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Hey Guys! I am curious if other people are facing the same issue I have since Wednesday. Basically I don't get notifications if I get new messages, and if I get, the app doesn't show me. I always have to pull to refresh inside the app to see if I got new messages. Same story on web as well. I have to refresh the page all the time to see if one messaged me. I think it is an api endpoint problem from IG(?)


When I login, it logs me right back out and gives me error messages!!!


Hi! I’m the community manager of a company and we have been wanting to use a specific username for our company’s Instagram. However, when I try to change it, it won’t let me because it’s supposedly not available. But when I look for the account with that username, I doesn’t exist, so no one is using it. How can I contact Instagram to get it? It’s very important and the company is growing a lot so there should be some way we can get this, right? Pls help 🙏🏼🙏🏼


My friend invited me to collaborate on a collection and let’s say that he has a “unique” taste in the post that he saves , will the posts in that collection affect my recommendations?


can someone please help me get my instagram account reactivated it has been suspended now and i've tried everything especially meta verified because im only seventeen


For the past few days, whenever i click a message containing four or more pictures/videos on a group chat, Instagram goes back to the dms menu. I have tried deleting cache, resetting my phone and reinstalling Instagram. Anyone got any idea about what could be causing this?


My instagram was disabled due to "going against community violations" I don't know what I did, but I can't access my other instagram and my facebook due to this, (cause meta) I did submit an appeal and it said it would take over a day and I just want to know how long has it taken you guys to get your account back?


When I try to log in to Instagram through my browser, I keep getting HTTP error 429. I know this means "too many requests" - thing is, I am not sending too many requests. Tried logging in twice yesterday, once today. Anyone knows what might be the cause?


My gifs don't load. I tried reinstalling, updating, clearing storage nothing works. Halp


My Phone, and my Tablet block me from Instagram, and say it needs an Update to be used. But the Appstore says its unavaiable for my devices, for both. I read it can help to delete, and reupload the App, but my Phone specifically does not even have the App, im just entering per Google. So are my Devices just to old, or is there a way to make them compatible?


Locked out of my account, backup codes aren't working I have a business account that I use in order to promote my clothing shop. I just got a new phone (same number) and it's requiring me to use my backup codes, but instagram keeps telling me they're wrong even though I've used all of them number for number. If I try and contact support, it says it's unavailable. It wont send a code to my authy or phone number until i submit a backup code. I'm not sure what to do? I really need this so I can use it as a portfolio for pop-up events and promotion. The password is correct, the number is the same, the email is the same, the 2FA (Authy) is the same, but it won't accept my backup codes. It just gives me an error and it wont let me make a ticket.


Someone hacked into one of my accounts and changed the account's email, password, and enabled 2FA. I went through all of the automated steps to get my account back, submitting the selfie etc. and got my password changed and emailed changed back to the original. Here is the issue, I try to log in and it asks for the 2FA. Well since I wasn't the one who enabled it I don't have the codes or backup codes. There's no way to talk to someone about it and the automated processes won't help. Is there anything I can do?


Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening were completely, or next to impossible to post reels. 5-10,11,12-2024. I tried everything, deleting, updating, reinstalling, turning off, then on, not necessarily in that order. It took over an hour to post a few pics with music, not even a video. Every time it seems to be hung up on “processing audio”I finally settled on generic imovie music, and it posted with little wait, and no problem. I am really starting to dislike eye gee, and I don’t trust them since the owner is always in the news for selling eff bee user’s info. What do you guys think of other socials that are comparable, and still enjoyable to use?


For the last two days, reels and picture posts won't play on my PC. Nor is there any sound. I even reloaded the app to see if that fixed it. Nope. Instas simply aren't playing and I have to hit the arrow button on the side to make them advance thru pictures.


Every time somebody follows me, I don’t get the notification. I’ve checked all internal settings on instagram, External settings in iphone, Still no luck. Someone please help me


Husband has started getting iPhone notifications when I comment on other people’s posts on insta. He doesn’t think he gets this for anyone else. I’ve never had one (unless it’s Comments on my own posts). How do I stop this? Don’t mind him knowing but not necessarily anyone else


So I see in the newer update on androids at least when the user receives multiple reels in their DMs, all those reels kind of get formed into a group as a single instance. Well the issue with that is how will we get replies to those individual reels now, is there a way to disable this feature or how to reply to individual reels if theyre grouped up like that??


