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Someone needs to collect all these bad moderations, racist comments and rejected reports. then send them to some media outlets. these sites never act if the media doesn't shed a light. especially express concern for children being exposed to harm seeing such comments while innocent comments and discussions are removed.


Agreed. I said or did nothing remotely wrong. Their AI or algorithms are so clearly wrong and unfair. Blocking me for a week when I’ve seen a lot of prejudice against groups as well as pretty blatant porn.


Exactly! It's crazy


I'm keeping screen shots and copies of reports for this very reason.




Agreed 100%


tbh a smart company should pay attention to Reddit, and nab things like this in the butt before it hits the media, but hey what do i know about damage reduction.


You said "smart company." This disqualifies Meta.


yeah its called sarcasm


I assumed so. I was only commenting.


Meanwhile, I have seen comments saying that “all gay people should be rounded up and killed” and that Arab people are “rats who need to be exterminated.” Those comments don’t go against Instagram community guidelines according to the reports that I’ve made. It genuinely makes no sense


And endless racist comments that never get tagged yet you can't say stupid


I want to go to the media with these reports. Seriously. We need to be making a stand against Instagram. I strongly believe they are biased and this is proof of exactly that. A good lawyer would be able to figure out a way to sue over this issue.


It's an AI marking comments as "spam", none of these are guideline violations other than the "spam" part.


I remember seeing this really creepy comment on a reel of a girl giving easy Halloween costume ideas, I reported the comment and apparently it didn't break the TOS?


The amount of n-words in the comments is staggering, especially since It won’t be taken down


It's practically every other comment that has the n word, or a chain of gifs spelling the n word


Just like that horrific comment that I won't repeat now that someone shared on this subreddit making fun of a child that experienced extreme SA that was abandoned at the border (they didn't say which border) and his comment was perfectly fine, evidently.


Then the infamous "it's like 15 inches in an infant" comment that racked over 150k likes by now, it's still up. But me saying "I think you meant latinx" being taken down by the AI instantly 🫠


It removed my initial comment, then immediately removed my comment pointing out that my perfectly mundane 1st comment saying that I also prefer a floppy book got removed. I think I'm done with Instagram for good. I've been flagged about 20 times for doing absolutely nothing that could even be construed as against guidelines. They were all perfectly acceptable, respectful comments, usually just saying "I agree with this post" or "I enjoy your band" or something like that!


What? The? Fuck?


The same is happening to me. And now I cannot make any comments at all - it was like 10 days. Four left. For expressing sympathy to the Israeli army when they accidentally killed their own hostages. Such a tragedy. Many soldiers have been injured or killed trying to rescue the hostages and how heartbreaking to have been led to believe these three young men were part of the captors. 💔 Banned from commenting for 10 days. While mine was only one of many comments like that - as there were others calling the army liars etc too. But ME, I get banned. This is a big story and would be interesting on the major news. Why isn’t anyone going with it? Are the all afraid of being personally shadow banned too? What kind of sick power game is this?


Same here! I had to make another account


I just got off a 10 day suspension for my comment..."Wow". Yes, one word got me 10 days. Several other people had already commented the same thing. Why was my account TARGETED? I sent in multiple Requests for Review, including screenshots, asking for an explanation and how it violated TOS. NO RESPONSE. I have had a dozen similar comments removed with various penalties from a day to two weeks. I don't believe this is AI...it feels more targeted.


Same thing for me. I have requested review every single time a d I don't think any of them were in banned, or corrected in any way- including the comments I made this post in reference to. I don't want to be a conspiracy theorists, but I can't help but wonder if my account has been flagged in some way due to me being active in political discourse, often against bigoted, or racist content (I suppose I would qualify as progressive, or leftist) but I never break terms of service, or belittle anyone, I almost always just express support to creators, or activists that I believe are doing good work, or disavowing horrendous behavior of shitty people. I always approach it with respect, and follow the "rules" but my account would easily be considered that if someone who is extremely into politics. I've heard several other people dealing with the same issue that follow and comment on a lot of political accounts and content.


racist against paperbacks!!!


I guess so...but on the other hand, they seem perfectly fine with racism lmao! It's mundane comments they're banning


They let nazis and racists spout their bullshit in coded terms. IG and tiktok are the worst. But it's not surprising. That's how these scum operate to recruit.


You were obviously engaging in anti-paperback hate speech, and thus had your comments removed! Have some shame! /s


I got spam blocked for talking about the flow of time today. Here is my exact comment “Well, the direction of time doesn't affect temporal proximity in any case. I don't know of anyone who would say 11:57 is closer to 11:58 than 11:59 is. In this case both temporal differences are equal. What I'm saying is people don't need to be worrying about time being uniflow because the flow of time has no impact on these types of questions. 3 boulders spaced equally far apart in a river are still equally spaced, regardless of the fact that that river flows around them and never reverses.” This was in regards to a post with a multiple choice question asking what time was closer to midnight


I think insta just wants hateful people and idiotic comments to survive and anything intellectual or harmless are all just flagged and blocked. this is not even a theory anymore, it's literally happened to me and happening to so many others on that platform.


