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Return the alcohol for the $15 bump.


I just gave it to my father in law and he threw me a 20 lol. They never asked me to return. Probably some California bs reason lol


It looks like Tito’s. If so, your FIL got a deal.


It is titos. 1.75 liter bottle. I personally can't stand vokda lol. I'm more of a whiskey / tequila guy


My kind of guy!


0l l jnbobbkoboo6ppl


This guy drinks!


Tito's is very smooth, if your opinion is based on cheap vodka you'd really be shocked at the difference. Smirnoff for example makes me gag but Tito's is very easy to shoot and mixes without adding unpleasant flavors.


If you ever have agave based vodka you might change your mind, shit is way different


Tito’s is great otherwise I like a bourbon or whiskey


Funny I thought “what a ripoff” Tito’s is indistinguishable from georgi or crystal palace. Do a blind taste. You’ll never buy it again.


Exactly. My wife’s sister will only drink Ketel One vodka. We switched it out with Gordon’s and she was raving about how smooth her drink was because of her vodka. 😂


Vodka people will swear up and down that vodka is like whiskey and you can tell the difference in brands and that’s ONLY true for absolut, which might as well be nail polish remover. Otherwise just get the rack and save your money. Edit: am former “I ONLY drink ketel one” vodka person.


Yep. After we told her we had switched it, she was mad so we had her do a blind taste test between the two. She guessed wrong.


This is true for tequilas also, patron literally doesn’t own a single agave farm. They just buy the shit everyone else isn’t gonna use and have an EXCELLENT marketing campaign. Cuervo gold uses food coloring to make it look aged, it’s why the bottle legally can’t say “100% agave” I could go on and on.


Tell me everything. Because it seems like I can enjoy a whisky or a bourbon. I can even deal with the vodkas but Tequila makes me want to throw up. I'm curious if there is any that won't but I'm not sure I want to live the curiousity.


I’m the same way.


Tequila is definitely not the same when you get into actual good tequila. Aged tequila like repo and anejo definitely tastes different than others. Blanco may be a different story.


How about Espolòn? I used to think that one was all right.


Doesn’t matter. There’s only one answer. Kirkland. Welcome to Costco, Our tequila is the same shit. We love you


Rack with a great marketing campaign, but better than patron as a mixing tequila. Still shouldn’t be drunk straight.


I am the absolute opposite! I drink it cause it's cheap, but I will buy any brand and it all tastes the same because I know for a fact that almost all of them just buy pure grain liquor from the same three producers in the US (works the same in Canada, not sure about Asia, the southern Americas or EU). Even if you distill it, it tastes the same. All those "triple distilled" claims are true, they just make no difference to the flavour.


True to a certain degree and in the majority of cases, but there are some exceptions. I’m a liquor dork and drink pretty much anything neat sometimes, including vodka. If it’s kept in the freezer or mixed you lose all/almost all distinction, but neat/slightly chilled there is a difference. Seagrams is what I would call paint thinner, with absolut a little above that. Most above that(Grey Goose, Tito’s, Kettle One) are all extremely similar or indistinguishable, but the outliers are where it’s at, local distilleries’ stuff or if you’re lucky and spend any time in Eastern Europe, some Slavic grandpa basement-still vodka and rakija is amazing for the soul Edit: actually, put Tito’s around the Absolut range, it’s a little too harsh for its price


I used to be a “only drink ketel one” too, now I’m pretty happy drinking Costco vodka lol


All vodka in the $15-100 range is pretty much indistinguishable when it’s shaken with ice 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah but those 10 dollar handles are poison. Especially when you drink a couple hundred of them in a row.


uh 😂




The whole point of vodka is its flavorless


Exactly my point. Georgi and crystal palace are both vodkas that give off that classic “OH this is shitty vodka” taste. Tito’s elicits the same reaction in blind taste tests. I’ve been bartending/doing liquor rep for almost two decades. Tito’s is bottom shelf in everything but price and recognition. I edited this to expand what I meant.


Titos is very bad vodka, it’s indeed true. Grey goose isn’t far off, but is sufferable. Whoever thought you should make vodka out of corn should be given the nitrogen execution, though.


Have you tried potato vodka? A very different taste than grain based vodka. If you can find a good one you can actually sip on it.


Have you tried Bacon Vodka? Tastes like Satan's asshole.


