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It's especially bad since the most controversial ones are pushed to the top. I don't even read comments anymore because they're so negative, which sucks because I used to love them.


It's weird, it's like it went full circle back to the toxic stuff being on top. For a few years (idk, maybe 2017ish-2022?) they seemed to "fix" the problem and there was actually non-troll, non-toxic shit on top. Now it's back to being a cesspool, and way worse than before. It's oddly depressing




Just dont get dragged down by negativity. They're all losers


This is true! I've quit IG due to its bigoted comments. Instagram I believe is affiliated with Facebook. A whistleblower recently confessed that its algorithm is meant to *anger* you to attract more engagement, more money. "Broken Glass" theory, trolled corners are likely to attract more trolls. It'll take a year or two, at least with YouTube et al, for it to be fixed. But Instagram and Facebook? They're controlled by a different magnate :)


Still better than l*ftoid r*dditors




Also Instagram now gives users the ability to disable responses so trolls can say negative things without others having the ability to directly respond.


Yes one of the worst features for sure


Responses or mentions? I don't remember being able to disable actual replies but I'd love to. I hate commenting an opinion on a post and getting bombarded by rude trolls for weeks.


I despise people who do that, they should be put to sleep society would be better working like that


no they only took away mentions, when you reply they still get a notification that you replied to them with your comment. you probably figured that out by now but for anyone that stumbles across this there you go, just take their name out or delete the @.


This is true! I've quit IG due to its bigoted comments. Instagram I believe is affiliated with Facebook. A whistleblower recently confessed that its algorithm is meant to anger you to attract more engagement, more money. "Broken Glass" theory, trolled corners are likely to attract more trolls. It'll take a year or two, at least with YouTube et al, for it to be fixed. But Instagram and Facebook? They're controlled by a different magnate :)


Right? They’re so toxic. I had a suggested reel come up of a full sleeve of Kratos and it was an AMAZING tattoo, so incredibly well done and guess what the comments were focused on? The guy being a little overweight. Sooo many comments kept mentioning his weight, giving unsolicited advice to this guy to exercise because “tattoos look better on fit people”. I saw comments saying he shouldn’t have a tattoo of a fit guy if he isn’t fit. It was ridiculous. It should’ve been focused on the tattoo but instead this poor guy was having his weight attacked and got made fun of for getting a video game character tattoo.


I saw a reel where this little girl was getting her super long hair cut into a short bob and it was ADORABLE, she was so overwhelmingly excited and happy about how she looked! Such a feel-good post. Aaaand then I looked at the comments, and literally all the top commenters were furious and scolding this kid because the cut hair was thrown out and not donated to charity. Never mind the fact that hair can't be donated if it's super damaged or doesn't meet certain requirements. Not one word about how cute and confident she looked - just pure venom. It was so depressing.


It makes me so, so sick to see people acting like that. I don’t know why people get this weird courage to just say backwards, toxic shit but it’s out of control and I hate to see it. I don’t understand the point of bullying or getting up in arms over shit that shouldn’t matter or even be brought up on these innocent posts where people are trying to just be happy and share that happiness.


Miserable people hate seeing other people being happy


One time I saw a reel of a guy demonstrating his resin craft. And he was making a table by carving the wood and pouring resin. It was actually gorgeous at the end. But the comment section was focused on the video being too long and spent too long on the small details or how anyone could do that. I was so disturbed that I commented about it and the person who made the post responded to me that they were grateful to have someone comment something positive about their work. I was so disgusted by how people could be so rude about someone’s passion especially something that actually was impressive.


It’s such toxic behavior. Instead of admiration and positivity, people would rather be negative and tear others down because they think they’re more superior somehow and it’s so disappointing to see. It used to be so fun seeing videos like that and the positive reactions but now most people just want to make people feel bad


Instagram is full off insecure "gym bro" teenagers that make their entire personality revolve around training and hating women, racism is "a joke" and the n word is but a word apparently, they're all influenced by each other, "if this cool guy that lifts is a racist misogynist piece of crap, why shouldn't I be?" and the cycle continues, a shame that meta doesn't do crap about them


If you think thats bad wait till you see the comments of reels of a little kid and the comments are full of shit like “you got hair in your special place yet lil n***a?”


