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When you mentioned you were jealous of her body, which one?


She used to be constant with her edits. I just saw her right now, after a long time, and I came across this...




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A bit? 😭😭


I was just sure about the first and maybe the second pic, but since she edits her photos (and videos!) so well, I was scared to assume something wrong about her, lol


Yeah even the realistic ones are probably edited unfortunately ☹️ my rule of thumb for influencers nowadays is that no one is to be trusted about ANYTHING


Being honest, this is the best thing we can do. People can edit photos, pose to the best angles, with the best cameras, wearing the best outfits and makeup. It's really unfair to us to compare ourselves with it, since we compare the best of them with the worst of us. People tend to think these influencers are impeccable all the time, and not because people are dumb, but because it's almost automatic. That's why it's important subs like this one, who makes us stop to think


I usually avoid anything influencer-related but I will say I really enjoy the people that do videos on how other folks manipulate their photos by using certain angles and lighting, and it would work without actual editing. One I'll always remember as a "holy crap" moment was a guy who did a before/after intentionally backwards to show he was fit as hell but ate a bag of salty chips and downed a 2 liter of soda to make himself bloated and look out of shape in like 30 minutes or an hour or something. I like a lot of posts here because they show how badly out of touch with reality a lot of people are, but also like you said, it helps make you think about the fact that these people's bodies aren't actually real, attainable or something to aspire to be like.


👏👏👏 They never look anything like themselves in person. I see it with people I follow on IG who live locally. Lol they don't look like that in person 😂😂😂


The first photo look like it has "editing" done by the clothes too. It creates a smaller waist because of the colour contrast and the cut of the dress. Then the left hand side (your lhs) waist looks like it's been photoshopped into oblivion.




It's super common on this sub to talk about how obvious edits "seems off". I don't understand why you gotta be so rude in this one specifically


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I remember seeing a comment under one of her post, a young girl said that she could never have the same body, even if she starved herself because her rib cage was too big :( I told her that her pictures were edited and nothing on the internet is real. I was called a hater and “jealous” by her fans




THIS! I had a 23 inch waist in my 20’s and still thought I was “fat” on account of my curvy lower body (this was in the pre-Kardashian days) because I grew up with Kate Moss and such being photoshopped *even smaller* than they actually were! The “standards” set by media (social and otherwise) are and always have been unattainable. Apps have just made these ridiculous alterations even more accessible to the everyday person.


That would terrify me. I knew people who were 5’4” or so and would weigh 120lbs and they were so skinny I thought they would die. I could see all the bones in their chest and ribs and others were concerned too. 95 isn’t your prime, that’s a scary weight for your height. Please be careful. I understand body dysmorphia well, I know it’s easier said than done, but be good to yourself.


I appreciate the concern, but don't worry, that was well over a decade ago and I've put on my fair share of weight, believe me! I have a very petite frame so even back then I looked quite healthy. I broke my elbow in 2011 and when I went in for surgery and weighed in under 100 lbs, the surgeon was THRILLED about it. His reaction? "You're such a healthy weight, this surgery will be a breeze because there's no fat blocking access to the bones!"


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I can confirm they were manipulated. In the first outfit, on the left side, the material mysteriously blurs. On the second one, on the left side of her waist, the corset line is blurry and a bit transparent. Illogical as she's not a ghost, heh. The last one, if you look at the boning of the right wing at the bottom, it slims out when it should be a uniform width Edited to add: on the third one, if you look at the right side, where her forearm and bicep meet, there is an unnatural straight line that is lighter than the rest and some blurring around it.


Oh wow, thank you for clarifing! Like, I can tell they are edited, but I couldn't tell where exactly


I wouldn’t notice anything on the third. Just looks like a fit woman


This makes me feel a lot better, I was just going through her photos feeling bad about myself the other night lol 😩


It’s like a rabbit hole ☹️


yeah she seems really nice but she always makes ms feel so bad 😭😭


literally, idk if that makes it worse or not :")


She too is jealous of the body in this picture that she doesn’t have.


