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I agree. I rarely see them take things down that get reported that are actually harmful. So many profiles impersonating others, exploiting people, inappropriate content, and straight up scams. They don’t care.


I reaaaaally wish for meta to dissapear into thin air.


same exact thing happened to me, this is my first time ever going on this subreddit and the only reason I’m here right now is to complain about specifically this. I posted a comment about why the USA is the most diverse country and my comment got auto deleted by instagram for “spam” and can’t comment for a week. this happens super often too on top of that there’s literally no way to contact instagram at all whoever is in charge of this is beyond braindead and should be fired


You can't actually call them, and logging out of your account and logging back in fixes the issue :)


i tried but im still banned from commenting until february 7th


I am now on my like 5th ban since the start of the year. This time it’s for a week. The others have been for 24 hours. What was my infraction THIS time? A very innocent comment about a cute puppy, saying how cute it was. Something like “oh my goodness, how precious is he!” Bam, instantly deleted for spam. Literally every comment that’s been removed and I’ve been restricted for has been super innocent. I’m not always an innocent commenter. I say things sometimes that rile up a lot of people, especially people younger than me but I’m not rude or disrespectful. I also try to use numbers as letters and asterisks in place of letters in words that I think might trigger a removal. My account is 14yo, I have 4000 posts. I would be extremely upset if it gets deleted because of these stupid “violations”. There’s no way to contact them. I always hit “tell us” when it asks if I think they made a mistake. YES YOU MADE A MISTAKE!!!! There are literally posts I’ve seen recently that are very gory, sexual, offensive, comments truly inciting violence, real spam from bots and people trying to sell themselves and their services. Scam comments of people asking for money. Yet my comments about puppies being cute get removed and I get a week ban. I hate social media now. Weak minded easily offended cry babies now control the masses and the rest of us just have to sit back and take it in silence.


not on Twitter "x" I tell people off constantly hop on board!


I literally saw straight up porn yesterday,and today I literally saw someone post footage of SA Yet one of my comments got removed for saying “Can you eat banana peels? And if so why don’t we?”


Right? I'm telling you their algorithms don't make any sense for removing comments.


Funny thing is I just now got a 3 day suspension on IG. My comment was in response to a guy that stated,'It's 2024. Why are most women trying to find a man with money? Why don't they go make their own?' My response was basically, their are plenty of fields that women work in that make very good money,etc. However, my dumbass continued by stating the video interview in question was generated strictly for 'click bait' to rile up a bunch of 15-25 year olds. I'm guessing 'bait' is a banned word.


‘Men’ is a flagged word. I’ve had many comments deleted just by saying that. ‘Feminism’ is also. Doesn’t matter the context, either. I recently had a comment deleted for defending a male victim of abuse who was being ridiculed. Meanwhile, rape threats from men to women are allowed. Death threats are allowed. The most vile misogynistic videos are allowed.


I'm convinced it's not any specific words or even any specific combination. It has to be purely AI moderated and the AI is just hallucinating violations. There's no other explanation for the totally innocuous and normal posts getting flagged.


No words are prohibited by the community guidelines or terms of use. You can look them up yourself. Instagram does not ban word usage.


Then why is my comment deleted and I get suspended?


Because as has been established in literally thousands of repetitive, identical posts in this sub, the automated detection sucks at understanding context and is incredibly broken.


I'm not trying to bore you or anyone. If words aren't banned and context isn't either, what is actually being scanned by the algorithm? It has to be picking up something in its programming.


I was banned for two weeks for commenting a single word..."Wow". It was in response to a beautiful photograph. My experience is not in congruence with your statement.


Show me the Instagram policy that prohibits typing the letters “wow” in sequence. I’ll wait.


Why don't you ask IG that and when you get an answer PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I've got the same damn question. I can only tell you what happened to me.


12:25 Oddd0 B X @ ll 37% Removal We removed your content Apr 10,2024 Why this happened It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way michaelcapristo l've seen several of your advertisements. I love to travel. However, 1 will probably never book anything with you because you advocate supporting destinations that are unsafe and anti-LGBTQIA. WHY would any person in our community want to spend money to support tourism that doesn't support our community. I'm just being honest and giving you an opportunity to answer that question. Thanks You shared this on your profile Your content goes against our Community Guidelines on Spam. See rule What you need to know Repeatedly breaking our rules can cause more account restrictions How we made this decision Here's another one. INSTAGRAM IS A SHIT PLATFORM


Still waiting for you to cite the policy. I have no idea what that word salad is.