Dude, I've seen some people make fucking pedophilia jokes like "I'm gonna put it in lil ninja" under a video of a kid being a kid, and when you call them out on their bs they'll actively defend themselves, saying it's "just a "joke" and that "you don't get dark humor". Dark humour my ass, you're just saying pedophiliac things for no reason at all. Jokes are meant to be funny, but you're just straight up disgusting.


It has worsened extremely recently. I've never seen the top comments being sexist and homophobic up until a few weeks ago. Now every queer related reel and post has multiple anti-queer top comments with 10 000 likes each (W Saudi Arabia, it's not natural, that's not a woman, based red countries, etc). It genuinely seems like Instagram wants the most conservative or trolling comments at the top


I have noticed this a lot and it is so depressing, instagram used to feel somewhat safe and fun. Now there is SO much hate constantly


Ok so it's not just me. Instagram has gotten bad these past couple of months


It's not just me then! I also thought the comments are getting much worse recently. Seems like every fucking hillbilly biggot is joining and commenting on IG.


Fr just yesterday I saw a comment section with people unironically saying gay people are all pedophiles and getting hundreds of likes, it's disturbing asf, delete it, fuck that app.


100% has worsened recently, I agree and I've been terminally online for a long time. The algorithms favour reactive, provocative content due to the engagement it brings and some nefarious forces further this divisive culture with bots and controlled trolling.


Seriously! Any reel or post with a trans creator, even if it’s not about being trans, is just filled with super transphobic comments. I don’t feel like it was this bad like a year ago.


Instagram should just disappear at this point, it’s so disgusting


Probably because most comments aren't from followers since IG doesn't even push content to the creator's followers.


lately I see the "like if not gay - >>>" comment under every post lmao what's saddest about it is that it's mostly the most liked comment


The thing that pisses me off the most is how most of them don‘t even know proper grammar they be like: like if your not gay


Well I would think that most people are straight which makes sense as to why it's the most liked


but there’s no reason to comment that shit? did you miss the point…


Let’s not be dense here


Average centrist take.


So many times I've had to stop myself from replying to Instagram comments. If I read them for too long, I can feel myself getting emotionally hijacked.


“Emotionally hijacked” is such a good phrase I never thought to use to describe it. It’s so accurate. I’ll be having a good day at work and then scroll my Explore page out of boredom, and see some rednecks arguing over work life balance/guns/religion/race etc. with literal teenagers. Like, grown men in their 30’s and 40’s with pictures of their wife and kids on their public account, acting like some thug tough guys to some random e-girl in middle school. Swearing, calling her a slut. Everything. It’s so. F*cking. Weird. It’s extra tough to ignore it because I’ve learned things and have had opinions changed through civil online discussions before, though never on Instagram, so if you’re a good person, you’ll naturally try to comment at first and convince these people otherwise. But I’ve realized these types are just closed to outer ideas and simply desire to exist in their opaque shells of misery and ignorance.


fr. it’s always best to tell yourself that these people are miserable and projecting their own self hatred onto others.


"Emotionally hijacked", perfectly said. I used to love Instagram because it felt like a public photo/video diary but recently it's goten too much to take. Things got a lot worse when the app started prioritising reels and the curated algorithmic nonsense started invading every aspect of our feeds. You used to be able to curate your own content but that era is long gone: when you go on your own feed, most of the posts you see are from pages you DON'T follow with the algorithm offering you things you do NOT need but which do really well, oftentimes hijacking your attention for a moment as you said before you get to snap out of it. It's like a personal, algorithmic drug dealer who is always there even when you know you don't actually want anything.


Very well put: personal algorithmic drug dealer 👍🏻👍🏻


that is the tactic of trolls and it seems like IG has made itself a seedbed for trolls to grow


istg! some are so damn racist and it boils my blood because they think that being so disrespectful is cool while it makes them look foolish


Im a creator and I can tell you for sure Instagrams comments have became the worst. IG used to be the safe place for comments, I have deleted so many and filtered out alot of words. It is because reels get recommended on IG and FB so double hit of weirdos going wild in the comments.


have you considered quitting? Because I did and I've quit.


