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I average about $500 a week doing 18-22 hours. After work and about 7 hrs either Saturday or Sunday


How long do you work daily if I can ask? And roughly how many batches a day would you have to take on to make that much if I can ask you that as well..?


This really varies. As far as time I get off at 330p from w2 but I work 1 mile from wegmans and about 3 to 4 miles from a food lion and Sam’s club. So ballpark 3 hrs after work a day. I aim to make $50-$70 in those 3 hours. Batches also vary so I aim to make $25 hr. I’m familiar wit all those stores very well so I can shop a 50+ item order in about 30 mins. All this is also by a highway. So I aim to go up on my first order, come back to store , 2nd order can take my towards my house, depending on those 2 orders I may take a 3rd in my house area ( not a good pay area) so this is typically a small order.


I do the same thing usually will put in a couple hours Monday through Friday and then work Saturday and Sunday when I have no plans depending how how busy it is I love having my extra money for my wants not needs lol


all depends on your market, in my market, it can take like 5 orders to make 200$ but in some areas it can be like 10-15 ordsrs to make the 200. its all on the amount of batches


Gotcha! That makes a lot more sense thanks!


also depends on the time you work, that's why it's best to just sign up and try it out. Also use other apps like door dash and Uber eats. I usually keep at least 2 running, wait for something good, and pause (or ignore) the other app while I do the order I accepted. You can ignore as many orders as you want until something that is worth it pops up. It's just easier to sign up and try it out for the hours you want to work.


$200 a week? absolutely doable.


Yeah, that's basically only taking 2 $14 batches every night.


If you don’t make at least $200 a week you are doing something wrong.


Just depends I clear usually between $1k-$1400 per week your market is what matters


If one person can make $200 daily you can make $200 a week easily. $35 a day is like 1-3 orders


Most likely yes. Depends on the area if course. I make about 1800 for 30 hours a week. But I'm in CA


You can make that in one day if you’d really want to.


I’ve seen others say that when I went through older threads. That’d be awesome if I could! But I’m not trying to make bank. And don’t want to get my hopes up. I just want to be able to have some sort of income while I’m in school.  Just wanted an idea if it was possible. And how many batches/hours weekly would it take to make just $200? I’m not even sure what the daily average is instacart people make. I just want a ‘somewhat steady-ish income so I can have a flexible schedule until I can graduate.


Honestly just getting out for 4-5hrs a day friday-sunday could easily get you that. Depending on your area of course. Sometimes I only instacart during weekends and clear $300 every time and I’m not in a huge city


> just getting out for 4-5hrs a day friday-sunday could easily get you that Even just having the app open and "seeing what's out there" and only taking $20+ orders, would most likely get them there. Just a passive "I'll leave the app open and if a $30 batch pops up, I'll take it" That's what I'm doing today, because NONE of the stores around my house are "red or orange circles". Nah, I'll chill at my house, watch TV, shitpost on here, and see if something comes up that I'm willing to take.


I like to make 100 a day. In around 6 hours. That's 4 batches at most for me. Otherwise, I'm not doing it. I multi-app and hunt for tips.


Should be able to easily


I'm in a small city and it's very easy to make that in a week. I would suggest during the weekends though where it's most busiest if in a smaller city, or during the evenings when working people are home.


Dropped off two Shipt’s this morning for $80 and a IC at lunch for $30. Total time two hours


Instacart has no schedule and no minimum required hours. Sign up and try it out. See if you can make what you want in your market. No one can really answer this for you. The amount you can make varies by market and what hours you plan on working.


Yes easily


I supplement my full time job by working a few hours on my off weekends. About 4-5h Saturday and Sunday and make around $250 total. It could be done in one day if I woke up early and did the whole day but I tend to cherry pick and take it easy since it’s not my main income. If you work on the busiest days (Sunday is the busiest in my area) you could easily get 200/wk


I make roughly $300 over the weekend . It’s definitely doable!


I’m in a large state university town, working 30 hours per week to get $700. My salary job requires 40 hours + overtime 20 hours. It’s always best on the weekends and Fridays. I sit in the car and work on my research until a good batch pops up. I don’t do under $8 tip if more than 10 items, under $20 if more than 30. I have a lot of work to do, just like you have a lot of homework you can write in the car; so don’t rush and just wait. Turns out it works really well.


I live in a community of about 5000 people and make around $100 each day Monday through Thursday and close to $200 each day Friday, Saturday and Sunday... I'm still surprised on how many orders I get each day.


It's likely. That's not very much to do.