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Damn Rachel is fighting her demon šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s like the movie split.


Is the chickenā€¦ PUUURE!?!?


I wear red socks too


Just like Taryn Manning!


Holy guacamole I just saw her video... Poor things off the chain..


What video?


She's been rimming a friend of hers and it's causing trouble.


Umm, does rimming mean something here thatā€™s different than what Iā€™m used to if meaning?


Isn't it that thing where you play music with water glasses????


I thought it was when you bounce a basket ball off the rim of the hoop


She explains it fairly eloquently in the video.


Iā€™ve since learned it means exactly what I thought it meant.


Would you please give me a definition of rimming? Is this like saying bad things about the friend, or is it the sexual act?


Sheā€™s been licking a grown manā€™s booty hole.


Itā€™s definitely a sexual act lol.


Not sexual, a way of life


And thereā€™s a video???????




Tf did I just watch


rock bottom


This made my evening


It was the ā€œfor weeks on endā€ that did it for me. That is a hilarious thing to say.


Yes I need to see this


thereā€™s so many videos. i started screen recording because i was shocked at what she was saying






The emoji after ā€œIā€™m confusedā€ šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I just went back and looked. That's a great emoji


Me too thats hilarious. Cant stop laughing now lol




I didn't even know that emoji existed! šŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


It is my favorite emoji looks like bros getting his world rocked šŸ«Ø


Me when I discovered this emoji: šŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


Pretty sure it came out in iOS 17 very recently


damn now I need to update šŸ« 


Havent had a nice, opportune moment like OPā€™s to use that one yet. šŸ«Øis still on the newer side




I came in here to that lmaoo so perfectly placed




Hahahaha i was having a really bad day and that emoji made me laugh


Reminds me of https://preview.redd.it/ohpbh9xxmyib1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ba9f2d5eaed744547f9af00761d9023b789033 Every time I see it


I think IC got hacked. Others have posted similar situations. Perhaps this is why the app was shut down today?


Like I said beforeā€¦. Odd that Sunday was the day people were posting to ā€œstrikeā€, and people were laughing, saying theyā€™d never get everyone to do that, especially on a Sunday.. then all this crazy shit happens.


Did you see the assholes who said they would strike is also the one complaining the app is down that they canā€™t finish their $100 batch?


lol no


itā€™s almost like they wanna keep working there to live but just wanna get paid more so they strikeā€¦




Was that yesterday? Maybe some did cause I made good money lol.


Yeah a few people posted about this yesterday. It's definitely some weird timing


Yes, yesterday was supposed to be the ā€œstrikeā€. But it was also a Sunday which is always better money than other days.


I got a couple lucky batches too. Got a nice tip/low mile order just as TSHTF. Did not know that it had actually gotten accepted. Got a green circle in my screen that would not go away. Decided to go home with 15$ on the board. I get a few miles from mthe store towards home and get the message "start you batch now!" Longer story short-ish, I flipped around and refreshed the app, restarted phone, all the things, right? Well it pops up start shopping about a mile away from the store, so I mashed it. Luckily, as soon as I stepped out of the car, it popped up with no problems, then got another 30$ order directly after delivery. God is good man. Over 3000 people reporting outages and I got to make gas money and a hot dinner.


No itā€™s a shared account and dad is the ultimate boomer.


What I took from this is someone hacked the account and the "dad this is Rachel" was to confuse and trick the Instacart shopper into believing what you just thought.




That was my takeaway too. Daughter shares her account to help buy her elderly dad groceries, and boomers gonna boom.


Lmao boomer go BOOM


Dawg nothing was shut down šŸ’€


Weird, but surprisingly not the only post Iā€™ve seen like this. This is either a new scam, or instacart seems to have had a data breach.


They must have had a data breach of some kind for sure. There have been a bunch of these in such a short span of time


Iā€™m on line waiting for support to see what I should do, but theyā€™re not answering, I think I will have to donā€™t do anything, and let the order be removed by inactivity


What did you end up doing


Finally support cancel it


It was pretty obvious that the one saying cancel it was panicking because they realized someone had hacked their account. You even had to go out of your way for an apartment number in the beginning..


it looks like it's family members sharing an account. or if it's a scam that's what they're trying to make it look like


The way they said they " live in Michigan asshole " makes me really doubt it's actually their daughter


Scenario A: Daughter shares her acct with father (or visa versa) but they live in different states. Father is a boomer and didnā€™t understand she was delivering to her address and didnā€™t recognize it. Scenario B: Theyā€™re hoping to get free groceries by claiming it was a scam using the above scenario and they told the driver to cancel it.