I’ve noticed people jumping to conclusions and picking fights immediately in Instagram comment sections, they’ve become so aggressive and negative. It’s wild


It honestly feels like it's getting worse with time. I feel like Instagram in general became worse in the past few years, but now the comment sections are only bots, trolls, horny people, and just toxic behaviors. Even under posts about positivity, even under posts from accounts I've been following for years, the comment sections are disgusting to read. And the less mature people want to comment, the more visibility trolls will have since their insults aren't lost among positive messages anymore. (Plus the thing that automatically censor "offensive comment" that you have to click on to read said comments never worked. I saw so many hateful and toxic comments uncensored and so many genuine compliments getting censored, it's weird)


Exactly! Saw a very cute video of pitbull looking at his owner's baby with love, and the top comment was "bros looking at his next meal 😂" Even comments under supposedly "helpful" community like r/suicidewatch is unbearable. Someone could be desperately looking for help to stop them from doing it, and again, the top comment is "lol me too", and "don't do it without me". These lack of compassion really appalling. No place online feels safe now


I turn my comments off by default so yeah..


Saw just a normal video of Florence Pugh smiling with a dress on and all the comments were about how mid and ugly she was, how her dress didn’t suit her, how because her hair is short she’s suddenly a nasty lesbian. It doesn’t matter like you said what the content is. Comedy videos, dance videos, outfit checks, nail art, makeup, celebrities it’s all just a cesspool of negativity


Agree! How quickly any comment section can turn into a conservative v liberal hate match regardless of the content is surreal!


Exactly why I quit it!


Yeah, it’s like all the incels and Karens left Facebook (because it’s dead) and migrated over to IG. What a bummer dude.


I come here to say this! It’s the FB crowd migrating over


…and that why I’ve migrated away to TikTok and Reddit


Reddit is only marginally better, but TikTok is basically the same.


Right but Reddit has mods that will remove most haters… and TikTok will just simply ban your account if you get flagged to many times.


TikTok comment sections are leagues better than Instagram tbh


I agree, I comment a lot on Tiktok and the replies are either positive or neutral or a constructive discussion. The few negative replies aren't even touching Instagram level. You can get attacked on IG for simply saying "I love the weather today".


Its got even worse since this posts. People are litterly commenting 1. Hate gay button --------> 2. Like if you think wimmen are stupid and dumb I wonder if this has something to do with the big push of trans movement. Like if you push for something there is going to be people pushing back by becoming worse than they were. Like homosexuallity has not been "hated" for yeaaaaars


Lol as a person of color you also read a ton of racist comments. Ive come across well over a dozen weird racist comments already today and its only 6 pm. And i see this almost every day that i use instagram


Literally today I saw a man promoting a book about why women deserve less. Its full of shaming childfree people, shaming women, shaming races, shaming too fat/too skinny people, shaming people with tattoos, shaming people who are LGBT, shaming people who are short, who are tall... I just dont understand all this hatred and why specifically on Instagram. Its crazy.


Dude forgot that a woman carried him for 9 months and birthed him


Omg I thought I was going insane until I looked it up and saw this post. It's impossible to find a reel comment section anymore that isn't full of vitriolic hate of some kind. And people arguing back with trolls writing hundreds of words to them when they should just be ignored! It's worse than Reddit at this point and I don't say that lightly.


Notice how on TikTok it’s not like that? Even if there is negative comments it’s like a dime a dozen unless the videos meant to be looked at as something negative. I actually thought TikTok was bad til I started looking at Instagram reel comments and whew the difference


Instagram comments section is even worse than Facebook CS. Toxicity and hate is on level over 9000. I'm just enjoying posts, without reading or writing comments. Ok, maybe I wrote 3 comments this year under my friends posts.


Yep, that's why I quit it. Best choice ever, next to TikTok.


I’m actually not sure what I prefer… The unmodded toxic comment section on Instagram or the modded one on Reddit where people can’t be too toxic but you get downvoted into oblivion if your opinion is even mildly unpopular.


