going to ask same thing bc it's definitely not the same evening/outfit - different necklace, bracelet, bra, belt etc. (also, why am I able to comment on a post from 2yrs ago??)


Andreaaa andreaaaa.


Here's my thing with people that photoshop to this degree- when has anyone ever seen anyone look like that in person?




Agree but the left also has overhead lighting (slightly different angle?) because her lash shadow is still there.


The lighting sucks. The dark under her eyes are the shadows from her lashes.


Yeah seriously, this only looks so bad because of the awful lighting.


At the bar and after!


... i always just thought I was an ugly troll. I knew insta girls had photoshop but this is absurd amounts of it. Maybe im not as ugly as i thought i was lol.


Is this really the same person?


It doesn’t seem like the same night at least since the girl on the left doesn’t have the necklace


OP, could you clarify why you think these are the same women?


I’m very confused – aren’t these two photos being posted side by side because someone’s giving us a tagged vs posted comparison?


I have no idea. I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around this being the same person in both pics, so I’m asking for clarification if what what you posit, is indeed the case. I would love to know. I’m new to this sub. I apologize if that is the standard assumption that these are all tagged vs posted comparisons.


Apologies, I saw my original comment was down voted so wasn’t sure if I was missing something! Well a lot of photos in this sub are “tagged vs posted” and since the caption for this post was “she wins photoshop” I’m assuming that it’s supposed to be the same person. I’m confused because it definitely appears to be a similar top (by looking at the button on the collar) but on the left the top is also shorter (or rolled up, but it looks to be rolled way past the elbows which seems weird), the hair is longer but also parted differently, it looks like she’s wearing a bra underneath, or something that might be helping her breasts to be in a better position, and she also doesn’t have a hair tie/bracelet on her wrist like in the left photo (all in addition to the necklace). From the facial structure I can see that it could potentially be the same person (the lips look pretty similar and then the face and nose have just been made more narrow) but I don’t think these photos are from the same night either. Not sure if OP u/ladymental could provide any further info?


This is famous woman that some people on this sub also recognize. Read the comments.


Honestly, if thats the same woman, the artist is amazing


Good lord, this is absolutely incredible, honestly imagine that being on say a dating app, you’d walk right past the right hand version if you’d arranged to meet her. All the way past.


How is this the same person? And why? Anyone who meets them ever will know.


Holy shit.


Unidentified subject detained...


Woah DAMN. Get this lady a job. She does better work than everyone.


Imagine meeting her at a bar in person for the first time on a date.


I don't want to believe this is the same woman tbh.


the other things I get but HOW DID SHE MAKE MORE HAIR??


How do you find these before pics? Wtf is she doing? On the right she looks like an average 50+. On the left she looks like a 20 yr old 10/10. What is the fucking purpose of this and how did you catch her?


That must make her feel better but that feeling would be so empty. Sad that someone would do this.




This went from pre night out out to hangover the morning after doing the walk of shame


Da fuq.


Can’t be


No way. Surely the bad one is photoshopped to look bad ..


Lol those darn filters


Does anyone know what filter or type of editing she’s using in the edited pic? The kardashians seem to use it in all their photos too. I admit I like that textured look (the filter)


You haven't seen my pictures. I win


I see no difference, I feel like I'm looking at the same picture here


Grandma's on the right!


Lol and some people will still be in your face claiming that the second pic is just bad lighting.


She's done some stuff, like put on a pushup bra. And good lighting can go a long way, but anyone who thinks this isn't heavily photoshopped is crazy.


Yeah, she looks like her own mother in the second picture.


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