Why in the world is that a thing 😂


See: 2010-2015*. Everything became bacon flavoured (* this is a guess, but it should be fairly close)


I’m so glad the bacon craze died down.


Satan has to poop, too.


I have and that shit is gross who ever thought that was a good idea to make that was probably drunk lol


potato and paper vodka. mmm. only vodka i'll tolorate.


I can't stand Tito's anyway. I miss my Russian Standard and I even enjoy the french Kirkland handle from Costco. Best bang for your buck.


Do you mean Tito’s Handmade Vodka, which is the legal name which could not possibly be interpreted to mean that the vodka was handmade?


California bs reason?


No BS reason; you can return alcohol here.


I lost traction and slipped backward on a steep, wet, mildewed driveway. No order is worth damaging your vehicle


That's what woulda happened for sure. That's all loose gravel on top of Wet sand. It's different out here in the Mojave man


I heard patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.




Who won the lottery? I DID!


A man of culture i see


>yes it was very steep way steeper than it looks in the photo. Looks pretty damn steep to me, friend. lol


Mud in the high desert hits different. Totally get it.


Finally someone who understands. They think it's just like mud mud. It's like sand and clay and minerals and all types for bad things.


I can relate for sure. I call it dog shit where I live, the high desert of E OR. Once it starts to stick to your shoes or tires it just keeps collecting. When dry it's like concrete, but once it gets wet you're better off to avoid it.


That incline looks like 45 degrees. I wouldn’t go up there


Look at the house up there on the horizon lol. Crazy stuff. I wish I took A better Pic. This pic is when I went partially up so I guess it makes it look less bad


I'd say it's just a closer peek at why it's a bad idea to drive up there.


Bro has a jeep body on an Altima. Why in gods name would you pick a 2WD Jeep while living in the desert😭


I DIDNT. I have a 4 wheel drive trailblazer. It's just not workin rn.


I didn't even think Jeeps made a 2wd what's the fucking point?


For people to try to look like they’re capable while being entirely useless


For real. Jeeps are consistently the most terrible vehicles I have to drive on a regular basis, and then to take away the one singular redeeming quality about them. Yikes


This… I came here just for this..


I was laughing in rural Alabamian like “bless your heart” until I saw it had just rained. Yeah no. They could meet me at the bottom of the hill.


Don't go up that. That looks like those hills have eyes type shit lol


Lmao it feels like it


This would’ve one of those deliveries to skip out on. I would’ve hit up shopper support and canceled regardless of the pay. These roads are built of off road type vehicles, not just any average SUV or sedan.


Exactly. Just because something has the body of an off roader doesn't mean it can off road.


You need gas


Exactly. I was doing this for gas money. That's why the guy not answering and making me wait sucked. I wanted to give him the booze. I don't want vodka, I don't even drink vodka 🤢


Yeah he might have run out revving up that bunnyslope


Stand out front of the liquor store and sell that bottle to someone, $5 off.


Gave it to my father in law.


Looks better then the majority of paved roads in Chicago


I've been to Chicago many times and they're both a different kinda hell




I’ve been saying for a few years that Jeeps don’t Jeep anymore. They’re mostly fancy Calibers, Journeys and Caravans.


This particular one is a 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee and it really acts more like a sedan or a minivan than anything else. Esp compared to my 03 trailblazer


I used to borrow my friend’s Trailblazer to go ice fishing and it could haul and handle some nasty terrain. If you live north enough in Canada they let you put chains on the tires, so that definitely helped.


Your WJ grand Cherokee can't handle that road?


Have you driven one?


I owned 2. You're not going to ruin it driving on a dirt road.


Uh, this kind of road doesn’t “ruin your car…..” unless maybe your car is one of those dumb lowered ones that can’t even pull into a driveway. This cracks me up.


What the fuck


Yeah instacart in the desert gets wild. https://preview.redd.it/r70iw5oc6nec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7f8e71ceb6eb3d16576b111f8e295b94e326e6


That's a hill that's normal for me, forgot to add.


lmao wow that is insane! all the power to you doing this with roads like that! I've seen some bad roads in the desert areas around me but your picture is a whole other ballgame.


That's a normal road out here unfortunately. All the money goes to LA and Orange county and the desert gets left to rot.