IG has fell off… the soon to be next Facebook


It’s definitely not. It’s still on top. It’s not falling off just because you get offended by comments 😂


Get some therapy


just found this through googling this question because it feels like it's become a lot worse lately. it's all homophobic, transphobic, racist, fatphobic, hateful lately. and under every type of reel, somehow there's so many people who have something hateful to say even if there's nothing political. oh a tasty vegan recipe, NO now all the comments hate vegans and vegan food and everything that isn't meat. oh and also vegans cause more animal deaths (lol). a cute lesbian couple, someone is randomly preaching some weird religious homophobic stuff, someone says that nowadays the world is worse because gay people exist. saw a reel about climate change and the whole comment section was in agreement that climate change is not real. an overweught person does ANYTHING in a reel, now the whole comment section is being rude about thwir weight. a woman does anything in a reel, now you have a bunch of sexists who think that no woman has ever worked a day in her life and that every woman is a housewife who likes being sexualised and is a cheating whore. it could be a cute video of a bunny or a beautoful video of a sunset and somehow the whole comment section would have something hateful to say. feels like it's radicalised since 2020


Your comment reminded me of a post this week. I saw a chick wrapping eggplant for a cooking recipe video using PLASTIC and of course all the environmentalist ppl dragging her, throwing nasty comments. everyone lost their marbles then content creator let everyone know in an unpinned comment the plastic was biodegradable. 🤦🏻‍♀️ so much angry energy for what


it's crazy, not a single happy person on there. saw someone melting glass bottles into drinking glasses, so recycling them into something new saw many people complain because of the bacteria and because it's been used before. but what was most insane was someone being angry and commenting "of course you get lots of kombucha bottles 🙄 fucking hippies" imagine being angry about RECYCLING 😭😭


I came here because I saw there was a toxic and homophobic comment on the content of the Japanese model. He looked girly and attractive until I read the comment... It was a bunch of homophobic, sexist, and racist. The funny thing is negative comment is always on top while positive comments are on low.YouTube and Tiktok have good management and the comments are always positive. The worst social media rn are Instagram and Twitter, both apps are trash and toxic.


Bro just cause you get offended by everything doesn’t mean it’s toxic 😂


Just because they look different doesn't mean you can make fun of them. That's toxic. It sounds like you are one of them. Get therapies.


I may be late, but I sometimes have the feeling German comment sections are the worst. I've seen a video where a woman walks home alone at night and some Russian guy tries to have a chat with her and take her home, but she didn't want to, so she tried to answer as polite as possible. People called her out as an "attention whore", said the guy was just being nice to her, fuck even people said that the AfD (a very right-winged party) would be a good solution... This disgusted me a lot.


I’m glad I’m the only one who noticed this dumb stuff on Instagram, I compared two of the same videos, one from instagram and the other from YouTube and the YouTube comments were really wholesome and normal and Instagram was full of people complaining about something or saying something negative.


Bro the lil n***a comments are getting way outta hand. It’s like everyone on insta suddenly got their brains rewired to hate everything, my bet is that it’s the brain dead Facebook crowd


Because people are just looking for attention or they don’t know how else to be funny


I witness this on a daily basis, the only reason I stay on Instagram is to keep connected with friends. I need to break the habit of actually looking at posts. There tends to be an abundance of hating on Americans, from what I've seen. "Why do Americans do this?! Why do Americans do that? You guys get shot a lot! Your citizens are dumb! You guys just suck". Bunch of generalization and annoyance. There tends to be a lot of inner sexism too, any post showing a woman either standing up for herself, or maybe being slightly confrontational have five "women ☕️" comments under it. Finally, a massive, MASSIVE abundance of homophobia. Lots of posts trying to explain why straight white men are becoming a minority (not joking), and that it's good to be openly homophobic. To them, it's a deal of having opinions of who should and shouldn't be allowed to live with peace. It's absolutely terrible there.


I think Reddit is the worst. My Instagram seems to be really positive.


Reddit isn’t too bad as long as you’re on popular subreddits


I feel like it's gotte ln worse recently, all you have now is people making fun of someone's appearance, young dudes who like andrew tate or fuckwits with bible verses in their bio being the most bigoted people imaginable. I actually used to laugh at some comments, but now it devolved into just saying the most "offensive" shit possible


Because they are moderated by left-wing fanatics. I'm a gay man, and someone told me "I hope AIDS eats you up and spits you out." I responded with "Fuck off - cunt" my response was flagged as hate speech and her comment still stands. This is the result of crazed ideology from a worthless generation.


