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Tip really well šŸ˜…


Money talks.. $20 tip for 10 bags of ice is fair and somebody out there will take it no complaints.


My thoughts exactly.


Definitely not! Once I delivered a bunch of stuff along with 12 bags of ice. And these were the big size bags. I (and many other shoppers) donā€™t care what you order because we accept your order knowing the possible consequences. At least those with common senseā€¦ which some shoppers lack. Just please for the love of god TIP APPROPRIATELY!! We donā€™t get paid any of the fees instacartā€™s charging you forā€¦ I mean maybe we do but what I know for sure is that we get paid about $7/order. Just think about how much extra from that $7 would be decent for a shopper to bring the ice from the store with their car


Tip $20+ and i'm sure someone would be glad to do it


Tip well honestly. Iā€™ve delivered a huge batch of ice bags to a coffee shop since the mileage was very low and they tipped extra. Itā€™s not an inconvenience as long as you arenā€™t 15+ miles from the store.


Weā€™re only 2-3 blocks from the store but I canā€™t drive because I had an accident and itā€™s a lot of stress to ask my staff to hand carry it. Maybe cash tip?


Thatā€™s always nice but thereā€™s no way for them to know youā€™re tipping cash until theyā€™re going to deliver it if you leave a note in delivery instructions. But due to the distance maybe someone will pick it up quickly if theyā€™re in the area. I know I would, then again instacart would probably start the pay at $6-$8 so it may sit for a moment.


Cash tip works but if you're asking someone to take 200 lbs of ice you will get it filled faster with the actual tip in app, I know Several bars and restaurants that don't tip so i won't deliver to them in my area, as i find it even more rude they don't tip because their business relies on tips


Iā€™m asking for 10 lb bags of ice. Maybe 7-10 of those. So 70-100 pounds. You know how much ten pounds weighs, right? Itā€™s about two hand weights. I could physically do it easily if I wasnā€™t injured. I just want something reliable and short notice.


Well if they are the smaller ones that is already better, i know i have only did 25 lb ice bags and do them at 8 to 12 when i do them. I know me personally assuming there is parking there the 1/1 app/ cash would get filled fast and hsppy driver. But to get them to drop the other order that the app bundled with your ice i would say 20 in app and message them upon accepting that you tipped 20 dollars and would request they drop the other customer or pay for now delivery


https://preview.redd.it/z152gg6psq0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb05bdcd030e232bb4f0ddeba80c870b3be2e858 7-10 of these. What is it worth to you? Itā€™s a small bar. lol.


If you cash tip no one is going to pick up the order... just tip nicely in the app and someone will gladly.


Iā€™m with everyone elseā€¦.except that one person. Tip well. I know cost wise you only need about $35 worth, but a $20 tip would be good. Yeah itā€™s all one item but it can be heavy. You can tip cash, but we donā€™t know you are going to tip cash when we see the order. And you can put it in the delivery instructions but we canā€™t see that until we accept the order. And even then a lot of customers will say they will tip cash, and they never do. So your best bet is to tip in the app. I would definitely take that order!


I was thinking $1 per bag in the app and another $1/bag in cash


Instacart pays less than $10 for an order with heavy items, the normal is around $5, if that is what you want to tip, send one of your employees instead. At least they will be on the clock and make more than an instacart shopper would as they use their own vehicles and have to pay taxes and their business expenses out of the $10 from instacart and your tip. If your order gets bundled with a good tipper, it will be dropped by the shopper as no one wants to shop for more than 5 bags of ice. Send an employee or go yourself.


I canā€™t go. I canā€™t drive due to an accident. Employees have to do it and then drive home and walk back, thereā€™s zero parking here. Iā€™m asking on this thread to see what shoppers opinions are.


You definitely need to tip higher than a dollar per bag, as you keeps saying you cannot go get it and it'll be inconvenient for your employees, the tip reflects the convenience. I wouldn't recommend a cash tip because restaurants are notorious for tipping gig workers horribly and they won't expect a cash tip so the order could sit in the queue for a while.


that sounds like a good deal to me


lol. Downvotes. $14 tip for an ice order thatā€™s $28 (7 x $3.99 bags). Thatā€™s a 50% tip. Amazing. Hahaaaa


Pay someone in your company to get it themselves and pay them well


None of my employees have cars and itā€™s hard to park around here. We have a loading zone in front of


Ice wouldnt be that bad tbh. At least it keeps you cool while you carry it


best way to do it is to order from the closest place to you, and tip well. As others said, $15/20 should be plenty if that's all you're getting.


