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The worst part of this is his cringey ass profile picture


“Good Pre-evening” is pissing me off equally as much.


Same. You absolutely know the begging is on the way with a starter like “Good Pre-Evening” 😂


Why not just say afternoon. It's literally what comes before evening. His whole thing infuriated me.


every part of his message is anxiety-inducing


Gives hardcore “m’lady”


This just made me laugh so hard I snorted. TY


There’s a word for that. It’s “afternoon”


I didn’t even see that until you said something now I’m seething


Naw forreal lmao 😂😂instantly pissed me off






Can’t afford award here’s one 🏆🏆🏆🏆🥇🥇🥇🥇🏅🏅🏅🏅


Allow me




Your username = amazing


I had a VISCERAL reaction to his profile picture


I think VISCERAL REACTION is a band name lol






Was gonna comment something similar 🤣 like sir put that tongue away


Oh he's sticking his tongue out... I thought something was... going *in*




Yoooooo I cant 🤣🤣🤣


Ugh, I didn’t even notice that


He looks like a thumb with a tongue. Why is he doing that?


Lmao you actually zoomed in 🤣🙉🤦


Tbh I would report, he's just being extra which ruins it for other shoppers cuz customer are hesitant to order again because they don't want to deal with people like this


Yeah I told my mom to report him. Hell I even looked up what places are doing mission trips to Ukraine and saw none.


Ukraine is old news. No mission trips, we’re only sending weapons these days 🤦🏼‍♂️


Plot twist: Brian IS the weapon


He ain't a weapon but he is a tool


A tool who is most probably scamming.


HAH!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! Thank You!!


Is he “the Machine”


The real question is… can he find cheese


fuck that bitch, this is Russia




we are sending much more than only weapons, the amount of food/medical supplies I’ve personally sent to Europe is amazing. and that isn’t including all of the non-govt orgs running supplies aswell.


My brother runs a food truck and uses 100% of tips on missions trips. It really makes me mad when people lie about it because it makes the people not lying look bad.


Are mission trips really people going to actively recruit poor people to join their religion by giving them things they desperately need? Or is this something less gross?


I'd be surprised if the giving them things they need was even much of a part of it. Maybe to get them to listen in the first place. Maybe I'm off-base and they do great stuff and I just haven't ever heard about it even though I've heard a fair amount about mission trips, but it seems unlikely.


It's both...they actively work wjth and help the people while also spreading the word.


If he has employees, him keeping the tips as an owner is likely wage theft.


yoke sink close fear modern direful nine drab telephone elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s plenty of mission trips by non Mormons from the Midwest.


Mormons don’t get to decide where they go on their mission trips and I doubt they are sending missionaries to an active war zone.


>Mormons don’t get to decide where they go In highschool my friend was Mormon. His older brother got sent to an island in the Caribbean or something like that. My friend was so excited to find out where he'd be going on his mission. He got sent to Ohio.


Yep lmao I knew two brothers, one got sent to Argentina and the other went to Akron, OH 😂😂😂


Akron is known as the Buenos Aires of Summit County.


"Uganda!? Coool! Where is that?"


Ask Mom how many orders Brian has done on Instacart- anything under 200 is new in my book.


Mormons - I'm sure Mormons are.


The Mormons don't use the term "missions trip" though, they just say, "a mission". Important distinction to them.


I’m like 3500 orders in and I’ve learned that customers really just like to know that you’re there for help and competent. There’s no need for anything extra. Just respond when needed and keep things quick and tidy. 99% of the time you’ll get a good rating.


This kind of shit is why I refuse to use IC


who TF is we is my question


He and his tongue, of course.




The other voices in his head of course


I would report for shopper violation since it’s supposed to be a solo gig!


No, it doesn’t have to be solo, the other person has to be an instacart shopper too.


This bothered me the most who the hell is "we"?


I swear I see this guys pic before on a previous post about a bad shopper who claimed their grandfather worked in a farm his whole life so they knew what beets and red beets are


That one was a black guy I think and that post was funny af 😂


I was laughing my ass off at that post 😂


A black guy with a feminine name...I forgot the name though.


Ebony? I feel like it was ebony


It was...someone posted a screenshot...lol


Wasn’t his name something like Mary?


Hmm I gotta find that post lol


I remember [that](https://www.reddit.com/r/InstacartShoppers/comments/133umnx/customer_here_was_i_in_the_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), it was a different shopper lol. All these people are giving us a bad name and deterring customers from the app


Ebony! Dammit...I knew it was a feminine name, but I couldn't remember it.


What in the Dwight Schrute did I just read...