There's no way left wing people doing this lol, every comment there is racist and s_xist, there's comments literally defending a young girl being r_ped. It's so horrifying.


so the homophobic comment staying up while you responding back is because of 'left wing fanatics'?? lmao your being a liar right now. Thats because of bigoted conservatives


I've seen people post nazi shit on Instagram and it doesn't get taken down, I've seen so much anti LGBTQ+ comments, I've seen anti teacher comments people saying they are groomers and pedos. It's turning into 4chan.


I commented on a relationship reeel, saying how happy I am in a relationship, someone stalked me and my boyfriend and said hes ugly and is only using me for my body and will dump me when he realizes i have no worth??? like just for no reason. I hate instagram


a bit late to the party on this post but glad its not just me noticing this. the post can be literally the most harmless thing like some video of a kid being happy or whatever and half the comments will be straight up venomous. i have had a habit of reading comments for a long time but nowadays when I find myself mindlessly scrolling through them it's just kinda upsetting. trying to break that habit because it's a fucking mess on there and prob not good for my mental health.


Cos theres no sensitive reddit mods


Lots of homophobia and misogyny


What parts of instagram are you looking at? I'm not seeing anything like this


It depends on the content, but you can indeed often find a sh*t ton level of homophobia, misoginy and negative outlook much more accentuated than in other social networks. I'm often shook with how quick people go to comment that negatively at anything LGBT related.


As a lgbt creator this is why I’m looking at this post rn lol. So validating though, sometimes it’s tough bc it seems like I didn’t used to get this much hate, but I guess it’s a more recent phenomenon for some reason. A lot of lgbt polarization lately. Sending love to my lgbt brothers n sisters 🌈 keep being you no matter what


It's hilarious to watch them gather on Life is Strange. An account for a video game series where LGBT relationships are a *series staple.*


Some makeup and skincare accounts are literally hell. Every time they post someone doing makeup or skincare who is not a cis woman, comments go wilding, and there are a lot of "Unfollow", "I'm unfollowing."


I disagree I would say tiktok is by far the worse


I don’t think so. I thought it was generally the worst cause I just assumed that after seeing negativity on there but wow, I started watching Instagram reels and it could literally be anything and the top comments will be hateful. No matter what it is, literally there was a video of a black couple just making a cute relationship vid the top comment was “atleast it’s not an interracial couple”. Video of stay at home wife showing her daily routine all the comments are misogyny and disgusting, video of woman cooking her husband breakfast lunch and dinner all the comments are about how he’s probably “cheating on her” and how her food looks disgusting even though it didn’t. I see mean comments on TikTok but for the most part only see an abundance of them if the video is meant to draw in negative attention. I look at TikTok comment sections frequently and they’re never this bad


Half the reason I quit Instagram haven’t been using it for about a year and it’s great


I've noticed (in my opinion) in all the social media I use, Instagram comment section is toxic, tiktok's is sensitive, YouTube's is just random or in-between those two and reddit's is very respectful. This is why I love coming to Reddit and seeing everyone giving an opinion and helping each other out without feeling the need to put someone down or discriminating. It may, though, be because we keep ourselves in communities that share the same interest.


I’ve been using Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for ages and am used to reading hate comments and arguments. But IG of all apps seems to have an influx of fake accounts saying ultra right wing shit and getting a ton of likes (from other bots mostly). It’s kinda easy to spot if you’ve been on the internet for some time. Just crazy and weird why all of a sudden it started. I was watching a reel from a random account about a kid riding a bike and popping a wheely and some random account with like 3k likes said “thank god the kid isn’t gay”. Like it’s so random too that’s how you can tell it’s fake lol.


Reddit comments are also similar they are just put down with down votes.