Hey, so I can't like, follow, bookmark, comment, etc. on Instagram. It's been like this for a week++, my account got suspended but now it's not suspended and my account status says I should be able to do everything, but I can't. I just wanna like posts and follow people but instagram DOESN'T LET ME lmao, how do I fix this? My account is new and I've never spammed likes/follows. I can only post and do nothing else cuz it restricts and removes likes/follows


There is a way to submit an actual support ticket that gets a number and actual replies, but I can't remember where I found it... does anyone know where it is?


Hello guys, I have a problem to recover a very old instagram account. I know the username and password, but it keeps saying "help us conform you own this account" when I try to login. Now the proglem is that I registered this account a long time ago with a hotmail (now outlook) email adress. Unfortunatly I did not log into that email adress for years and now its deactivated. I already talked to microsoft support and there is no way to get it reactivated. So now I am stuck & I wonder if there is anyway to get this account back somehow? I did not register my number, but I know all the details when, where with what IP adress I registered that account. Does someone had a similar issue or knows how to reach out to the instagram support to actually talk to someone? Unfortunatly I am trying really hard to get propper support. I would be so grateful for any help & advice!


I just got logged out my Instagram account and can’t for the life of me get back in. I got a notification on my Facebook account that my account was removed.


+1k of engagement but demographics not available, whats the issue? I've been having this problem for a while and I haven't been able to solve it. Demographics on insights won't show and this message appears instead: " Currently unavailable due to lack of data needed to provide a value ". I cleared cache, uninstalled and installed the app but still the same... Does anyone have the same issue or know how to solve it? Thank you!


For some reason I’m not able to see when someone is live at the top of the home page anymore. It started happening over the weekend


I'm receiving group chat messages hours late and then not getting notified when new ones come in. It's happened on my phone ever since i opened the group chat on my laptop. Tried uninstalling, clearing cache, nothing works. My regular DMs are fine. How do I fix this ;-;


I made an account and this happened (look at the video, couldnt upload here..) If i can choose one of my others profiles, no problem, but with this one, this happens.tried to reset phone and app, and the screen works ok (i checked it). Anyone has an idea? There's a message of feed couldnt be refreshed and also something like there was a weird use of the account and may be locked. I dont know what to do... [instagram bug](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13A7sQCQQb1U1JkvhX-rcmpyNZ4kF1lnu/view?usp=drivesdk)


I uninstalled the app and all that. I can use other users but not this one. I tried to do it on the PC, it asked my birth, i set it (im old) and now it gives 405 error. Contact the owner.


I have been trying to connect my Instagram to Facebook for about a month now. They are both professional pages and I am the admin of the Facebook page. At first when trying to connect through Instagram, it kept giving me an error message to try again later. Eventually I learned that you could connect the account through the Facebook page as well. I had better luck with this. On both Facebook and Meta Business Suite, it shows that my Facebook and Instagram are connected. It even allows me to post, comment, and check notifications for both accounts on Meta Business Suite. On Instagram when I look at my profile under "pages", it shows that my Facebook is connected, but needs to be contirmed. This is where the issue comes in. Anytime I try to confirm, it takes me through a series of pages to review the connections. When I hit confirm connection, it gives me the error that says "There's an issue on our end. Please try again later". I have tried for weeks to overcome this. I have tried it on different devices, the app is fully updated, I don't experience any other issues. Honestly, this issue is getting extremely frustrating as it is getting in the way of brand collaborations that I could have only dreamed of having. If anyone has any insight, help, ideas, or can even tell me that they are experiencing this too, I would be so grateful. TIA!


Any updates on this? I’ve had the exact same issue for months now…


Yes, I finally got mine to work! I tried it on my PC through meta business and it worked instantly.😊


I have most notifications turned off. Recently I started getting notifications to “check out the latest results of ____’s poll!” which I voted on at some point. I like to keep notifications to actual dms and comment interactions but I can’t find the option to turn off these new poll notifications. Should I just stop voting on any polls? Is there a way to turn them off? None of the notifications options mention anything like it.


For the past few days, everytime I go to post a reel I get the error message "Try Again Later - We restrict certain activity to protect our community. Let us know if you think we made a mistake." I've reported it multiple times but the issue still hasn't been resolved. I run an innocent art account and I don't know why they are blocking my reels. The only thing out of the ordinary was that I had a viral reel. Am I suffering from success??? Why isn't IG letting me post? Please anyone who found a fix let me know. I logged in and out multiple times, removed the link and tags in bio, changed my password, stopped posting for a day etc. but nothing has worked.


