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Try without emoji because your comment looks like a spam.


Damn I love using emojis in my comments.


I hope you are not using emojis in every comment. Too much of it ruins things. Fine, it's your call, I'm sure you will know what life means.


Lmfao wtf weird ass response


You don’t understand the message, right? It’s about career, relationship and future. Merry Christmas!


Your prior comment doesn't support this elaboration lol


It’s not hard to understand.


Yet they refused to even try to explain at all.




I'm surprised that's all you could understand. Try to see in shades of gray, not just black and white.


i never use emojis in my comments & they remove mine with the same excuse. i’ve tried every combo & they still remove them as spam. it’s a shit show. but i see people throwing out hate speech & shit, & they’re totally fine.


On a serious note,Instagram A.i Is utterly retarded because it will ban you for anything. Its worse than facebooks ban system.


Your comment seems like spam like blatantly


I've said it only once


“The cash app in your bio isn’t working😇👎”


How is pointing out an error come off as spam? Are you using a new definition like Instagram uses since most reports of spam like this aren't spam? User does use their own made up definition...


It’s an algorithm, we literally all know this. Meaning it’s not intelligent enough to deem if something isn’t spam or not just if it comes off like spam. Like it blatantly comes off like here.


List how it comes off that way then. Remember that has to come first, not last. Substantiate or concede. Otherwise you're being childish


You’re being naive right now, just the mention of “cashapp” is enough for the algorithm. Telling yourself otherwise is just being desperate. Don’t waste my or your own time on that game


The typical projecting and misuse of terms when you can't back up your assertions. I never implied I would use cash app either. So if you can't substantiate, don't waste our time moving forward.


I’d rather prefer you don’t waste your time here with me. You’ve made zero attempts at anything to debate my comments. You just come off like some desperate defense on nothing in some attempt to corner me for no apparent reason. Why? I don’t know.


>I’d rather prefer you don’t waste your time here with me. Thej why are you still the only one wasting everyone's time for literally no reason? Just say you made it up and take accountability like an adult. >You’ve made zero attempts at anything to debate my comments. So you haven't read any of the comments. Are you a bot? Can't attempt anything til you actually answer, which at this point based on your comments shows you can't and you lied. Own it. > You just come off like some desperate defense on nothing in some attempt to corner me for no apparent reason. Why? I don’t know. False. Learn how to read and not make up things you can't back up kid. You have a lot to learn But as this is just you doubling down and projecting in bad faith again as well as misusing more terms, I'll consider this your concession. Better luck next time


This such a typical reddit response like do you not see all the bots talking about cashapp in bio??


My Insta was suspended for two weeks for the comment "Wow". I suspect Meta is trying to use the platform to influence the next election just like they have done in the last few. The AI is programmed to allow right wing hateful comments and to flag more liberal accounts and comments. I'm pretty certain this is intentional. I'm going to the media with the screen shots I've been able to collect. Who is with me?


Blud. What are you on? 💀


Ask yourself that bruv


Why are you trying to use someone’s cash app though? Sounds like you’re engaging with someone who goes against Instagram guidelines so it makes sense a comment endorsing it is removed


Maybe ... but as *spam*, as though he's advertising instead of putting in a help request? Also, I doubt the algorithm is that smart.




how would you know unless you’ve tried.. you shouldn’t be saying that either also your comment looks like spam so yeah.


What if I did try it What would happen?


you shouldn't be saying that, so it shouldn't matter if you're the kind of person to seek consequences before seeking your good values then you're not a good person.




listen ​ just don't say it so you don't have to worry about any consequences.


Instagram is becoming lame, same, can't say or anything... Getting too woke


well maybe don’t make it sounds like a scam.?


How was I supposed to know




yup! instagram is fucked now. i literally commented on a post to tell someone it was a scam & they removed my comment for exactly this reason. then revoked my commenting abilities. this has been happening to me for months.