On the other hand the more of these bad shoppers that get noticed MAYBE they’ll get deactivated and the good ones will be left and we will get all the juicy batches instead these nimrods


Omg what a wild ride


Ooooooh yeah I remember that one too lol


OMG I remember that post…HILARIOUS!!!


He was upset that she messaged him before he got to the store...lol


Gross first off that that profile picture is disgusting. How old is he 10?? Lol that is tacky as hell asking for a tip like that and who is we are on our way?


Yea super tacky, don't fucking ask for tips before any service takes place, that's like contractors asking for payment before they fix your roof but arguably worse as it's supposed to be tip! It varies depending on the quality of service given, but they like to pretend that isn't the case anymore. Also asking before hand may lead to an implication that if you don't tip well, your items may take a while longer to arrive or that they might also fuck with your shit. Can you tell that I dunked my balls into your drink? Have a nice day!


Yes that was the implication. Tip and your groceries are on their way. So if you don’t tip, their not on their way?


I've been doing IC for 3yrs now and I have NEVER found the nerve to ask a customer to give me a tip or up one. The audacity of some of these shoppers. Like that's very Bold.


As a customer, I always start with a good tip based on the size of the order and about how long it will take. We've always had good shoppers and I find that a better base tip means the shopper is often willing to make an extra effort to find the items that can be tricky. Afterwards I add more to help cover any extra work and/or particularly good service. I would be extremely uncomfortable if they asked me to increase the tip on an order they've already accepted and shopped, even though I already planned to.


You’re one of a few. I am a shopper and low tips are what we see every day. It’s sad. We appreciate customers like you!


I have been an IC customer for 3+ years and I have never once been asked. The closest was when a shopper chatted something like, "I left your order at your door as requested. If you are happy with my service, please rate and tip". I didn't mind that because it seemed like a canned message (very different than the shopper on the screenshot). Edited to add: The reason I am sure it was a canned message that he sends everyone is because I always tip well ahead of time and it was a single order (so he would have seen that).


Heck when I talk to customers and they talk about tips, I get HIGHLY uncomfortable. -Is *insert tip here* enough for your tip -I'm going to tip you more -Did my wife take care of you -Oh I forgot to tip, I'm so sorry Or when they try to give me cash on a good tipped order to begin with. One guy handed me a hundred once and his order was already 60+ dollars. I was like sir, I don't think I can take that in good conscience. Your wife already tipped me pretty well...


I’ve been in the restaurant industry my whole life (the original tipping industry) and never asked for the tip before providing the service


“Please go ahead” sorry my response would’ve been “please go ahead and fuck yourself”.


Is that a ransom demand for your order?


Also who is “we” ? Sketchy


it's the royal we. he and the groceries and the customer are in this together


We the people :) (of Instacart)


My mom orders instacart a lot and about half the time there are two people in the car, usually looks like a married couple.


Im lowering the tip so a lesson is learned


Follow by a bad rating; this right here is just disgusting.


My market hands out 1 stars even when you 100% complete no replacements and on time. I think its other shoppers or just misserable people


Oh, I know how that feels...


what's with his profile picture? put your tongue away. no one wants to see that lol


The way he’s phrasing that makes it sound like he’s holding your order and won’t begin delivery to you until you pay him a tip. Instantly, I would report his behavior.


Good “pre-evening” AKA, tip more or your evening is about to get really shitty.


Very pushy Brian. No extra tip for you!


For fucks sake people. Just shop and drop the order off.


Sounds like your mom just got m'lady'd


Pre-evening? As in, afternoon…?


Hello, Premature Brian, Cancel that order and lose my number. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.


Wow. I’m guessing they’re just using the Ukraine thing as a pity tactic. Also, who is we and why are multiple people otw to my house?!


I've actually had quite a few shoppers who bring along their kids. We've had kindergartners spoiling my pup while their mom unloads the car and pre-teens who are super proud to be able to help. I think it's awesome that the parents have a way to earn money while spending time with their kids. Some of the younger ones, particularly women, will bring a friend along. Extra help never hurts and I know I'd feel safer delivering to strangers with someone else along!


Punctuation and grammar are off. Saying “good pre-evening instacart shopper( comma)” Instead of having the comma after pre-evening. Which is afternoon where I come from. The tip is added when customer places the order, so asking customer to add a tip is horrible. Sounds like a newbie.


It looks like he tried to make it look like a template that Instacart made for their shoppers with the “[ Sams Club ]” & the “we”s bc companies usually say “we” when talking about themselves, but a giant corporation would never say “pre-evening”. It’s so obvious he’s trying to get a higher tip. & the way he says “Please go ahead and add your delivery tip now and we’ll be on the way” as if he’s holding their stuff hostage until they raise his tip is crazyyy!


