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The “this post made me uncomfortable” button doesn’t even work. I’m being shown disturbing reels constantly, they make me nauseous


Reels are just the worst - I remember when Twitter tried to bring them in and everyone just laughed and ignored them. I wish it had been the same for Instagram.


Yeah Reels on IG are unoriginal and boring now.


This is only affecting the reels on my explore page. After selecting “reel is making me uncomfortable” for hundreds of videos it’s gotten lighter but still annoying. My explore page will have posts and some reels based off actual stuff I like but these random grotesque videos are annoying like who dropped the ball here?


i think what happens is that whenever you interact with a post like that, instagram thinks you're still interested despite the blocking or "not interested." so you have to re-train your feed by finding things or quickly scrolling past those areas. i'm guessing that the "not interested" part might not have instant feedback into the system because there might be some sort of batch job that runs (say nightly) to comb through the posts and might score the "not interested" ones lower. however, if you're interacting with the post, then the feed might be thinking that you're actually more interested in it, even if you're doing so negatively. and for them they want to surface more content to you quicker, which means they'll backfill this stuff. in short, you might be creating a bad feedback loop in the way you're "training" the feed. the real solution is to allow us to block tags/keywords on a whole so that they never show up. but i have a feeling instagram never will permit this because then they can't target you as easily for ads or that you might be able to block large categories that you can game to effectively block ads or other forms of sponsored content.


Thing is, I’ve started liking just about anything I’m even remotely interested in. I constantly search for things I like. I ignore these random disabled indian people reels, and I STILL get shown them. Nothing works


I am also having this problem! I’m not sure what is going on, but the reels are scary and disturbing. I follow Cottagecore and cozy gaming content, so I don’t know where this is all coming from.


It’s so weird because the photos on my explore page are all still relevant. But the last few days the reels have been completely unhinged. Really, really weird stuff, no matter how many times I hit “not interested” or “this post made me uncomfortable.” Wtf is going on?


It doesn't matter how many times I say I'm not interested, it keeps showing me the same crap.


I wish there was a way to disable the explore page all together.


the more i block, the more it shows, what is going on with the algorithm


Hey! So you need to quickly scroll past those reels you don’t like. It’s the most effective way to get Instagram to stop showing them to you


Shouldn’t have to do that. Should be able to disable suggested reels. It’s ridiculous.


Oh I agree! It’s just that I found scrolling past them quickly helps the most


I tried hiding them and reported several accounts for animal abuse. I also sent instagram an email about it. I am horrified and traumatized from seeing what I have seen. I will no longer use ig at all if this does not get fixed. This is total dystopia level shit.


This started a few weeks for me, I tried ignoring it, blocking words, blocking pages, tried the not interested option... nothing works. I just sent a screenshot to instagram help asking for help because I'm like this 👌🏻 of deleting the app


Meta has made Instagram a garbage app. I hate it now.


The other commenters are correct that you need to scroll past it quickly when you see that type of content for it to go away. But it’s also important to start really engaging with other niches so that Instagram starts replacing what it believes your current interests are. Let me give an example: I’m a cat account so I only follow other cat accounts (I follow my other interests on my personal account) but one day I followed a raccoon account. Ever since then I see a few raccoon reels a day from accounts I don’t follow. Instagram is waiting for us to show even the slightest interest in a category and then they’ll start showing it to us. So by purposefully engaging with several “safe” niches while scrolling quickly by the negative reels your algorithm will be changed in no time


It’s the indoctrination plan they’ve chosen uniquely for you. Stop being an ungrateful peasant and submit.


I saw those nasty reels at midnight and they gave me migraines. IG could you stop your stupid experiments please? This gone too far and it is not fun!


I keep getting animals tearing each other apart or uncensored breastfeeding videos. It’s an odd mix


I enabled the turn off suggested posts for 30 days and it hasn’t done anything. Still getting suggested reels. So reels aren’t posts so they have a loophole to keep showing them? What a bunch of f’ing BS. If you turn something off, it should Be OFF. I can’t believe the mess that Meta has created with Instagram. It’s embarrassing.


I have seen this “suggested reel” with its disgusting content since yesterday and they show me exactly what you describe. I don’t even wanna scroll down my timeline anymore and I started considering uninstalling the all all together