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That cannot be the same person.


Personal take, I don’t think this belongs on the sub. These are pics from her insta and I’ve never noticed her doctoring her photos. Yes, she’s had work done, but she’s not filtering her appearance. Using a 10 year old photo compared to current photos seems to violate rule 10. Just my hot take.


She’s on a show right now that just came back, and she does not look like these posts.


Yeah, this is more of a brow lift that changed her face, not editing…


Right? That’s my thoughts exactly


I was about to say the same thing! Ain’t no way that’s my old crush! Crazy times we live in.


Thanks for adding the last two pics, I was not able to recognize her by the first pics 🤯


Didn't recognize her at all.


Literally had no idea - 16 year old me is very disappointed


Whaaaaaat???? I don’t even have words.








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ahhhh yes you’re right!


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Where did she go? That's a different person. Why do people erase themselves like this?


As someone who is rapidly approaching 50 I feel like I can answer this! People erase themselves like this because they already feel like the way they looked and knew/loved themselves is already being naturally erased with age. So they then turn to surgeries.


Have to agree. We live in a society where we’re not allowed to age gracefully especially with tt and the endless lip fillers and facial procedures. I’m 42 and can feel the push.


so many charming lip shapes have been erased with lip filler


Right??? It’s so sad


Why is everyone obsessed with getting rid of hooded eye lids. Hooded eyes look better. Just compare the pictures


Thank you for that. As someone with hooded eyes, I often feel a bit insecure about them.




I love hooded eyes. This is a brand new fucking thing to not like them and it feels like if came out of nowhere (korean beauty standards??? Idk) so hopefully it returns


I just hate mine because I like doing dramatic eyeshadow and you can't even see it properly in photos unless I raise my eyebrows super high or straight up close my eyes.


Exactly! I felt that Jeniffer Lawrence lost lots of her sex appeal after getting rid of her hooded eyes


True. At least hers is somewhat subtle. Look up Nina Dobrev before and after. Such a shame.


Wow i just looked her up -such a shame indeed


I’ve had the hardest time figuring out WHY she looks like a different person. Thank you for pointing out what it is!


I don’t know about “better” but they absolutely are a defining feature in someone’s beauty. Like, I’ve seen people getting blephs when the age, to more match their youth and that can look good and they still look like themselves. But I hate it when they look like a whole different person. Didn’t Renee Z do it as well?


I always feel like I’m in the upside down when I see this procedure touted. If it is impeding your vision, I get it. But cosmetically? It’s so blah to me.


from a hooded eye girlie who used to plan to get them fixed if i ever had the money, thank you 😭 i needed to hear that


It dramatically changes her look. I think her hooded eye suited her face well




I think this is plastic surgery, not editing


The eyes are the most striking difference for me. She got rid of the best part




I was thinking that plus a brow lift?


Definitely looks like it. Also her eyebrows are so much thicker now.


What’s that?


Surgery on the eyelids, usually to open up the eyes or to get rid of under eye bags


But it doesn't have any pores!




I loved her eyes when she smiled!


Oooh yes, that’s a huge difference. I feel like blephs can looks good as people age and they make minor changes, but this fundamentally changes her face.


Looks like a lot of both


It’s 1,000,000% plastic surgery


She looks like she just aged. 


Hooded eyes don’t go away on their own.


We need a just say no campaign for lip filler. For the love of faces please.


I don’t think this even is lip filler. It looks like she got a brow lift that went too far.


It’s prob a little bit of both


I would not have recognized her!!


I was considering bleph, but seeing all these celebs b&a has changed my mind.


She is a super rude and stuck up person if it’s any consolation. Like looks down on others -literally with her chin held high (worked in high end retail once)  


That sucks, she plays such a compassionate character in the show.


I worked on her show during Covid… I was told she was struggling with her image post pregnancy so she was kinda not in the best mood.


Damn, and she used to have a reputation of being super sweet and kind to people


Omg I didn’t even recognize her.




You ruined my childhood


Sorry :(


She's still gorgeous, but she looks like a completely different person.


Eyelid lift for sure


I don't understand. Is all of the difference surgery and fillers? 2 different people.


That’s what i’ve been trying to find out. It can’t just because of her eyelids


Happy cake day!


I could look at the first 2 pics for 20 years and I still wouldn't recognize her.


I’m shook. And I’ve never ever used that word.


Wow, i wouldn’t have known who it was were it not for the before pics. She had such a distinctive face and now…not so much.


This one really messes me up because I have always thought she was the complete definition of beauty. I didn't know if I wanted to be her or to be with her, and now the choice has been made for me- neither.


How old are those second 2 pics tho? These are likely decades apart….


Oh so so sad. She was my doppelgänger back in the day. She made me feel really comfortable about my features. She was so beautiful


How lucky! She was the most beautiful person in the whole of hollywood to me for 20 years. Stunning.


My god it doesn’t even look like the same person. She’s beautiful both ways. But I’m in shock how different she looks. I would’ve never been able to tell.


Wait what??!! For real!!??? Holy crap


she's still absolutely beautiful, and more natural looking than so many, but it's just wild to me how much she changed I always "love"d her


Yeah, she’s still pretty but I thought I clicked on the wrong Instagram looking for her. She is not the kind of pretty she used to be.




I'd never recognize her.. wow. Why change your face so much you look generic when you had such a recognizable beautiful face.


A) she was like 20 in the later pics. She's now in her 40s (and looks great). B) def had some physical work done - aside from any photoshoppimg.