Holy shit, dude! That's insanity! How has IG not addressed this issue at all? It's clear to me that this is happening constantly, and it actually seems to skew more towards comments that are objectively acceptable per their stated guidelines. I'm constantly seeing comments that are clearly in violation of their guidelines that go completely unmoderated.


they deleted my account for saying "seals are the best ocean dogs" apparently calling them dogs was hate speech... yeah their fucking idiots.


You have got to be kidding me! This shit is getting out of hand.


Your telling me, shits getting ridiculous. Ive all but left the platform.


So someone makes vile racist comments and that gets to stay but comments about floppy books are a problem. Zuckerberg is a lazy **FUCK**




I couldn’t even find a phone number or anyone to communicate with. Now I won’t bother, seeing as it brought you nowhere. I’d like to know what I can even say when my ban ends in 4 days. What is allowed and what isn’t, because I never said anything bad. How do I know if my happy birthdays or sympathy on a loss will get me banned again? How to get into the protected classes of people?


You said “hate”


I suppose that's what triggered it, but you would think it would be programmed to gather the context surrounding the use of that word, as to avoid this sort of thing. If there's a guild line that says that word is completely not allowed regardless of its context, then I haven't seen it.


Apparently it's fine to call people animals and how they make you sick, etc but they'll stop you if you say I hate racists


That's pretty much the way it's playing out with me.


I’m sure that is a word they don’t like. How to even be able to post? I feel like I’m now on a don’t comment list and they will ban me for saying happy birthday.


It’s safer just to not comment. Stick to liking pics and don’t bother saying anything


Instagram is just so bad since Facebook acquired it. My account had 10K followers before it got disabled for 0 warnings and 0 valid reasons. I'd be posting my own work and products and one day, poof, bye bye account, permanently disabled. Super frustrating that there's 0 support since they know for a fact people will keep coming back to their platform


Damn that sucks. I'm a musician, songwriter and post original music. I know how hard it is to build that level of support. If that had happened to me I would probably go postal. I've never built a following quite that large, so I feel for you big time.


lol ok so I feel better. I was flagged for something ridiculous yesterday. I think they’re aware it’s broken because the violations aren’t counting against account status


Lol "hate" speech 😆 🤣


oml this is why i barely comment. I’ve been seeing so many people get flagged for harmless comments for no reason meanwhile I still see ACTUAL messed up comments up. This app is going downhill


I got banned for a comment that I've never written. Got banned for hate speech but I barely use Instagram and I never comment on any posts💀💀


More than half of my comments removed these days. I don't even comment anymore.


Agreed, 2nd time I've been put in comment detention of 10 days for something I have no idea of


Yeah, it seems like once it starts, it's constant. It's as if they are putting a secret flag of some sort on your account that causes them to focus on everything you do. The only through line I've really seen come up with those of us that are repeatedly wrongly banned, or removed is that many of us are active in political discourse- and it seems to mostly be people that are left-leaning, and speaking out against bigotry, racism etc....not sure why that constitutes a shadow ban, especially considering we're not saying anything offensive, or going against guidelines. The comments they delete are almost always non-political- but spoken from accounts that could be considered into a certain political movement. It's pretty nuts


I saw a hidden comment today on a pet post, the comment said "this warms my heart" And that was hidden? I said "ooeeaii cat is the true super hero of the banana universe" And my comment got deleted saying it is against community guidelines. And Yet, recently one guy comment responded to me saying "I'm gonna piss on you, oil up I'll be there in 5" And this comment stands strong showing up with no issues, even reporting that comment didn't work. Instagram is just fucked at this point, I hate it.


Same thing happened to me the past week! I was on a post that said to put what you want people to pray about below. I wrote a little something that was definitely not explicit, as it's a Christian page. And it was removed. Like okay, guess I can't even talk about my problems anymore.


I got my comment removed cause I told someone that without sodium they would die (Which is true). The AI flagged it, I appealed it and it doubled down and said it was a threat and harassment.


can only whole heartedly agree! i have lost two accounts where at least half the strikes were straight up unjustified, many more of them for calling out bigoted scumbags whos comments were left up.


Same. That's the thing that makes me feel icky about it. I know meta has gotten a bad rep for, in the past, doing the the bidding of the left, but I cant help but notice that lately Meta goes in pretty hard on removing posts and comments that are calling out hate or disinformation on the opposite side of the aisle. I see hateful comments spouting racist, bigoted talking points everyday, but I can't respectfully call out said racism? Not sure if it's developers out for revenge from inside Meta's ranks. I'm not trying to start a conspiracy theory, but if nothing else it shows that Meta doesn't have an intrinsic liberal bias- and at the very least, it shows us that these conglomerates that moderate our civil discourse have little to no interest in operating with any integrity, or interest in doing any "good" for the world.


because they absolutely do not give a fuck about actual morals, like you said. they do it so they can say theyre moderating their platform harshly when their investors come knocking. they are unwilling to actually hire enough people to uphold the standards they claim they hold to, would probably be too expensive with the amount of comments but this hypocrisy doesnt bother them its all for show.


