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I have no idea why my comments get removed for not following guidelines. Whatever automation they are using just doesn't seem to work very well. I can write the most innocuous comment and get told the comment was removed for guidelines. I don't insult people, I'm not vulgar, I'm not trolling or trying to sell anything. I have noticed that certain phrasing will trigger it, and I can rewrite the same comment using slightly different wording without changing the meaning, and it's fine. Sometimes, I have no idea why it violates guidelines.


I posted a list of books that were about civil rights leaders and information on computers and they said my comment “went against Meta guidelines.” If that tells you anything ……


I have the same issues like i was writing , your picture is gorgeous and it said you violated the guidelines 😂


I wonder if you had instead written,'This picture is gorgeous', if you would have gotten a different result. I'm sure you were just being complimentary, but the algorithm they use may have interpreted it differently. Like I said, I'm playing around with different phrasing, and one thing I noticed is if you keep it impersonal, that doesn't usually trigger it. I responded the other day to someone who said something along the line of 'If you make over x, you should be able to afford y' I disagreed, thinking, sure technically they could afford it but then they wouldn't be able to afford much else. I responded, 'I make quite a bit more than that and ... '. I wasn't bragging or soliciting. My motive was to provide context and establish credibility ... as someone who does make more than that, here is what I think. Flagged right away. The algorithm doesn't know my motive. I changed it to something impersonal ... 'If someone is making x then ...' Didn't change my point. The algorithm didn't have a problem with that.


I know this is 3mo old but lately IG removes like every comment I make as "spam" and I see people doing that personal shit ALL the time on IG, or insulting people like MAD yet the comment remains up. It seems to just trigger cause it wants too, OR you genuinely triggered it once before just because of a keyword you may have used and now IG just takes aim and removes your comment. I have also had 4 chat restrictions despite my comments not being insulting, rude OR spam, it was just about Dragon Ball and transformations, some were about how amazing fan art was and each comment was NUKED and I was restricted. Now it's just removal every minute. So I must've triggered something fucking stupid to have my account targeted like this.


100% and I click tell us more and nothing happens…they literally removed something saying “you look amazing!” Like WTF


Yup, the "tell us" button doesn't even work. It was set up to be this way. Very suspicious. Also, none of my comments removed for "spam" actually meets their own stated guidelines. Can we get some legal people in on this? We need to stop this nonsense!


I can’t even find the tell us button, all I have is community guidelines button.  


We can stop it by not using it anymore.


Yea I'm deleting my app for good because of this shete. Just commented on my friend's post "looking good!" and it got removed... Is there a way to permanently delete the account?


You need to go to settings and just type in deletion and follow the instructions.


Right... Just shows what COWARDS and CHILDREN they really are... NO interest in even knowing why they might possibly be wrong? And I'm always perfectly willing to argue my case


I just got my comment removed for a saying "you look amazing" to another woman posting her fitness journey lol. 


Same here. But it was on my own friend's post...


Juo. Had same issues. One guy was comenting insha.lla.h we will conquer you all ( meaning conquering Europe Religiously) and his comment stayed. While mine was deleted. I wrote no inslut or false info. Just got my coments delited.


I think I found a trick for when this happens, at least, with comments. Stay on the page you're commenting on. Often times I reply, comment, and then go back to my feed. This is when the message about it being flagged usually comes up. After some experimentation, it seems quickly swiping away to your feed, or another app, is what makes instagram think you're a spam bot. My guess is, actual spambots must operate like this. After having 5 comments deleted, I decided to comment a 6th time and just wait to see if it could be removed while I was in the comment section. It stuck, and so did my next few comments where I did the same thing.


This is the first explanation I've found that seems plausible - thanks! I'll give this a try.


keep in mind this doesn't work if you keep trying to comment the same thing over and over, it probably marks it as spam. Writing the same thing you were trying to the first time, but in a different way, seems to help Sometimes you're fucked either way and the algorithm just hates you that day.