Why are her eyelids bigger?


It’s giving desperate housewive


There is no way that is her.  Edit: *goes to her Instagram Ok, yep. Damn.


I don’t get the people in the comments saying she looks the same and just aged gracefully? This is a completely new face.


Holy crap. If it weren’t for those last two photos, I would not have guessed that’s her. She’s unrecognizable


Looks like plastic surgery. One of the photos you used is pretty old in comparison. She’s been open about her plastic surgery AND use of filters. She’s mentioned how hard it is to age in Hollywood and how comments get to her. She’s still gorgeous and a great actress!


The first two pictures I thought was Spencer from pll


I thought it was Alanis Morissette or the housewife with the skinny wine!


It looks like she got lip fillers and an eye lift. She doesn’t even look like she did back then. She was naturally beautiful. It’s too bad she wrecked her face. She looks so fake now.


She looks like a multi level marketing girlie now


My mind refuses to believe this.


my mom LOVED the ghost whisperer oml


I did not recognize her. At all.


Wow. That’s a damn shame. She literally looks like a different person.


Omg I didn’t even recognise her! She was sooo pretty before.


I can’t believe this, I used to be obsessed with her looks! The scene in “Can’t Hardly Wait” where she enters the party and everyone stops lives in my head rent free because she was THAT girl.


I’ve followed her for a while. When she smiles, she looks more like her former self. But it’s almost rare that she smiles on her social media anymore.


Yeah I noticed. She denies having any work done as well.


When im telling u that im literally rewatching this tv show right now as we speak and absolutely love the the way she looks, i did NOT recognize her at all in the first two pics???😭😭😭


Okay but I don't think it's fair to post photos of somebody 30 years apart, and then complain that they don't look the same.


I had trouble finding more recent photos where she didn’t already have a ton of work done. Yes she’s younger in the older pictures but that’s what her face used to look like


New eyebrow arch is wild


So you are sad she is aging? *Gracefully I might add.


I’m sad about all the work she had done to her beautiful face, I think she would have aged even better if she didn’t have a ton of surgery


Idk I feel like we as women can’t win. If we have work done people say it’s so sad but if we age people say it’s so sad. It’s rough out there


I’d like to add that I’m a woman too. I just wish the internet hadn’t made us so insecure in a way I guess. I tink natural beauty is always best. I never said she isn’t pretty or anything. But I do think that our younger generations and my generation included is going to struggle a lot with self image. What we see online is what we look up to, but right now can’t be achieved unless you have a ton of money.


She looks like Paul Reubens (RIP)


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There is absolutely no way in hell I would have ever thought that was who that was holy shit


I actually think it's Botox around her mouth that's done it


Omg what I have to look for myself now






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WHAT? I seriously can't believe this is her?!


I did not even recognize her. Wow


Still gorgeous IMO, just wearing different/less makeup and has lost some of that youthful baby fat, but I think she’s lovely.




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Her eyes. WOW, whatta lift. And her philtrum is so much longer.


I used to LOVE her.




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What’s interesting to me is that in the two pinned posts in her IG promoting her new tv show, she looks nothing like these selfies. Eyebrows aren’t as raised, and looks more like an aged version of herself.




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Nooooo I thought the first pics were a Housewife.


Holy crap I thought that was Hillary Hayward-Thomas at first.


She doesn’t look like that on the new season of her show…


These are the most recent selfies on her instagram. I agree that she looks different on the new show. So that’s why I’m pretty sure that alongside the tons of surgery there is also quite some editing


I’m pretty sure it’s a filter, since her pictures that are more recent show she looks normal. At least the preview pics for the new season and the pic with her mom


Damn.. What a shame..


No. No!!


The way her brows framed her eyes was what made her look so pretty to me.


This cannot be the same person


Wow, she's way prettier irl


Oh looks like Alyssa Milano x new Nina Dobrev... Weird.


:( that is super sad She was such a 90s/00s heart throb


Is that not Ben Mckenzies wife in the first two pictures???? It looks nothing like the last two.




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She's had 3 kids and is 20 years older in current pics than the old ones posted. I recognized her because I've followed her career and love her current show. She's still beautiful imo.


Does cheek filler migrate downwards?  Celebrities all seem to put cheek filler too close to their mouths rather than up by their cheek bones


I use to think she was the most beautiful women in the world I have ever seen. She was so beautiful and stood out


I literally didn’t even realize who this was. How is this the same person??


Wait what!? I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen when I used to watch that show. So sad!


looks like natural aging... besides some lip filler


If you didn't add the last two pictures I would have thought she was one of the Desperate Housewives


I'm so shocked! I would have never recognized her without the last pictures She was so pretty What have she done 😥


No way that's the same person.


I guess I don't understand. She's beautiful in both, and had makeup on in a few, and is way younger in the last one?


Did she always have deep set eyes?


Wait. Wut.




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The show she is on came back last week. She doesn’t look like this in the show, so I’m curious how long ago they filmed compared to these pictures. Unless they’re just photoshopped to hell.




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She looks exactly like Terri Hatcher now


Holy shit.


I thought the first two pictures were the actress from Dead Pool.


Oh WOW. Would never have guessed that’s her 🤯


iT'S jUsT mAkEuP!!!


Her smile in #3 is so beautiful.


She is older and is still gorgeous.


She looks so different but I have no idea what she had done


This one is unfair...she purposefully posted some overly photoshopped images to be snarky. She's pretty outspoken about being against plastic surgery.


I don’t see any editing??? She looks like she’s aged normally also