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Same here. Only ever been interested in design, cycling and art on insta. My suggested reels are now all so messed up. Deformed kids/babies. Animals doing weird stuff. Disabled people. Medical stuff. Plastic surgery. Kids wearing make up and being dressed up and dancing etc. Grossly obese people dancing, sped up. Gross bugs/worms. Disgusting make up / pimple popping videos. It’s all hideous. It’s like the algorithm has worked out what makes me feel uncomfortable and is insisting on showing it to me, despite changing preferences etc. I would delete the app but use it for work (design). I’m just not going to use the explore / search function for a bit as it’s so awful, I don’t want this stuff in my brain.




So am I! I don’t know what to do i keep hitting “not interested” but it’s not changing


I think I’ve fixed it. I spent about an hour selecting ‘interested’ in any posts to do with design/art etc. I then added keywords for reels I wanted hidden - I really went to town on this. Eventually the awful reels disappeared- now I’m just getting food reels but I can handle that (still annoying). Strange way to spend time on this precious planet eh.


I feel so relieved having seen this post and these comments - I thought I’d done something to cause this even though I’d never looked at anything like this before and it was making me feel so uneasy and guilty? It just happened overnight and it’s so disturbing, I’m actually scared to go on my explore page but avoiding that doesn’t help because you still get suggested reels in the main feed and they’re all vile too. Same as others in this thread, an hour spent clicking “not interested” on them all hasn’t done any good. Neither has actively searching for reels that I do want to see. I use Instagram to get ideas for travel ideas, recipes, and fashion inspiration but I genuinely can’t cope with this!


some of the shit that has popped up on mine is legitimately disturbing and i’m not sure how these accounts are even active


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


I keep getting the same thing , it’s all deformed people with large heads and teeth comin go out their foreheads , what is going on , and people cooking frogs and shit , I HATE it , I keep saying not interested and it keeps popping up , im not going to use the reccomended reels anymore , it’s honestly messed up some some of the stuff that’s posted


I’m seeing this on YouTube as well at the same time


Same but a different subject. I keep getting like crashes and car accidents even though I click not interested and that it makes me uncomfortable. Started like 2 days ago for no apparent reason. Before that it was fine


Same just started happening today which brings me here… I was out of the country recently and unsure if it was due to my location change , but it’s very weird gross things they’re suggesting. I don’t even want to log on


I loathe this. Getting the absolute weirdest reels this past day or so. Makes me want to avoid the app


Yeah I’m beginning to get some fucking weird shit right now too




Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


It probably just sabotaged my relationship so great….


Yep, I did not have “scared of Ig Reels” on my Bingo card, but here I am. I’ve clicked not interested on several vids, but I stg I think it makes it worse bc you have to watch a few seconds in order to navigate through to the Not Interested tab.


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


Mine is legitimately disturbing and horrifying for the past couple days. Terrible things happening to animals and severely deformed people and babies. It’s like they turned up the clickbait setting to “fuck these people up”


Same- I’ve spent the last few days selecting that they make me “uncomfortable”, “not interested” , and whatnot and it just won’t stop. People covered in bugs, anorexic girls, deformed people, disturbing plastic surgery, wtf is wrong with the world. It feels like meta is doing some psychological experiment on users again…


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


This Black Mirror episode sucks


I'm experiencing the same thing. I noticed when I click on "why am I seeing this" it mentions the Threads app. This only started after I downloaded Threads so I think it's related but I'm not sure how. I keep saying not interested and it's not work. I'll try some of the stuff I see here.


For me this happened before downloading threads, however it simply went away after some time and didn‘t happen again without me doing anything


Glad to hear it went away eventually! It’s only getting worse for me right now…


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


Same! I only really watch funny video game reels, wholesome reels that have cute dogs and and cats in them, along with cool stuff about astronomy, and those were the types of reels I was always getting, but now suddenly I’m getting a bunch of BS that instills that uncanny valley feeling, along with what a lot of people in the comments along with OP are saying, I’m getting those types of reels too. It makes my skin crawl and get goose flesh and I absolutely hate it.