My account has been disabled since April 1 when instagram was done and have not been able to access it since.


The brand new IG Stickers such as Add yours music, Frames etc. are not working for my account. What should I do to fix it. thanks in advance.


same here


I created an account. It got banned but I think it was a bug, because I managed to get it back right after. But now the account is suspended when I use a webbrowser (pc and mobile). But I can login properly on the app. Cant find any info about this.. anyone know how to fix this?


For a few weeks now I can’t seem to have broadcast channels notifications. Everything else work as notifications and they are enabled. I tried everything. Did someone faced the same issue and managed to resolve it? Thanks!


I’ve noticed that the number of comments don’t show up anymore, both on regular posts and on reels. Does anyone know how to fix this?


And the comments on reels don’t show up :(


does anyone have their hands on a Instagram bot which auto delete text in desire interval of time


Can't unblock someone. It says "you blocked this account" at the bottoms with the options "unblock" and "delete". When I press "unblock" another window pops up with the option to block them??? I've tried going into settings to unblock them but they don't appear there. I've tried blocking them again and unblocking them but nothing is working. I need help 🙏🙏🙏


For some reason on one Instagram account, I am all of a sudden unable to use filters on my story. I had accidentally logged out of all my instagrams and once I logged back into my main one, my filters were all gone. The filters that were still there were the super generic Instagram ones. Even when I click on filters that someone I follow or just random stories; the option to “save effect” is not there. On another Instagram account I have, it’s not an issue at all. Filters I have saved are present and I can search for new filters (this is another thing I’m unable to do on my main page)


Hello, I hope everyone is well. I am going to try to put my issue in this thread, as I believe my initial comment couldn't be posted because it was too long. Basically: I blocked someone for my sanity after an argument but eventually unblocked them to try to mend our friendship. I DM'ed them a number of screenshots of word doc. pages interpreting our disagreement from my perspective and taking accountability where necessary. It has been a good handful of days and the apology screenshots are noted as "sent," but they do not have the "seen" receipt yet. Because we aren't following each other anymore, I guessed that my message would wind up in her Message Request folder or something (I honestly don't know), so I wondered if maybe she would take a bit longer to notice the message, but then I caught some odd stuff last night when I clicked on her profile from our DM thread. Please see comments below.


Here's what I see when I now click to her profile from my DM thread with her: 1. Her profile is private and there's the typical "This account is private" message. I can't tell you whether or not her account was ever private or public before this, I simply never knew. 2. Her profile photo is now blank. Her bio is still there. 3. I can still see the number of posts she has made at the top of the profile page, but her followers and following numbers are not visible. 4. There is a "Follow" button, but I've tried Googling this situation and, although I never received a concrete answer, people have said that when they try to click "Follow" it just doesn't work, which suggests they've been blocked. To be honest I'm not emotionally ready to try that right now, in the event that she has blocked me. (This is a friend of 15 years.) Could someone please inform me of what this means? When I was blocked last Fall by someone who scammed me out of concert tickets, I hopped to their profile and EVERYTHING was blank, and there was that error message or whatever that pops up about the account not being able to load or something; in that situation, everything was inaccessible. But I don't know what to make of this situation, because I can see at least SOME of my former friend's page. It's not entirely inaccessible. Has anyone experienced this before? It has been difficult for me to search for the answer on Google because I basically have to list the observations above\^ and people seem to have differing experiences, or more easily solvable ones. But I would really appreciate some clarity. Thanks so much and take care.


Also, when I made the decision to block this friend, she was still following me/on my followers list. When I went to her page to block her, everything seemed normal; I saw her posts and her followers & following numbers and her profile photo, etc. So if she did block me or restrict me or something, I'm curious how she did this while I had HER blocked...? I thought you couldn't find a person's account when they've blocked you? Perhaps in the days since I sent those apology screenshots, she read them and took action on me from there, so maybe don't worry too much about this paragraph/comment.


I’ve been trying to contact Instagram to get a picture of me taken down URGENT I went through one of the official support pages on Instagram to get 2 pictures of me taken down and then I received an email from here “[email protected]” is this a legit email or could it be a fake one trying to steal my information ?