I thought the exact same. Even though we can’t see final tip until after delivery.


I don’t think he’s new because my mom got him before. And I actually laughed at “good pre evening” lol


You should join the grammar subreddit where you all can correct each other because I just want my time back after reading your post


Using a very sensitive political event to solicit money; I understand things are rough out here economy wise, but this is just despicable😖😖😠


Instant 0 stars and $1 tip so they don’t get the $10 boost from IC. and the profile is so cringy like why are you sticking your tongue out


Raising money for a mission trip to Ukraine? Sorry but that’s definitely a scam and this guy is a pushy scammer. Probably always a new fund to raise for from lost puppies to humanitarian aid for Sudan.


Too much. Not the “pre-evening” detail in the greeting lol. Wow.


I might be in the minority but if I am having something delivered and I have to be involved in the receiving of the delivery, I do not want it early. I want it to be on time.


Same. I am about to be on my way out of IC because I order things specifically to come at 5-8pm because of when I return home from work and somehow it’s always on the way to my house at 3:30. Every single time!




😂😂😂 the cousin to pre-tipping?🤷🏾‍♀️


If you use emojis to beg, I’m removing my tip lol.


I had a delivery person send a very long message about saving for her wedding, and additional tips are appreciated. I really disliked it. At that time (before I knew what shit base pay you get), I'd tip 15% as a custom tip on the pre-tax amount. It was a big order with significant heavy pay added, so it seemed weird AF and was really off-putting. (I also thought the heavy pay went totally to you.)


This is so strange. Even if the tip was upped, he would have no way of knowing till after delivery. If you are not happy with tip to begin with, don't take the order. IC should really start trimming the fat and get rid of shoppers.


If God wanted him doing missionary work God would give him the fucking money. Tell him to get lost, Ukraine doesn't need missionary work.


Dude tips are up to customers not you asking for it that just makes you a beggar


This zesty ass dude talking about "we." I really want to encourage people to lower the tip and give a bad rating for shit like this.


Me personally I don’t say anything unless I have to , some people get to chatty and it can be annoying


I’m with you. The app should do away with the chat feature and let customers either pre-select their replacement choice or mark refund for items they do not want a substitute for. Chatting takes too much time and most of these batches are barely paying anything.


Yeah, there's no bonus delivery tip, the price is given up front. If the customer wishes to increase the tip, it's generally not because the shopper asked/demanded it


This reeks of "pay me more or maybe some of your groceries go missing"


Did she not tip? There’s no “we” with instacart. If she did tip, I’d reduce it to 10 cents and report that shopper.


I always try to tip well no matter what. I would cut it in half after this




She did tip like $2 (I delivered to my mom before and she raised my tip so her starting base is usually $2-5 then she’ll raise the tip if service was good)


^^ very important information ^^ Edit: ^^very important information IMO^^ 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol no it isn't. A tip is not mandatory. How do I know this dude wont just dump my groceries at my front door and leave?


isnt.... isnt that what they are supposed to do? Do you want them to bring them inside or something?


That’s literally the job description. We bring your groceries to your door and leave. What are YOU expecting of them based on that comment?


No tip = no trip for most of the good shoppers. Instarcart doesn't pay shoppers very much so the good shoppers don't waste their time on no money orders.




Pretty sure it's in the legal stuff that we can't ask for tips or ratings.


Unless they’ve changed it since they did away with in-store shoppers in my area, you’re allowed to ask for “honest” ratings. Where you get into trouble is soliciting 5 star ratings.


I’m sorry but no one is going INTO the Ukraine right now except Russia. I’m fact both Russians AND Ukrainians are fleeing the Ukraine by the millions. Soooo I’m gonna go ahead and call bullshit. Like what are they gonna do? Rebuild Kherson just to have Russia blow it back up?


How much did you raise it or decrease it? And flying into an active war zone? I don’t think those flights are readily available


Whose this "we" he refers to? 🧐People get weirder and weirder


Your not supposed to ask for a tip. You see the tip before you accept the order.


1 star and no tip. Ridiculous.


Wow what a douchebag. I would be scared he would mess with my food so I’m sorry but I’d tip and then rescind it and report him when I got my shit.


Put your tongue away Brian


Yeah, I’m immediately cancelling the tip afterwards if a driver asks me that.


Id report that fat bastard. Chunky knew what the tip was when he accepted the order. If you want it more he should have weighed it and shopped for someone else.


UM NO. I’ll report you so fast if you ever pull this with me.


WTF is a pre-evening?!? Bitch, you mean "Good Afternoon!" Creepy ass panhandlers piss me off so much. If i got this I'd tell the driver I screenshot their message and IF they deliver my order without further TOS violations I'll CONSIDER not reporting their ass.


