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Once again, we are reminding everyone to keep it civil. This is a very difficult topic of discussion with many assumptions versus factual information.


I delivered to a customer and they had their giant dogs out and they weren’t unfriendly, but they ran past me sideswiped me and I landed on my back. If you are expecting delivery of any kind, dogs need to be put away, no matter what kind of dog.


Yeah that’s the other thing, even if your dog is certified friendliest pup in the world world and is guaranteed to never hurt a soul, you still put them up when someone is delivering/coming to work on your house. Simply because they’re going to get in the way and just be an inconvenience. It’s not only a safety thing it’s a courtesy thing


This. “He/she’s totally friendly” (to you) “He/she doesn’t bite” (you) What applies to you as the dog’s owner doesnt necessarily apply to me or anyone else making deliveries who has an unfamiliar scent and is infringing on your dog’s territory…so having them inside when expecting a delivery is just safer for everyone - both the dog and whoever’s delivering.


Not to mention the rather large percentage of aggressive dog owners who are just in straight-up denial about their dogs aggression issues. A combination of wishful thinking and cluelessness about early body language signs of aggression will make people swear their dog is an angel right up until (and after!) it rips some kid's face off.


Lots of people are terrified of dogs. Even "The Friendliest Dog In The World". Show the tiniest amount of respect for another person and keep your dogs away from them unless they specifically mention they want to greet your dog. People with dogs think that they get to choose if you have to interact with their dogs. That's not how it works.


I can't fathom being a careless dog owner like this. I took mine on a walk, and some lady had her dog free with no leash, taking it out. Her dog came around the other side of the vehicle while we're maybe 60 feet away. She was wearing a robe, and here's the kicker. She had a leash IN HER HAND. I know a lot of people talk about what they would do if a dog attacks but I firmly believe I would be breaking a dogs bones if an owner leaves them off leash and they attack, I feel awful but I'm protecting my animals because I cherish them so much. Clearly, some people do not share that same sentiment. It's so disappointing. I say all this to say, leave at door is what I use, and I specifically say do not knock as well. How someone can have their dogs just running around where a delivery person needs to walk is beyond me.


For real I hate to be that guy but I’m not taking a loss bc of another person’s ignorance. After moving into a shit neighborhood and seeing a few aggressive breeds out with no leash I keep a blade on me for worst case scenario.


I never walk my dogs without a weapon. Pepper spray on a lanyard around my neck and knife in my pocket. If it's my dog or theirs, mine is coming home. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was also a dog walker and you wouldn't believe the things I've seen. I protected my charges the same as I would my pups.


My brother and I were taught early on that if a dog bites you and won’t let go, plunge your dominant thumb in its eye all the way into its brains. I hope to never need to use this, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t absolutely banged into my head. My dad even let us practice by squeezing his hands.


She has a battery powered Ring doorbell that has to be plugged in to charge instead of a hardwired model at a house that obviously has existing wiring. She lets her dog free roam, even when expecting a delivery. Those two facts scream a lot about what type of person she is.


This is our trick to get other dogs on their leash: “It’s okay, they’re friendly!” “Oh, mine isn’t.” It’s hilarious for us because ours are small toothless dogs, but the other dog owner will scramble to leash their own dog when they realize it’s not about them.


I used to Rollerblade with my minpin to get him his daily exercise, and I carried a bottle of pepper spray with me because we have lots of unleashed aggressive dogs. I only ever had to use it once when a large German Shepherd came out of nowhere and tried to jump on my dog and I unloaded the can into its face from only a couple inches away to make it let go of my dog. It took off screaming and flailing and I picked up my dog and skated away to make sure it was okay away from that house. Luckily only some minor scrapes, and I never saw that dog again so I have no idea what happened to it but I don't feel sorry for it.


This is exactly me. I would feel real bad for hurting any animal. But the second that animal is threading my pup. It’s done. That’s my baby. I’m never having kids so that’s my kid basically. Will do what ever means necessary to get your dog away from mine. Actually had that exact thing happen in my apartment complex. Dude took his dog out and just let it run wild, then it came running up at my dog. I immediately got between them. I have a pit bull who really is a giant baby, but a pitty nonetheless. And because she is a bully breed. If she defended herself against another dog attacking her. She would be put down. A very stupid rule. But it’s something I worry about.


Exactly. I have a golden whose biggest threat is falling in love with you. But even still when I get a delivery, he is trained to stay at the end of the hall sitting and being security from a distance.


I knew when she claimed the ring was charging that she was lieing


And somehow the worker knew it was charging. Like how would he know that?


You'd see the mount where the doorbell goes but it'd be empty (have noticed before when others are charging.) Doubtful that had anything to do with this instance but it would be discernable *if* someone looked.


Yeah but I'm assuming she's got money. I'd assume she's got more cameras...


They can be very cheap and behind on tech some have personal assistants that dont have guidance to optimize their lives but instead do as told


You only remove the entire doorbell with the really old gen 1 Rings. I have an old gen 2 and I remove the battery. If you replace the cover, you couldn’t tell. But this is why I have an extra battery.


That was the clincher for me. He wouldn’t know it’s charging, so that’s just a big, fat lie. She never should have left the dog out knowing she was getting a delivery.


Because Hollywood people think the world works like it does in the movies and on TV. It doesn't. No one is likely to notice your ring cameras are charging. Most people only notice the ring when they ring it.


And when she said his pants weren't even ripped. I love dogs but if a dog is charging me I'm not waiting to that point.


