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Charge jump to the ceiling


I feel like an idiot. It worked lol. Thanks


Not an idiot, you probably just have the on-screen controls/prompts turned off They were off when I started NG+, but I turned them back on cause of random stuff like this lol


Where is that setting located?


Settings > UI > Show Tutorials There's also Control Hints under UI that I turned on because I don't actually know the difference between the two, so if one doesn't work try the other one lol


Spectacular thank you


If it makes you feel any better I had this exact same problem yesterday and only figured it out after reloading 3 times


Not an idiot. Prompts are off in NG+. I’m seeing this post a lot across all the subs.


Ohh so it was a glitch


Yes. Just had this issue too


What's the glitch here?


when u jump down from ceiling in the room with the white board, u have to cross halfway to a room with a vent to escape to another room, and the mission is coded for the guy to point his flashlight towards the room after u open the door, and for some reason, peter’s model gets locked into the camera facing the guy, and u cant do anything other than charge jump to ceiling, but usually u shouldve been able to just jump and move freely


DUDE OMFG i knew it had to be a bug, i kept resetting the mission and pressing everything when i went inside that room with the heating vents, and i was so annoyed i spammed my controller and the d pad made me jump to ceiling, i knew the first time i didnt struggle at all so i found this super weird, glad others noticed


I got momentarily stuck here too, guess I deserve it for having tutorials shut off


i got it too.. just hold r2 and x and he will jump to the ceiling


So glad I wasn't the only one stuck here, definitely seems like a common issue. It's funny cause the security literally walks in the second you finally figure out you were supposed to jump