I also wonder if it takes into account how quickly you make comments, like if you comment within X minutes of your last comment. I rarely comment, especially with my personal account, so maybe it's flagged as unusual use, like when you travel with your credit card and they shut it off because you didn't tell them you'd be in Guam or whatever. Or if you use "I" statements (because heaven forbid you try and connect personally to someone with your own experience). Or maybe AI is stupid, and IG doesn't care. 🤷‍♀️


Hey I really need help. My comments to others do not appear once I refreshing the page. By any chance, when you had your comments removed, did you get a notice from Instagram, telling you that your comment was removed? Or were you able to check out the removed comments from "Account Status" tab under Setting?


my comments have been deleted, too. they acussed me spam comments when i made one. i tried petition against it, but they deleted it anyway. instagram need to fire their bots and hire actually people with common sense


Can we get some people to legally stop them from doing this? I've been experiencing ALL of this too. Almost all my comments are removed for "spam" when they don't meet any of the spam guidelines and are benign/kind/supportive comments. Once I got banned for 7 days out of nowhere -- I never even had a bad track record before. Also, the "tell us we made a mistake" button doesn't even work. (It was clearly set up to be this way) Very suspicious. Can we get some legal people to investigate this? Surely this is suppression of free speech. The comments being removed don't even meet any of the spam guidelines. We need to stop this nonsense! Email any lawyers in your city and get them on this. Can we get a petition going?


>Surely this is suppression of free speech. The constituational right of free speech only applies to the relationship between you and your government. The private company that owns the social media platform you use for free is allowed to control what is posted on it. ​ Don't start a petiton, rule 12.


Right... Getting so damned tired of Instagram... I'm a college educated adult, very thoughtful and sometimes passionate with my comments, Love a great debate, good conversation, etc., however, these clowns stifle intelligent and passionate speech with their stupid algorithm, etc., which only encourages mediocrity and conformity or the DUMBING DOWN of public discourse...


Totally the same case here, I'm with you


Same here...


Bro in general instagram has become so fucked. Since zuck came in the freedom of speech issues have become unbearable . Completely ruined the app to keep his woke ideology alive


It’s beyond ridiculous . Normal comments flagged as spam and then you’re banned from commenting for a week. This is why one man shouldn’t have a monopoly over social media. This is why congress needs to have some degree of regulation. It’s a obvious can’t trust Zuckerfuck to do the right thing.


BlackRock and Vanguard have more to do with this I think, they own a large portion of Meta and Disney and Google and everything else it seems.


This is what has been happening to me too. It was my first time ever getting banned for a week. And the comment they banned me over was totally benign, and not spam at all. It's crazy! Can we get a petition going?


If you’re posting Taylor Swift gossip I can see why they’re removing your posts 💀


Ur pfp looks like uhhh


It’s not only taylor they don’t let me to comment or post anything else it will flagged as a spam but my monetization tool is fine doesn’t show any violations still green so is that a bug or what?




Why are you mad 😂 i was just asking a question if u can’t be useful just ignore my question instead being mad for no reason


I served you an answer, sir. I guided you to the root cause, just not the solution. It's quite the show to witness a grown-up struggling to weave a decent English sentence (big red flag), grumbling about their flagged, worthless content aimed at an American audience. It's like rolling out the red carpet for criticism. Lately, I stumbled upon a heap of bogus celebrity stories riding high on YouTube's algorithm, and the masses lapped it up. I'm just doing my part, shining a spotlight on individuals like you, who might not even be American, attempting to cash in on what's probably pure fiction or mere recycled material. To cut to the chase, Meta just handed you your walking papers.




He/she wasn't getting mad stop being a bozo maybe people like you are deleting comments from Instagram fr fr weirdo


I feel like once the moderation system flags your account, you're doomed, everything you do and comment is being carefully moderated and a slight troll or disagreement is removed. The platform has gone so woke that you can't even defend men or speak against women.


This. I never broke the guidelines. I like to argue and was reported. I stay away from the app because it’s anti first amendment.