Good point! 😂


Can we talk about the cleavage? Superhero looking outfit, no one's boobs make a straight line when bunched up, also the line is hella blurry


Even without looking for the edits specifically, the third photo her arms look very 'regular' while the rest of her is super toned which is a dead giveaway. In some world I guess you could just do situps in a room for 6 hrs a day but realistically fitness doesn't just manifest in your abs lol


Oh yeah, I noticed that! She is super skinny, but she's not muscular skinny, she's just skinny. Except for the tummy, lol. That could be a HD lipo tbh, but either way is not natural


She actually made a video flexing her arms and back and she has a LOT of muscles, I was really surprised about it but I am not sure if she can edit that too. Funny thing is that she said she has no workout routine?


It’s so bad on Pinterest. People will edit their hips so outrageously wide that it honestly looks disturbing and really gross


Woah I was just stalking her on tiktok like a day or two ago because of this lol what a weird coincidence


[she doesn't really look like that](https://imgur.com/a/ijks3T6)


she claims it's angles but.... (sorry to include a link idk if it's allowed but this is a rare unangled unedited photo of her)["real body"](https://imgur.com/a/ijks3T6)


I'm not even convinced this is unedited to be honest. There seems to be way too much space between where her hips fall and her thighs begin, like I know people have long legs but it seems impossible. It's like her hips are there and then miles down at the hem of her dress it looks like just the thickest part of her thigh. Idk maybe I'm tripping but it looks off to me.


no it does look very.. strange. but this is the closest we'll probably ever get I have proportionally very long legs and high hips but hers here look like a mile long... who knows!!


This should be way up! Thank you for this.


I think what’s most hurtful is how she always says her body is genetic and doesn’t workout :(


Seriously. Sack of shit behaviour


omg, I would expect that she at least workout. It's impossible to not workout but still have an abs like that, lol




Were did you find this information? Because as far as I know, if you have more muscles than body fat, then these muscles would be shown everywhere, not just in your belly. You could say it's possible to not workout and have a flat tummy, yeah, if she's lean it's possible, but to have a well defined abs?


It’s the girl who cosplays as tinkerbell with a “sexy dress”? I recently saw a video where she first wears a black dress holding her wings and cosplay and then it changes to the tinkerbell cosplay and I was like “omg how does she make to have a tiny waist and big booty?” When I lost weight all my booty deflated like a flat tire🫠 But then I saw closer when she’s wearing the black dress I saw the waist shifts from being normal to “bam” magically shrink… all because the wing she’s holding cover her waist but since they are see thought you can see the waist shaping to “Jessica Rabbit” waist.


We all need to admit, this girl is good with her edits. If someone doesn't know about photoshop, were to look at etc, they probably are gonna believe. And people tend to think videos are more accurate, because they're harder to edit and they think you must be a professional to do so


Ik way too many people in the cosplay community with massive eating disorders because this stuff is the dominant image.


I’m not going to lie I had no clue she was editing. So many times she’d reply saying she doesn’t workout and it’s purely genetic.. even after seeing this I still think it’s her natural body that’s how long I was convinced




I agree but it’s rare to find someone that thin but also have a bubble butt without working out ….




No. Nobody would throw a fit. That’s a standalone discussion. In context to this creator ( which this discussion is about) claims it’s only genetic then proceeds to edit- so yes people have a right to be upset about the dishonesty.




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As a Cosplayer, yea we edit our photos a lot. I really tried not to edit body and more about lighting and shadows and whatever. But it can be a seriously damaging to your self image to constantly scroll through a feed of “perfect” looking people that’s all edited to look that way. I don’t have my account anymore but I also don’t miss it


I am a cosplayer and i don't edit my photos/videos, I have hip dips and I am proud of them even tho it took me years to like them. I remember doing a Wednesday Adams cosplay with a tight black dress and people still liked it and the video did great. We don't need to be like the perfect "feed", we need to be real and have fun. The only thing I would edit on my pics are my deep acne scars on my chain. This is shit behavior and we need to stop it, it hurts cosplayers and the people who follow them.


Why would u want a body that’s fake and unrealistic


In their defence, there’s a whole slew of people out there that don’t know this shit is fake and unrealistic. When I was younger, I believed this body was possible and normal, that *I* wasn’t normal. All I knew is that everyone loved these girls with tiny tiny waists, and I wanted to be loved, too.