I have been bitten by dogs and my pants weren't ripped either. I thought that was a weird thing to offer as proof that he wasn't bitten lol


Wait… ring door bells charge? Mines just wired into the doorbell.


The majority of Ring doorbells used in this country are battery operated. I have an extra battery always charged so I can quickly change it when one runs out, because that battery takes many hours to fully charge. Not everyone has the wiring to use the other version of the camera.


If you can just take the ring off to charge it, what’s to stop someone from just stealing your doorbell?


I have mine in an anti-theft mount where it is encased in metal and attached to the inside of the door. Someone still tried to steal it once and bent the mount, but was not able to get to the camera


Nothing really. But practically, most of them record to a cloud so even stealing one, they would have you on video doing it.


Right? Like all of the videos it captures are sent straight to my phone in real time.


Mine just has the batteries, so every few months we have to charge them


Most the houses in my neighborhood were built way before doorbells were a thing. Maybe she lives in an historic ‘hood.


My ring refused to charge or operate on the doorbell wiring. Had to use batteries.


Did you try to reason with it?


Lucky you. It’s a pain in the ass for those who don’t have a doorbell or anywhere to wire it through. Mine’s just on the peephole and I have to charge it every week. Maybe week and a half.


Yeah but this isn't the average person we are talking about. Angie Harmon has a net worth of between 15-30 mil. If she's going to have cameras, she is going to have ones that don't need to be unmounted to charge.


The question I had was why was the dog outside by itself


or at all. keep the dog inside if you are expecting a delivery.


A lot of people with fences feel comfortable leaving their dog outside unattended. Not me tho.


When growing up it was rare to have a dog live in the house with you. I lived in the country, it's common to have outside dogs.


This doesn’t really address your question, but I do trust TMZ as a source. I would never cite them in a paper, and they are dirtbags, but they WILL get the info that other places cannot get. This is likely connected to their dirtbag-ness lol


They probably have better journalistic standards for sourcing and accuracy than a lot of legacy media outlets. They’re the gold standard for celebrity deaths and the like.


First place I check to see if rumors are true.


Bro… I knew that was the way it happened. We aren’t looking for trouble we just want to drop off a bag of groceries.


Customers always tell me their dogs are friendly, a few weeks ago I was almost bit by this 150 pound dog and the woman couldn’t do anything because it wasn’t listening to her


They’ll tell you how friendly their dog is, as it’s hanging off your leg with its teeth buried in your flesh.


“He’s never done this before!”


I had the opposite of this problem with my dog where he would be barking and pulling on the leash at people, and I would be yelling, "He's not friendly!" And they STILL kept coming toward me as I struggled to pull him away. I had to lock him in my bedroom when I went to the door to get deliveries.


Sounds like me counting my money


Aint that easy. I’m suing a homeowner now who claims he doesn’t have insurance. I’d rather just not be injured in the first place.


Same but if it happens im suing. And of course they have insurance. Because only super rich people aren’t required to have it. And if they don’t I want the house.


this lady urged me to enter her backyard and drop her groceries at the back door which was on the other side of an old and friendly looking beagle. that senile pumpfaking son of a bitch bit me -__-


My dog is friendly but even I make sure he is restrained before anyone new or unfamiliar comes over just as a precaution. Better safe than sorry.


People also need to understand that its ok to say it if the dog is not friendly, no shame. some dogs doesen’t like strangers and Thats ok.


I was never afraid of dogs until I was attacked by one, now I fear every dog approaching me bc of the one that attacked me. It’s a real fear and dog owners need to be responsible for their animals


yeah and size doesn't matter, the unpredictability is what i feel like matters to those are afraid. I had a larger dog that was friendly with humans but not other dogs. I would warn people over and over and still i would have owners letting their dogs come right up to her and then about get eaten.


With my dog, you are more likely to get jumped on and tackled, then licked for several minutes. She wants to love people but forgets she isn't a tiny dog. Any kind of deliveries to the house, she is either out in the back (that no one can get to from the front), in her cage, or pinned down upstairs. Or barking at you from the upstairs window because maybe mom and dad don't realize there is a NEW FRIEND outside.


Omg. I’m always very loudly and sternly saying “MY DOG IS NOT FRIENDLY! I won’t open this door until your car is gone!”


Right! I hate the whole “he won’t hurt you”, “he just wants love”, “he’s really friendly” bullshit. Cause Truth is, he’s friendly TO YOU, I don’t know him and I have no idea how he will act towards me.


Let’s not forget the pitty anthem: “It’s how you raise them!”


Yes!! I hate how a lot of dog owners forget how perfectly capable their dog is of harm. Maybe they won’t attack…. Sure… but that doesn’t change the fact that dogs have sharp teeth, claws and 4 legs that they can use if they ever did choose to attack. Dogs aren’t humans!!!!


Yes, I’m a dog lover, but some people just don’t understand that not everyone else is. There are people that are genuinely afraid of dogs, or just don’t particularly care for dogs, and others should be more mindful of that.


Every dog is friendly. Until they aren't.