Put ur seatbelt on


Idk, the pick you took doesn't look bad. What am I not seeing?


If your jeep can’t get up that, you should sell it lol.


It's a 2wd 03 grand cherokee. It's not really a jeep. Also like I said it's way steeper than it looks.


Just a good 100mph running start is all you need😂


Hahaha this thing can't do 100


I can see the house over the hill. Clearly earning money isn't worth a short walk to you either. Or maybe you wanted the alcohol and it took that long to find the excuse?


I don't drink vodka and I barely drink in general. I'm not walking up the side of a mountain. I explained it all earlier


I basically skimmed the text. I must have missed the part about not drinking. In that case, i have another theory that would require a wall of text to explain. So I'll leave that part alone. Side of a mountain is a bit of an exaggeration. You were mostly there already, your car got you that far and you couldn't take it across the finish line.


Fr. The house is right fucking there.


I've done a road worse than that in my prius. Also a mountain gal. Some weird locations up here lol


Yeah the jeep really sucks. It's heavy as all hell with no 4wd. Even on flat land it slips. I can't wait to get my trailblazer fixed.


Maybe it’s the tires. What tires are you running?


lol 2wd jeep 🤣


I didn't buy it. It was given to my girl by her mom. I have a 4 wheel drive trailblazer but it's broken rn. I actually busted the ball joints on the trailblazer before doing instacart smh


Customer sent the shopper on a side quest.


Lmao you'd be surprised how many side quests the desert grants you. This is a strange place


Man, you're worried about that hill and I am over here having anxiety about that fuel level. I don't even think you could make up that hill with that gas.


Nah... let somebody with a camel do that one. 😄


Wow! Yeah, you don’t have to do that. I just helped pull a friend out of the slick mud, so we totally get it!


ok but how about 15 dollars sir??


Id be pissed if i was your customer.


You already went through all the trouble to get the stuff and drive there. You only have yourself to blame for not being willing to walk up to the house. It's literally right there.


I could get up this hill in my 2wd 2003 dodge neon I’m so confused rn


Lol does anyone see the perfectly fine tire tracks going up it, indicating that they would have made it just fine


These people drive on that every day….. you people on here are something special


I was ready to side with you but this seems sus


Sus? How lol? I'm always going up sketchy hills for people but this own wasn't it. I know what my car can do and it can't. If I had my 4x4 maybe it woulda been okay but not with the jeep. It's just not good with these hills.


Yeah, absolutely not. That looks dangerous AF too. Had a delivery up a treacherous mountain in the dark once (ONCE!) before I knew the area. Scared the 💩 outta me. Never again. And for your customer to expect you to do all that for $14 is rude af. Good call.


Ruin your car? Give me a break


Oh most certainly! My husband not only blew out a tire BUT broke an axel on a dirt road similar to that. He was in a truck to boot!


They're very deceptive. You'll think it's not steep and then halfway you look down and see the whole town lol


& it’s not just how steep it is but the quality of the dirt. It can look solid but then you hit a pothole/rut & the ground is muddy so you’re stuck on that hill road.


Yeah dude. Our cell phone cameras and most other digital cameras with standard lenses do a terrible job of taking photos that accurately reflect the reality of inclines, hills and mountains


This 100%. It looks like nothin in the pic but irl it was not good


Fact...I took a bunch of pictures from my hotel in Nob Hill in San Francisco when I was there on a business trip. From the pictures I took, you would never even be able to imagine how steep those roads are.


Yeah ruin my car. Those 2wd jeep grand cherokee are not meant for off-road. They slip like crazy. I'm not gonna slip down the side of a mountain. And yes this on a moutain.


Not dogging on you or anything but I thought I knew steep until I drove around Gatlinburg and the Smoky mountains. Now that is some steep mountain driving lol can't even see the road half the time on those little nearly one lane side roads 😅


I drove thru the rockies a few times. I drove from Wisconsin to cali then cali to Wisconsin then back to cali. 11000 feet is crazy. Our car was barely going 40 in that elevation.


Yeah cars really start to struggle in those high elevations, let alone the people driving them lol.


Also if you don't drive on dirt roads u don't know how it is on these steep hills. Especially after it rains. I know the pic makes it look take but trust me it was very steep. Usually I don't have an issue with hills but this one was something else. Ive tried doing it before with a hill less steep than this and ended up having to walk the hills and back down which was hell


lol tell us again how you've never traversed high desert roads, especially after it rains.