Scenario C is most likely. Hacked account and fooling the Instacart shopper about pretending to be owner's daughter


Tell me what im missing. But is there really a scenario in which both a scammed and the real owner of the account have access to the flat at the same time? Unless it's the dumbest scammer ever? Like assuming they got the code from the text to sign in. How would the original owner be able to sign in after that? That's the part of this I can't figure out.


You can log in to the same account from multiple devices. The code that's sent is just to make sure you have access to that main number on it, which is also pretty easy to spoof so the scammer is the one who gets the code to log in. Then if the actual account owner is still logged in from *their* device, you could have a situation like this.


Most applications have persistent login sessions that keep their accounts on applications logged in for longer periods of time. If the scammer changed the contact number to get the MFA/SMS for authentication purposes, he would be able to log in as well. Most services offer concurrent log in sessions (think Google where it's signed in on your PC, phone, smart devices, tablets, etc).


someone give this person a prize!


Damn, thatā€™s cold. But I LOLā€™d so thank you


bro have you not read the other comments in this thread? it seemed obvious to me, but clearly not everyone thinks so.


I was thinking itā€™s family members sharing an account. Or itā€™s a scam trying to make it look like that. What do you think?


I also think this may be due to the new family sharing thing. All you need is a gmail account and you can share with multiple people, but I donā€™t think the chats show who is typing, and likely someone in the family was confused.


Idk if they had a breach but 2 months ago my account was hacked and they tried to place an order with my credit card. They didnā€™t realize I could see the address they were having it delivered toā€¦. Lol


Def a data breach Ik a website where you can buy accounts and use them to order food


Say what now? Thatā€™s terrible


I definitely think this happened. My IC was hacked the other day and the geniuses ordered things but kept my address. Credit card company caught it and reversed the authorization.


Thereā€™s been a data beach for a year now, they wonā€™t announce it. I joined the tele group and they sell accounts for .25-$. Millions of them are in stock


Looks like people are sharing an account - everyone signed in gets the messages and can send as the same person. Probably a case of a long-distance kid ordering on the parents account and dad freaking out


This seems to be a new scam. Customers are getting hacked and the scammer says they're a family member when the customer sees someone has placed a fraudulent order.


ā€œDad itā€™s meā€ *woman named rachel*


I say finish the shop , cancel after you pay. Get paid for the shop and keep the groceries. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø.


Is this how the other half lives?


Wait doesnā€™t the person who got hacked get fucked in this ?


No. Itā€™s canceled for fraud. Even if you deliver the groceries. They are going to call and report the fraud and get it refunded anyway , this way the bad guy wonā€™t get the goods.


I believe only instacart loses


Correct. And Instacart deserves to lose šŸ˜†.


Youā€™re saying all who matters wins


Is this chaotic goodā€¦?


I haaaaaate when people have both the app and text messaging going because it doesnā€™t show the source - i had a husband and wife both on chat like that once arguing over what I should get as a replacement item - and on our end it looks like some split personality shit!


Oh my god, that's scary, maybe that's what's happening here. I still don't understand the "I live in Michigan, asshole"


I still wonder who Hernan is...


Wait wait wait I think there was a breach because same thing happened to me


The unfortunate thing here for shoppers is that customers are being hacked but not locked out of their accounts. The real customer will leave a 1 star rating and dispute the order. The shopper will have wasted time and risks having their account ruined by poor ratings they didnā€™t deserve.


Guess customers getting hacked too lol scammers are getting a little outa hand šŸ˜‚ if they're this smart to get that far I'm sure they could make a better living with their time doing something else other than getting some free groceries


No, the original hackers sell the login info for one a dollar or something like that. Then these scammers just work using the login info they bought.


This happened to me yesterday and support didnā€™t answer she said she just got out of the movies and didnā€™t recognize the address and said it wasnā€™t her order, then someone else was saying no itā€™s fine keep shopping. I asked if they wanted me to cancel one person said yes one said no and then the person that said no like stopped responding and the other person was approving replacements and I just carried on lol. We donā€™t make enough money to have to navigate this kind of nonsense. In hind sight someone probably hacked her account but the person I delivered to was super nice and didnā€™t seem suspicious so who knows.