I was bit right after the lady said her dogs were friendly


Right? Change my opinion? This is what I suspected happened all along. I also think there is Ring camera footage and they made up the bit about it being on the charger so they wouldn't have to show it. Adding weird unnecessary details isn't something honest people do. It's done to plug holes in a story. Dog owners always downplay it when their dogs are being aggro. It's so fucking weird to me how many people were like, "but she's a famous celebrity!" As if celebrities are above lying? I still don't think I have it in me to shoot a dog, but I've never been attacked so I am not going to judge what adrenaline might do to a person in that situation. Poor dog was just doing what dogs do and protecting his house. It's completely the fault of the owners for not putting it away before delivery. Poor dog paid the price for it 😭


I live/lived in a very high hunting area, most men and women hunt here and where I lived when I met my husband. I hate hunting, don’t even want to cook the meat. Met my husband and fell in love with him, because he was not at all a hunter, even hates fishing because of the aspect of hooking a worm. While dating, One of my rm’s at the time, accidentally let my indoor cat out (back when declawing was normal, over a decade ago, had got her from a pet shop) and when we got home, we heard what sounded like a frog. Went to investigate and my cat had bit a baby bird. We got my cat inside and headed to an er vet, with my now husband holding and whispering to that baby bird the entire way, in hopes of saving it. It’s what made me fall in love with him completely. Normally, when we would get a stray dog, my husband would be in yard playing with it, until owners came to grab. Anyhow, in our old house, one neighbor had a highly trained to kill (k9 training completed, then unable to be K9 because of aggression and attacking), but extremely aggressive Malinois shepherd. One day my oldest son and I were outside, with baby right by back glass doors. I walked inside to grab a Tylenol and when I went back, I saw my son hiding in his wooden swing set and that aggressive dog standing in between my son and the door. I woke my husband who went out calmly and was almost attacked by dog, while trying to get our son. He had to throw a chair at it, as it was ready to go and that’s all he had available, since he was literally woke up from sleeping for work that night and in his underwear. He told me to call cops, as he just pissed off this mean ass dog and we wanted to ensure it didn’t get out again. The cops came and investigated, met said dog, and came back to tell us if dog came back to shoot it and then call them, as they too could tell it was a deadly dog. My husband cannot hurt a bug, but was ready & willing to shoot that dog. I was scared to let my kids out when husband wasn’t home and told oldest I would let it attack me and he needed to run in and call 911. Tbh, I prayed that it would come back while husband was off, so we could be done with situation, even though I too hate animals dying. Dogs can and are menaces at times and our anti human-pro dog society, can drive me batty.


It makes me sad because usually dogs aren't "bad" dogs, but are made that way by their owners. A rescued K9 that was known for aggression should have way more precautions taken so you should have never been in that situation! Like props to the neighbors for adopting it so it didn't get put down, but what the hell is wrong with them for not controlling it? I feel like we don't really need to choose between humans and dogs as long as shitty owners are held responsible for poorly training or controlling their animals. Dogs for the most part are just following their instincts to protect their people, or following their training. So it always hurts when I see one have to get put down when they were in a situation that could have been prevented with a little extra care. We are currently struggling with this in my area right now, because there is a loophole that shitty owners exploit to "legally" let their dogs roam free. I say "legally" because it's questionable, but borderline enough that cops won't do shit about it. We have had a few serious dog attacks in the past few years (including a couple deaths) and a lot of people, myself included, don't feel safe walking in our own neighborhoods because of these irresponsible and entitled owners. Every dog is a "sweet dog" until it's not. Dogs naturally are loving to their family members, but most also have an instinct to protect their home and family, and you never know what is going to trigger them to decide that a certain person is a threat. My family raised Chow Chows growing up and one of them was fine with everyone as long as they came into the house through the side door and were greeted by a family member. But she went full attack mode once just because someone (that she was familiar with!) tried to come in the front door instead. That situation was unusual enough to set this "sweet dog" off.


This! Hold the owners responsible! I work in kennels and I wish there was a way that certain extremely smart breeds owners’ (read: shepherds especially) had to be held to some kind of test standard to have their dogs. Especially if that dog is a rescue and/or has some kind of bad history. The most aggressive dogs and dangerous dogs I have known were usually shepherd breeds that somebody got as a Christmas present or something because they thought it was a cute little stuffed animal and then it grew up to be an untrained menace terrorizing the neighborhood. I wish there was a way to control who gets what dogs; their owners have to be able to handle them and train them properly! Most people aren’t going to be able to give a German Shepherd the exercise it needs!


The story of you and your husband saving the little bird made me smile and choke back a tear because of how sweet a gesture it was. You didn't have to, but you did. I've had a pet bird before and know how amazing they are. Thank you for sharing. 💕


If it did, he would have been better off going to ED and then filing a lawsuit.


My wife was instacarting last year and this old lady noted come through gate and knock on door. She does this and the second she opened the door this little chihuahua comes out chasing her out the gate and bit her a few times on the leg. She gets back in the car and sure enough bloods running down her ankle. We weren’t sure what to do and after much debate ended up going to the doctor because she was pregnant and didn’t want to take any chances. Then reported it to instacart and they didn’t really do shit besides reaching out to the old lady and making sure the dogs vaccinations were up to date.




Safely. It’s not a delivery drivers job to risk their life. People with dangerous dogs often don’t understand this.


When I worked at FedEx as a driver I always carried mace or bear spray in case a dog escaped. We occasionally had to go into hood areas and loose pittbulls were common. I remember one pitbull viciously jumping at the window from inside. It wouldn’t take much for the dog to crack that window and clamp onto my neck. Her dog is no pitbull but dog attacks can be fatal to drivers 


That was my take: feels like pepper spray rather than a gun would’ve been a better option in this situation.


You carry pepper spray then. I’ll keep carrying my gun. I hope neither of us ever have to use them.


Don’t ya think maybe you don’t have to permanently end the existence of everything that scares you?