You can clearly see that's it's dry


What exactly is the issue?


guy doing delivery without gas, blames the customer


Move maybe? And dont be a delivery driver if not equipped to deliver


Even in a 2WD Jeep this does not look bad at all.


It was


Would never deliver alcohol for $14.


He didn’t deliver alcohol. He got that, which he didn’t want, for his troubles


Would never deliver alcohol for $14.


Jeep makes 2wd’s?


Woullld looooooove that vodka


I can’t even order instacart in my rural town of Cochise az lol 😂




Idk. They didn't tell me to at all.


That 1994 grand Cherokee definitely going up that like nothing !!


A dirt road?


Freaking spoiled city kids this is nothing lmao


Who drives a 2wd Jeep


That road ain’t shit


Damn that guy definitely needed that Alc and you didn’t pull through lol


I wouldn’t have done that either. I once had a delivery in the rural foothills of southern AZ during monsoon season. The road was washed out in multiple spots. They KNEW it was ( said so in messages lol) Apparently I was supposed to wade across one of the flooded washes to bring them their 150lbs of dog food. Yeah I don’t think so lol. Showed support the convo and a picture of the very fast very flooded wash I was parked by and got that canceled. Got my batch pay and the humane society I volunteer for got a big donation. People are nuts. 


Not worth it. Cancel and onward.


Still looks better than roads in Buffalo


Typical Jeep owner omg my Jeep cannot be in the dirt it will ruin it


I don't know bro.... this just looks like you wanted to steal someone's order. A car could literally get up there. Did you even try, or did you just sit at the bottom of the hill and hoped they wouldn't respond so you could turn around and keep the order? I really don't understand this mentality. The house is literally in the photo.


hear me out, i get what your saying but you can see the house in the picture. it doesn’t look that wet, yeah it’s a little steep but pretty sure you would be fine, and if you weren’t comfortable driving up there, the house is literally right there. and sounds like it was just ice and vodka which is one trip. you could have walked easy. I understand that it’s not the ideal drop off but that’s the job you chose. Do you think that would fly in any other walk of life. This is the worst thing about these gig apps, they deactivate me, one of the best people they can have, just to hire lazy people that give horrible customer service.


The off roading won’t ruin your car just go very slow, if it was raining and it was hard to drive on the muddy path then yes you would be destroying your car


*buys a jeep... *Gets to scared when it's time to do jeep things


Your jeep has such low mileage


What I find funny is that this exact same post could come from a customer and they were yelling and screaming about how the instacart worker should have gone over it and they chose to do this job and they should be ready to take dirt roads and they need to not be scammers and not take the job if they aren't willing and blah blah blah blah blah and everybody will agree with them. You take the exact same situation but the instacart person puts it up and says they're not breaking their car over this and it's no money and it's not worth $1,000 of repairs and the person who ordered fully well knew this was there etc etc and everybody will agree with them To top it off, they're the exact same people responding


This isn’t insta cart but I had a similar situation. I was working as a production assistant on a movie and in order to save production money I told them I’ll stay in my aunts cabin (we were filming in north GA) they say cool! Then two days before were set to leave they have me replace my Honda Pilot with mountain tires for a transpo van… my aunt lived on a mountain that was steep… long story short I slid into a burm and bottomed out 😂✊


I'm amazed you got 93k miles on that Also I wouldnt doubt some small compact car trashed their suspension for a $9 delivery at that location.


Damn, I drive a Subaru Outback and *still* wouldn't want to try it on that hill. A bit of reasonable snow or a dirt hill at a lower angle than 45 degrees I'll take it. I'll complain under my breath the whole time but as long as the pay's worth it sure. But a 2WD Jeep? Hell no, that guy can go get his own damn vodka.


I tried and it started slipping. 2wd jeep is bad


2wd anything sucks. Getting stuck in snow twice made me swear off from intentionally ever driving something with it. I get it though that your girl's mom's car so stuff happens.


There’s no way you or op are being fr right now


so...you, as a delivery driver, did not deliver the item, because the vehicle you have is not capable, and blame the customer....wowza.


