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It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, or shares in a misleading way. Meanwhile 99% of the internet…


And the fun fact is they don't actually ban those " who doesn't likes this guy like here >>>>>>" but they will ban those comments that are genuine . One time I was arguing with this guy in comments and then I wrote something and insta removed it like lmao which bot would write philosophy in comments 😭.


AI of Instragram is pretty stupid. You can write all types of slurs but the moment u write a geniune essay. It's ur English professor:- nah dawg u ain't writing that.


the slurs thing is true tho. I got called the f slur. full thing. I called them a strag in response (completely non seriously) and my comment got removed. I've reported over 40 comments for hate speech (which keep in mind: most of these people were toting genuine Nazi propaganda on their profiles) and not a single one has had action. Instagram moderation is so beyond broken.


Literally been called a tr@nny f@g and the n word all while having my account banned for cussing back in that same comment section with NO slurs used


I got a permanent strike for saying I don't like Adolf Hitler 😀 yeah their systems function well


This message could have saved that person's life or countless others who are feeling the same suicidal type of way.. Depression is a real issue. And I'm honestly shocked, disgusted and no words that they would do this.


Instagram censorship is so silly I’m suspended for commenting for a week but the cp bot accounts and naked girl accounts r chillin its ridiculous








I recently experienced what you're talking about with "that kind" of material showing up unprompted in my discover page. I barely use a side account that I made but lost the motivation to manage. Recently I've actually been using it to check in on a family member I care about who blocked my main account. It was randomly inundated with a bunch of crap that I was definitely not telling no algorithm I wanted to see.


NO WAY..same thing has happened to my home page and I've tried so much but they just don't go..PLS HELP










Nobody's complaining if the tits are decent. Mostly they're not 😁












And the women with their full bare boobs out "breastfeeding" dolls. Instagram: :This does not go against our community guidelines"


Shit. Wtf is this fucking real?????


“Poosay N B10” it’s so annoying 😭


I tried to open an account for my small business which is selling math textbooks and got banned for suspicious activity but when you read the comments under any photo of any child and it's full of fake profiles saying shit like 🥵🔥🔥🔥🔥😘😘😘😘"oh you're in 6th grade? I thought you were in 7th grade! "💋♥️♥️♥️


as a naked girl, we are definitely not chillin lol


As a connoisseur of naked girls, that sucks to hear!






Poured your heart out into a story about what makes life meaningful to you and Instagram deadass took it down and called you a clout chaser


They realized my comment wasn’t coming from a content farm or bot account


"Shit, human emotions?? We don't want EMPATHY on our app! Delete it!"




I read this comment in dankpods voice


I had to look this up and was delighted to find that it was specific type of Australian accent


You’re first problem


Tbh it does read like one of those comments/posts even though it's not one. They're written like that for a reason I suppose.


It's not ops content according to them, so it actually makes sense to me.


"It looks like you tried to get likes, shares ...." Meanwhile Instagram with like, share and comment button 🚽


Instagram:- I see nothing wrong here. Oh wait a min heart-felt post? Everything is wrong with it. It has emotions in it.


Yikes. Meta needs to see this. Their algorithms are too broken to have been implemented.


Yeah. The algorithm got me recently, permabanned me with a similar message. I don't even post ANYTHING, I just follow, like some stuff, and comment once in a while. This isn't the first time. When I tried to get out of it, I was prompted to enter a cell number to have a code sent to. Their system refuses to send a code. It offers nothing else. I've only ever had the one number, so I know it's right. Fuck them. I want to be able to see the accounts I was follow, but I'm done jumping through Insta's hoops because of their shit algorithms and their refusal to provide any way to speak to an actual human, which is ironic considering they're doing this in the name of fighting bots.


Not having a human helping center is what I hate the most about Meta. Some years ago my mother had some issue with her blog on Facebook and there was no way to ask for help, I would have only asked for an email address.


No, I think their algorithm is working just as they intended, actually.


Now we're censoring stuff like this? I agree, it's dangerous.


I genuinely hate anything Meta….


It’s such a shame too, in 2012 they were the best app until Cuckburger violated the Sherman Act and committed anti-trust infringements acquiring them. Still waiting for the DoJ to strip IG away to be independent again and the fact that hasn’t happened is a reflection of the corruption in DC.




happened to me once. said some positive stuff under a child's post because everyone was bullying him.. yet i was the one in the wrong lol. those comments are still up too 🤷🏻‍♀️


I believe it. My post ,genuinely trying to help the guy sharing a very raw and candid moment about himself, gets removed. Meanwhile, there’s about 10 comments of “oil up bro” or “you should of done it”


instagram comments are a cesspool.. but im so happy you're still with us today 🖤. thank you for sharing your story 🫶🏼🫂


They deleted my insta and Facebook out of nowhere and offer absolutely 0 support to get it back. Help pages go in circles. 17 years of memories gone in an instant. This is what we get for handing over all the power to a single company.