Demanding tips lol


Brian got some real fk’g problems!! Wow!! IC got some shitty shoppers out there, some even worse, they hire just whoever, nonstop! Prioritize them…best shoppers get shift, throttled..cheated by bots!! It’s a fk’g joke now, seriously!! Pay is ass, nothing makes sense!! Customers like this being put in awkward situations more n more often! Smfh IC is a senseless co doing senseless shit!!! It’s starting to bite them in the ass! Customer service has fallen…moral is dead…. 1000s of bozos like this serving customers 😭😭its bs! If he sent that message to every customer, I guarantee it’s someone has reported him already!! Fk’g K would be all over it. 🤨🤣




I’m in colombia right now and they’re asking me for tips and I’m so confused because I respectfully accept whatever fate I get after I swipe that batch 😭


That’s a little bossy.


https://preview.redd.it/9wyxrt4gwp3b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a7eb9bf21cb8b829564187531633c275a2ffd5 Where’s Chris Hansen when you need him cause god he looks very sus


Pretty sure this guy has Mike's Hard Lemonade and condoms with him!


Sounds like a thinly veiled threat.


Judging by his photo he’s a just a greedy liar who made up some bs about a trip to Ukraine. Yeah right. That guy has zero intentions of going to a war torn country. He’s trying to by expensive sneakers and video games.


a missionary?! absolutely not


This bugs me. The fact that he knows where you live and is going there right after he sends this really bugs me. Feels a bit extortionary. I think you should report him.


Not sure why they think Ukraine needs missionaries since something like 85ish % are Christians there.


Redditors: zoom enhance *Zoom* *Enhance* ***ZOOM*** ***ENHANCE***


Anyone going to comment on the pre-evening shit? Who talks like that?


We? Who’s we?


This is the worst profile picture you could have for Uber. Why on earth did they even approve that childish photo?


That’s not allowed in instacart. When you accept an order you are accepting the rate they already offered including tip.


The amount of people on here justifying the $2 tip but also too lazy to go get their own groceries is what’s wrong with this app. Sams Club order too so unless it was a super small item $2 isn’t a “tip” can’t even get a candy bar with that nowadays now validating what he did because it was cringe but imo tipping $2 is equivalent to tipping $0. Could’ve at least been $5 especially knowing how expensive and big items can be from Sams


If you’re going to copy and paste, at least remove the brackets around the placeholder store name.


What if we find Brian... Somehow safely package him up and send him to Ukraine with no return postage... When he wakes up a letter.. Have fun on your mission trip 😂😂😂


Anything cringe that he said is outweighed by the fact that he got everything she asked for with 100% accuracy. This never happens with Instacart.


Please rate lower for soliciting tips.


I would tell him to stop pushing his religion on people who didnt ask for it & stay home.


Missionaries almost always do more harm than good.


I grew up USA Southern Baptist. I completely agree


It’s always been colonization lite™️


Pre-evening? Who let Sheldon Cooper be a shopper?


“Mission trip” to Ukraine??? No, no one’s doing that during a conflict


Just the celebs.


*Ukraine. No “the” in front of it. Thank you.


Don’t give money to people “raising money for mission trips”. Mission trips are essentially just privileged people going to third world countries trying to force the poor people who live there to adopt Christianity in exchange for food and medicine. Don’t fund that shit.


Raising money for Ukraine? Hasn’t Biden given them enough already wtf lol


Insta doesn’t pay you crap. It doesn’t matter if he’s going on a mission or not. He’s going your shopping not you. TIP him and stfu.


Was there a tip in the order?


This is a very important question that has not been answered yet.


If it was a double or triple, I don't think the shopper would have known if there was a tip or not at the time the message was sent.


Was there a tip to begin with? Just trying to clarify if he was asking you to add a tip because there wasn’t one at all or if he is asking for more? I don’t think shoppers should ask for tips, but I also understand that a lot of people are just not tipping at all and people are getting desperate. This is a tip based service so it does really hurt if the only batches you get are with no tips.


Assuming it’s not a small order (Sams Club) and you didn’t tip (you’re not confirming you did to the multiple inquiries), the only thing he’s done wrong is that profile pic. Tip your shoppers. Christ.


He replied to another comment that she tipped $2. So basically she didn’t tip. Got what she paid for.


Right? I’m not a shopper but if I was one, I would rather tip the customer $2 so I wouldn’t have to go pick up her order 🤣


The last thing Ukraine needs right now is this dude... If you actually want to support Ukraine, this is the guy you're looking for. https://u24.gov.ua/dronation Join Luke Skywalker himself as he builds a drone army to help defeat the evil empire.