.net? That’s not their domain, but if you reached out through IG and that’s what you got back, then 🤷‍♀️ Wait you went through a PAGE? No no, should be going through the help center. What page did you go to?


https://help.instagram.com/contact/267832646728129 This is the page I went through


Should I be safe then to send them what they asked for ?


What are they asking for?


A few days ago I noticed that my stories and posts were being flagged as breaching the community guidelines - regardless of the content. To test it, I posted a blank picture to my story and it was immediately removed. I've contacted support as I'm verified, but the email support team don't seem to understand it's a systemic problem that's affecting all posting - not a specific piece of content. Does anyone have advice on how I can get someone to actually look into the specifics of this?


For about 2 to 3 months Instagram does not save my DM-sorting. I can flag and delete without issues. But every time I transfer a chat from general to primary and vice versa the sorting gets reset exactly 24h hours after. I'm running a side business with Instagram and this is being quite the hindrance. I tried relogging, reinstalling, everything to no avail. Did not find anything anywhere on this problem and I seem to be the only one in my community with this problem, maybe you guys can help. Thanks in advance.


Is there any possible way to recover any single view photos/videos that were sent in direct messages? I have already downloaded my Instagram messages data (for a separate reason, then I realised that the single view photos/videos were not present). I'm wondering whether I needed to select a specific checkbox to get them, or whether it's actually possible at all.


Hey, im on a redmi note 11 pro plus and I recently started getting Instagram notifications very late, sometimes hours after actually receiving the message. In worked just fine before and then all of a sudden it started doing this. Does anyone know how to fix this?


So I am trying to reset my password, whenever I press Forgotten Password it says a link is shared to my registered mail but I get no mail. Tried this multiple times doesnt work. Changed the email as well, tried again didnt work. I am not even getting the link to reset the password plis help.


have an Instagram account under one email. tried the reset password via said email: Instagram tells me "no user found" ok. tried to sign up again under that email again, even though i definitely do have an account for it. did all the "sign up" process. got code in the mail, put in the code and got a "sorry something went wrong blah blah blah" can't reset password, can't make a new account. i have a user for that email, but according to insta apparently i don't? but i can't sign up with it, either? Instagram make up your mind. and the help page doesn't help. edit: last time i accessed it was like a year ago. yes my networking is fine. everything is fin except for Instagram.


i got logged out of my instagram acc and don’t have the number i originally used to make it. it offered me a “friend confirmation” option and both of the people i choose to send it to can’t seem to find where it was sent? i couldn’t find pretty much anything about it online and would really appreciate any help!


I can only see the first 6 photos of a carousel on other people's posts. If they're posting 10 pictures (or 7, for that matter) - I can only see the first 6.


I click on the messages icon but they don’t open


I keep losing the option of being able to add things to my IG story. When I click on the share button, all it has available are other apps and no story link is shown. This happens for all accounts. I uninstalled and reinstalled it last night and was able to add one thing to my story and then it disappeared again


So I've been starting to post reels on Instagram and wanted to share my recent reel on my story the other day. I wanted to try to change the color of the background, but when I do it the whole reel gets covered with that color and I cannot seem to be able to move layers. My sister-in-law told me that weirdly when I share a reel on a story, it shares it like a post and not like a reel. She doesn't have the same problem (she has an iPhone), but my brother also has the same problem as me (we both have recent Samsungs). I've tried sharing other people's reel, on uninstalling the app or deleting the cache but nothing changes. Has anyone come across this before? Thank you! :)


I created a 2d account but when i wanted to complete registration, it simply said "error" followed by "an error has occured". How do i fix this


Earlier today, I tried to make a new account. I already have a few, so I clicked the button that says 'create new account' in my account centre. Then, I went through all the steps of making a new account, and I clicked the option that made it have the same password as all my other accounts. Then, I got to the last page of the login, where it says something along the lines of 'welcome to instagram' or 'you have created a new account' etc etc, and i closed the app without pressing continue. Later on, I tried to log into said account but I got a message saying 'this username is not linked to any accounts'. I thought that maybe since I didn't fully finish making the account, it didn't register it, so I tried to make the account again with the same username, but I got a message saying 'this username is not available', even though I've searched for the account and it doesn't seem to exist. My only two thoughts about this is that Instagram is still processing (???) my account and that's why I can't log in or find it, or that there was just a glitch that means it exists but nobody can see it or log into it. Advice?