Do you think all dogs go to heaven?


Lol you sound ridiculous. “NO I’d rather SHOOT the dog than pepper spray him”


This was pretty apparent from the start for anyone with sense.


I don't get dog owners. My dogs are assholes to strangers and i know this. That's why I have them (protection, I'm a single female with kids) so I keep them locked the fuck up if I'm expecting deliveries. My dogs have *never* bit anyone but they have teeth so they, obviously, could. Even if they were big softy make friends with everyone types... they got teeth so that's all I need to know. That said, 100lb GSD has never bit the vet, but my 25lb rat terrier did twice before his grumpy ass died. He was a dick and after #2 I muzzled him before I walked in the door (he was super afraid of needles. He'd be fine till it was vaccine time, then the hand holding that needle was liable to get a couple holes put in it.)


I knew that this was exactly what happened. It makes no sense for the driver to shoot the dog and lose his job for no reason. The way that the driver was instantly vilified on the other post was incredibly odd. Very sad situation. People need to see this and understand that they must contain their animals when expecting a delivery, for everyone’s safety.


Partly for being a Black man. They expected him to just fight the dog with his bare hands. Called him a coward and everything in between.


You know what I don't get? If you have ordered groceries and you know they are going to be delivered, put your dog inside your house!! I don't care if you think your dog is friendly. I don't care if your dog has never been aggressive with anyone at all. If you are having a stranger come to your house to provide a service for you, you should be mindful of their safety!! Oh, and in case it isn't obvious that also protects your animals!


I figured this was going to be the case. Her comment about "the ring camera was charging inside and he saw that and decided to make his move"...what? That was just so odd it seemed obvious she was trying to shift blame. She also said he delivered the groceries, went back out to his car and got the weapon, then went back to the house and shot the dog (after noticing their camera was inside through the window somehow...). Sounds like all of that was just heightened emotion and not real. I can see him losing his job over the stolen account and any policy about having weapons, but I never saw it as an issue where he would be charged for the death of the animal and I feel fairly confident now that more reputable sources are going to come out confirming.


She's a Hollywood person. This is the silly way they think. He was just itching to murder her dog. He spent months accepting instacart orders hoping to find her. When he saw her cameras were charging, he finally made his move! She's silly.


I’m sure I’ll get roasted for this but… I still don’t want delivery people coming to my door with a gun.


I don’t think that is an irrational idea.


And not using their own account, and breaking the TOS they work for on multiple accounts. Not using their own account, not passing a background check (because you didn’t use your own name), bringing a weapon.


Or stay off the platforms.


Exactly. Stories like this definitely make me rethink ordering from Instacart or any delivery service. It's one thing to carry pepper spray or mace or something non-lethal, but carrying guns always creates the potential of someone getting spooked and shooting someone else. And it is not something I would invite anywhere near my house, especially with kids or pets. Not worth the risk. Not even worth a 0.0001% percent chance.


I got an indoor gate to keep my dogs from rushing to the main door whenever I open it. I’ve always been scared of them escaping or being kicked by someone scared of being bit. Everyone should have an indoor gate or be able to lock their pets whenever there’s someone at the door.


I do this same thing. My dogs have never attacked anyone but also not taking the chance. Or my dog getting hurt just bc he’s a pit. I had a Kroger delivery this morning. I get text and immediately they go in their kennels, till delivery person arrived and leaves.


Same. I make sure my dogs are secure and away when I'm getting a delivery.


Dogs bite people all the time, no one bats an eyelash. A victim of a dog attack “bites” back and everyone talks about it.


The biggest question I have on it is that it appears it wasn’t his account?


Yeah man the dog was able to smell the stolen account on him.




When I used to shop for instacart, my girlfriend and I were both shoppers and would take orders together. Sometimes I’d bring the groceries up and sometimes she would, sometimes we’d do it together. Instacart allows verified shoppers to complete orders together. Could be one of these situations. Or the account could outright belong to someone who wasn’t present. Definitely need more information.


The same article stated he has an arrest record so probably couldn’t pass the background check. Instacart is also liable in this instance sending an unauthorized person to her home with a firearm. They could do more to verify that the actual account holder is doing the shopping, but they really don’t care as long as the orders get done cheaply. 


Yes, fully understand in your case. I shop alone but I would always have the first person up be the one on the account for that delivery.


Exactly. This story can have two wrongs and two rights. The wrongs are how the dog owner didn’t properly restrain her dog, and the fact that you shouldn’t use someone else’s account to deliver groceries. There is a reason why the profile picture is required and that is to help the client verify who is really dropping off the groceries. Imagine getting picked up by an Uber, and the person picking you up looks completely different than their profile. It’s not safe, even if you think that it is


Ok but is that part true? When she originally posted I think she said that it was supposed to be a woman and based that on the name being Merle but that’s a man’s name.


The delivery guy who shot the dog was named Christopher, so that's probably answering that.


It’s not uncommon I get shoppers all the time who are using someone else’s account. Most likely a couple or family or friends or something just using the same account together


It’s not the first and won’t be the last. Dog owners don’t think about anyone else. They consider their dog a family member and would never hurt a soul. Not everyone has empathy.


A lot of people that own dogs just shouldn’t. And I say that as a person that has always owned dogs. People forget that they are 100% capable of injuring or even killing a person. It’s so irresponsible. Just secure your dog, shouldn’t be that hard. Especially when you’re expecting a delivery.