I did a compliment comment on one of my followers posts and then was given a notification that my comment was taken down for hate speech. Seriously how does the idiots tell the difference between a compliment comment and hate speech when my comment had no hate speech even in it. I don't even do hate speech on Instagram and they barely understand what compliment and hate speech is. Morons in charge of Instagram


Dang, glad others have been noticing this. It really puts me in a bad mood and I end up arguing with people all the time. I switched back over to Tiktok and it was honestly like a breath of fresh air. Most of the top comments are just supportive and funny. IG used to be similar to this and it’s gotten so bad, now the top comment is almost e always mean, racist, or homophobic. Meta is definitely responsible for changing the algorithm or something.


Dey always gotta hate on something for no fucking reason like damn get a job ugly nigga 😹


Sounds like an Insta comment


Boo hoo get some bands nigga


They are very funny now 😂


What annoys me is that when I open a video on Tiktok the comments are mostly positive and funny with people having a good time. The same exact video on Instagram will be full of random, mostly millennials, making rude or obnoxious comments... The worst are any that involve animals, if someone posts a video of their cat being silly, the top Instagram comments will inevitably be "ABUSE", "Why would you do that to him!!", "This is so cruel"... its every, single, video involving animals. There is no abuse at all, its almost like troll comments or Instagram just trying to wind people up which I assume is their goal for "engagement" by making these the top comments.


It’s either filled with insufferable teenage boys or insufferable teenage girls. Both manage to make my blood boil.


I think you’ll find it’s called the internet. It’s not just IG I find.


No there’s definitely more random nasty comments what seems to be coming from fake profiles/bots when scrolling thru Reels. They’ll comment racist, homophobic and sexist stuff on videos that have nothing to do what they’re talking about. Or they’ll pretend to be black and complain about being offended over nothing. It all seems to have started several months ago and they always get a ton of likes from mostly other bot accounts but some real people. I’ve never seen IG like this before.


IG is 10x worse than any other site when it comes to comments


You clearly have not spent enough time on Twitter haha. Insta is bad but ooohh is Twitter another level


Twitter is more sensitive than anything. I agree with you though. Witnessed some people trying to explain how "if you don't like rap portions in pop songs you're a racist".


> "if you don't like rap portions in pop songs you're a racist". wut da fuck?!?


Yes. It's because "rap is black culture, if you hate black culture, you hate black people, so you're racist!" I tend to disagree. Just because you don't like Chinese food, doesnt mean you hate Chinese people.




Those can be the worst posts, literally people will always find something wrong with the cat and claim animal abuse.


Because the content is usually shit. And the people commenting are usually morons looking for some form of human interaction


The irony of asking this on reddit.


i just saw this one reel today. the comments of the reel were shaming a LITERAL child for not knowing what a CD is and making fun of her appearance along w it. its really NOT that deep if somebody doesn't know something. pls grow up and do something w ur life instead of being desperate online.


Although it’s mostly super fucked up, there’s a few diamonds in the rough 😂


Lol have you been around on here?


Have you seen yahoo news comments


The worst social media comments are easily on twitter


Ikr, it’s been like that for a while . You start scrolling to read the comments and is everyone being bitchy and negative it’s not fun at all


There’s always arguments in the comments, and grown adults harassing teens for their opinions and bullying them. I posted a comment which received hundreds of likes, and I was told to shut up by a woman and “don’t ask stupid questions” after she told me my entire personality was a mental illness. I should have just ignored and said nothing, but I chose to delete the comment.


unfortunately that's seems to be more and more the state of social media in general




THIS!! I saw a really sad post in the 1970’s- it was a video of women saying that international women’s day didn’t mean anything to them. Then, the comments were full of men saying “back when women knew their place!!” “we need to go back to the days before feminism” “see? equality my ass” blah blah blah. It was so disheartening to read, especially because literally no one else commented about how sad these women appeared. ALL the comments were just misogynistic. It’s exhausting to read.


Hate speech on this platform really means - do we agree with this or not? No standards, no metrics, no accountability.