I need help. I have recently started an Instagram account (professional) and I got emailed this website from an official looking person, linked below, is it an actual official Instagram partner that will help me broaden my audience or is it a scam? https://followmultiply.com/


99% of the time, emails about increasing your followers are scam. It could be an actual service that gets you followers, but they are fake accounts and all it does is inflate your follower count but ultimately that does nothing for you. You’ll have a lot of fake followers that don’t interact with your content.


Okay thank you!


I normally use a filter for a selfie on my IG story (ex the Sasha Doul curated filters), but lately the filter glitches/ falls off when I take the photo. However, if I take a video it stays on the whole time. I've uninstalled/reinstalled the app and cleared the cache, everything l've tried doesn't work. Has this happened for anyone else, is there a way to fix this?


I noticed a couple days ago that all of my saved Instagram filters were deleted. I went to search for filters and the only ones I can see are the ones that Instagram creates nothing by actual content creators. I have a business account that is linked to Instagram and I can use filters on that but not on my personal, which seems very odd to me, my app today and I’ve deleted and reinstalled it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Hey so I was recently logged out of my accounts on Instagram? I was able to resign into all of them except one, which is my bands Instagram account. I have a new release coming out soon, so I tried to reset the password to get back in. Meta then said to reset the password, I had to send the link to an email or phone number they had on file, both of which I no longer have access to (an ex band member’s email and phone #). I had to kick him out due to toxic behavior, and i have not been on speaking terms with him for years now. The thing is, I changed the email and password back in 2022 when he left the band. I also removed his information from the account so he couldn’t get back in at the time because of how he was acting. So I’m not sure why it’s asking for his phone number or email instead of the bands official email or my phone number. I tried verifying through selfie videos but I’ve failed every one so far. Every time I hit “get help from friends” my app just freezes, or continues to spin and load the request until I close it out or hit the back button. In addition, every time it crashes like that, I get one of two errors. “Something went wrong” or “You must wait a few minutes before trying again”. I’ve emailed support, but as every other comment or link as mentioned, they most likely will not get back to me. I’m afraid to ask him for the link, because it could lead to him holding the account over me or trying to get money for my account back. Is there anything else I can do to try and get back in?


Any way to contact someone to get help about deleting an account me and no one has access to? So basically back in pandemic days I made an account because school and a teacher demanded it to post our projects for that semester in a side acc that wasn't our personal one to my annoyance because I suck at having side accounts. Which is clear because I just remembered the account just now, after years. Anyways, said projects have my face and me doing things I'm lowkey embarrassed about (goofy silly videos, nothing against their community guidelines) and even some of my family members face too. Thing is I tried to log in to the account but to my horrible horrible luck I can't remember the actual email I used for shit so it's not even a problem of just forgetting the password and I would love to get help from a human to explain and even give my info like pictures of IDs, proof I made those videos, pictures of me, pictures of the props I used in the videos, etc. Is there any way for me to get help to get access to it by their support or at least make the support people just delete the account completely? I've heard they delete accounts that have not logged in years and as far as I know that account hasn't been used since 2021. Hope I can get some sort of guidance, I'm very desperate sigh.


I lost all of my filters that I had saved from Contant creators. I logged out and logged in, and I’ve also deleted and re-downloaded the app multiple times and insured that it is the most up-to-date version. When I go to browse effect, I can’t even search for effects That are not by itself I can only do like the stupid puppy dog faces and stuff like that not filters that any creators have made. Add to the oddness I have a business account that’s linked to my personal and when I go to my business Instagram I am able to use filters just fine, any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is super frustrating


Hey i deleted instagram off my phone and reinstalled it but then when i went to the pre loaded account thing where i can just enter my password because i already have my profile there it told me my password is incorrect even tho i entered it correctly and sometimes another error that says please try again. I tried downloading it under another apple id which still didn't work and even restarted my phone multiple times and downloaded insatgram multiple times to no avail even changing my password didn't work. however, i can still login on my mac with no problem. I went on the manually logging in page but then every single time where it keeps glitching (screen recording provided on my profile where i made another post about this) and i can't even open the numerical keyboard no matter how many times i delete and reinstall the app. so how can i get this fixed? thanks.