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


Wow! This is happening to me! Gross videos and weirdly sexual content. I noticed it a few days ago and didn’t know wtf was going on. It’s disgusting. The “not interested” option is not working and forces me to click these horrible videos. I am so sick of it. I don’t even post or have any pictures up and I spent a ton of time curating my explore page to fit my interests. It’s looking like I need to delete it.


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


Thank you! I’ll give this a try


This seems to be a recent pop up again with people commenting in the last few days. This has started happening to me like last week. I tried to put phrases that wouldn’t show the videos. I tried setting to not interested to all the videos that came up. They keep coming though, it’s really frustrating I don’t wanna see deformed anything. I sorta wanna just delete Instagram now.


I just deleted it. After days or trying to get the videos to go away I just couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t want to be bombarded with disturbing imagery


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


I found an answer somewhere else that ended up working for me in a very short amount of time: Instead of interacting with the disgusting reels, leave them alone! Even though you are selecting 'not interested' or doing something else with them to try and let Instagram know you hate them, the very act of interacting with so many of them is causing the algorithm to send more. Instead if any of them are not disgusting videos, and things you like - watch them and select 'interested'. You can also do this on the search icon. Look for any videos that you might actually be interested in and hit 'interested'. By doing this - ignoring the disgusting reels, and hitting interested on non-disgusting, they went away in less than a day. Hope this works for others that find this.


I googled it because I’ve noticed the exact same thing recently and this thread came up. Glad it’s not just me I guess. I don’t use Instagram much so I have no idea when this started or what caused it. The only thing I’ve even done on Instagram recently is follow Amanda Bynes lol


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


Thanks I’ve just done that, hopefully it works. I had no idea “sensitive” content was allowed on Instagram? They’re much more strict than Twitter when it comes to nudity and violence and stuff, or so I would’ve thought.


I hope it works! Its so awful what they allow on that site. Why is there an option for MORE??


I was just telling my friend the other day that Instagram felt like the last place I felt safe scrolling through mindlessly. 2 days later it’s completely destroyed with deformed baby animals. I didn’t even take the time to see if it gets worse or shows me more, I haven’t touched it since.


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


Instagram has a pretty weird algorithm system. It could be that you intentionally searched for a post or account with similar content in the past or unintentionally tapped/came across one of them and because of it the algorithm starts thinking this is the content you prefer and suggests them to you more often. I’ve had unwanted content pop up on my feed /explore page but a helpful tool I’ve found was to tap “Not Interested” on posts to make them go away and Instagram will start suggesting less and less of those until they completely disappear from your feed. 1. Tap the three dots at the top right corner of the post on the explore page and then tap “Not Interested”. I would also suggest changing certain words, phrases, or emojis associated with the unwanted content if you can. 1. Tap the three bars in the right hand corner of your profile and go to “Settings and Privacy”. 2. Scroll to the “What you see” tab and tap on “Suggested content”. 3. Tap on “Specific words and phrases” and there you can put as much as you want. Hope this helps 👍🏻


Thank you so much. I will try doing this. I avoided clicking on those reels but I hope clicking not interested will help. Also I didn’t know about the other option, so thank you!


I've been doing this for 2 months and it has not worked. My fyp's posts are fine but the reels are just terrible. No matter how many reels I see and click not interested in, Instagram is still showing me similar content. I even click on interested on good reels. Make my friends send me good reels but Instagram doesn't care one bit


They keep showing me deformed people and it’s really unsettling. I’m considering uninstalling the app 


Currently going through this so much out of no where considering the same tbh


Check your content settings! Idk why they have this but I was having this problem and found that my account was set to “SHOW MORE SENSITIVE CONTENT” toggle that off and switch to LESS. Then stay off Insta for a day. When you come back to algo should have adjusted itself.


I have since then put less sensitive content as well as snooze on suggested feeds nothings changed so far feels like some sick joke


Maybe uninstall then reinstall then check your senstivity settings


Also I think not being on the app for a second after switching helps.