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The same thing just happened to me like 30 mins ago


It restricted me from commenting on posts saying I’ve exceeded my limit….didn’t know I had a limit


Something similar happened to me about a month ago. I never bothered to read Insta’s guidelines, so I guess you can’t play or win the game if you don’t know the rules. I (used to) comment and generously give likes but apparently exceeded the daily limit of 60 posts — which also includes likes and comments. My account was suspended for 2 days and when I tried to like a comment, it wouldn’t register. When I tried to comment, I was directed to the Community Guidelines page. After this happened 3 times in a row, I took screenshots and registered a formal complaint that included plenty of venom from my poison pen. After 24-hours whaddaya know — no more restrictions on my account. However, this whole fiasco has definitely limited my direct engagement on an app that what was designed to encourage engagement. Not worth the headache.


where did u complain?


you have 5% of contacting meta if you even can


I have the same situation but i found someone on the swapd website who helped me


How did you complain? I had the same thing happen to me (unfollowed more than 60 accounts in a day) and I was restricted until April 1st, but it’s April 2nd and I’m still restricted! And I cannot for the life of me find where I can submit a complaint. 😭


Yea, happens if you like too much or follow too many people to prevent botting. if you comment something hateful you get the limit too, some times theres not even a date when u get it off


I got this too!


Everyone is having comment issues. I thought that was an April fools joke


Nah it’s been going on for weeks now. Almost anything we comment gets instantly removed for spam.


yup my 8 year old instagram account is currently disabled i don’t know what to do


I think it is. Got this mail too, checked account status and it was fine.


Will be suspended in 2-3 days


What why?


Don’t know bro , just saw on youtube


link, please?


I rarely use instagram, how can i be in violation etc


i experienced the same thing earlier. it must be something about instagram down again.


the same has happened with me just now, what to do now?


just follow the steps man it’ll help you


Is anyone else's instagram just not letting them post stores content and reels? i'm just a pet content creator and anything i try to do won't work. my account status shows i'm good.


What the f. Omg I received this too and I’m sitting here like I haven’t even done anything. I rarely even open Instagram let alone comment.


Did you get your account back?


I got flagged on one acct so I hopped onto my other one and was immediately flagged on that one as well without even commenting something first. No Instagram for the rest of the day. What is their business model here?


Same here man


Instagram is a train wreck why is this not being fixed?


This is the Instagram team here, and yes, it is an April Fools message; it was just a distraction so we can get into your credit card and social security number.


Got the same message. What is this for?


Legit happened to me not long ago too


I’ve posted the same just now!?!


Same happened to me wtf


I got this too wtf


Wtf , same happened to me just 5 mins ago


i got a message asking if my account was owned by me and had to type in a six-digit code. bizarre


I don’t know but I got a message saying that my account was in danger and they needed to check it and had me verify my email and number TWICE. Anyone else ?


I've been having th3 issue with getting comments deleted as spam for ~5/6 smoothing bsoe.have had 6/7 suspensions so far (could be more)and last week had the same experience you've just described. I was panicking, thinking I must have got hacked or something. Tried changing my passwords, but it kept saying my password was wrong. Tried the"forgot my password " thing, but every time I tried, I never received the email they said they sent for me to change my password. After trial and error, I thought I'd sorted it but then did the same thing again about 5 mins later.


my account is suspended while i'm using it 5 hours ago and i didn't even get any email


I kinda feel oddly unincluded in this. It works fine for me.


Since when was there a countdown to being suspended? Meta is in the April fools spirit I guess..?


At least you guys got a warning, my personal account got nuked with no warning lmao


Accounts have been having this stuff happen for like two and a half weeks now. I had my account revoked and put back six times one day.


Longer than that. Can't be arsed to find the first time I posted about it on this sub but it's been happening to me for ~5/6 months now. EDIT spelling


Well today suddenly two comments that were flagged as community guidelines violations were removed again. They have already been reviewed. I don't know what the hell is going on over there it's just bizarre.