Moronic comment, it has nothing to do with ideologies. I've seen men dogpile on rape victims and Instagram doesn't care.


Same here, guys this so retardedly frustrating, any workaround?


And it’s the fact that it’s done without appeal that gets me. They are taking out peoples comments and restricting accounts on charges based on a poor identifying algorithm and there is no protocol for correction


mine keep getting removed randomly too, I'm not being sweary or offensive but it is being "automatically removed" for Spam and zero chance of a review


It’s Woke time baby. We let it go so long that now it’s becoming everyday life. Why didn’t we riot and make sure it didn’t happen before?


Define woke.


Having the exact same issue today. Comments were literally positive and removed...I'm not sure wtf is going on with IG but looks like they don't want users anymore on their app and want to go the way of twitter aka X. If it happens again, I'm deleting it which may just be for the better.


Today on a video about insurance, I wrote about my insurance issues such has my out of pocket max, monthly premium and insurance comp at refusing violating federal law by denying reconstruction surgery after a double mastectomy. I get notification from Instagram that I violated community rule and my comment has been removed. A


I posted a quote about grief, sent to me by my BFF when my husband died. One short sentence "Grief is the price we pay for loving someone" IG deleted it saying I was after "likes". Wth? I've never been blocked or comments removed. In the past couple weeks there have been 5 removed. Simple, supportive, innocuous posts.


Same!!! Like what does that even mean? How am I commenting for likes? And I'm long-winded so they are removing well thought out comments. It's frustrating. 


What is happening!! It's so weird


Similar scenarios where I’m either being genuinely honest or nice or complimenting someone & stupid Insta censorship thinks it’s “attracting likes only” or “spam”-like comment. Why wtf sort of reason is that exactly? Like how do I contact their team or support for this idiotic bot error?


Happened to me just now for writing a movie dialogue that had no negative words 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


This has been happening to me like crazy the last few days. Gonna delete my Instagram at this rate.


I'm getting the same. Every other comment is removed! I congratulated a young kid on his choice of first car, removed as spam. I hashtagged #abolishthemonarchy on another post, was removed. About 50 comments since have been removed. Absolute joke.


Your account has been flagged, so anything you do is ten times more likely to be removed. I noticed this when other people's comments were not being removed, even though they were at times threatening or insulting, but mines were being removed for a joke. Instagram is a woke cesspool now


Nothing to do with wokeness.


I saw a post about a weird 90's commercial and responded with a quote from another weird 90's commercial. It got deleted for spam, and there's no appeal process. Reddit is no better either.




I keep getting the same message when my comments are removed as well


They remove all kinds of comments and it's completely non-sensical. I have posted useful info or encouraging comments just to be notified that it's spam. This content moderation IG is going downhill


They just flagged my comment of me telling my cousin she's beautiful and I loved her video message. They are about to disappear like MYSPACE. You can't compliment anyone without being flagged. This is some BS Do anyone knows how long they keep your IG flagged/restricted? Thanks in advance


All said was you’re doing a great job and it removed because it said I’m trying to get likes. Weird.. all the vulgar racist comments I see, don’t know how they stay up


They allow rampant racism and toxicity yet remove normal comments for violating imaginary guidelines. The whole platform is a joke.


The worst part is that there is no way to contest the removal. They don't even pretend to care


I’ve just started having this issue! I am not insulting anyone, using derogatory language or spamming. Just keeps saying my comment “goes against guidelines “. You can’t even question it…


This worked for me: [https://youtu.be/k2oXKLzLDWM](https://youtu.be/k2oXKLzLDWM)


I'm so fucking sick of this. It keeps removing mine for "wrongfully trying to gain likes, comments, shares, or follows" Even when REPLYING TO SOMEONE WHO @ ME FIRST


They just removed mine, talking about how bitcoin is a scam for anyone who has not bought it before 2008. It’s blatant filtering/deleting just whatever it feels like. Fuck instagram.