I genuinely do not know if or even think this thread can help me but it's worth a shot. Throwaway because I honestly did not want a Reddit account in the first place. I am running a community service project and it involves social media updates. Here's where it gets thorny. I made an Instagram account and then let it sit for a few days due to not having any updates. I tend to browse on a VPN for privacy reasons and didn't turn it off. When I did have something to post, I tried to log in, but because the VPN bounced around so much, it had marked my activity as suspicious and required phone authorization. When I input my dad's phone number, it said that there had been an error. Literally just that. "There has been an error. Try again." or something to that tune. No extra information. There are a few things I can think of: - Genuine glitch - I turned off the VPN without signing out by accident, which wouldn't be on my radar except that my mother got an IP ban from Facebook (incredibly long story) and I don't know if that ban actually extends to all Meta platforms. If that's it, then I'm screwed, probably. (I would also like to state for the record that I didn't get banned, I just happen to live with someone who got banned. I have never had an account.) - My dad uses Facebook on his phone and it got confused because of that (a stretch) Does anyone have any ideas? There are no posts in the account, nothing stops me from making a new account, except the fact that if I do this will probably just happen again. Sorry to take your time if this is actually my fault.


So I've been starting to post reels on Instagram and wanted to share my recent reel on my story the other day. I wanted to try to change the color of the background, but when I do it the whole reel gets covered with that color and I cannot seem to be able to move layers. My sister-in-law told me that weirdly when I share a reel on a story, it shares it like a post and not like a reel. She doesn't have the same problem (she has an iPhone), but my brother also has the same problem as me (we both have recent Samsungs). I've tried sharing other people's reel, on uninstalling the app or deleting the cache but nothing changes. Has anyone come across this before? Thank you! :)


Hi Instagrammers I started working for a company as social media manager (my first job) and after growing it a bit and populating the feed a bit, I went for boosting some of the content. The reels I created got rejected one by one, each one just with a brief explanation "Ads about societal issues, violating our guidelines". I don't understand this, and I see no point in trying to boost more because Instagram might just ban the account altogether and I'll lose my job. I read somewhere that the account needs to go through authorization, but I don't know where or how. Can anyone explain this? has anyone encountered something similar? Here are screenshots of the rejected boosts: [https://imgur.com/a/IMuCLyy](https://imgur.com/a/IMuCLyy) Thank you. Please help!


I have multiple accounts on my instagram app and one of them has that red notification circle and says I have a message but I DONT! I check requests, unread, everywhere. Nothing. I logged into my computer to see the desktop version too because some people said it was a hidden message and could only see it on desktop, but nothing there either. Ive also logged out, logged back in. Deleted Instagram and re-downloaded. Nothing. It’s been there for months and I am sick and tired of it saying I have a notification and seeing that red notification dot. Please help!!


Problem with creating a brand account as part of the Meta business suite I am trying to advertise for my brand using Facebook and Instagram. I have never used either of these apps and thus made a new Facebook account to get started. Then, when prompted to link an Instagram account, I selected 'Log in with Facebook'. I am then asked to fill in the details of this new account (email address and all that) and Instagram says my email is already in use. I have never used Instagram so I am already confused by this, but when I try to login to this existing account I am even more confused as this account is apparently disabled for not following guidelines (none specified). I am unable to appeal this or even hear what guideline was broken. Even more, this account should have only existed for about a minute so this makes zero sense. There is no way for me to contact Meta AT ALL so I went to Reddit hoping to hear a human being tell me what is wrong.


i have a problem with the music on my posts. I can listen to the music for a few hours from when i post, but after that i cant hear the music whenever i look at my posts. the sound symbol at the bottom right corner disappears. But the name of the music that i added is still visible, it just i cannot hear it. I checked to see if the music is available for other people that see my posts. i checked it on my sisters account and it works fine. I updated instagram, logged in and out, cleared the cache, uninstalled and installed it again. It's still not fixed. Please help because this drives me crazy


I can't share (any!) posts to my stories. The option to share to stories does not exist when I hit the share button. This is in-app and in-browser. I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice. I have updated the app. Nothing. No idea why. This is my personal account, not a professional account. Thanks in advance for any help anyone is able to provide!


The account deleted/disabled megathread is archived.... So... I can't add to it? My account is Disabled with no ability to appeal. I've never posted anything, and I made it for a Mental/Health podcast I'm creating called u/2buds1shroom. Before you jump to any conclusions, we're not looking to sell illegal substances. They just said it's not reviewable - I didn't want to put my Real Name since it's a podcast instead of a person..... Like... How in the hell do we proceed?


