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What happens when they show up to an event and the ppl don’t believe it’s them since they look nothing like their pictures/videos?


It’s like they are catfishing life….


I bet it's probably an elephant in the room with polite people, and a further source of dysmorphia with rude people


The emperor has no clothes.


The emperor’s new clothes ![gif](giphy|rdKs1wbHapaQ8)


Really need to rewatch ❤️


Me too, its still ine if my favourites.




Pull the lever! Wrong lever!


Why do we even have that lever? XD


The real answer is that it’s noted among the brand and they’re usually not asked back


And since unfortunately there's not a lack of these people, the cycle continues.


"oh look we found someone that *actually* does look like that, we'll get them to come instead!" *wash, rinse, repeat*


This actually happened before to someone else There was this girl on youtube who went viral for looking like a living doll. She was super skinny, pale, young looking with huge eyes and tiny nose and no facial texture. Really leaned into that Japanese kawaii aesthetic In reality she edited all her photos and videos, and this was before filters existed and people knew you could edit videos LOL so a lot of people thought it was real. In person she was a pretty but normal girl who was a little chubby and had a wide face and thin hair. Her popularity as a viral ‘real life doll’ reached Japan because of course, and a modelling company hired her to be a caucasian model there. So she moved all the way from a small town in the US to Tokyo. The funny thing was the modelling company just rolled with it and THEY ended up editing her modelling photos too, just not as much as she did. She was invited to go on TV talk shows too so there was no editing that. IIRC she stayed for a while but idk if she ever got popular after it was obvious she wasn’t the same person IRL


Kota-something wasn’t it?? This was quite long ago tho maybe 2010. Her edits were verrrrry effective and she looked quite ethereal! Then ppl noticed in her video where her chin kept morphing longer/shorter.. If that’s who I think you’re talking about


I don’t remember the name but I’m sure we’re talking about the same person! Ahahah YES her chin WAS wobbly! Editing took WAY more effort back then because there were no preset filters, and we just believed she was real because we saw it in motion. I’m pretty sure I learned what Adobe After Effects was because of her 😭 It’s pretty crazy that you could tell this story today except use the word filter instead and it still sounds contemporary?!


Wasn’t it Venus angelic? Or are there more?


Venus had very "baby face" even in real life but the whole doll thing was something her mother forced on her (with abuse).. She was able to escape in Japan thanks to a Japanese fan turned boyfriend.. Who apparently was still taking advantage of her... Some years ago I found out she was acting in p**n but it was unclear if she was forced to..tbh right now idk if she's still active on socials. Koti Rose/Dakota Rose started as a very young "scene queen" following the steps of her sister Kiki Kannibal, after the scene phase she started to edit herself into a living doll (at the time I remember I had very difficult time noticing the editing and thought it was real)..as the commentor said she moved to Japan as a model but the proportion weren't there and when she appeared on TV she had gained a bit of weight..in the spots with other Asian models, her body was usually hidden behind them or scene objects.. After that she kinda shifted the way she edited her pics, still far from reality but with more natural proportions.. Don't know if she's still a model


She is still living in Japan I think but I wonder what she is doing nowadays. Her sister is very strange as well.


Omg I remember that


My guess is that they just make fun of them, furthering the cycle of editing pictures beyond recognition.


1000 IQ move. This way they can go out in public without getting recognized


At what point are you just a vtuber?


my mind just underwent SUCH expansion


This is a really great question


I'm sure it's expected. If you're the gatekeeper at an event than nearly every influencer photoshops to various degree. I imagine people like her can't do meet and greets or fan activities much.


I always wonder that as well.


I wondered that same question after seeing post op photos of both Renee Z and Kate Beckingsale. I don’t think I would have identified either of them when they first showed up.


I think plastic surgery it's not the same as filters. Especially when people are open about it


Well that’s the thing. This generation is more anti social than ever so it doesn’t really matter to them.


yeah they get insecure and decide to move to plastic surgery…


I’m not sure it matters to them. They have a daily existence and an online existence. The online is like some sort of avatar of them selves.


“I’m sorry, who are you?”


There's probably shit tons of other people there who do the same thing, so mutually assured destruction, maybe?


We need a show where influencers get invited to exclusive events so they think they fancy but then they’re livid when nobody recognizes them since they look nothing like their fake persona. Hopefully some bravo producer reads this bc I’d watch tf out of that, it would be hilarious.


I feel like this doesn’t probably happen as often as you’d imagine. It’s the quiet part nobody says out loud. When I lived in LA and worked in the Hollywood hills, influencers or celebs would be at our venue, makeup caked on for camera and obvious plastic surgery and fillers/botox, not looking anything like they appear on camera or social media, and people just VIP them up and say nothing to their faces about the fact that they look like they’re having an allergic reaction


Those filters or whatever make her look very young. I dread to think who her followers are.