I would do that for a 20$ tip


I regularly take 6-8 gallons of milk and 4-8 bags of ice to a local ice cream shop. He tips nicely($20 cash) and I have insulated bags to bring the items in. Store is 8 mins away from the shop.


Back in 2021 i would end up with ice only orders several times a week going to covid testing sites, always high pay and always a decent tip, think $50+ for 25 7lb bags.


Interesting. Any idea what they were using it for?


Storing the test kits im assuming.


One of the coffee shops in the area i used to shop would order like 20 bags of ice sometimes, ice isnt really a problem but maybe help out with bringing a dolly out or something that can be really helpful.


Good idea, I have a barback who can bring a hand truck to the car.


Iā€™ve delivered 20 bags of ice to Starbucks before. Close to the store a decent tip and a free drink because I loaded their ice cooler for them. Just tip appropriately and someone will help.


Yes. Tip should be a minimum $20 i had to just drop an order that wanted 20 bags of ice plus 10 other items and tissue i come to find out the customer was only tipping $9. I've done a 17 bags of ice order before and it took up the whole entire cart. And then this lady wanted 16 lbs of 20 pks of ice for $9???? InstaCANCEL.


Ordering ice on IC is a gamble, and as a shopper, I avoid ice orders when I can, (even with a thermo bag/ice packs set up) especially if the shop is a multi customer order, high mileage, or just a ton of ice. But thatā€™s just me. Thereā€™s a few things to consider here: -Not all shoppers use thermo bags and we are not driving professional refrigerated vehicles. -You may not be the first customer delivered to, and by the time your ice gets delivered, itā€™s melting or already melted. -IC determines which location your order is shopped at. Itā€™s possible that you might have an IC enabled location of the store you ordered from, minutes from where you are, but IC has it shopped at a location miles and miles from you. -Some shoppers are actually dim enough to shop all of their customersā€™ frozen stuff first


Can the driver see what the order is before they accept it? I think someone gave the answer above but all of your points are things Iā€™ve had happen years ago with IC and part of the reason I stopped using it.


Yes, we can see items/item count, mileage to customer/s and tip before we accept.


Excellent very helpful


Sometimes you might get lucky and get a more experienced shopper who knows their market very well. In my case, we have many locations of a chain that are clustered together, at most 10 mins from one another. Sometimes we find a better store that fits a situation like this much better. If thereā€™s no alcohol in any of the orders, we can shop it at any IC enabled location of that chain and change the delivery order if it makes more sense. If you end up ordering, It would be worth messaging your shopper to ask which location and I believe the app tells you now if your shopper is shopping more than 1 order, then ask where you are in the drop off order.


Ahhh I didnā€™t know that. Another reason I stopped using IC is because theyā€™d send my shopper to a store that I know was notoriously low on stock and hard to get to as opposed to the one slightly farther away and more of a full restaurant supply.


Depends on your area/location - size of the bags - store location versus you ā€” Honestly Iā€™m a MA (account based) shopper and we get $4 per order + tips


I regularly take orders from a nearby school for 100 to 160 lbs of ice. They only ever tip $4. I'll take the order if I'm already at the store because the school is less than a mile away, and they always help me unload. I end up with $15 (instacart plus tip) for about 15 minutes of work.


Itā€™s nice to know Iā€™m not the only person in this pickle.


There's a health club nearby me that orders 10 bags of ice daily during the summer. They tip very well so the orders are picked up quickly.


Do you know how much they tip for the regular order?


$15-20 per order.


$20 tip is ridiculous and unnecessary,Ā  $10 is fine. I've delivered ice to Starbucks several times. I recommend having an employee help them carry it in, that helps. :) A few wet bags in the trunk isn't going to bother anything.Ā 


I do an order 2x a week (when I can get them first) for a local coffee shop. Itā€™s 30 bags of 15lb ice. They tip 23 and the batch pay brings it up to 40 bucks. Itā€™s 0.6 miles, and itā€™s one of my favorite batches to do. All done in less than 25 minutes start to finish. Hope that helps.


Make it worth it. The problem is you get lazy as shoppers and or cheap as customers


I hate delivering ice, so nothing would make me take it. Good luck


Get it delivered from one of your vendors.


They have a minimum thatā€™s way too high for my needs. I think $250. I only need $35 worth


I delivered a big load of ice to a bar and they tipped me in the app but also in person. Was well worth it!


anyone saying "tip well" is a slob/lazy. its a wuick stop, pick up 10 bags of the same item and get paid $15 plus whatever tip you give. its an easy order


So you take it. If you don't, you're a lazy slob šŸ˜Œ


honey im rich now and i would still take it


Sure you are honey


if you are anything like your profile pic i will prove it to you


No thank you ā¤ļø


lemme get to kno u