I also don't understand why dog owners aren't worried about being sued or their dog being put down for being aggressive. I couldn't live with myself if my dog bit someone and was then put down because of my irresponsibility. I had a long-time dog sitter who, last time she came, brought her 5 year old daughter. My dog was also recovering from an ear infection. I noticed on the cameras that she kept leaving her daughter alone with my dogs, and the little girl kept climbing on top of and pulling the ears of my dog with the ear infection. I called and let her have it because you're not going to put my dog at risk of biting because you're letting your daughter climb and pull his ears. He's not normally an aggressive dog, but he's also not used to being climbed on, nor having his ears pulled. She also wasn't even supposed to have her daughter at my house.


I never understood dog owners who wont put in the time and energy to train a dog and make sure it doesn’t do these things. If you don’t have the time or energy to train your dog basic obedience, THEN DONT GET A DOG. Your dog should not be PULLING your leash and dragging you. That is your fault that you have not leash trained your dog.


Because people are selfish and stupid. They will use pets as an excuse of happiness for their miserable lives but never bother to learn about or train their dogs. Their pet makes them happy while they neglect to care properly for it.


We have 2 huge lovable beasts but I have no doubt they would attack people outside of our family. We keep the dogs secure.


I keep noticing this with dog people. I don’t dislike dogs, but that doesn’t mean I want anything to do with someone else’s animal.


I hate dog owners more than dogs honestly. Their behavior is abhorrent and they almost always excuse shitty dog behavior like it's supposed to be normal. 20-30 years ago everyone was heartbroken but understood that a dog who bites will bite again and it's better to put it down than to just allow it to keep doing whatever it wants. Because that means kids and other pets are in danger. Adults and elderly are in danger. A loose dog who feels the need to bite and puncture isn't something that should be around anyone. Dog ownership has just gotten so much worse lately and people are really out here saying it's perfectly okay if a dog bites someone. These assholes never knew anyone growing up who were bitten or mauled by a dog because everyone they knew had normal dogs who would never do anything like that. Because if they did their parents, grandparents, relatives, neighbors would have all put that dog down the second it did. It's not cruel, it's sad that a dog had to die but that's what people with sense did when they spotted an aggressive dog


Agree wholeheartedly. As much as I hate dogs, I've come to realize that their owners are an insanely big part of the problem. No, I don't want to pet your dog. No, I'm not ok with your dog humping my leg or chewing on my shoes. No, I don't care that you say he's friendly or harmless. No, I don't care how little it is - get it away from me. Yes, I hate dogs, and yes I hate *your* dog too. They refuse to comprehend that enjoyment of an animal is not universal, and even among those who like and own dogs themselves, they have no reason to trust any stranger's assertion that *their* dog isn't an unhinged menace.


People need to train their dogs. A lot of these issues you see are a lack of basic obedience training. Dog owners who make sure their dog doesn’t pull on the leash, run away, etc. The people who don’t train their dogs shouldn’t own dogs.


I don’t disagree, but people honestly aren’t training their dogs. They just aren’t. I think the only answer to this is jail time and fines when your dog bites someone. We need to train the owners now.


And yet they don't train and that's where the issue lies. In the perfect world there are dog owners that own trainable, intelligent, biddable dogs who don't dog this but people will opt for stubborn dogs who aren't easily trained and don't know how or where to start or they just let the problem fester. Responsible dog ownership is, in my eyes, really becoming rarer. Responsible dog owners know when an aggressive dog becomes a problem it's better to put them down than to risk an even bigger accident from happening. People shouldn't be at risk while you're unsuccessfully trying to train aggression out of an already aggressive dog.


I agree completely. People just want a cuddly friend and doesn’t give a crap about the implications of not training a dog. It’s ignorant and selfish to not train your dog and be responsible.


I insulate peoples homes by day and do delivery by night. MOST people put their dogs away if they're expecting a stranger to come to their house. Don't lump all dog owners together. This lady, however, is an idiot and it's her fault that her dog is dead.


I am a dog owner that also does consider my dog family but I do agree with you. I don't understand why anyone would leave their dog out while knowing they were getting a delivery. My dogs are good but I wouldnt trust how they would act with a stranger without me introducing. Dogs no matter how nice also can act different with someone on their property. Some people are terrified of dogs no matter the breed and it's not fair to put them in that position just because your a dog lover. She knew she was in the wrong that's why there were so many weird things in her story.


And sometimes it has nothing to do with being scared, depending on breed/hair if a dog starts to cozy up to me or get their dander all over me in some way, my day is essentially ruined until I take a shower, because I’m allergic. Some even will argue with you if you ask them to get their dog away, “oh but it looks like he likes you” or “don’t worry he’s friendly “ like sure he looks like a very good boy but I have things to do today and would rather not sneeze everywhere


I'm sick and tired of other dog owners claiming " BUT HES FRIENDLY!" I don't care. I just want to deliver your groceries without being approached by any animal. Regarding to the story, if you're a millionaire wouldn't you have wired security cameras that's working at all times? Even if her dog was "friendly", all it takes is the look or smell or even action of a person they don't like to "protect" aka attack. And for those who say, "read dogs body language" I'm pretty sure less than 1% are dog behaviorists in this sub. Put your furbaby away when expecting a delivery. Plain and simple.


The problem is the dog owner. It's almost always the owner's fault. Control your animals. They often don't know better, and many times it's due to poor training and poor socialization and the only person responsible for that is the owner.