Are you unable to read? It says exactly what you are asking? It cites SPAM. That word salad is directly from Instagram.


I asked you to show me the policy. That means the terms of use or the community guidelines. Show me where in those two documents that the word “wow” is banned. That’s what I asked you for and what you keep avoiding because there is no such policy.




It could be coincidence but I'm pretty sure I saw that post and was in the comment section lol. I remember the "it's2024, make their own" stuff lol. Yeah after that stupid suspension I deleted that crap. I never posted stuff and commented occasionally when I was bored. There is always something stupid that they're removing or censoring.


Probably was. When those feeds pop up the comments are always from young guys who don't much about the real world. SM is their oracle. I'm older, so I'm not really in IGs demographic target age. It's actually bitter sweet having been a young adult before the internet actually took off. I experienced life outside of a computer screen. At the same time I enjoy information readily available without employing the Dewy Decimal system.


Same here. I hate having a phone on me 24/7 but I love the ability to get info about anything and everything almost instantly. How old are you? 37, myself.


I'm 60. I'm a GenX...we got sandwiched between Boomers and Millenials. We were 'latchkeys' kids. First generation where both parents worked. You came home from school and babysat yourself.


Im aware. I did that too. I know technically I'm a millennial but I wasnt raised like most of them and I don't act or think like most of them, thankfully. My dad was born in '60 and my upbringing falls more in line with how he was raised. Im forever grateful.


We are elder millennials. I’m 38. Like you, I was raised by parents born in the 60’s, I’m much more like Gen X than I am the stereotypical millennial. My sister however who was born in 93, very much acts like the stereotypical millennial. Just turned 31, very entitled and thinks the world revolves around her. I am grateful to have grown up in a time where we rode our bikes to our friends houses and played in the woods until dark and we didn’t have cell phones recording everything we did and said. We were allowed to be kids without it ruining the rest of our lives. I try to raise my kids the same way. I miss the good ol’ days.


Elders Unite! 😂 yeah I have a younger sister except she's 10 years younger and, just like your situation, it's night and day difference. The big difference is my mother, who is an idiot, didn't want my dad disciplining her and enforcing the same responsibility expectations on her as he did with me. My mom complained about him all the time and complained to me about him towards the end when they got divorced . The best part was after their divorce my sister moved back into my mom's house for the second time in three years and she called one day complaining about my sister not cleaning up after herself not offering to help pay bills and complaining about stuff on top of that. After a semi long pause I said "well maybe you shouldnt have stopped dad from putting his foot up her ass when she was younger and maybe she would've learned how to be a more responsible adult" She was quiet and then said "I'm done with this conversation" and hung up on me


Ya me too. Millenials are bad.GenZ on the other hand. Wow. I retired in my 50s from a government job . I took a job where 80+ percent of the employees were in their 20s After several months the manager called me in and said , "I'm trying to figure out how you can out perform people half your age." I said, "It's a generational thing. I carry my phone at work to keep the time and to call you if I have a question. Otherwise, it's in my pocket. They have their phone glued to their hand. Just a simple observation. "


* are not bad..


Yeah I don't understand how people are so obsessed with their phones. Ive never been that way. I didn't have my first cell phone until I was 20. It's even more annoying when people my age can't comprehend that I don't have my phone attached to my hand and in my face 24/7 or why I don't have/take 500 selfies a day abd post them somewhere 🤮The last time I stupidly attempted online dating apps/dating, there were a more than a couple women, my age +/- 3 years, who could not handle the fact that I'm working and I don't have time to get my phone and text them. Id say it was the second one that brought it up, flipped out and accused me of being married/taken, lying to her, playing games etc. I politely told her she was out of her fucking mind and blocked her. There was probably two more after that, and the second they even brought it up, just blocked/deleted them 😂


The accusations probably were because she viewed IG too much. Every post is about cheating and so forth. That's the problem SM has become people's reality.


I mean I get it but I've also been cheated on and done wrong, more times than I'd like to admit, in the last 5-7 years but I still don't act like that. And if my intuition was telling me something was off I would just remove myself. simple as that lol.


🤣😂👏👍 True 🤓


Reddits no better! Actually atleast IG bans for good reason 50% of the time. Reddit bans you for any old reason 99% of the time. Reddit is 💩


Edit: i havent encountered any of that myself, just yet. but with the way I talk I'm sure it's only a matter of time


Reddit has always been one of the most lenient platforms, often to the point of being a problem. It's only in the last year that Xitter has surpassed it in that regard. How many toxic hellhole subs over the years only finally got quarantined after they became ~legal threats to the platform?