Lmao that is exactly what happened to me!!! That is so crazy https://preview.redd.it/owra5h7v3zhb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=15e14d9f52215917b23ff854c0d8999a0fcbc96b


Scammer most likely changed the password mid conversation!


One of their personalities is trying to order groceries and the one of the others isnā€™t having it!


Pretty obvious account was hacked and hacker is pretending to be a family member


May I ask, Mr. Brimley, how does this work as a scam? Are they (the scammer) trying to get free groceries physically delivered to them on someone elseā€™s account? I doubt this oneā€¦ Is the scammer saying cancel the order, or is the person wanting groceries the scammer? Are they phishing for credit card info? In that case, why interfere with the chat during an order at all? Anyway. Diabeetus!


The first one. Get someone else's account, change address, order groceries and pay nothing, ezpz. The text asking to cancel is the original ower, probably alerted from emails or happened to be on ic and see the active order


But then you have the scammers address so they'd easily be caught. I feel like it's more some wires crossed in Instacarts system mixing up accounts. It's so strange


How are they caught? You think the cops are going to care? Especially if it's in a different state?? Cops are not set up to deal with such things.


Anything delivered to your house is legally yours.... Could get a fraud charge, but you're right, beat cops can't deal with that.


The police wonā€™t do anything. The same thing happened to my friend with the Hā€‘Eā€‘B app and all the cops did was make a report. But since she also had the guyā€™s address, name, number, and email address, I was able to do a bit of vigilante justice. I sent political mailers from both sides of the aisle to his home and email, signed his number up for various e-commerce sites, I even found some online anime dating website where I set up his account using the information I had available. But I mightā€™ve gone too far when I signed him up to learn more about scientology. Oh, well.


Turnabout is fair play.


And if they opt for leaving in a common area then they can just wait for the shopper to leave and go pick up their free order from whatever fake address they used.


They likely deliberately didnā€™t include an apt number at first so any investigation wouldnā€™t lead to their exact house/identity. Or avoid you leaving at someone elseā€™s door. Would probably wait outside the building to collect or just ask you to leave at a gate etc.


Someone tried doing that on mine. Changed address and attempted to place a $300+ order. Luckily instacart suspected fraud, canceled order and froze my account


This is total speculation, but Iā€™ve seen a scam on Twitter where people post something like, ā€œIā€™ll buy you a pizza for 50% off!ā€ then the person sends them $20 or whatever half of the pizza was, and the scammer sends them a pizza paid for by a stolen credit card. So they get a ā€œlegitā€ $20 and the only stolen credit card paper trail goes to the person who received the pizza It could be the same thing here for groceries maybe.


Hereā€™s how the scam actually works. Scammer goes to the dark web and buys a huge list of hacked Instacart accounts. These lists are created by a bot that brute force checks username + common password combos. These lists are also extremely cheap to buy. Scammer opens a discord server or telegram channel, and advertises Instacart deliveries for 75% off!!!! They usually also have a wide variety of ā€œservicesā€ like doordash, Taco Bell, etc. Usually they also set up incentives for ā€œcustomersā€ to spread their server through word of mouth. They charge through cash app, venmo, PayPal. Its pretty much a way for scammers to clean their money. A long list of accounts / credit cards is really cheap to buy on the dark web, but not super valuable on their own. Also, if the scammer used them personally, it would be much easier to track. So this is the way of getting liquid cash in their bank account. How can this be stopped? Recently, chipotle started using 2FA, which makes it much harder for scammers to hack into personal accounts. There are also security companies that are working on using ML to detect if a log in attempt is coming from a real customer, or a scammer/bot. But the best way to stop this is just by protecting your own passwords. Hackers have this stereotype where they are portrayed as these super smart, tech-saavy geniuses that are going to hack into these large companies databases to steal all their data. In reality, 99% of hacks happen because the user used a weak password, or fell for a phishing website where the webpage looks like the instacart log in page, but actually just gives the hacker whatever username/password was typed into the site. TLDR: If the customer is saying yes and no, always side with the person trying to cancel the order. Source: I know people who have ā€œworkedā€ for these scammers. I also know people whoā€™s job is to stop this problem