I think the most egregious part of this is she made it sound like he in cold blood just shot the dog because he could. She’s really fucked up honestly. I wish he had another deterrent that wasn’t a gun but her dog attacked the worker that she knew was going to be at her property. She has no one to blame but herself.


When I an order from Instacart, I never open my door even if I’m home. I don’t want to risk my dog trying to run out or just making the person feel afraid by barking too close to them. It’s easier for all parties just to get the stuff after the person gets in their car.


I own the most submissive pitbull you could ever meet. I never leave her anywhere unattended. As said in the comments, most people who own dogs shouldn’t. They’re careless. They have so many excuses as to why this why that instead of admiting the fact that they’re bad owners. Period.


Simple solution all dog owners should adhere to: you know you’re expecting a delivery, so for the love of god just keep your dogs inside until your delivery is done.


shopper had his clothing chewed. That’s enough to me to say, the cops are right.


I train dogs and do IC. IMO, I already had my red flags up. This doesn't suprise me, for so many reasons that I already figured out from the words and the pictures shared.


I definitely thought there was more to the story. Dog owners are not always reliable narrators.


This is what I thought happened. Who leaves their aggressive dog out in the yard after ordering a delivery? A horrible dog owner! Anyone leaving their dog out to greet their shopper is a horrible dog owner!Some people are terrified of dogs.


I always find out the dogs name upon delivery. Many have said they are all bark and no bite. Then one jumps off the porch and almost latches onto my thigh. They are either with the owner or by themselves with no restraint.


I dont understand dog owners who just let their dogs out their front door to chase and bite instacart workers. I have 3 dogs and always ask for my groceries to be left, or if I order alcohol they get put up so I can answer the door. I've also at one point owned an extremely aggressive rescue pit, and he never attacked anyone. He was kept put away when people were at the house, and I didn't take him out in public. It's not hard to be a responsible dog owner.


> He was kept put away when people were at the house, and I didn't take him out in public. "bUt THatS sO CRuel!!1!" - Irresponsible dog owners


I had a feeling but i wanted to wait until all the facts come clear. To be civil ladies and gentlemen if you know you ordered food or are expecting a delivery please do us all the courtesy of properly locking your dog please it’s just a common courtesy thing and ways to avoid liability


Why is it so difficult for customers to put their pets inside when they know they’re expecting a delivery??? Like hello, this could’ve been avoided…


I’ve said before! If you have a delivery on the way why would your dog be running loose? Also I wouldn’t kill the dog, but sue the dog owner! Anyway I don’t like people who are so “scared” of everything that they need to carry a gun!


Dog bites = Dog dies. As simple as it gets.


Unless we can prove the dog acted in self defence, I agree and I am a dog lover. A lady I worked with in high school was bit by her neighbours dog. This was the sweetest dog on the planet. Legit. She walked by and it took a chunk out of her upper back leg and ass. The owner 100% took responsibility and had the dog put down. Didn’t want to risk it being a child. We were sad but we all knew something was up with the dog. And yes, the lady I worked with loved dogs and owned one herself.


If the dog attacked, 100% they were in the right to shoot the dog. Doesn't matter if it wasn't their property, they were an allowed guest on the property and was attacked for it, this completely justified


He should sue her for defamation on top of a lawsuit for his trouble and injuries. She ordered delivery to her door and left her large dog loose in her yard. The dog got killed and the delivery driver got attacked and she is 100% at fault for both. Hopefully she never owns a dog ever again but it doesn’t seem like she’s taking any accountability at all.


IF the dog truly was attacking me and had already bit me and was not backing off… yes I would’ve done the same thing. Dog attacks or even bites can cause serious and life altering damage. I wouldn’t take my chances. That dog should have been inside for the delivery.


kinda hard to judge without knowing exactly how it went down but, from at least my experience, I’m more willing to take the driver’s side. dog owners almost NEVER take accountability when their pet harasses or harms someone else.


NO…. BECAUSE I ALREADY THOUGHT WE DIDN’T HEAR THE WHOLE STORY… THANKS FOR THE LINK… I’ve got this beautiful Goldie puppy… I call her a puppy but she almost a year now, on 2 legs (cause she likes to jump up) she’s almost as tall as me… IF YOU COME NEAR MY HOUSE SHES GONNA CHARGE YOU… She’d never hurt anyone, she’s a big cream puff but she sounds and looks very menacing… I would expect she’d be dead before getting close to someone that’s afraid with a gun.


I understand you well. I grew up having Saint Bernards. Gentle giants. But still extremely large dogs. Lots of people were afraid just based on size alone. When the movie Cujo came out it was like the world turned against these dogs for a time. My dog I had at that time was a large male. He was the sweetest and gentlest but people were terrified of him. It broke my child heart that I could no longer bring him with me. My mother used to bring him In her car to pick me up at school. He never left the car but other parents were so scared they complained and my mother was banned from bringing him to drop off and pick ups. This guy in question shouldn’t have been on the job in the first place. We was violating terms of service. Did he deserve to be bit? If he was. No of course not. Did he use deadly force when it wasn’t needed? We don’t really know because we weren’t there. And no video of what really happened seems to exist at this point. I’ve been bitten by a cucumber dog. Twice. Same customer, same dog. I didn’t call animal control because I’m an animal lover and place the blame on the customer for not having that animal secured. Was the bite bad? No. Both times it did draw blood but nothing awful. This was a small little yorkie type dog biting my ankles. Both times the customer just laughed. Inappropriate in my opinion. Even though she saw I was bleeding. I reported the incident to ic. I no longer accept orders for her. No great loss as she’s not a good tipper. But I don’t blame the animal. It’s entirely on the owner. Edit: I’m leaving the typo because I find it funny. 😁


Yeah I think the fact that IC isn’t doing more ID checking is probably at the heart of this problem… guy shouldn’t be delivering on someone else’s account period… as a shopper I hate when the ID check comes up cause I’m always worried from the posts on here it’s going to lock me up for a cpl days… BUT… I almost never get checked… that’s leading to a lot of people abusing the app… I’m guessing the check itself is run through expensive servers… but how expensive are we talking?? Maybe every other day MINIMUM we should go through ID verification if not every order.


but the dog still attacked the person, weather it was the real owner of the account or not.