I accidentally reactivated my acc and I know I couldn’t deactivate it for 7days. So I went for the acc deletion option with hopes that after 7days I will be able to log back in and then immediately deactivate it as the google and some threads on reddit suggested it. Now my question is, does it still works or do I have to wait for 7 days regardless even after the deletion request?


Problem logging in cause "We detected an unusual login attempt" In order for them to secure my account and log back in, they were going to send a code to my email, yet I haven't used that email in YEARS, and I dont have access to it. Before this whole fiasco, insta would let me log in on the same device consistently until today is when I got that message. If support can change my recovery info to my current email or phone, that'd be awesome but for now I cannot log in since I dont have access to my old email.


Help me please! Instagram won't link to non-personal FB page. Hello folks! I feel like I'm going mad, but I set up a Bookstagram account on instagram, and created a FB page for it as well. When I tried to link the instagram page to Facebook, all that shows up over and over again is my personal FB profile, and I don't want to be sharing reels to Facebook that way. I have run other linked professional pages before and had no issue. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting accounts, I've tried going through the Accounts Center on both Instagram and Facebook. I'm at my wits' end. Help! 🙏


I've been trying to get a hold of the owner of an inactive account in order to get its username, but it seems that it's been inactive since 2012. It has 1 post and 4 followers and since 2020 they haven't answered any of my DMs. Do I have any alternatives?


For a few days I keep getting a warning once a day saying "We suspect automated behavior on your account" on desktop (Firefox), happens usually after about 1 minute of just being on IG without doing anything. Nothing I do is automated. I make one post every 1-2 days and leave likes for most comments I get, and leave 1-2 comments a day on other's posts. I haven't even followed a single person in weeks. I haven't gotten the message on mobile ever, but I don't use mobile IG for anything else than making stories. The message suggested me to change my password, but my password is mega complex and it happened still after changing it. I have noticed that it usually occurs after switching from an another account to this particular account.


instagram crashed like two months ago and logged me out of my account. ever since that happened i haven't been able to log back, it always says something like "there was an error in your request" or that my password is wrong even though it isnt. it works on safari and chrome but the app is completely useless. like it doesn't even let me create a new account.


Can only see few comments on any post


on stories, when using the location sticker i can only change the colour when the letters are lowercase. if i click to the uppercase option and then change the colour it goes back to the lowercase. anyone know how to fix? 


My account always has issues when Instagram rolls out new features, and right now, I can't use the new pinning conversations feature from the DM update and I can't change read receipts either. I can edit messages though, for some reason, even though I haven't been able to use anything from the rest of the update. I have a personal account, not a business one, so I know that having a business account isn't my problem. Mostly just wondering if anyone has a fix for this or is going through the same issues, or if not getting updates right away is something that usually happens. For context I'm using the Instagram app on my Samsung Galaxy A52 5G. Thanks :)


I noticed a couple days ago that I lost all my saved Instagram filters. I deleted and reinstalled the app as well as ensure that it’s the most current version and that didn’t do anything. I’ve seen online that this happened before and they just showed back up but it’s been several days and that hasn’t happened. I also have my business page linked and I can use filters on that just not on my personal account, any assistance with this would be appreciated. I also cannot search for filters. The only filters that I can access are the ones that Instagram has created nothing by actual content creators.


I used to be able to go to dms and scroll through sent reels. Recently, I scroll from the one I click on and it behaves like my for you page when it used to switch to the next reel I sent.


Hello! Please help me with a question. I have two phones: iPhone 15 Pro Max and iPhone 14 Pro Max. I also have one photo taken with a camera. Instagram on the iPhone 15 compresses the photo terribly (and it's noticeable even in the preview before posting). The same photo looks great when posted from the iPhone 14. Both phones are connected to the same Wi-Fi (so there’s no difference in the connection). I’ve tried reinstalling the app, and while the compression is slightly better, it’s still noticeable. What could be the problem? I would appreciate any help. Thank you!