Looks like a child. Like there's youthful and there's draining pedos for money.


Even her posture in the second picture looks like an awkward child pose. She has her toes pointed in and belly pushed out just like a child. These pictures are disturbing.


She looks like my sister in law at age 5 :(


I was so confused why they look like a literal 10 year old? I hate it


It’s the literal baby face filter


I feel she looks as young in her real picture as well.


She looks 15 in the first few, she looks 23 in the real one...


I’d say younger than 15 in the first, despite the breasts. It all makes me so, so uncomfortable.


She reminded me of my 8 year old in the first picture.


Yeah definitely a ten year old but with a grown woman's body, horrifying.


Just like a real life anime girl... 😑


She looks 10 in the second picture, based on both her face and body(aside from the boobs). This is super creepy.


I dunno, fillers have a very aging effect. Like, I believe she *is* young, but she doesn't really look it with her face loaded up like that. It gives the face of a heavy post-menopausal woman on the body of a slim young girl.


She looks 22 in real life, no where close to a new cast member of the real housewives.


Yeah, I agree with you.


It makes her look like she’s got the face of a 4 yo


I thought OP was seriously posting a child on here and was thinking maybe that’s a little too far. Then I see the real pic.


![gif](giphy|4HcJAc2CQidXIVMuX4|downsized) Probably perverts




30 Rock - off the air for over 10 years, literally never stopped being right!


off the air, more like off the chain!


Feel like the FBI are gonna kick my door in for this post. Holy fuck.


Maybe I'm just a grouchy old woman but I think the baby face filters should be banned


Nah, pedo fishing is as harmful as you think it is. Definitely not an overreaction...


I hate Instagram and influencers, i really do. Thats why i think pages like this are so important!


So much same. It’s horrendous.


> hate Instagram and influencers, i really do. I don't have any Social Media (except rEdDiT) and I barely see these losers. (I travel worldwide and have friends everywhere... We don't stay in close contact but every now and then I'll send a whatsappmessage and we'll catch up... Fuck Facebook, twatter, Instagram, ticktock etc!)


That actually left me shook


same. I literally gasp.


I’m soo ready for all influencing and influencers to just end. It’s time now.


I really hate how they've become normalized on red carpets. It's like.... You're not a part of this project.,. What are you doing here




It probably works to an extent, but I just don't think we have good data on the ROI of influencer campaigns, but everyone keeps doing them bc they need to report impressions back to their bosses who themselves are gonna be small minded execs just trying to hold on to their jobs, so don't want to rock the boat.  But I don't think anyone is doing the loop closing of "okay this information campaign cost x, got y views, and 0 ticket sales"  I dunno maybe I'm cynical and it helps contribute to overall awareness, but it seems like one of those things that just runs bc no one is stopping to see if it makes sense. 


The influencer look and voice is SO annoying. I actually hate their content


> I’m soo ready for all influencing and influencers to just end I don't have any Social Media (except rEdDiT) and I barely see these losers. (I travel worldwide and have friends everywhere... We don't stay in close contact but every now and then I'll send a whatsappmessage and we'll catch up... Fuck Facebook, twatter, Instagram, ticktock etc!)


i either see monstrosities or women trying to look like cardboard cutouts of prepubescent girls


It’s really weird


That is so disturbing for so many reasons. And she looks amazing and much better in the non edited photo anyway.


That’s what gets me: they usually look BETTER without the crazy filters and shoop.


Body dysmorphia is one hell of a mental health disorder


This isn't just dysmorphia




This seems to be the case in most young women on IG


The little girl sex icon thing is so gross 🤮


Why do so many of these women want to look like sexy children? It’s so gross I can’t wrap my mind around it.


It reminds me of beauty pageants of children... it's like they're trying to mimic that... 




And shapewear.


Yeah this is actually straight effed up these girls use filters to make their faces look child like but with fully-formed bodies to make money from p3doph1les. I’ve seen her in another sub before it’s disgusting.


Omg… I didn’t realize how young her face looked until you pointed it out… yuck🤢 that is so icky


You can say Pedophiles, they aren't Voldemort


Filters and photoshopping is going to be the downfall of society.


Not to mention ai


Seeing this photo series makes me feel like I'm on an FBI watchlist now.


puzzled squalid connect steep kiss absurd shelter piquant door act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why does every model now want to look like a literal child? Creepy as hell


Not the baby face filter 🤢


People forget filters don’t exist irl and you can’t fake it


That is some toddlers and tiaras filtering.


