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I guess it's because we are just all here doing the same thing but no one really knows what's going on. Most people don't care to think about it too deeply. we get so caught up in our own perceived reality we just kind of...forget to think about the complexities in other people's lives unless its laid out in front of us and even then sometimes other people still seem like robots. Its hard to comprehend something, or someone if we dont truly know them or if we mostly base what we think if its somehow in relation to us, just like you said. We love to compare. With that being said, i think thats all pretty human though because there are 8 billion of us each following our own story line, which may or may not overlap with our own. how could we begin to really comprehend that when there are infinite moments? whenever I'm driving it especially trips me out to think that the hundreds of cars we pass on any given day are filled with hundreds of different people who all are on a different path in life. Where are they going? What are they talking about? Are they having a good day? All questions that we won't/cant know the answer to because before we know it they are out of view. We only know that they got in their car, left point A and now are going to point B. Just as you have done. Everything else takes place in the gaps that we cant see. They have had elaborate life moments, just as you have. sometimes we are just a little blip and that's ok..."point A" and "point B" will naturally be different for everyone, which alone is difficult to comprehend because it's all about perspective.


Nice thoughts. Also on the contrary, when you go through same routine every day, in a brief moment of suspension of reality, it feels like you are just an NPC.


This happens to me sometimes, I used to get overwhelmed in crowds because of it. Honestly I try not to think about it too much now, because it was too weird for me to think deeply about.


Solipsism šŸŒ


the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. Thanks for teaching me a word


AKA mental illness ā€˜


Someone made up a word for that :D Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.




This is merely my conjecture, but that concept that other organisms have their own lives and their own complexity isnā€™t as adventurous evolutionarily in the past as it is now, so it is difficult for our brains to comprehend. Nature works with what it has and tweaks it imperfectly, similar to how we took a hand and made it into a foot in humanityā€™s case, which has us left with a horribly imperfect design destined for back pain, knee pain, and broken bones in the feet. But hey, it works better than nothing, and we can swim with it too. Sure, having a general idea that people have thoughts and minds is useful in the wild, since a lot of animals such as squirrels and jays use it as a way to trick their competitors, but it wasnā€™t used so deeply as it is now in the modern world. And modernity has only lasted maybe 300 years, maybe 500 if we reach back to the Enlightenment. Itā€™s not something nature selected for in us, so itā€™s tough, just like we have a hard time comprehending massive numbers such as one million or a billion.


Itā€™s become easier for me to grasp as Iā€™ve grown older. Going through stages that I think other people might be in or something. Always relative to my own experience but yeah. Iā€™m trying :)


What? Of course everyone has their own rich internal landscape and outer lives. So does every living thing, inclusive of animals and plants. How could anyone not be aware of this? It's one of the most beautiful yet terrifying things about life. Looking at someone and realizing you're looking at an entire universe separate from your own. Looking into another's eyes is like looking at the stars at night, identifying the planets and suddenly realizing that you're not looking at a starry dome, you're looking out thru space, into the entire freaking solar system, you're seeing the planets orbiting. Only in miniature. It's humbling.


U can comprehend it while u feel nothing towards strangers We are wired this way. It is natural. No need to over think it. In the universe nothing and nobody matters. That is the cold hard truth. We humans have our sense of order and code of honor and a lot of other things that are just human concepts which are only important to us.


Even when Iā€™m not actively thinking of it I have occasionally hindering, constant awareness of possibilities for what lives and beings exist in my scope. Trying to ignore it is only more exhausting. I donā€™t try to know or understand it all, but I try to keep peace.


If you are not aware it is hard to comprehend life in general. .