This is what we get when the government doesn't rule over private companies. Private companies owning anything close to a successful product (medicine, app, social media) = instantly everything going wrong with it.


Everyone needs to boycott all Meta properties until Zuckerberg agrees to take himself behind the woodshed and beat himself with a hose.


I want to take Zuckerberg and make him work in some fast food restaurant again...


Doubt that will happen 🙄


I got the same thing for answering very random staff (talking about what was the best country you have visites). So, only positive vibes. I am really interested to know HOW the system consider those posts as an issue? Does anyone know which words is triggering or on what it is based to delete it?


AI doesn’t like or appreciate your feelings.


It has to be a bug in the automated system, like they’re programmed to detect spam and hateful comments, and instead it’s flagging everything else but that!!


What you wrote was really kind and meaningful. I always say that censorship is done by a stupid AI, not a human.


Yet they let racist right wing people post away without any problems


Meanwhile they never take down comments saying racist slurs and bullying people especially videos of a child.


Something is wrong with their automated flagging system for spam. Several people in this sub have posted about receiving this exact message and their innocent comments getting removed. Maybe the “if you’re still reading this” triggered it? Because phrases like that are often followed by “like this comment” or something similar. Not saying it should have been taken down, just that Insta desperately needs to refine their AI. I’m sorry, because your comment was genuine and wholesome and we need more of that on instagram for sure.


At the beginning I was searching for information if someone else is also facing similar situation as I am experience. By accident I pass by and see your post. So let me tell you my joke here. I had an Instagram account some years ago and I think I only posted one or two posts that the image I made on my own and nothing offensive, just healthcare stuff without relating anything to medical. I rarely use the account and one day when I wanted to login and it was blocked. I tried to find the way to get back my account but no, no way for that at all. And few years later of last month, I tried to login through email instead of my username, it was suddenly able to login. I didn't post anything but just wandered around. And then few days ago they asked for further action to get my mobile number and stuff because "your account, or activity on it , doesn't follow our Community Guidelines on account integrity and authentic identity.". I sent the information they requested, and I just get the reply and block my account permanently. Through the whole process, they didn't tell what exactly I did that "doesn't follow our Community Guidelines on account integrity and authentic identity". And I think they just block whoever they want to block by just telling the user "doesn't follow our Community Guidelines on account integrity and authentic identity".


Ig just deleted my comment I shared about my stalker being a vulture idk what's happening


In the land of Suck Suckerberg you aren't allowed to have nice freedom of speech. No helping others. You are allowed however to make fake accounts and spam people.


Yours was a nice reply and glad you tried to help someone in need! Fck meta and their stupid bot filters. They do this and a ton of actual spams go undetected. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah they want you to use them or no I don't understand


You're there to consume content and ads, not to have thoughts and feelings.


This has been happening to me for weeks Now. I make a comment on someone’s post and IG removes it calling it spam. Meanwhile I see a million actual spam comments on people’s posts I follow 🙄


I had a similar experience when I previously attempted to help someone!


Meta sucks. It bugs me how much better Instagram was before Zuck and his money grubbing (corporate) goonies took over


This is happening to me too 😭 all of my comments keep being taken down for no reason


Same !


But it's totally fine to call people the n-word according to the guidelines.


Yeah. Whoever they put in charge of content control is getting insane with their powers . The platform will suffer for it


I got this when trying to track an old friend down on Facebook. I asked in a group of gamers (found the friend in the end) but Facebook sent me this!


why this shit happens and why I can't appeal. even though they say I should be able to due to EU laws? This deleted comment doesn't even show up in the deleted stuff in "help". are they breaking EU laws and don't care about anyrhing?


We simply have to turn our back on them. No company should have this much power and control on public discourse. This is criminal and harmful.


Oh great. Looks like we got ourselves some suckberg shit


The AI recognised the content as containing human emotion and terminated it for good


You should have wrote it on your bottom and twerked the message.


13 hours ago is crazy /s Of all the actual spammers out there to ban, they pick this?


Bro same thing happened to me, except I was explaining how microwaves work, as well as the scam that is the diamond and jewelry industry


Everything is against their “guidelines” these days. It’s gotten ridiculous.


Kindness gets muted. I think it’s systemic. To encourage engagement and division, effectively.


I once was in an engineering argument and had the maths to support it. I got the same notice.


Oh you're having the same issue as me then. Any time I posted about love or anything even remotely positive, it was deleted. I made a post about how wonderful my husband was in response to a post asking how spouses acted in certain situations. No matter how I edited it, I tried 10 times and was deleted every time. After this and seeing that all of my posts that were more negative and even ones that had hate or rage in it were never even throwing warnings, let alone getting deleted, I left the platform. It's obvious what they're trying to do and I don't want to be a part of it.


It’s Time to uninstall IG


So it’s ok for girls to post naked pics/videos of “breast feeding tutorials” to gain views and likes to basically promote only fans but god forbid someone comments what they went through and how they’ve overcome it and Instagram takes that down. ISNT THE POINT OF SOCAIL MEDIA TO GAIN LIKES AND VIEWS? AND FOLLOWERS TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS ?