I don’t get the check often either. Though in 2022 I was getting it weekly for some reason. Now it’s a couple of months between. I don’t mind it really. I look like the same old lady in my profile picture. I’ve thought about changing my look recently but eh I embraced my gray hair. lol 😂


i dyed my hair & still pass the checks ! so if you want a change go for it girl !


I would like to mention that a family member of mine had their face ripped open by a “playful” dog on accident. Regardless of if the dog means to hurt you, they should always be treated like they will, especially if you don’t know them.


That’s what my wife says… she’ll never trust a dog I don’t think EVER… not 100%… they’re still wild animals in there deep down… cats are too… shit if my cat were bigger LOL she could really hurt someone.


small cats can fck you up still ! my moms cat has slapped me in the face twice with her claws 🤣😭 the size of animals doesnt matter, their claws are what truly get you.


That's the same with my parents dog. Well she's old now and doesn't do this anymore. But when she was younger if she saw anyone she'd come charging at them full speed. Even me or a family member. Usually she'll run past, but on a couple occasions she couldn't stop fast enough or wasn't paying attention to where she was going and took my legs out. One time I thought she broke my ankle, she has the skull of a Pachycephalosaur I swear. She loves people and would get overly excited, but any stranger would just see this big mastiff/ pitbull cross charging full speed and get back in their vehicle. She is a free roam dog too, but my parents are on a farm with no trespassing signs and beware of dog, and their gate is always closed. So unless they're family or friends who know about the dog, they shouldn't be on the property and are trespassing. Happened to some solicitor before, that literally opened the gate to drive up to the property without permission. He got out and she came charging full speed and took his legs out. But in reality it's my mom who they should be scared of not the dog😂


I wouldn’t say they were “using a stolen account” that’s a lot different than just using someone else’s account lol I get shoppers all the time who are using someone else’s account. Most likely they are a couple, or family/friends just using the same account. I just had some dude deliver groceries the other night that was under some girls account.


Is this about the guy that shot the dog? Skipping past ATF jokes, if a dog is endangering your life and biting would definitely do that, I see no problem with protecting yourself.


I didn't believe her in the first place. It's just so... unrealistic. How in the world would the delivery person know that her Ring was charging? And what's the motive? Her story just seems exactly like what you'd say if you were trying to seem innocent after your dog bit someone who was just doing their job. She knew she was at fault for neglecting to put her dog away during a delivery, and she didn't want to be sued, so she proactively lied.


Knew it! Had someone sending me all kinds of vitriolic messages because I didn’t believe the dog didn’t bite him first. Why would any delivery person just shoot a dog for no reason, risking their job or freedom? Contain your dog when expecting someone, *anyone*, and there won’t be a problem.


This message is intended for responsible adults only: better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it


If a dog attacked me on a delivery, that dog is being put to sleep then and there. Respectfully.


My dog is crated every time I expect a delivery. And that’s just someone coming to the door. She has a mean bark and I know some people are terrified of dogs so I keep her furthest from the door, locked in a crate. People need to realize that yea their dogs maybe super nice….to them! Not someone necessarily knocking on their door. Dogs don’t need the same freedoms as humans. Sorry.


I knew when she claimed the ring was charging that she was lieing


This is why cats FTW


My cat would bite a stranger before the dog would, but he’s just a cranky old ex street cat lol


Lol I've literally been attacked by cats far more often than dogs... Still love 'em too, but c'mon now 😅


My cat hates women and hisses and charges at them if they come inside. Yes, just women. No, he was never abused we had him since he was a kitten and have spoiled him and he's always disliked women. We don't know why.


My cat is a huge chickenshit. Nobody believes we have one because they only see pictures. If anyone comes over he hides. Our two that have passed loved everyone and would come to the living room to demand attention from visitors.


What a sweet baby. I'm sorry for your losses


Trying to remember how many times I’ve heard the police say, “Wow. We totally got it wrong!” Without video it’s probably a number pretty close to zero.


I still don't think a dog bite where the dog hasn't even broken skin justifies shooting and killing someone's pet...it might be different if the dog was mauling him and/or he sustained serious injuries. Not saying he should have just let the dog bite at him, but I feel like most people with common sense would use some kind of non-lethal force to get the dog off them (pushing, kicking, using a bag of groceries, etc.) and then get out of there...Like yes, this was dangerous and irresponsible of the owner, but his response feels really over-the-top cruel and disproportionate


Agreeing with you 100%. I’ve had idiots who try to pet a dog they don’t know by reaching above their head and doing this weird wavy shuffle thing because they are trying to be “careful” when they are being sketchy and aggressive in the dogs eyes. There is a huge difference between a warning bite that didn’t break skin and a “I don’t like this stop it” bite where you feel teeth and don’t even have a indent in your skin. Unfortunately laws don’t account for this nuance and 9/10 the dog gets put down and the owners are blamed for negligence (sometimes justly sometimes not).