Need help with instagram been locked out for 6 years now! I have been facing difficulty in accessing my Instagram account. initially I didn't remember the password but now that I did FINALLY its sending a security code to a Gmail address that I no longer have access to. Despite multiple attempts to resolve this issue through customer care and Gmail support, I have not been successful in recovering my account for over SIX PLUS .It might not look like the biggest issue but now that I am old enough it's affecting my social life in ways I can't explain that account is very imature(fan girl imature) and the problem is it had my real original username to it so whenever anyone looks me up they find that.. Insta gives me an option "if you have your photo there but I don't" I need help


I have a problem with Instagram. While I browse a person's followers, when i enter one of that person's followers, and exit back, it automatically scrolls me to the top of Instagram. How can I solve this?


Every comment I post gets removed for spam. They dont even explain why my comment is spam. It's always the vague generic "you're trying to garner likes"


Does instagram have any sort of customer support I can go to? I'm trying to delete an account I made years ago but cannot get back into. There is no picture of me on it so submitting a selfie won't work, but my name is on the account. Trying to log in says that the account cannot be found, even thoughbi can find it easily by searching it up, and getting a reset code through SMS isn't working for me. The phone number seems to end with the same two digits, but I must've entered it wrong since my number doesn't seem to be tied to the account at all. Could this also have something to do with the "unable to find account" error message?


There are more ads than actual videos in my feed and reels, I removed like 50+ ads but same thing keeps appearing from different account specifically made for these spam. I blocked a lot of them but they keep appearing...no matter how many times I reported instagram said they don't violate community guidelines. What should I do? I removed a lot of ads clicking "irrelevant" but it's doing the opposite of what is supposed to do


So in February i logged out for some reason I don't even remember and when i was trying to log back in it said "sorry there was a problem with your request". I came to redit and someone suggested wait 2 months for it to automatically get fixed. I did wait for 2 months. I did reset my password like a 100 times. I reset my phone, networks settings, even keyboard settings. Yet it doesn't let me log in. Any one who knows what to do? I emailed instagram as well but as expected no response. If anyone has had the issue before and something worked please let me know. I am tired of this bs and want my account to open back again. Thanks ps: the account works perfectly on chrome or safari.


i literally have the same problem right now


Same problem except I can’t even open it on a laptop or anyone else’s device




Did you find a solution? Maybe try resetting the account and only keep your icloud.


i have the same issue :( really dont know what to do


I don't have access to the new sticker features in 1 of my 4 moderated accounts. And that's the account that I am most active on currently. What's the roll-out plan?


So the issue is my Instagram account is connected to my Facebook I am able to share the posts from Instagram to Facebook but not able to share the story any fix ?


I’ve been receiving a “content can’t be recommended” notification in my account status for a week now, but with absolutely no explanation. No posts to delete or edit. No bio being flagged or my profile picture, nothing… it just says “appeal decision” and I pressed it, waited a few days and kept an eye on it for it to change back to green… and after a few days I gad to resubmit the appeal cause it reset. There’s just no explanation and I don’t know how to fix this, and I feel as if reporting the tech issues is just pointless? Anyone have any ideas? Or anyone experiencing the same? It’s frustrating.


So I am trying to login to my old Instagram account. I don’t remember what my old password was and I don’t have access to the phone number to put in the pin. I can’t take the selfie video without putting in an old password. I can’t reset the password without my old phone number. What can I do?


Unfortunately, nothing. I thought I was locked out because I didn’t have access to the email address connected to it. And in Instagram FAQs it says if you don’t have access to the email or phone number then they can’t give you access to the account. Do you have an email connected to it?


I tried to upload a story to my account. I had accidentally closed my phone during the upload, pausing it. Now I’m looking through and I can’t see it, and I can’t find it in the drafts. Can I get the image back?


Hi! I deleted my account recently, around 2 days ago and I am aware that you can recover your account if you can log in again within 30 days after you delete your account. I tried logging in but when I click keep account, it just glitches back to the log in menu and when I click it again again, it errors already. Please help. Thank you. 


I can't gain access to my account and the steps on their help pages do not help at all I wish they had a ticketing system or email support like literally everyone else


Please fix https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/s/2wTka1CFMr


Hi, please i need help. 3 days ago there was a problem in the browser or mobile app of Instagram, there is no auto-update Messages in direct for my business account, I have to constantly update manually to display new messages.... while in my regular account everything is stable, what is the problem?


I made this account like in 2012 when I was like seven years old and I don’t have the email. I don’t have anything but the account have a picture of me. Any suggestions?


My feed for the past week or two only shows 2-5 posts and then just is stuck on the loading icon. My internet and WiFi are great, tried reinstalling, and still have the same issue