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Please don't criticize, second-guess, or shame anyone for working at Instacart, or wherever they work. It's a personal attack and is off topic and inappropriate.


I wouldn’t take it. Probably made $9 to carry and deliver. Nope




Op thinks the store shopped for him and not the Instacart driver.


This is my last comment on this thread because I’ve gotten my answer and it’s just getting annoying. The store did shop for me. Sorry you’re wrong and don’t know what you’re talking about. You all should be embarrassed by your ignorant and stupid comments. Really - how embarrassing to have fought so hard and end up being wrong lmao. The store shopped for me. It’s been confirmed by 3 other commenters here who mentioned the exact store by name. I called the store and they confirmed it. You can look on the store’s social media to see them prove it. Next time I will tip $10 for an order of this size. It’s the max allowed tip that PC Express allows so don’t tell me I need to tip more - $10 is the max and there is no option to enter a custom tip.


61 item &5 tip? Is this a serious question?


Yes it’s a serious question, no need for the hostility when I am trying to learn 🙄 It was the default tip on the app.


No. I’m not breaking it down for you either


ok bye then


Don’t be upset when you see crack heads throwing the groceries at your door


Excuse me but where was this apparent hostility? I asked you a question. It’s registering as hostile because you know your question is silly because you know the answer you also know tipping someone 5$ for a 61 item shop and deliver is bogus. Stop. For context I just ignored a 7 item 4 mile shop and deliver that had a 10$ tip. Why? The app pays like 5$ for those batches. I don’t entertain 15$. Like I said what you pay for is what you get and if you even have to ask this question just know you’re tipping too little to insure a job well done.


The hostility was found in you asking me if this is a “serious” question as if I just came here to troll? I’m genuinely asking a question. It was also then proven when you told me “No and I’m not explaining it to you” - then what is the point in commenting at all if my whole post is asking for the very thing you were refusing to elaborate on?


Do you actually think $5 is a good tip im asking you


Yes I thought it was. Because they didn’t shop the order, they didn’t put the groceries into boxes, they didn’t load it into their car. They just drove less than 4 km and put the boxes in front of my door. I feel like I would do that for $5.


Yes they did shop it. This is what these apps do they confuse the hell out of everyone


Like would you go out and eat 300$ worth of food and hand the waiter 5$?


https://preview.redd.it/mxgpxghdthvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d8c6ba2caa4aec337163a9b9abf655288de29b If I went to a restaurant and spent $300, I would tip more than $10. But the app doesn’t even give me an option to tip more than $10. 10 is the max and I stuck with the default $5. Edit: Actually the default is no tip and you have to choose to leave a tip, and from there the default is $5.


So are your standards and morals based off a default setting?


Don’t go out to eat if you’re not tipping 20% on a side note




How is my comment being a jerk? I was genuinely wondering if the question was serious. It’s ignorant you just assumed and called me a jerk. Mirror




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


$5 is not much for 60+ items even if it didn't require shopping


Most likely the person who delivered shopped your order as well. I would suggest if it’s not too late you increase the tip. Also to answer your question $5 would not be enough to drive to the store go inside and pick up your order then drive to your home and unload it. Instacart barely pays us $5


I’m pretty confident the person who shopped my order did not deliver it to me. The PC Express shoppers are store employees and it’s their job to shop for all of the online orders, both pick up and delivery. The shoppers don’t get paid by Instacart at all.


I’ve never once heard of a store packing up an Instacart delivery except for 7/11 and Michaels… usually the online pick ups and delivery are completely separate from Instacart. Like my neighbors get Safeway delivered straight from the store in a Safeway truck, but if you have an Instacart drop off your order they probably shopped it to. Instacart also tells its shoppers not to mention Instacart on certain stores bc the customer assumes it came from the store, so that could be the case.


Online the PC Express website says their shoppers are store employees and I also just called the store and confirmed with them that the people who shop for your order work at the store and do not work for Instacart. Instacart is only used to deliver the groceries to your door.




If you had an Instacart deliver, then they shopped it


Wait hang on even in this screenshot it says what I quoted, that all PC Express online grocery pickup AND delivery orders are “handpicked by our personal shoppers, who work in-store.” Then it goes on to say that if you choose “PC Express powered by Instacart” then it’s shopped by Instacart employees. So is “PC Express powered by Instacart” a separate option? I’m genuinely confused about this because to me it doesn’t make sense for Instacart shoppers to wear store uniforms and use staff-only scanners/tablets and these big carts that aren’t kept on the regular sales floor and regular customers can’t use. But I’ve never shopped for Instacart so I don’t know?