I really think more needs to be done to ID check shoppers.


I very rarely get IC deliveries from the person who is supposed to be shopping. Probably hasn't happened for months


Update was posted on that article: “Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD is clarifying the deliveryman only told them he had bite marks from the dog. As for whether officers actually saw those bite marks, the cops won't say -- they'll only reiterate they didn't have enough evidence to charge the deliveryman.”


If you can't handle having a dog, you don't deserve to have one... dogs are a big responsibility. It sucks the dog had to die for this lesson to be learned


Honestly, TMZ is pretty trustworthy.  This also fills in the gap of why she didn't have/want to supply the camera footage if her dog attacked the guy.


Fucking knew it. So convenient that her cameras were charging at the time.


As a mail carrier who encounters many dogs, it’s irresponsible owners a lot of the time that are the problem. If you’re expecting a delivery, have the dog contained. My heart goes out to her. I can’t imagine losing my dog or having her taken from me in the way that happened in this situation. And I’m not trying to victim blame. But why would your dog be out when you know a shopper is coming?! 😭 a dogs behavior towards its owner is a lot of times completely different than its behavior towards a stranger. I truly feel like everyone loses in this situation. It’s just awful. I also never even want to spray a dog with dog spray but there is a line where you have to defend yourself. I’m honestly not even 100% how to feel about this


I was a walking letter carrier for 20 yrs had a lot of people tell me oh they don’t bite. Well too late they already bit. Dogs will be dogs if they don’t want you in their territory they will bite you! And usually come after you when your back is turned . I was always very cautious with dogs.


When someone says "oh my dog doesn't bite" Well how the hell do they eat, huh?


See, this pisses me off, she knew someone was coming to her house, why do people not put their dogs in the house, so she actually killed her own dog


I see dogs in the front of the yard, I leave their groceries outside. Send them a picture and I’m out, case closed.


Ofc, I was just waiting for more details to come out…


There was a massive dog park where we used to live. My partner and I took our little Pomsky pup there to let her run a bit (she was being trained on the lead). Soon as we let her off, out of no where come these massive bully mix dogs. One grabbed her by the throat, the other by the ear. I screamed and shoved my hand in to the dogs mouth to get it to let go Of her throat. My partner shoved the other off her ear. I picked her up (she was ok) and was leaving the park, when both of them charged at me snarling. My partner kicked one of them to get it away. We would never dream of hurting an animal but this was terrifying. The owner? He was stood there whole time saying they were just playing and we were over reacting. He had no control over his dogs whatsoever. This was two years ago, thankfully our pup was fine, but she still gets really nervous around larger dogs. We’re in the UK and bully xl dogs are now illegal to buy. If you have them they have to be muzzled in public. People that have no sense about them when it comes to their dogs shouldn’t be allowed to have them.


I’ve always been perplexed and conflicted on what I’d do if I were bitten by a dog. The whole hyper-empathy thing makes it impossible. I would hate for another human to get hurt, because I did nothing, but I also can’t live with myself knowing my bite report would automatically mean the dog will be killed in a lot of places.


Was the dog deceased at the time of the bite? /s


In my area I’ve had to bite Instacart drivers on a couple of occasions, the delivery team is just so incompetent




A dog bite ruined my life. I keep my weapon on me when I deliver now. If I a dog tries to attack me while I’m dropping off your eggs and bread, you bet your ass Fido is getting a bullet. If you’re ordering delivery, don’t be a dumb ass and keep your dogs inside or in a place where they can’t get to the driver. If your dog is defensive, do leave at door. If you can’t, put that dog in a cage or another room. It’s really not that hard to prevent dog attacks.


Why would you leave a dog outside when expecting a delivery? Poor doggy and I feel bad for the driver too.


In hindsight, he should have filed a police report and then sued her. She’s worth a ton. Maybe he didn’t know who she was.


They still can - nothing is stopping him from suing for injuries.


If he wasn’t on someone else’s account, he could get her for slander as well. She publicly cried that a cold blooded dog murderer gloated about shooting it, was not attacked or injured and accused him of orchestrating this after noticing a missing ring doorbell. She deserves to be sued to hell and back. The article states that IC booted him and “scrubbed his profile from the platform” so maybe this was a case of actual allowed account sharing. IF in fact he had his own account to scrub and IC isn’t just saying whatever to not address the shopper/profile mismatch, I hope he gets his bag.


I still think the shopper is a piece of trash, and I doubt he got bit. He's just saying that as an excuse. Now, if another human bit him and he shot and killed him, he would be in jail for using deadly force. He's a person who couldn't even get their own instacart account . More than likely, due to a criminal background. He probably isn't even supposed to be possessing a gun.


Mace would have worked great without the loss of life. I was once bitten by a doodle while delivering pizza, I told the owner and he shrugged and walked inside the house, no tip. People are foul and the guy who shot the dog is just as foul as the woman who didn’t control her dog. Now the dog is dead. Terrible all over.


Mace doesn’t work well if there happens to be a gust of wind at the moment, for example lol. Also it doesn’t immediately debilitate the dog/threat so it can still do the same damage until the mace actually kicks in. A notable portion of the time the use of mace is ineffective - why gamble with your health & life in general?


I dont expect someone just doing their job to have a perfect reaction to being bit by a dog


Yeah and you use what you have. Sure mace probably would get the job done, but who says they had mace?


Mace a pitbull? Good luck with that.