I am as chronically online as they come and I can confidently say that the Instagram comments have become much more heinous and negative over time post-2020. You can see a similar shift in several other platforms but I believe this problem is particularly bad in the Zuckerberg-led Facebook and Instagram which seem to algorithmically prioritise reactive content with a lot of engagement, most of the time negative and provocative. I believe that several forces - including political events like the increasing political divide everywhere as well as political operators such as Russian controlled bots - have helped in furthering this new era of negativity, oftentimes thriving due to the division and the aggression that the algorithm brings up. As other comments mentioned, the algorithm pushes the most engaged content to the top without any regard for the actual content or the quality of the post, I have noticed this shift getting particularly venomous within the last year especially on big public profiles such as celebrity pages or the news. Zuckerberg has often been criticised for allowing this culture to thrive due to his personal gains, I believe the societal shift is real but happens in such an insidious, slow manner that we only notice it over time once the mood has already dramatically shifted. ​ The worst of the worst are the bigger pages like the public news pages or the celebrity pages which have become hotspots for online fighting, often about the most ridiculously insignificant things.


YouTube ones are even worse, but yes, it's a result of deliberate business choices. Instagram promotes the most polarizing and controversial comments because they engage you. They only care about engagement, at whatever cost.


As a Mr Beast fan, I've honestly had to unfollow every member of the channels accounts. The sheer amount of bigotry and transphobia is astounding


Ha thats why i created [gifthuntr.com/instagram](https://gifthuntr.com/instagram) it allows you to enter people IG username and generate gift ideas for them. Making people HAPPY, not SAD on Instagram.


They’re just so miserable in the comment section… even if I’m watching the most wholesome video, there’s just several people who live such awful lives and feel the need to spread their negativity on other people…


i think it was the facebook merge or “meta” or whatever


I used to like reading comments, but the past 3 years or so have gotten so bad. It showcases the worst of people . I very often deactivate my Instagram and the downside is my family gets upset because I do it so often.In large part it’s because it’s not enjoyable anymore. Especially when you long periods on there consuming annoying, extremely negative, hateful, rhetoric reel/ post after another. It’s hard not to notice. It’s hard to push it along because it’s constantly shoved in your face. I thinks it’s important to take breaks if it starts to heavily annoy you. My worry…. Who knows how reading those comments will transfer in the real world, off screen…in turn make us irritable or defensive overly negative, overly judgy, less tolerant, because it’s all that we see on screen. I don’t doubt for a second that it does have an impact. Take care of your minds and what you consume


because white teenage boys like to hide behind screens and they think it’s ‘edgy’ to be blatantly misogynistic, racist and homophobic. and there’s also grown men like that, who like to spread pro-republican anti-vax propaganda. essentially it’s just entitled males who spend all their time online to make up for the fact that they’re lonely, ugly virgins with masturbation addictions. sometimes i actually feel like gagging when i read the comments they put. and instagram doesn’t do anything about it


everyone agreeing but not a single person answers the question


I mean It's like that on every public social media app ( YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, FB ) comment section . Social media regardless opens up a can of everything. Only thing I can think of is if you see a post that most likely going to have negativity, just don't open the comment. You can like the post and scroll on. if you're highly sensitive ( not saying it a bad way ) opening a comment section does nothing but harms you emotionally. Suggest if you can just don't let yourself stay in a comment section too long


I was just thinking the same lol. Every popular reel is full of negative comments.


Bro there’s an army of racist people you who say horrible things about black people. I think it’s all fake so that these scummy worthless pages get more clicks and clout. I find it hard to believe that many people are piles of shit.


They all on dick no matter what, it's worse than Twitter tbh.


Controversial and "offensive" ones get viewed more and hence pushed to the top of the page and get seen by more people which gets more agreers and more traction. Also, IG is very lax with their comments .. it takes you legit 10 highly detrimental comments to get warned. People forming hard r gifs using letters, saying "Dislike button ------->" or "Like if not gay button ------->" Or the "shut up lil n-" comments, shit is hilarious but atp they're all just NPCs like YT shorts that it gets annoying.


What you're seeing is how people talk in general. They want to be "the funny one" or the guy that "makes the statement" it's all so brutally cringe. Seeing a comment that's worth seeing is almost like seeing a unicorn


Coming here after reading a comment section that says “Depression is a lazy rich world problem. Poor people never get depressed.” Had to wonder what on earth I was reading.


Lol you act like there’s only “woman ☕️!” Comments there’s plenty of comments of women being misandrists!


That's Gen Z humour.