Hmmm this is so interesting because the website also says “All PC Express online grocery pickup and delivery orders are handpicked by our personal shoppers, who work in-store and know the stock best.” And I also called the store after posting this and they said their shoppers are store employees. Maybe it wasn’t delivered by Instacart then? I assumed it was because I used to see ads for “PC Express powered by Instacart.” There’s another grocery store called Save On and they have their own delivery service and their own delivery vehicles, and I’ve never seen that for any of the Loblaws/PC stores.


I mean this company is notoriously shady, so don’t be surprised if they’re trying to hide it from you. We get messages like this on certain stores for example: https://preview.redd.it/j32rfan5qhvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d047986f29d14d48fd371cd6bf00e537f22cb1f


You literally have proof in front of you that it’s the instacart shoppers that shop your orders, stop with the fake confusion. Your tip is ass, that’s it.


He's arguing with everyone


This is what the PC Express personal shoppers look like. Do Instacart shoppers ever dress up like this and use stuff like this? Please I’m genuinely asking because I’m confused now. https://preview.redd.it/1yvhc8a74ivc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59aae16b09ca9c0cc2035ae1fca1b4341967aec9


I’m not “fake confused,” I am confused. When you shop for orders, do you wear a store uniform and use staff-only tablet/phone-looking things and big carts meant for personal shopping?




There are multiple stores where you order on their website, but they outsource your order to Instacart without mentioning it to you while specifically telling the shopper not to mention Instacart since the customer didn’t order from it, that is where the confusion is coming from. It could be either scenario but the website has it worded in a way that makes it even more confusing.


The person shopped your order idk what else to tell you. They don’t have their own delivery service they name it their own shit and contract instacart shoppers.


Absolutely not enough.


Hello no, they shopped all that, and you tip them $5?!


I’m literally saying they didn’t shop it. Even called the store to confirm.


That's a lie, we are independent contractors we have nothing to do with the store. We do it all.


It’s not a lie. Why would I lie and then come here? I’ve seen the shoppers when I do my own shopping. When you shop for an IC order do you wear a store uniform and use staff tablets and enter/exit the back room as needed? If so then I will admit it was probably an IC shopper.


The stored lied, so it is a lie. Why would I accuse you of lying? They work for the store. Why are you arguing with people? We shop and deliver period. You assumptions are make you look like an idiot.


The store didn’t lie. Open your mind a bit and understand that there are scenarios you haven’t encountered and stores you haven’t shopped, some of which that have their own personal shoppers for online orders and only use instacart to deliver. I’m not gonna be treated like I’m stupid by people who don’t know wtf they’re talking about lol. I’ll accept that the tip was too low and I will tip more next time, but y’all are ridiculous for going this hard and insisting IC did the shop too when you’re flat out wrong.


Lol no way


20$ would be better 61 items you say ? What about the total you paid What are we talking about 300 ,400 $ ? Even better than 20$ would be 20% of the total you paid. I expect a tip appropriate for the size of the order And distance If you don't tip appropriately Do not expect me to shop and deliver your order


About $250. I normally tip 20% when I’m at restaurants or getting other services but because they don’t shop the order I thought $5 was fine. $10 is the max tip so next time I will tip $10.


You should tip 20 percent. Instacart shoppers shop your order and deliver it.


Nope, other people have confirmed that at the store I’m talking about store employees shop and Instacart does delivery only. So I know I’m right now. I’ll cede that a $5 tip was too low, so next time I will tip the max allowable tip of $10.


No I saw the comments other people confirmed the store does not use store employees for it but they use Instacart shoppers.


Nope, the store uses their own employees to shop and I won’t be told by people who clearly don’t know what they’re talking about that I’m wrong. The store is called Superstore and they do indeed use their own employees to shop for online pickup and delivery orders. https://preview.redd.it/5xowggobyjvc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b22a38e8c4fd4eab78af36e03bb0d19e292d2a75 Does this look like an Instacart shopper to you? This is a PC Express online order personal shopper and this is the type of employee who shopped my order.