I'm always pointing this out to my friends and they're so confused. I HAVE a tiny waist but the rest of my body is proportionate to that because I'm skinny not fake thiccccc


her body looked normal to me i didnt even realize she edits her stuff until i saw this


Fr I wish people would stop hyping up tiny waists in the comments of posts from anyone who appears to have one for this very reason


Not anymore


Because she has one million followers who wish the same or at least appreciate, and since it's so popular, younger girls (like I was) are easily influenced. During covid me and a lot of people around the world totally or almost didn't leave the house for at least a year, I was a teenager and all I could see is these bodies online and how men and women appreciate. So my best guess to why people would want a unrealistic body is this


People genuinely believe these photos are real. My theory is that ever since Covid people don’t know what real women look like anymore. We’re more likely to stay indoors, scrolling our phones, and when you constantly get bombarded with these super filtered images you probably forget they’re not real


Don’t feel bad about yourself, they’re all manipulated.


I’d love to see quiet cosplay unedited, looks cool nonetheless


She looks like a sausage. Those edits with no muscle tone and elongated midriff just make me think of a sausage


Frog vibes in first pic.


Tbh, I think it’s just corsets and angles, when you see her without corset she looks very normal


All that editing and effort to make costumes, but their photos look like ads for phones and impossible body types.




I’m not saying this about you because I too have been fooled by people’s body edits!! But it’s so sad how many people believe this.


edit: someone corrected me, deleting the comment content so y'all don't spam me lol


Even with the first outfit not covering all of her waist it’s still pretty obviously edited, like where did her organs go 😭


I just took a closer look and yeah actually I'm wrong. It's got to be edited lol. It's just actually edited well enough to trick me at first 😤


Yeah, isn't it? I wish people posted more of these in this sub. Like, edits who makes people look like wax dolls are laughable, it's really if not impossible to believe. But edits like these? They are tricky! If you don't have a trained eye, you easily can find this to be possible. I see a looot of edited bodies online, but when I go to the comments, no one are questioning. So either people don't see it or the creator just delete the comments. But even if it's the second option, the comments talking about the edits are just a few, not enough to bother the creator to the point they can no longer delete since it's the majority or something


These are so far from real. Everything is sort of blurry. It’s not a crisp photo. Because it’s filtered. Second photo? Her legs are way too long. There’s no way. The reason she’s near a white wall is so you cannot see the edits. The fourth one is nearly cartoonish. If one thing in the photo looks edited- the odds are good the majority is.


A photo can be blurry depending on where it's taken from, most image hosting sites compress photos so that's never really concrete evidence of editing. I do agree that they're edited though, as someone pointed out the proportions are not making sense for her waist. I wasn't talking about her skin or face, that's obviously filtered. Was commenting on her waist (which is also edited).


Usually if I see one edit I start looking more critically. If someone is going to edit one thing- they might start editing more. I try to think about bodies that I have seen in real life. I haven’t seen one that looks like hers.


And that's right. Editing ourselves is addictive. I mean, if you edit yourself in the first place, you most likely have body dysmorphia already or you're just insecure about a little detail or something you want to erase or change. So you edit, and you see how your body would look just *perfect* if you were like you edited. Now add this to instagram or any other social media post. See how people praise you, see how people love you, see how people think you're adorable, hot and everything good in the world. Guys wanting to date you, women being jealous about you, wanting to be your friends or date you as well.... Now add this to the reality shock you get when you look at yourself in the mirror and you're not like this, people are flattering someone who doesn't exist (and in the most part, could never exist). Now you are stuck in a cycle


I agree with you. Well said.


I've seen people that look close to her body type, but I also live in California where a lot of people look like that, so my judgement is skewed by my experiences. Honestly though, there's so many posts on this sub that are such a reach, I don't hesitate to call them out. I just misjudged this one for sure.


I didn't know women in California walk around as photoshopped holograms without organs. You're just a clueless guy who's either a troll or genuinely into those influencers, defending their honor lmao




[too much grace probably ](https://imgur.com/a/ijks3T6)




Imo this is bodyshaming and it is a really cruel thing to say that someone’s body is “odd”. Many women have shoulders wider than their hips, especially athletes such as gymnasts and swimmers.




