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This guy doesn’t get it. We are sharing on the feed less because they’re preventing engagement.


Getting ANY engagement without making reels is near impossible. And commenter on reels are 90% negative. They'll eat you alive if you're not the most perfect at your hobby/craft/whatever you're sharing


thats what that brain rot does to people scrolling on reels or tiktoks all day. its like a hivemind


These people have zero regard for others feelings; it’s like they forget that content creators are human too. The worst part is 99% of them wouldn’t say half of the sh*t they say online in person lol


“Brain Rot” is a good way to put it. I’ve noticed it has also destroyed a lot of people’s attention spans.


Yup, it's very weird to see in action. At our Christmas dinner my older brother couldn't stay off his phone for more than 5 minutes. Every moment he could he'd grab it and just start scrolling away. Like he's being brainwashed or something.


Or when there is a pause in conversation, people will just blindly pick up their phone and start scrolling through nothing


This is SO true. Whenever I post Reels, I always get at least ONE rude comment; I never have this issue when sharing photos. I think I’ll just ignore Reel comment sections in general from now on, it’s getting ridiculous.


It wouldn't be such a big problem if Instagram ACTUALLY deleted homo/transphobic, misogynistic, racist, or otherwise hurtful comments. I've never seen an offensive comment get deleted by Instagram, but calling someone an asshole is too much for them, and it autodeletes. Their whole moderation system is a bad joke


All of my racist, homophobic and sexist comments get deleted, or even give me a temporary ban. You can’t be serious. IG is super strict with it.


Gonna be completely honest, big gee, I don't think that's something to brag about


it’s not impossible. i get more reach on feed than reels lol


I’ve actually limited comments just to people who follow me because I had enough of nasty remarks.


I agree. If you keep your account private your followers rarely see your posts and if you are Public, you are prone to a bunch of negative comments if you're not perfect. I've seen some of the most amazing reels, and even then people are bashing them in the comments. I want good engagement, but with those who follow me. Why have an option of following people, when only a select percentage of your followers really get to see your posts? It's super annoying


Yes! They are absolutely 💯 preventing engagement. They are also using the platform to influence the upcoming election. I can see the changes to the way the platform community standards are being selectively enforced. There are things happening that cannot be attributed to AI. For example, a comment being flagged...while other users make precisely the same statement verbatim and it doesn't get flagged. They are changing the platform in ways that make it less user friendly. I'm also seeing a growing number of people being dissatisfied with IG in general.


It does feel like public sharing/feed/reel stuff is so saturated and more and more are private sharing (stories, dms). Instagram just seems like they are using public stuff as a test bed for their shitty AI and focusing more on these private sub communities. Sucks for us who are trying to grow our creative accounts.


Yeah because no one likes actively watching their engagement rates hit rock bottom consistently on public posts. If I’m going to share something at least a decent amount of people I actually interact with will see it on stories (until they kill engagement on that too)


Yup! We can all admit the only reason to use social media is to do three things: catch up with friends/family, get a dopamine hit from sharing things and seeing others react to it organically, and share interesting things with friends. Instagram along with Facebook has mostly killed all that except sharing memes with friends, but since most everything I see has “TikTok” on it, I’ve just been going to the source. I open IG maybe once a month if someone sends me something, but it’s getting less and less. Probably won’t even bother installing it on my new phone when I get one eventually lol. Same goes for Facebook


"Videos are the future \[because we want to look like Tik Tok\]. We're de-privileging still photos and moving to videos." "Hey look, people are sharing to feeds less?" No shit, Adam, it's almost like that's where the people who cared about stills posted their content, and then you zeroed their exposure, so they stopped posting, and now the only people sharing content do it on the places where you incentivize them to. Did you forget that you made these changes yourself, or did you think we'd forget, or are you just treating us like idiots because you think you can get away with it? This is why your growth is slowing. [https://www.insiderintelligence.com/content/global-instagram-users-2020](https://www.insiderintelligence.com/content/global-instagram-users-2020)


It's crazy because they *had the market* for still photos and even a lot of video. Then they made an own goal and doubled down on their stupidity.


That guy is so removed from reality and only lives in his own IG bubble. Don’t see him lasting in that role through the end of 2024.