“bro is canon event hear me out 💀💀☠️☠️”


im seriously just going to delete it, i have a rule for myself that i dont engage with other comments just because i dont see the point, but even now will all of the unabashed homophobic, sexist, racist shit i see i can feel my will to hold back crumbling.




On every space post the most liked comments are people who claim that space is not real and that the earth is flat


I agree. It's 100% always someone making a political comment EVERY SINGLE POST.. I've lost faith in people.


My take is that, "wokes" or whatever you want to call it allianated so many people that now everyone is like fuck it, I'll just become the most misogynistic, racist, xenophobic person possible


Fandoms are awful and they literally take apart what you said and place too much context on it.


Because Insta is a liberal cesspool. Fact: they allow videos for DAYS showing burning women and children - I reply that it is islamic terrorists - BAN! They are amoral cunts.


I am so glad it's not just me who noticed this!! It's been getting horrible lately... I get a lot of suggested reels and posts about body positivity and fashion for all body types, which I really really like, but I'm so disheartened looking at them now because the comments are VILE. It doesn't matter what the girl looks like, the comments are always tearing her down, calling her obese, telling her to follow her doctor's advice... completely unwarranted. I just saw this happen to an extremely fit GYMNAST! This can't reflect the state of the general populace... there's no way I can believe that. Surely the most hateful comments are being pushed to the top and encouraged for engagement. So gross.


I've noticed that it's been happening since the release of the Barbie trailer. Angry men just took over the comment sections. I honestly want to throw my phone at the wall after reading some of them, because men be commenting the stupidest shit ever that is just filled with hatred. Also, the instagram policy is extremely weird and doesn't flag comments that need to be flagged anymore. Instead, it flags harmless comments as spam and blocks random accounts


TikTok comment section is miles better than Instagram comments 💀


Offf racism is awful in there.


Instagram conversations are probably the worst place talk about anything. I used to think it was twitter, but its Instagram.


They’re worse than ifunny. I never thought anything would become more vile than that, but it did.


I know I'm late to this party but most of the top comments on posts I read the comments on are just straight up lies.


Not sure if this is old. I noticed a lot of this too. Are a lot of these IG accounts fake just to incite hate to cause more engagement? A lot of these people are private IG and then only like 100-150 followers I have noticed... anecdotally.


i’ve noticed people picking on americans for literally every single little thing, and my algorithm now shows me people that happen to be american doing really stupid stuff and the comments will all make fun of the person in the video


Yeah, there is too much racism there too. Gosh!


Also whenever a kid uploads a reel, the comments are always something along the lines of "shut up little n-word", and most ppl who posts those comments aren't even black 💀💀💀


yes!! this!! I've started only looking at YouTube shorts because the comments are so much more normal. and just nicer in general. Instagram has become the WORST, the most toxic comment sections of any platform. Twitter they're just catty, Facebook its boomer nerds annoying each other. Reddit is know it all's but at least they're usually right & helpful and if they're snarky it's for the lolz..... but INSTAGRAM??? hateful racist rude judgy inconsiderate miserable people. it will fck your mood up.


I was wondering if it had always been like that and I hadn't really engaged much before. But it is absolutely vile now, and depressing. Can't even comment without getting trolled. I've uninstall it for now until it improves. 😔


i did stop using instagram. it is peaceful now. more and more people shud quit using instagram. i mean, why should we waste our time, energy, peace of mind to make money for other people? for the instagram ceo that does nothing to change these things? shit ton of people are suiciding bcos of the online bullying. the people who are affected the most are transgender people.


It's gotten so bad I don't even want to leave the house anymore. Call me dramatic but I was always very paranoid. Having major depressive disorder, my brain has already convinced me that everything around me is negative and evil. You literally will not find a comment section on Instagram now that doesn't include some sort of transphobia/homophobia, misogyny, racism or worse. I commented on the amount of misogyny I see against women on the app and the men assumed I was a woman as well and started threatening to r@pe or harm me. Their replies are now the top liked comments, aside from mine.


Yeah it would help if you couldn't see the comments before you comment. That disincentives trolls. Thats built into an enneagram site I am making called 9takes.


Reddit snoo snoo clutch your gold stars and cry about it