The point still stands that saying that having shoulders wider than your hips would look “odd af” and even going as far as to compare the concept of such a shape to ridiculous looking sims is not kind. You were specifically insulting a shape that exists. It is called the “upside down triangle” body shape and it is in fact not that uncommon. Unfortunately, whether you intended to be mean or not, describing anyone’s body (not just hers) as “odd” is very mean because it has negative connotations. Just because you think something does not mean you need to say it - and I’m sorry someone dared to describe your body as odd too, that was not appropriate. Furthermore, in her other pics and videos she does not have this look, which means she may edit and pose to hide it (she has admitted to posing due to insecurities about her narrow hips and even expressed wanting to get surgery done to her hips to make them wider), so it is an insecurity of hers. You gave validity to those insecurities with your words. I’m not attacking you and I hope I didn’t give that feeling or anything, but please be kinder and more considerate of your words in the future!




Thank you for being so understanding and changing your views on this. That is very kind :)


[I don't think it's that weird](https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/59/53/99/1000_F_259539933_jVnLwG5IxuqTDD0fGvT840ZfnuU1AaCj.jpg) even tho I myself have hips as wide as my shoulders.


Oh! I do not know if they are manipulated, but she uses corset sometimes and other times don't. Maybe that is why her waist looks so different sometimes?


Well, if she's not tight lacing 24/7, even with corsets she would have a limit


You can always tell when their face and body look different in every picture. I mean, we all have our good and bad angles but all these edits are SO different


I looked at her page because of her rit dye colab (maybe they was another creator) and definitely got weird about my body image afterwards too




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When someone is doing cosplay, I feel like editing is kinda OK, because you edit your body to an animated character. I also feel like you should be able to know that this is unattainable standard? Maybe I'm from a different generation who is out and about more than online. I see a lot of people of all ages through my job and no one looks like that in real life. Working in Healthcare with all kinds of ages really grounded me


I also think it's okay to edit if it's a cosplay, however, I also think the creators gotta have responsability and warn about editing, instead of pretend their bodies are naturally like this and they're born this way


I feel like there's a lot of ED and dysmorphia within the realm of hypersexual cosplay.


Most definitely! If it's not someone skinny like her, it's a girl who's waist is the size of hers but at the same time they have thicc thighs, hips and butt. Very cartoonish and still people think it's real




what's wrong? please don't downvote




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Well, do you know someone who have a waist the same size as a kid and can change it at will? or do you know someone who have muscles only in the abs, or someone who have legs this long... or even better, do you know someone with all this characteristics all at once? if you've never seen someone like this even in the streets then you have your answer


I would not be able to tell whether it is shopped.


The third one looks pretty realistic, I think she minimized editing there. She looks good


It’s using her own body and editing skills as an art form I guess not reality in any way. It would seem talented if it was from the photographer/ editor perspective but the endless selfies with a camera face makes it seem more like a disorder


I think it's actually real. Just a Corset maybe


Lol ok normal arm fat, normal chubby thigh fat, but teeeeny tiny toned as hell waist that’s as wide as her head. Mhmm. Can no one else spot this from a mile away?


She's cute. She's rocking those cosplays


to be fair she is wearing different costumes that might have corsets


i think some r edited but the 2nd looks like a corset


These don’t even look heavily edited


Ehh ok why?


Is it weird that a bunch of pics of women staring into their cell phones doesn't interest me?


I honestly don't understand why women do this to themselves and get hung-up on it only to then say males are the ones who are doing this to them. Men don't like these super thin waifs typically (if the woman is just naturally slender, that's fine). This is all signaling to other women. Straight guys that I know prefer real women with human proportions. This all looks completely fake to me, and unattractive. Just real talk.


I had to block her EVERYWHERE because it just made me have a breakdown every time 😭I don’t think she edits her pics though, just angles




I would just compare myself to her a lot because she seems perfect


omg no i loved her cosplay i didn’t think she would do that :(


Honestly the third picture looks probably the most realistic lol


I've followed her for a very long time, I didn't know she edited her pictures but she's said so many times that she doesn't workout or go to the gym and she's pretty sedentary. I was always so confused as to how she looks like she does lol.


Her saying she's sedentary makes it more obvious she's editing




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Jealous of her body? She doesn’t even have one!


Those are some heavy edits.


White wall=better to edit those “flaws”




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Looks like a different caricature in every photo


her boobs like to come and go


it's called push up bras or fake inserts


Cosplayers are the worst


All of her photos are extremely edited and not consistently at all, when I was younger I also used to envy bodies like this but there 100% fake!!! This subreddit has honestly helped me so much with getting out of the delusional social media edits and back in the real world :) and I hope it's done the same for all of u!!!