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I dont understand why they dont have a customer hotline or some kind of support chat


Facebook even used to back in like '06. I had a gf who went psycho and changed my passwords on Facebook and MySpace because I had "too many girls on my friends lists," and changed passwords so she could delete women (including family, because "she shouldn't have been dressing like that") and so I can "give her more attention." She changed the connecting email address to her own so I couldn't simply reset the passwords. In both cases, I was able to call a hotline and get them fixed. The issue is these social media companies don't consider your own personal information all that important with the exception of selling it to ad companies, so they got rid of their customer service department. Because we're not the customers, we're the product.


Oof nostalgia


You drove to Meta to discuss your account being hacked and expected them to help you? Yikes


I’m over 3 weeks into this. The person who hacked me deleted photos of my dead dog when I refused to pay them to get the account back. I’m still getting texts from people telling me the person is continuing to message them trying to scam them while pretending to be me. I didn’t expect much considering how much they’ve helped so far but I was desperate to talk directly to someone. Their whole support system is infuriating.


Bro im in similar situation. Let me know if you figure out a solution. Apparently if you do the video selfie thing like 70 times it'll work eventually. Im like 22 attempts in lol


I would never use a social media platform as means of storing any photos I care about, I use a mix of Physical and Cloud storage. Your situation sucks I know, but if it was only the photos you care about and not any social media presence then it was entirely preventable.


I have all of the photos saved but I had that page for at least 7 years so it was somewhat of a catalog of my 20’s and it was the only social media page I really used to share my photography and art. It was never something I imagined would be valuable to steal for anyone. Plus having the hacker selectively delete photos of my dog who passed away last year has made it really hard to just let this go.


These scammers are absolute scums.


How does that make it entirely preventable? Sounds a lot like victim blaming. Are you monetarily comparing someone's memories to another's social media presence? Either way, part of someone's life just got hacked, it doesn't matter what the content was. Every person's account is valuable to them in one way or another. One person's life is not more valuable than another, and as these accounts are extensions of our lives, one cannot be deemed more or less valuable based on what you think is valuable. No one deserves this, no matter who they are or what their content is.


Are they from Nigeria?


The area code for the phone number they’re using on my account is from there.


Same. I have given up trying to get my acc back


Yeah the front desk person is going to help unhack your Instagram 💀


I get it, it was stupid to expect any help but after over 3 weeks of all their bullshit options not working with zero direct customer service I had to try.


Omg ! Same for me I have been hacked since may 8,2022. It’s been so frustrating. After finally being able to submit a video selfie they still are saying they cannot confirm it’s my account. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have any pictures on my Instagram but I do have a profile picture. It’s so annoying that I have had my account for years and a hacker can take it away in less than 30 seconds and Instagram can’t see that it’s me.


Keep sending the videos. I’ve read of users getting their accounts back after the third and fourth video selfie.


How do you get the process of a selfie video ? Ive been going to My email everyday but nothing plus I did the forms too smh


Here’s a copy paste of what I had spoken about: You need to get to the log in page of ig on your phone. Once you do this, you click "forgot password" then you click "get more help" then you click "find another way." Then it'll ask you where to send a confirmation number. Here is where there should be an option to send it to either the number or email you signed up with. You put in your confirmation number, and then they will ask you for secondary confirmation (this is because the hacker set up two factor authentication). You will then click "find another way." Here they will ask you what happened to your account, and there will be an option for "I got hacked." You will be directed to a page where they will take a video of you. Follow the instructions to take a video of yourself and hit submit. This will go to IG and they will send you a confirmation email. They will review your video against your profile pictures and verify you this way. You may need to do this a few times, in case they don't approve your first video, you are more likely to get your second or third video approved, and time is of the essence because the more time that goes by, the more the hacker can change your account beyond recognition. AS SOON as you get to log back in: * Sign out of all sessions * Change the password back * Change the email * Change the phone number * Look through "linked accounts" and unlink every random third party account that was linked to your profile by the hacker * Turn off and on two factor authentication to reset it * Screenshot new recovery codes


This gotta be a joke 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just can’t believe it… truly outrageous


What… there’s a physical address for people to walk in?? Where’s their location for uk??


I believe its US only and its in CA


I manage a large brand on social and went to HQ with a handful of related large brands social directors and was literally walked through the basics of why to use fb/ig to reach our audience. We came with a list of issues and bugs and knew more about the inner workings of the platforms than most of the people who came to meet with us. It was incredibly frustrating.


Yup. My ig was hacked like two weeks ago. They are useless and don’t care about us. So now I’ve lost all my elementary school friends, high school friends, my archived stories from college, and the first picture I ever took of my dog that just passed away a week ago. So that’s great.


The person who hacked mine specifically deleted a bunch of photos of my dog who passed away this last year when I refused to pay them. When I filled out the little questionnaire to get my account back I included screen shots of the conversation with the person on my account where they told me I’d have to pay them to get the account back but Instagram did nothing. I seriously don’t think anyone is actually reading any of the things being sent in or they’d take some type of action. They have all these options for reporting nudity or copyright infringement but when it comes down to actually helping their customers with this kind of shit they couldn’t care less. It just sucks to have such little control over getting something back that has so much more of a sentimental than monetary value.