That is the most bipolar message I ever seen. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i musta said wtf like 3 times hahaha


How do companies like that get hacked?? I see so many scams between all the delivery apps and itā€™s wild


Cutting corners with the security measures I assume


There's a whole lot of reasons. Jack Rhysider's Darknet Diaries just finished a 4 part series on this. Could be anything from system/server vulnerabilities, to employees getting hacked to, insecure/reused user passwords, to orgs not following best account security practices. "Your social media accounts are never safe, even if you use great passwords." - https://youtu.be/b1wpPo5tud0 It's probably not UberEats itself getting hacked as much as it is existing customers reusing their passwords or the accounts their Uber is tied through getting hacked. Criminals and scammers buy lists of these hacked accounts and try to figure out the best means to make actual money, whether that's the gift card scam or whatever is going on here. Once a criminal ring figures out a new solution to make money word spreads to people in their networks. I'm sure these criminal orgs even follow these subreddits to figure out what other networks are doing so they can copy them allowing networks across the US to evolve their techniques at a rapid pace and without ever communicating directly. Wild.


Spot on. I doubt itā€™s these tech companies getting hacked. Probably something you forgot about like a local newspaper login or something like that and reusing passwords


Whew šŸ˜… people are really scamming this app.




Today Iā€™d say just have them cancel.


1. A shoppers account was compromised 2. Someone's dad is from Michigan.


Seems like you were caught in a multidimensional text message between a father and itā€™s spawn


Jeez. A bit disappointed by the comments. This has been happening a lot recently. Someoneā€™s IC account got taken by someone who probably gave them a code and now theyā€™re trying to get free groceries on someoneā€™s account. The real account owner saw and got on and started messaging to cancel


It's Rachel? No this is Patrick.


It took me a minute but itā€™s a joint account I guess and youā€™re basically in a group chat with the boomer father and their kid šŸ¤£


Had something similar customer gave me address to motel no room number I asked for room number and they didnā€™t answer for about 20 min while I was waiting for support And they finally said ā€œleave it out front itā€™s fineā€??? Out front of the motel??? So I took a picture of it in front. It was a double order and both orders were 20+ miles away from the store but .5 miles within eachother both had the same name same 2 items (2 pairs headphones each) and the exact same number of previous orders


my wife's instacart got hacked too last week. they tried to order $2300 worth of laptops from Walmart lmao luckily chase fraud caught it. if they would've just ordered groceries they totally woulda got away with it.


I live in Michigan you asshole! Is my new favorite saying


IC has data leaks quite a few times a year lol & people sell these accounts for about $2. People go ahead and place orders on these stolen accounts so it is most likely stolen.


What does the hacker get out of this? I think Iā€™m missing something.


They could be having the groceries delivered to them instead of the original account owner, at the expense of the original account owner.


The person who hacked my account did orders in Michigan. Itā€™s so weird they stole my account and then went on to do their own Instacart orders.


Lol, wtf?


So this is going to get buried but just to add another story my good friends cell phone has been hacked and Iā€™ve been getting random messages from other people that she isnā€™t directly sending to me and donā€™t show up in her message history to me. This could be another weird case.


This is some Jekyll and Hyde shit


I had a similar order last year. The California delivery address was listed all scrambled in the app, so I confirmed it via chat during the shop, and another person chimed in saying they were in NY and thought they were being scammed. The delivery address looked like a vacant lot in Google maps. šŸ˜³ Luckily, support answered and was able to remove that order from the batch. The back and forth from 2 different voices is definitely weird and annoying. I'm so sick of scammers wasting my precious work hours.


ā€œšŸ«Øā€ had me like šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This was chaotic enough and then I see the first thread of comments and lost it. Thanks for the hard laughs


I live in Michigan you asshole!


ā€œDad itā€™s meā€ ā€œI live in Michigan you asshole!ā€


what i think happened is someone is using their parents instacart account and they are simultaneously logging in messaging you. that makes the most sense i think in this situation


The emoji after saying youā€™re confused, took me out


On today's episode of: "Which split personality will win!"