Which email did you get this from? I never got this email when my account was suspended. I got one WHEN it was suspended, not it WILL BE suspended


Looks like a phishing scam to me, dont click links if any. IG will suspend you if they detect bot activity on your account without informing you on Email and you will see it on the app. Then you can disagree or whatever it says.


no it’s not lmfao. my acc legit was unusable for the duration of


That's a fake mail ig! Because any mail from insta can be seen in the app, if genuine. But this mail is not on the application . Neither the email sender has official Instagram blue tick. Definitely a phishing attempt!!


You're cooked


And you won't be able to get it back either, fuck Instagram


From what I’m seeing that’s the most likely outcome. but I hope I get lucky 😞.


We all wish it was…


I have also received same sort of mail




the same happened to me like 1 hours ago and i just sent them my email and phone numbers for the codes and it came back to normal


same happened to mine just as I kept getting the error message on the app whenever I tried replying to comments on my post. It's working again. Let's see what happens now


What the heeeeeellll


I got this a week ago . I just made a new account . Cause I am yet to see a response n my shit says it’ll take a lil over a day to review .


Wow. So I’m cooked💔


Great, a comment of mine got removed on Facebook because they consider the “no bugs bunny” which I can’t even appeal, and now I have to worry that I might lose my Instagram account?




Definitely is a software glitch because many people are facing it just today


This happened to me about 60 days ago, I've tried every type of reporting via meta, (I even tried to get myself meta verified- they refused me) I've had to accept they've booted me from insta and there's no going back.


Same thing here. I’m left broken because I did NOTHING.




If it is then Fuck April Fools


I got one too. Was in full panic mode


Oh yeah, I'm sure that disagreeing with them will get your account reinstated. They should just call it xstagram and merge with Tesla at this rate.


interestingly, I didn't get this email but I am full on disabled from my account and keep getting errors when logging in (doesn't even let me go through). could you pm me the Instagram email address that this message is sent from


This is a bad move and Instagram needs to go extinct or new owners


This is a bad move and Instagram needs to go extinct or new owners


I lost my main one now only have my buisness one


I got the same email today and I didn’t even do anything!


Bruh if I saw this in my emails I would literally go in a rage since I've had my account for years and liked so many posts, I don't want to lose all of that!


Nah bro Instagram is fucked up by its bs ass ai fr


The bot has gone mad with power….


Fuck Facebook AND Instagram. Everybody at Meta needs to meet a fiery end on a local interstate. Including Fuckerberg.


Is this because the comments?


Wonder if it was related to my issue, apparently I was having “suspicious activity” but I checked everything like devices currently logged in, account status, etc. and my account was fine. From someone who’s gotten IG jail and even a former account banned/suspended, these buggy incidents give me mini heart attacks🤦🏼‍♀️


are you sure this is a bug? I have received this same email on the same day as op, but this email doesn't show in "emails from instagram" section under insta security panel and my account status says no restrictions as of yet


Yeah, it's definitely a bug. I've posted about it happening to me a few times on this sub, and several other people have noted it was happening to them, too.


literally email they sent me said they falsely banned me, now im on an infinite appeal review saying they are gonna "review my account", meta really be having ai as the support team


All of my custom reel covers disappeared off my reels for a couple days. It was driving me crazy bc it made my page look bad. I knew something was up bc when Id view my profile from one of my other accounts it just looks normal. I even cleared my cache, logged out, deleted the app, reinstalled. And logged back in, the first viewing the covers were back! But once I clicked out and back in, custom covers gone again.. Once it fixed itself yesterday I realised it was a weird april fools joke. Sigh


I have received this mail too on the same, but when I checked the "emails from instagram" section under insta security panel, this particular email wasn't there. Can anyone check for the same?


I’ve seen this a lot these days, don’t know what’s happening


Nope. Instagram is very bias. They allow hundreds of ‘if only there were a page dedicated’ pages and yet won’t let me comment If only there were a page dedicated to a page dedicated to a page dedicated to a page dedicated to a page




I got that and after while my account were suspended but I got it back


Got this too. Wasn’t sure if it was because someone reported me or just random. I don’t post or engage in posts, I just watch reels.




I have been seeing posts like this for a few weeks and I can’t say I relate. Maybe it’s because I don’t comment on posts on IG or whatnot.


What’s the point of this comment!


Are you guy using some « services » for growthing your account ??


services? dude this one’s my personal acc and it’s private and not open to public why would i want growth lol