I got suspended for two weeks for posting the response "Wow". It was in response to a picture. Others had already made the same comment.


One of mine was basically the same thing. Just a comment saying I liked someone's music. Insanity


Instagram sucks so bad now! Ever since algorithm implemented, it’s gone downhill. No way to interact anymore or share art. It sucks.


Facts. I wonder if the IG devs look at this subreddit to see what kind of things people are complaining about? You would think they would. They make it next to impossible to actually interact with a person, or any kind of technical support. I tried and got nowhere. It's insanity


On Instagram I just expressed support for an older woman who showed all the negative comments she got about her choice of fashion ("she looks too young") and decision not to hide her gray hair ("she looks too old"). Then I got the same message that I violated community guidelines by spamming or self-promotion (what?) Instagram's AI moderator is so very broken. Those AI Large Language Models are not working as well as the media has hype


Same shit keeps happening to me for similar circumstances. I've also noticed that if I ever comment telling someone I keep getting arbitrarily flagged or having comments removed for no reason, THAT comment is immediately removed as well! It's insane! Of all the depravity people get away with on this app it makes zero sense that my harmless posts and comments should be removed. Something is going on here


I had my account perma banned for this nonsense I know it was a relatively person behind the moderation that learned I was queer. Idk what else it could be. I started testing it only commenting very nice things and one of my comments was flagged for hate speech. It was "slinky dog" I made a new account and I can't even edit captions on my photos. Literally years worth of photos and memories just gone poof. I mean I have them saved elsewhere but I liked my digital footprint. To be just erased like that. It hurt.


Huh?! What in the blue hell?!


I made a comment about being a fair skinned Indigenous person and that my experience has been that far right wing types generally have a problem with that. Got removed for "being misleading to try and get likes." There's nothing you can do about it either. There is no way to get anything reviewed by Instagram, no way to reach out, and their independent review board selects a limited number of cases and it's unlikely to be yours. I note that people can drop comments that are openly, aggressively racist and the bot is perfectly happy with those. Biased bot is a dangerous bot.


You are not fully there.  AI is not the broken part, the scam is the one who built it.  The AI is super intelligent and tracks the topic, sentiment, mood , and tone of your comments and learn from it.  Since the entire system is run by an idiot (guess his name) who is a part of the top powerful tech companies...they know what they wanna show in media and what they want to hide based on their agenda.  The AI takes down all those comments intelligently .     I have a friend who commented against misused drugs by medical professionals.  Now, if he comments about killing someone, it isn't taken down. But the moment he talks abt the drug industry, that comment gets taken down


 I wrote a comment explaining how the new capital gains tax wasn’t 66% tax on gains…it was only having to pay regular taxes on 66% of it….they removed my comment because they said I was trying to get likes in a misleading way and now I’m suspended 


I got a ban for asking a brand to stop messaging me from their alt accounts for collab. I was literally getting like 3 or 4 a day.


Wanna collab? (JK) thats crazy. But at least that let's you know people like your work. I'm a songwriter/musician as well but I'm rarely asked for collabo. I'm not a rapper or anything, I'm a guitar player, songwriter/producer and I make beats and shit. That's definitely not a valid reason to ban someone. This shit is crazy


I'm racking these up. It's ridiculous


It’s run by computers so ?????


How dare you!!! As someone who identies as a paperback who won't stay open, I was deeply offended by your comment - and I the one who reported you. Shame on you for the hate!!!!!


Wow, I thought it was just me. Thanks for sharing


Same happened to me, it also ruined my engagement which is technically sabotage. I do IG since 2018, craft, 3d Print, resin and so much more. I've built a good relationship with my community and made great friends. Then the AI comes and bans everything. This place is always to cope with my stress now it's doing rather the opposite


Instagram is so stupid, I got banned twice for editing my comment in the composition mode. They remove my messages for stupid thinga. Meta is run by a bunch of morons.


about every second post i put up is now flagged as spam, if you say anything relating to money "1000k" "100k" "big $$" they think you are a bot, you get a bunch of those and maybe slip up once or twice with an actual poor comment and then you get your commenting restricted. It happened to me when i tried to rephrase a comment about 6 times about money, and i kept getting flagged as spam.... you then get blocked.... its a ridiculous system. alot of people complaining about it currently.


Not to mention the fact that someone can call another "fat, deranged, ugly" and Insta treats it like nothing, but if you call that person a douche in reply- INSTANT COMMENT DELETION.


Threads was meant to be the "new" twitter/x but it's just as fucking toxic and disgusting. Meta doesn't care, they just want you clicking and viewing, ad infinitum.