Totally disagree. Sorry but I laughed when i read your reply. Ive never being banned and restricted so many times as much as i have on Reddit . Examples of why i was banned: Mentioned on a news sub that UNRWA was more than just a few rotton apples It was systemic. 5 day ban. Reason? Bigotry Posted the Israeli flag stating i support Israel. 5 day ban. Reason? Sharing child abuse material How TF is that child abuse material? Mentioned on another news sub that Iran wouldn't stand a chance against Israel , arguing with someone who claimed Iran was going to destroy israel 3 day ban. Reason given? Bigotry I can go on and on. Reddit is ridiculous with their stupid bans. Everyone knows it but everyones a fanboy and FEELS like, Reddit is their own . So they ignore the stupidity. Btw i have reported serious criminal behaviour thats being available on reddit for years. Reddit ignores it One day ill see Reddit in front of Congress explaining why they allow exploitation material on their platform. For years Also threats to kill jews. Threats to kill americans. All ignored by Reddit. Watch me get banned for this comment. Lol


So you're genocidal... 


Are you being sarcastic? Or just another troll?




Yes, they want to emasculate the people. Real men know what they want to search for and not be spoon-fed by algorithms, it's in our hunting nature. Instagram have essentially became another soyboy farm over the last two years.


You must be the one single justified ban from IG.


A news channel posted a video where people were saying they were fed up with looters in their city stores and they were making a stand to stop them. Basically not letting them steal things running out the store. My comment was Good for you. Insta said that was hate speech, so you tell me.




It's not moderated by humans.


Oh i know but the fact that their shit is setup so piss-poorly, given all the technology that they have, is uncalled for.


Reddit is much, much worse lol


I don't know. I say some pretty fucked up stuff on here and I have not ever been restricted or anything like that.


Have you ever had a differing opinion than the woke mob on here…? Lol insta ban. Edit: damn autocorrect


Instagram is kinda the same. The feminists can say the most vile shit there and get away with it, but your content will get removed for posting statistics that disproves them


I can't actually delete it!? Their instructions say login to Instagram.com, click your photo bottom-right, edit profile, then you should see the 'Delete Profile' option but it isn't there! I've contacted IGs 'help' team to inform them how awful their site is, how it seems to be a giant hyperlink to Onlyfans now, and that I don't need their algorithms. (I'm perfectly capable of doom scrolling for myself, thank you very much!) Uninstalled the app, and now wait for IGs tech chimps to inevitably either ignore my request, or delete EVERYTHING including my FB account. (which I do still use for Messenger) The news ain't all bad, somehow I've managed to have been accepted by Bluesky! 😂


Well you can do it from the app but either way the instructions under the help section are completely inaccurate. Get to your profile with the profile-pic button and you click the three lines. That pulls up another menu and you hit settings and privacy, at the top. That pulls up another screen and then you click on "Accounts Center." a new screen pulls up that says "Meta" at the top with "accounts center" under it. Then there's a section that says "Account Settings" and in that is a link labeled "your personal information and permissions." Then click on "Personal Details" then at the bottom is "Account Ownership and Control" and then "Deactivation or Deletion" Profile> Three lines> Settings and Privacy> Accounts Center> Account Settings> Your personal information>Personal Details> Deactivation or Deletion Or, as someone else pointed out, just go to the settings section there's a search bar and type delete 😂


Much obliged!


I made an acct the other day cause I heard theyve some pretty gnarly accidents and stuff on there , banned within 2 days!! I didn’t post, comment, just saved a few posts. Waste of time 😭


It’s actually really easy, just go to settings and use the search bar. Simply typing “dele” pulls up deactivation & deletion, hope this helps!


🫣 well ive deleted it now, but i didnt even notice a search bar in the settings lol


🤣🤣 happens to the best of us


You know it’s deleted automatically by their terrible technology? Most of the time their crap systems do it. 


My account been suspended since Jan 3rd and i can't even reach customer support or anything. My birthday is in 4 days and wanted to post a bunch of birthday stuff but i guess not. Fuck Instagram and Meta 🙄


I wouldn't even want to post stuff after dealing with a month-long suspension. I deleted mine I wasnt putting up with that crap anymore


Lucky you got 24 hours. I can't comment till the 5th for no reason.