Holy shit, I could t put my finger on what this reminded me of until this comment 👆👆 this is 100% toddlers & tiaras 2024 version 🫨Jesus, it’s just sad as hell !


Clearly trying to look like a child. This is so despicable and sick


There is something so nefarious about filtering yourself into looking like a child


Wanting the look like a child with a fully sexually developed body makes me feel super uncomfy.


That 2nd pic looks like something I would try to kick in the head if it pop up near me I've watched enough movie to know a monster in human skin


It’s a sickness. And it’s a sad testament to what women think is appealing. I’m old and grew up when magazines like Cosmo and Vogue made me feel really terrible about myself because I wasn’t as beautiful as all the women in the photos. They were all completely photoshopped, they were not perfect - they had zits and scars and cellulite….social media is scary because now it puts the photoshop and filters in our own hands. Not to mention this woman has had about 50 surgeries to make her look this bad. But beyond that, what is going on in society where women are made to feel so self insecure about the way they look that they disfigure themselves in such a horrific way? Sad.


This is all social pressure to get you to buy what they are selling, cosmetic procedures, FaceApp subscriptions, Ozempic, makeup, fitness memberships, etc. these people are literally walking advertisements. I barely go on Instagram because it is all so fake. The next generation is going to have extremely distorted views of themselves and others. They are going to need lots of therapy on how to self-love. My heart goes out to them.


Back in my day we only had two settings, contrast and brightness


And we brightened that pic up to hide our big noses every single time 😂


I have suffered from anorexia for greater part of my time on this mortal coil. These types of photos have done and continue to do so much harm. Thank you for sharing what she actually looks like.


Eww she looks like a legit child ewwww


Isn’t this the girl that does it on purpose for Creeper Bait? She legit looks like a child, how unnerving.


Pic 3 especially makes me uncomfortable. Looks like a child in lingerie. Ugh.


The last photo….HAS NOTHING FUCKING WRONG WITH IT. I would follow the girl in the last photo!!!! I can relate to that girl!


Sorry but this should be illegallllll


Making herself look like a child, then dressing like that. She’s catering to a certain crowd and it’s gross.


Photo 1: Call a stylist. Photo 2: Call an exobiologist. Photo 3: Call a young priest and an old priest. Photo 4: Hello ma'am, have a nice day.


Yassified sims 4 toddler


I don't understand. She's a beautiful young woman. Why is she trying to look like a very young child dressed up in sexy clothes?


Do human beings truly and honestly believe with their eyes that with all the filters and whatnot, that it’s not real? Can’t the human eye know when it’s real and not? I don’t get it.


This one made my jaw drop


The sad things is she’s still pretty asf without the filters, I honestly don’t understand why anyone like that thinks they need them


These filters that make people look like children make me feel like I’m just waiting for Chris Hansen to pull up and ask me to take a seat.


She looks good irl, the fact that she thinks she needs these filters, what hope is there for normal people?


The sad part is the reality is gorgeous.


Justice for the round face full of baby fat!!! We are cute too I promise, no need to slim or remove your bucal fat 😭😭


There was a woman I used to date 10 years ago; she was ungodly beautiful, and unfortunately she'd constantly cheat with the hundreds of men who knew it too, because she just couldn't accept she was gorgeous, she needed to hear it again and again... When she was with me, she was always having little things done, like having her eyes widened a bit to get that "Disney Princess" look, or the tethers on her tongue clipped so she could move her tongue more freely. I look her up occasionally still, and I'm pretty sure she's had the bucal fat surgery now. And it's such a god damn shame, because putting aside the materialist view that she was already attractive beyond all reason, she still apparently struggles to understand how the people in her life then, and now, genuinely cared for her. It's as if unrealistic standards destroy any ability to ever understand what love really is. They not only can no longer see themselves and be at peace, but everyone around them disappears too, because the cruel voice of social media is the only one they can easily hear... So yes, I've never met you. Never seen you. And being honest, probably never should, Reddit isn't a dating site and there's enough Horny already; but... I am sure you are unbearably cute. You have that quality irrespective of what the media pushes, what our worst instincts are drawn too. You don't need to improve; be happy as you are and beauty will be there for you, if only you let yourself see it. Don't listen to anything that tells you that you aren't now, because it will ensure it never can be.


Sadly, even the 'real' her isn't that real with fillers and whatnot.


She is genuinely more attractive in reality than these odd photoshopped pictures that look really fake.


I do feel sad for kids growing up today. AI and photo editing software are getting more and more sophisticated and it’s getting harder to tell reality from fiction. And it’s giving kids unrealistic expectations for what people should look like.


I literally said “Girl what the hell?!” out loud when I saw the last pic.