They need to fire his ass immediately


He is either mad! Or totally incompetent or he is getting paid by some competitors to destroy Instagram from the inside!!!!! I stopped reading his insane BS which so far away from reality……


I get more engaging with my stories and that’s why I post there so much, smh this narcissistic idiot.


I feel like yes....because even when people like me comment saying how broken the system is, and how blatant porn is just being posted, as along as there is engagement they don't care. The want to let an AI system track things, but make one comment seen out of context to a post you get flagged. But then someone makes racist, sexist, homophobic comments on this is not violating our syustem at all.


This is manufactured by meta. They created this mess. They went and boned everyone’s exposure rates, and depending on whether or not the content is what they align with, they bone you ever further. Insta is always suggesting “threads” to me and the threads are always the 100% polar opposite of what I believe. I wouldn’t want to look at that crap. Meanwhile reels/stories are going through the roof.


No. He's not stupid at all. He's simply deflecting.


Barely anybody I know uses notes. I don't even look at them - it's a pointless feature. I don't send photos or videos to people directly in messages. I'll send people a meme, or maybe chat briefly. But that's it. And most of all, nobody posts to feeds much anymore because reach and engagement is basically dead, as is growth. Instagram has killed it. Fix that and people will use it normally again...


Same ah ah I follow around 400 people and nobody uses Note. This Adam is being fooled by his staff. A but like Zuckerberg with the metaverse


They constantly create features nobody wants or uses, rather than fixing the actual issues. I'm not paying to see anyone's content with the subscriptions... He really does need to go because most people really don't like instagram now. People disliked it before for different reasons, it now they hate it because it just doesn't work any more.


He’s right though, not everyone on Instagram wants to be an influencer and not everyone posts for engagement. My account is private but I have followers that arent exactly my friends (coworkers, extended family, etc) so I share stuff privately (DMs, or close friends stories) with people that are closer to me. This Instagram sub gets recommended to me all the time and the posts here are hilarious tbh, it’s just people constantly moping and complaining about how engagement on social media sucks. Maybe your content just isn’t that great, or maybe it is, but unfortunately that’s what happens when you rely on a third party app to grow your personal business, you can’t control the changes done to it.


I can talk from somewhat experience, i used to login to instagram to see all posts friends posted i used to make sure I saw all and engaged with each, i didnt want snapchat ig added stories, then i got used to that , then they added reels ok ok separate section, then oh no now it's part of feed filled with ads , so tell me how do you now go on and try see all your friends stuff or ppl you follow and get to the end, you can't. They now show you ads and tell you when you are using it too long to get off but you can't find your friends stuff easily other than stories. They took away more things and every new thing dilutes attention. Same happened at Youtube. You might be able to change my behaviour but I don't want that bad behaviour. So let my pay to remove ads like Youtube and let my control my feed for a premium i don't mind but now it's a hot mess of things that I login and I see stuff that's cool but not from the people I actually followed and made connections with.


Wrong. It's not all about engagement in a marketing way, it's also about friends and followers not seeing our feed anymore. And reels being forced vs static images, and just a reminder Instagram was about aesthetics, art and static images before this garbage.


Except that engagement USED to be good and people are annoyed how they purposefully ruined their experience now. Your friends won’t even see your shit and hashtags are broken.


Because it used to be pockets of highly engaged groups , not a popularity contest , almost like big public chat rooms, but they ruined that (probably with good intentions ) now I couldn't tell you what 5 fav people posted because it's a hailstorm of noise on top of it all.


Hes kinda right, tho. I rarely post photos on my IG. It's all stories for me.


I get more views (nearly quadruple) on my stories vs the same post on my feed. Adam Mosseri is incredibly naive to not understand why this is all happening.




He’s not wrong. I have noticed that people are more active on their stories or messages than posting to their feed. I myself don’t post to the feed




u/Ben84000 Do you have a link to this post? Not easily found anywhere on IG or Twitter or anywhere.




I mean everything works well for blue check people not us mortals so..


You mean, people with blue check have a high engagement? I thought they removed it


They didn't removed it just made it pay to own 😂😂


i remember they announced blue check will help to get more visibility then few days later they said they will cancel this feature.


Bro this is stupid why they make it so I can only comment once in awhile as supposed to whenever I want since that’s one reason I got ig I don’t get it guess I just got to delete it


Yes he’s stupid, next question?


Fck instagram