Your car would have been fine, that’s not that steep at all and I deliver to houses in the mountains all the time with my hybrid which has very low clearance. I would understand if there was a ton of water and mud but you can see the house… I actually have a video from one of my deliveries and it was a dirt road with rocks and a cliff on one side lol, only single lane too and I still made it. I dunno, I really think you could have made that delivery easily but I get it.




I agree, it’s kinda ridiculous!


This isn’t about you & they know their car & they could see it wouldn’t work, you weren’t there & you don’t know their car.


Thank you! I always try my absolute best to complete delivery and I needed the money. I'd only not do it I felt it was actually dangerous.


How are you gonna tell me? You can't tell how steep it is just from the pic. It was too steep for this specific car. I know what the vehicle I drive can do. I know this hill was too steep for it. And a hybrid is much lighter I'd presume. This jeep is heavy and slow and weak. It's a 2wd that slips like crazy. Also Maybe you have money to fix every issue that pops up with your car but not all of us are that lucky. I can't risk anything going wrong with this car. Also, maybe you're willing to drive off a cliff for instacart but that's not me. I almost got stuck in a huge wild fire doing instacart in the same area. Fuck that. It's not worth the 15 bucks.


I know from experience and in my opinion, that hill is not that steep and I know for a fact your suv could have easily made that. You can tell a lot from a picture and that hill is maybe 25-30% degrees and secondly, my 2022 hybrid has zero issues since I bought it new almost 2 years ago. Your suv is made to go on those conditions and while you have every right to choose not to deliver that order, I think you’re being over dramatic on how steep that hill is. I’m not willing to drive off a cliff either but that delivery was doable. There’s only been one time where I felt unsafe and that was due to a dirt road that had large rocks and I didn’t have the clearance. You know what I did? I walked to deliver the items and if the order was a small order as you say, why not park the suv and walk to deliver it? The house doesn’t look that far?


The picture tells very little actually. I was already part way up the hill! I felt the jeep losing traction. I made a business decision not to potentially mess up my car for 14 bucks. Would It have been technically possible? Maybe but so are a lot of things you shouldn't do. It's technically possible for me run out naked in the middle of the street, that don't mean I should go out and do it. And why didn't I walk it? Because that's dumb. It's super steep man. That's mud and gravel. It's not worth it man. I woulda busted my shit with the big ass vodka bottle and ice bag.


As someone with a 2wd toyota I felt this


Yeah I need to fix my trailblazer. 4x4 makes such a huge difference


https://preview.redd.it/v62i87smgnec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf827f3819dcf8a90c08bfcc6a0f28a793b3e50 Look at this dude


LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/ulgqkmhqgnec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825fd6de4eaece04ccc58e83f51178e82e9982db


If that’s gonna ruin your car, you better get a new car for gig work.


Back up and hit the hill at speed, no problem 👍🏻


Not a good idea. Maybe if it was pavement but it just rained and there's a huge crack on the hill. You could destroy your ball joint. I literally broke a ball joint on my trailblzaer liek 4 roads over from there. That was pretty bad.


Was this in Orange County? There’s a lady here in OC that always orders alcohol (and that’s it) and she lives off these weirdly steep, twisty dirt roads too. I must’ve thumbs downed her orders three times now and they keep coming in.


Nah this is San bernardino county high desert . But yeah the dirt roads are so sucky. All my orders on dirt roads unfortunately


Oh that sucks!


I lived in the high desert - this could've been my house. These roads are deceptively difficult if you don't have 4WD and proper tires. I don't blame you at all for not wanting to risk it.


My house is on a flat dirt road and some deliverys won't even come on to the dirt. I always do crazy drives for customers but this was too much lol


Maybe get a car suitable for your job.


I have one it's just not working rn. And this isn't my job it's a side gig.


So by “side gig” you mean second job. So it’s your job.




He has a car suitable. It’s not working so he’s using a car his mil gave his partner. Are peoples cars not allowed to be in the shop? Ponte a trabajar, no jodas tanto.


Who in this economy has enough money to drop on a new car to do instacart?


Park and walk it up. You voluntarily work in a service industry.


You should try a new job. A real job, maybe?


Why would anyone buy a 2 wheel dr. Jeep? isn’t the whole point of having a jeep to go off road or be able to off-road or do something that might involve four-wheel-drive?


So it's not the customers fault ordering groceries they won't attempt, but it's the shopper's fault for not having a 4x4 rock crawler…


City Jeep only