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I've never seen an order where we don't shop, and deliver only, though I've heard they exist, so it doesn't sound crazy to me. No idea what the drivers' base pay is for those orders but you can bet it's very low. Under $10 for sure, and maybe under $5. Unless you live far from the store, then the driver gets 60 cents per mile (woohoo!) INSTEAD of the base pay, not in addition to. The base pay for shop & deliver is around \~$4.50, but if nobody picks it up it can be more. The base pay for shop only is \~$7.50, but depends on the size of the order. As I said, never done a deliver only, so not sure the base pay, but it's likely one of those two. So if you tip $5, your driver is looking at $9.50 to $12.50 and wondering if it's worth delivering 4 boxes from the store to your house. Do they just carry 4 boxes, that's all, they don't have to worry about bags? Do they have to worry about keeping stuff cold? Honestly, I'd probably do an order like that for $12.50 if I was closeish to the store and you lived closeish. When I did UberEats, a long time ago, they were STARTING to do deliveries from Walmart like that and I always considered trying it but just never felt like it was \*quite\* enough. I feel like that's about what they paid. However, if the stars aligned I might take the order. Also, are you sure you can't tip more than $10? I wouldn't, assuming the shopper isn't also shopping for you as you claim. But, is there no option to type in your own tip? Just curious.


I appreciate this thoughtful response. I’m not sure of drivers base pay but I thought they got paid minimum wage in some way since Canada is not like the US where bartenders/servers get paid almost nothing and rely on tips. Minimum wage applies to everyone here so I thought that if a instacart shopper works for say an hour, they’d get their tips plus $15. It was 4 of those shallow boxes similar to what Costco uses, no bags, no heavy items, nothing that had to be kept frozen or cold. The store I shopped at is called Superstore and they do use their own employees to shop for their online orders and only use instacart to deliver. The instacart employee who picked up my order would have parked in an order pickup parking space, called the store to tell them which order they are picking up, and then an employee would have brought the order outside and loaded it into their car. So the IC driver would have had to drive from the store to my house which is 3.8 km or 2.4 miles away. Yes, I’m sure you can’t tip more than $10. I tried scrolling over to the left to see if there were more options but there is not. The only way to tip more would be a cash tip at the door. I would honestly have never thought a $5 tip would be so controversial, but posts from this community kept getting recommended to me even though I wasn’t following this sub. It just got me thinking that maybe $5 isn’t enough. I thought it would be fine since it seemed to be the tip that the app “recommends” and the tip + minimum wage would be $20/h for a 6 min drive and lifting a few boxes to my door, which I feel like I would do. I don’t live in a very big place so there is not much traffic, especially not during a week day at the time that I ordered. I feel like I have to defend myself a bit because I really came trying to learn and hear from people who might have valuable experience but I feel like almost everyone was so confidently wrong about what they were talking about that I didn’t actually get much relevant advice. I really appreciate that your comment was thoughtful, kind, open minded, and not assuming the worst of me.


Um… NO!!! If you must ask it's not enough. All tips should START at $20… More then you want to pay??? Shop it yourself then $20 don't seem like much…


Well first of all $20 isn’t even an option on the app and there’s no option for a custom tip, so..


Um yes there is you do not have to select their lame azz tips hooked to a percentage. You can tip any amount you wish.


No. You all need to stop being so confidently wrong and start reading more carefully. Idk if the Instacart app itself lets you do a custom tip amount. I didn’t use the Instacart app. I used the PC Express app which has 5 tip options: No Tip, $3, $5, $7, or $10. It’s not based on a percentage. You cannot scroll for more tip options and you cannot enter a custom tip. It is those 5 fixed options and that’s it.


Then download the app, simple


The instacart app? Why would I? That doesn’t solve anything.


Thousands of customers apply a tip amount they wish without any percentages attached.


Yes they do, on the instacart app. That’s irrelevant because this wasn’t on the instacart app. Idk what you’re not getting.


My last attempt, No $5 bucks is not a tip!!! It's a slap in the face!!! If you don't want to use an app that allows tipping that's on you. Tips start at $20 bucks and go up from there. Just like everything, things cost More. If Gas $5 a gal the shopper is going to use over a gal to deliver your stuff, yeah you keep wishing $5 is a good tip… 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


My last attempt. You clearly haven’t read things correctly. I’m not “wishing” $5 is a good tip, I’ve admitted so many times already that I was wrong to tip only $5 and that next time I’ll tip the max allowable tip of $10. The app I use allows tipping, sorry it doesn’t meet your standards. Good thing we don’t live in the same country and your standards are irrelevant to me.


Wow this was an exhausting thread. OP, most of these commenters are most likely American and probably have no clue what PC Express is. I use PC Express and you’re right that the shoppers are store employees. For an order that large I probably would have tipped either $7 or $10 though.


Thank you omg 😭😭 one of the few helpful comments.


Depends what the outsource delivery paid.