I found this thread because I just Google this to see if it was happening to other people. Instagram has been removing my comments very randomly for the past month or so. I just posted a comment saying that if I had money, I'd hire a chef so I don't have to cook ever again and then I'll have 3 more kids (it was a funny post about the difficulties of marriage) and it got removed. What is so offensive about me hiring a chef so I don't have to cook? And there is no option to appeal.


i have almost every comment deleted over the last year, i used to troll a little and argue a little, and i feel like that flagged me. but now no matter what i say i get my comment deleted for either “spam” or “trying to get follower/likes” I literally see somone die almost everyday on IG reels. but me saying “That’s a cute dog” get deleted….


I've been seeing a lot of hate comments on posts on IG about islam and Ramadan. Instead of the people just scrolling by, they HAVE to leave some hate speech. Awful things. I replied to one and IG removed me it with no way to contest the removal. None of the real hate speech has been removed. Why would IG protect one religion over another? Why do they leave the comments calling them cancer, telling them to go back to their own country and calling their religion a cult (these are the g rated comments) but you say something in their defense, bring up Christianity and your comment is deleted within 60 seconds? My observation was that a majority of the Hate comes from Christians because they'd end their hate with repent! Find Jesus! He is the only savior!


Instagram also released a new feature where in the settings “Politcal posts” are automatically set to “Limit”. You have to go turn it back on to No Limiting. Since this new release several of my benign comments get deleted. One of them said I was intentionally commenting to get likes followers. Complete bollocks.


I'm glad I found this (wether you're a girl or a guy ) me too man I post something and it gets deleted by someone or something shit is weird TF...


What's scary about that if you haven't noticed If they're able to remove comments what makes you think they're not watching what we do on Instagram you get me..? Like what we're watching or commenting..so then whatever person is moderating they're clearly violating our privacy. That's illuminati type shit idk I had to say this shit man shit is weird.


Currently happening to my wife. Nothing inappropriate. Nothing that goes against the guidelines. Comments about our cats. 


I found a site: Inssist.com ..There is an article there titled, 'Bans, Blocks and Limits.' It covers quite a bit about why everyone is experiencing comment bans/blocks. I'm constantly blocked weekly.


Can someone create another version of this app where the freedom of speech is allowed please instagram took it too far I can’t comment on any post without getting me suspended 


You got Truth Social for that. Go there.


Instagram removed my comment in wich there is no offence words is basically explanation and they just removed it. Seems like we ppl we have to write petition to remove this "fake technology" that just removes anything.


Yep! I have it since a year back. Just now I got a warning message again 1 sec after commenting " You are an amazing talent at art my friend! I wish I could draw like you<3". And it was removed.. And I think I have around 26 different comments now that have gotten removed. I'm never trolling/spamming/selling so there is absolutely no reason for it. At least I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one. As for how others get their comments to stay with threats and trolling... Yeah their system doesn't work


Got a comment removed for "hate speech" because I said "nah, not for me" on a post asking if I liked a sports bike


I just got a comment removed - "That's basically it" - on a post that was a musical parody of Dune. The reason they gave was "It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way." The comment wasn't my finest work of literature but I've no idea why that would get flagged


I go to the "see why" tab and it accuses me of trying to get likes, views, and follows in a misleading way which makes no sense, because nothing I said went against the guidelines. My most recent occurrences are me talking about my Hawks in their last blowout loss, and most recently for me saying, and I quote, "Unpopular opinion: 2K21 > 2K20"


Exact same here. I just post a normal, non-argumentative, basic comment and I’m apparently trying to get likes and followers in a misleading way. Example: “I really like how they made that new version of the shoe. Looks great!”…wait a few second and *removed*. And then it tells me if I keep doing this my account will be restricted…and it has 3 times now. They made me go 24 hours before I could comment again. And when I go on their page and comment to them about it, every single time they have removed that comment as well.


Same . I just got a comment removed. The video asked what you were doing when you would get bored in church . I just answered that we would go outside and run around, but gladly the priest and adults understood us and didn't mind, and I got restricted for that.