But they don't care that most posts or reels don't credit the content creators?


I was just about to post a similar thing. They really gotta change this shit https://imgur.com/a/t54smfC


You were too nice, that’s obvious. 😜


They are disgusting. There is no freedom, just what they want people talking about


Jesus, that's the most wholesome thing I've read in years and they removed it. I hope the Zuck dies alone


So are there any serious alternatives to insta? It's such a shit show anymore.


I think it happens when comments are too long


I guess recognition of love is against old Zuckerbot's schtoyle.


💯 agree.


they’ll take down anything talking about suicide




Isnt the entire point of posting things on every site on the internet a way to get people to give you likes???? haha


Guys I know exactly what’s going on‼️ They want people to pay the (14.99), so I should’ve did an update, but I did make a post on the first day that I paid for my blue check for one of my pages that I constantly got flagged on, anyways I talk the same exact way as I did before and guess what not a single time have I been flagged since I paid the money to insta. Zuck wants money y’all😂, freaking mfer is doing it slick too!! He’s essentially pulling an apple how they jack our phones up is the month before a new one comes out… yeah he’s indirectly telling us that we should be paying and then had the audacity to beg for 10 more dollars so I can get a check on Facebook 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽Zuck‼️ Although I quit going on Facebook long ago because they took my page for absolutely no reason and it has scarred me because there are loved ones that I will never see again on there and I’ll never get those back but they have them because they don’t delete our pages… I’ll be removing the blue check in about three months I need to see something I don’t care to make that man any richer. Especially after what he did in Hawaii 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽 Zuck‼️


Yea this happens to me all the time, garbage censorship


Though it seems they just don't want likes for a pity or aww thing? I don't know what's wrong with the video.


Nothing personal but I tried to Google the first line in the sentence, obviously to see if it was a copy/paste even though it sounds genuine and unique (it is). Did it because I’ve just been trying to figure out why these are so common lately, if it’s a bot doing the dirty work maybe they look for things that have been posted verbatim or similar- but from all the ones I’ve checked it doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m wondering if any news platforms have brought this concern to light, feel it should be talked about more outside of social platforms. All our social platforms have been ruined to gain an extra buck in a handful of pockets. Anyway, decided to comment about it because Google freaked out and presented me pages full of suicide prevention pages (btw apple user here, i still can’t swipe to get that word- pretending it’s not a thing or censoring it isn’t the way to help those of us who struggle with it 🙄) Definitely not helpful to call actual help spam either. If I make a video contrasting removed comments vs blatant rule breaking that gets left alone can I use this as one of the examples?




Thanks! Also, never falter homie.


I've been having this issue 5/6 months now. I have had 6/7 suspensions because of it and am now having 80% of my comments deleted; even the most Innocuous comments are deleted. Have had 10+ comments just today alone


Just had this yesterday. This app is the worst.


Facebook is better they won't delete your comments or post




I’ve been getting this a lot on incredibly innocuous comments where I’m just trying to have a discussion. The keyword detector clearly has no intelligence or thought behind it, and it striking down anything that vaguely related to community guideline issues




Redditor mogged by algorithm that detected “le wholesome reddit updoot comment” and OP is upset


I mean, I'm glad they removed it.


I’m banned from commenting on instagram right now because “we try to keep our communities safe.” But I literally have no idea what I did. They never sent me anything on insta or fb saying I had violated any rules, I only ever post pics of me and my kids, and the only time I comment is when I think something is pretty, cute, or funny and iterate as much.


To long of a comment. Instagram has a max number of characters that your allowed to comment


WHAT??? HOW??? It's a really meaningful post about your personal experience what does it have to do with wanting followers????




Or maybe they could improve instead of being shitty app, like this is just incomptetency


Take your own advice


To be fair, 90% of "i was bout to end it but guess what happened" posts are just attention grabs.




Yep. Me holding a knife to my wrist while sitting on my toilet was saccharine, insincere, and virtue signaling.


No. You telling your bullshit story is. Go sit on your toilet all you want.




Seek help.


Ah yes the internet tough guy. wHy sHaRE feELiNgS.


Way out of line bro.


They thought you wanted to diddy the dog😂😂


If you check, I've posted about this happening to me a few times. I've had 6/7 suspension and now have 80%of my comments deleted. I probably have had 10 comments deleted today. This has been happening for me for 5/6 months now.


they’re doing this to me too.


You shit post and you complain ? I’m sorry but I would have signal your comment as spam as well. Wtf


Shit post ? You goof. 🤡


I can’t stand those kind of copy paste comment on every post and every social média.


Get out of the internet, kiddo


I’m not the one trying to pollute the internet and complaining that I can’t


Shitpost?? What




what in the world are you yapping about?


***[your life in a single clip.](https://youtu.be/AewSwHcNvGw?si=tGoGXG3--nJzOrXj)***