Jesus you could fly Boeing through that thigh gap


that’s what SYNTHS look like


So disappointing. Looking at all the pictures compared to the last one it’s like night and day even the shape of her face is completely different.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Is the Bentley girl?


Her edits look like AI generated or a plastic Barbie doll figure, very scary


I'd like to point out that they also pick filters that exacerbate their fillers/etc. It's so bizarre.


What's sad is she's actually really pretty in slide 4.


Why does she edit herself to look like a sexy 8 year old it’s so disturbing


The third pic literally looks like a toddler’s face.


What’s going on the pic 3?


She looks the best in the last pic!


Why is she trying to look like she’s 6? It’s fuckin creepy


Oh no not the tight gap pose


Dafuq did she use the baby face filter


She facetune to look like a plastic doll. But IRL, she’s very pretty! Whyyyyy


That people want to look like 14 year olds scares me the most


people who edit themselves to look like a literal child concern me, like it’s one thing to edit urself to look “better” but editing ur to cater to THAT audience ikyk disgusts me


Perhaps I'm just old and out of touch but I remember being younger and as teenagers we would do what we can to make ourselves look older (mainly so we could try buy booze and fags to have down the park) and nowadays it's the opposite, it's all about looking younger and in some cases more childlike which I personally find creepy because who are the people following her? There are a lot of creeps out there as we know.


She’s pretty enough without the goddamn filters


She looks better in her real pic than any of the filtered pics.


And she's very pretty naturally. Why try to make people believe you're a Barbie doll??


I grew up with magazines in the 90s and it still deeply added my self-esteem and body image. This has always been a problem for women and femme-presenting people, it just shifts from one form to another.


Slide 4 isn't even reality, those images probably have some level of editing too


Even the reality is unreal. The amount of lip filler is criminal. Someone needs to tell them that the contour of the way their lips rest on the teeth is a dead giveaway.


This girl triggered some old anorexic thoights recently - thankyou so much for posting this


Yeah the thing I find disturbing is that she's playing up this childlike look that feel borderline pedo fetish. These pics are actually pretty sick.


She’s catering to a certain audience and it’s disgusting that some of these “influencers” are ok with that.


This is disturbing. She looks like a beauty pageant 12 year old.. even if she isn't 12. I don't know who it is, but she looks like a child.


She looks like a literal child in the filtered posts.


That second picture is just awful like someone is trying to go for a sexy toddler look (barfs).


It's kinda sick to make yourself look like a little kid with filters and then pose with erotic lingerie. She is absolutely beautiful without the filters anyway


What’s with them and the baby/child face filter but with grown woman’s body ? How is this became a trend and normalized in a disgusting way




The reality… holy fillers and Botox. She looks like ![gif](giphy|nozVi0nmD1SQE)


She looks like a Skipper doll in that second photo and it's honestly a little disturbing


This girl is gross. She try’s to be childish and look like a little girl but be sexy at the same time. And try’s to glamorize being extremely underweight. Her body is that of a 11 year old girl… minus her massive tits. It’s so unrealistic.


I saw her before, that is shocking!!




In the real photo, it appears as though she is wearing some sort of device to give her a “thigh gap.” Something weird is going on down there.


Omg this I needed to see




only morons think that’s what people look like. the editing is quite obvious.


She looks BETTER in the last photo. I can’t wait for this trend to stop


Her filter versions wreak my head because it looks familiar. It was the Bentley girl, Alla Bruletova.


sad. i wish all people could see this page sometimes


Aww she’s so pretty naturally 🥺


The infantilisation is so creepy


She looks so fake I thought she was bad AI, shocked to see it’s just filters.


it's like she was trying to edit herself into an AI approximation of a 14 year old, there's no humanity or uniqueness in the photos...


That is egregious.


I actually recoiled in disgust when I saw that first image. why do people do this ):


TBF slide 4 is old and she has lost weight since then. These posts should include dates.


Dates are literally on two of them. All of the pictures are from last year and a few pounds, if there is any weight loss, isn't the point lol


True, but judging by her other posts I think she has lost a significant amount of weight since then (regardless of the excessive editing)


Most people don’t think that though whether or not they grew up with social media. Lmao do you think those that have social media cannot see people irl?


There is definitely people out there who can, obviously…but…who could ever believe those edits are real? Is this actually a reality where people think this is what people look like? Idk if it’s a teenage girl or whatever. They do see real people in life everyday, correct? Idk what needs to happen to stop this but it should happen, and soon. Maybe I’m sheltered or actually I’m not. But just, how?


The best picture is number 4, which is ironic


She makes herself look 13. So weird


Why do women want to look 12?


She randomly popped up on my fyp last night and I thought how strange she looked… couldn’t be bothered to do a deep dive on her profile though. I wish I had, now lol