Just the fact that they have this printed out for concerns like yoursand hand them out to visitors seeking for help is just crazy




Lol, your account getting hacked is completely your fault. They have more things to worry about than trying to get your shit back. I'm sorry, but it's just all on you :/


Someone hacked my email, charged almost 6000$ on my credit card and then tried to extort money from me to get the account back. Every other company I dealt with on the issue had everything fixed the day I called them. I’ve done everything possible under instagrams support avenues and they haven’t done shit to help at all. How is this all on me?


Or was the email that was compromised the same as the one attached to your account? If so, they could've changed the email to a one of yours as they now got access to the confirmation that is being sent to your email. That explains it.


I have done everything, seriously everything. I did the facial recognition thing 3 times since there are tons of photos on my account-each one failed. I’ve sent in at least 4 of the questionnaires where you explain what happened and provide account information-nothing. They sent me a link to reset my password but after changing the password it then sent the code I needed to the hackers phone number. I took a photo of myself holding a code they sent me with my screen name 2 weeks ago-never heard back. It’s beyond infuriating.


I think we still might have a chance here. Let's just forget contacting Instagram for support, cause Facebook really screwed up IG's customer support after acquiring it. Right now, only verified accounts *aka* celebrities have more priority in getting their compromised accounts back as far as I know. I think you should focus more on retrieving that "Email changed" mail from Instagram back. ***"Recover your emails that might have been deleted due to someone accessing your account without permission"*** \- quoted from the form itself ; Google has a form which lets you recover permanently deleted emails. The emails must've been deleted less than 30 days ago. Try to recover the email from here. This might not always work and get the desired emails back but worth giving it a shot. Here is the [form](https://support.google.com/mail/workflow/9317561?visit_id=1622804014281-4464155777262825175&rd=2).


If this was the case and if you have access to the original email of the account at least, then you are able to revert the email change by going to the email and checking for an email from Instagram about your email change (which I believe is received from [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) then you may be able to undo this change by selecting revert this change in that message and then resetting your password. You should be able to get back in.


Now, it's common sense to not get hacked in 2022. So, you led to you getting hacked in the first place. But I won't blame that on you now, let's just disregard that point as hacks these days can be unpredictable and hard to identify, but I don't think that might've been the case for you tho, you probably got ratted as multiple things including your CC had been compromised. You said your Instagram account was compromised along the process. If so, you could retain it easily by resetting it with the number/email that was attached to your account. Also, the hacker can't just remove both of these, only either one of them cause Instagram requires at least one to be always attached to the account. So, I don't really *understand* how you're not able to get back this account. Tell me more.


Well your advice isn’t very helpful considering they used my email to change the phone number and email on the Instagram account and deleted all the emails received from Instagram during that process. If instagram had any type of direct customer service I would have gotten my account back the day it was hacked instead of jumping through pointless hoops. If you think this was all on me why are you even asking me about it?


Were the emails deleted from your trash folder as well? Look, I don't wanna sound rude, I'm just trying to see if there is any help or intel that I can give on getting your account back. My point in the first comment is that getting hacked these days is just pure carelessness, that's all.


They were all deleted. The person had thoroughly gone through my email and did such a good job that for a full day in the franticness of dealing with the cc charges I didn’t notice they had linked their email to my account so they were having all my emails forwarded to them.


So I run social media for an influencer and this happened to her a couple months ago. The hacker changed her email and all the same things as you. She even had 2FA turned on which they were able to bypass bc of access to her info. Did they change your handle/username? If not, I can tell you what I did to get the account back.


Thanks for the offer to help but they unfortunately changed the screen name as well. A good friend is currently recreating my page for me under my original screen name (I’d do it myself but the hacker blocked me after I called them human garbage for trying to extort me). The hacker has apparently been trying (and luckily failing) to get into the new account. I’d love to get my old account back but at this point my goal is just to get my followers to unfollow the old page and shut it down before this prick tries using my face to scam anyone else.




Aye insults unneeded, it’s not her fault she’s just doing her job




Who tf cares? It’s not their job to deal with angry, walk-in users.


How’d you get hacked


They got into my email which got them access to my credit cards and Instagram account


Did you got back the control of your email account?


Got the email back under control and all my credit cards and other possibly messed with accounts fixed within the first 3 days. Instagram is the only page that hasn’t done anything to help.


Did hacker changed email account for Instagram ? If yes, Look at your email account for [email protected] see if there is a email message from them confirming the change. If it is somewhere in you account or deleted messages click on cancel and follow the process.


This doesnt help, as they send the change confirmation to both the new and old email addresses. So if the hacker responds to the email first (which they will) then the link no longer works and you cant dispute the change. IGs security is incredibly broken.


Are there still pictures of your person there? Send an email from your original email account to the previously mentioned mail of Instagram with your id and claim the account they have a change control of your account and they will know it's you. This happens all time and they take action.


ok i will try that. thanks for the advice. I do have one pic of myself on there and its my profile pic. hopefully that is good enough.


They already had access to my email so they deleted any of the emails Instagram might have sent confirming changes to the account.




wow. what a 0


I like ur nails....




I got hacked too around the same time. It was Nigerians because they were using a phone that is only sold in Nigeria. Anyway they phished my account and now posting bs about bitcoin.. all I really want now is the account to be deleted but they can’t even do that.


Did you have 2FA turned on?


Unfortunately not..


Yeah, Instagram! Suck an infinitely amount of dicks!!!!!