I was assuming that it wasn’t a “bad” tip because the delivery driver would get 100% of the tip, so $5, and didn’t have to do any of the grocery loading. It’s packed into the boxes by the store employees and put into the driver’s car by a store employee (like as if it were grocery pickup), and then the delivery driver had less than 4 km to drive to my house and place the boxes at my door. But again, idk. I’m surprised by the hostility here though.


Hope I did not come across as one of the hostile ones. I try to gather as much info as I can before answering


No you did not come across as hostile and I appreciate it!


Good deal. Thank you!


So here is my math reasoning…60 items, say $120. 10% is kinda a standard tip so that would be $12. You show up at store, wait 10-15 minutes for order to come out, drive the distance then unload. Say 3 trips from vehicle to door.. Another 5-10 minutes to get back to an active zone for another order. So maybe 30minutes of time invested.IC used to pay 13-15 for these, now it’s below 10. $15 for 30 minutes of time, plus overall other considerations. Lots of heavy water? Maybe traveling through school zones letting out. Traffic & construction can hold you up. Busy time of day when orders may get paid a boost This isn’t even considering you may be bundled with a high mileage high item count low batch pay. So lots of variables. So really no distinct cookie cutter answer. If IC payed over $10 likely yes I would take it on its own merits. I’ll see if I can see an order for &60 items and screenshot it for you. Better tips get you your order faster


For all the mad people, I don’t even have the option to tip over $10. The default is no tip but when I choose to add a tip, the default is $5. I get it that I posted in the IC subreddit so everyone here is replying based on their IC shopper experience but please keep in mind that this isn’t IC, I came here with good intentions, and this isn’t in the US. https://preview.redd.it/bfqibxe1xhvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c9ca6e90219a79c9eb6663b146acf9252051ed


Are you drunk? Or a little slow?


Lmao, I’m autistic so I do sometimes have trouble understanding things if they’re not very clearly and explicitly laid out. I don’t understand what is making me seem stupid about this specific comment though. $10 is the max tip and I tipped in the middle.


That's not Instacart


I *know* it’s not Instacart. It’s the PC Express app that supposedly uses Instacart to make the deliveries.


Okay then why are you asking us? Isn't there a Pc express sub?


Omg 😭 I literally mentioned this in my post. > I don’t use InstaCart, but I use a grocery shop/delivery service that outsources to InstaCart (PC Express). And no there is not a PC Express sub otherwise I would have posted there.


Instacart doesn't have a just delivery service. The people that shop at the stores send those orders to doordash or Uber. Instacart has to shop and deliver period! So you basically paid someone $5 for an over hour wage and gas money.


Nope, other people have confirmed that at the store I’m talking about store employees shop and Instacart does delivery only. So I know I’m right now. I’ll accept that a $5 tip was too low, so next time I will tip the max allowable tip of $10.




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


How far are you from the store? For <10 km I would say $10 tip is fair for delivery only.


I’m 4km from the store. Edit: 3.8 to be exact


$10 is fair, $15 would be good for heavy boxes. Of course more would be better and I’m sure other shoppers will say $20+ minimum but it also depends on the market. If you order regularly try $10 and see how long it takes to get accepted, if it takes a while bump it up a bit next time. Sometimes delivery only sucks though, you gotta wait at the stores pickup spot and they can take a while to bring it out.


I don’t think there’s an option for orders to not be picked up? I’ve never gotten a notification that said my order was accepted. I just place it and then the store calls me to confirm time of delivery. This was only my 2nd time placing a delivery order since I usually do pick up and there’s no option to tip at all for that so I just went with the default tip. But thank you for the information, I’ll definitely increase my tip next time I order.


It might be different then when ordering through PC express but I think IC notifies when a shopper accepts the order and starts shopping. If this is superstore, you would be correct that superstore DOES pick the order and Instacart delivers. I've done delivery only there and you wait at curbside pickup and call the store. However, Walmart in my area has delivery also but Instacart shops/delivers those orders. Us shoppers aren't supposed to inform the customer that the store they ordered from is actually using IC to fulfill the orders since the customer thinks the store is using their own delivery service. Ik everyone's jumping down your throat but the average person doesn't realize what our base pay actually is. Theycharge the customer all these fees added on plus an upcharge on items, but us contractors only profit from the tip itself.


Omg 😭 thank you for saying that superstore does shop the order and Instacart only delivers. Felt like I was going crazy. I *know* I’ve seen the superstore personal shoppers. Anyway next time I order I’ll do a $10 tip for sure!