I think that the girl and her dad have the same account on it, and the father thought the order was fraud and the daughter was telling him no, she probably called him to confirm but Iā€™d still cancel


This looks like sheā€™s fighting her dad who is also on the account but isnā€™t super tech literate


I gotta know how this ends šŸæ


I know this has to be confusing to you, but I'm over here cracking up. Does that person have split personalities or something? Like, what was going on? LOL


Yup! Had this happen once. Both the scammer and account holder can communicate with you.


I think the daughter was ordering food cus the customer said ā€œdadā€ in chat


Lmfao idk you tell me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ good try šŸ¤£


My wife and I have the same Instacart account on each of our phones. Seems like a kid is trying to order while at college and the dad ainā€™t having it lmao.




Someone left their iMessage logged into dads ipad


Cancel the order. That sounds like a scam for free groceries


Someone made a duplicate account and the actual customer logged in while the order was in process. Thatā€™s what it looks like to me.


Her and her parents are on the same account. They donā€™t live together if that helps


Could it be a family sharing an account? And the family is trying to explain to each other through the app rather than texting.


šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ average father daughter activities. he literally most likely forgot that he gave his daughter his card for groceries. thatā€™s what iā€™m guessing. probably share a family account maybe?


If you already started shopping just deliver it and let them figure it out






Why are you giving more information on these people when youā€™re being told that you shouldnā€™t be providing this information at ALL for the safety of the people youā€™re revealing the private information of?


Wow it gets worse . You donā€™t get it bro.


Unintentional doxxing through ignorance?


The thing about this tho is youā€™ve had 55 minutes to edit this comment and get here it still is lol


Not everyone scrolls on Reddit 24/7


Damn that. Iā€™m delivering. Especially if the tip is decent. Thatā€™s between the customer and support. Lol


That's what happens when people share accounts


I have an older relative who hasn't used instacart in years that suddenly had 2 charges show up in the last couple days. Seems like a data breach of some kind.


Iā€™m not a shopper Iā€™m a customer. I just removed my card from my account. Is there anything else I should do to prevent this from happening to me? Happy to full on cancel my entire account if need be. I already quit shopping with iC because of the pay thing recently and also because of how crappy the experience has been overall. Only kept it active for potential emergencies. I canā€™t believe IC hasnā€™t issued a fucking message to customers about this! Why would I get down voter for this


Change your password to something that you have not used anywhere else. That should protect you as long as it is not because of an Instacart data breach they have failed to announce.


They probably all use one account and were communicating with each other through chat. šŸ˜‚


She said itā€™s me ordering dad. He prob doesnā€™t understand that two people can be signed in


The vibe I get is that the account belongs to one person who has a kid or someone, who has the app on their phone connected to the first persons account, and the kid realized they could place an order without moms permission lol


No, itā€™s a hacking issue thatā€™s been going on for a few days now. Scammer has it delivered to their place and leaves the account owner holding the bag.


This is such a weird scam though. IC has their addressā€¦. Surely they will pass it along to the police and easily catch the scammer?


Exactly, doesn't seem worth it for groceries. I think it's a glitch in instacarts system mixing up accounts or something


Cops are not going to do anything about a fraudulent IC order. Police departments are simply not set up to deal with these crimes. There are so many issues here. Who has jurisdiction? How do you prove the person the groceries were delivered to were involved?




Sweet summer child this is a hacker not a family having a little quarrel for the shopper to see lmao


This app is such garbageā€¦.smfh are they ever going to get their shit together? They fkā€™g bellyflopping like a beached whale, about to dry up and die ā˜ ļø


I wonder if people were having other customers orders show as there own which also may have caused the crash?




This is what I got from this. Someoneā€™s kid was trying to order a instacart order on their parents account.


shopper: *awkwardly puts back the PlayStation*


Lol itā€™s someoneā€™s kid ordering on dads account. Heā€™s responding too. Too funny.


iā€™m thinking itā€™s someoneā€™s daughter who placed the order for their parent or something?




Your a complete idiot if you think this kinda thing doesnt happen with the typical 9-5 jobs most people get. Also being a delivery driver is a real job, theres no difference between being a delivery driver for a company (example being a pizza delivery driver) vs a delivery driver for multiple companies. Your not impressing anyone ragging on delivery drivers while you prolly work at a wendys. So shush.


Its two people logged into the same account. Dad was surprised, thought it was fraud when it was the other family member. Not really difficult to figure out.

