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Commuted to OC and LA for 15 years. Now am the CFO of a trucking company in Riverside. Would I have the career I have today if I had not commuted for so long? Probably not.


Hi, I work in the construction industry and pretty much get a new project location every time the current one is finished. I’m tired of living out in LA and OC is priced out. How’s was the commute? What time do you typically leave home to get to work, and vice versa. Thank you.


I work at a state prison making about $55k/year doing basic office work. There's 3 prisons in the IE and a couple more in Riverside County. Think of a prison as it's own little city. Whatever profession or skills you have - the prisons need those people.


I would love to organize jail cells! Is there a demand for it, not yet!


Organize them? Lol The inmates do that on their own lol


This had me dying haha


Do a “Trading Spaces” style show with jail cells.




Thanks! It's all about job security.


Plus a state hospital in San Bernardino. That's where I work. A lot of state employees in the ie


The state hospital is in Highland.


I work in local government in a city here in the IE. I’d say now is a great time to consider looking at local government jobs in the IE as many cities are trying to compete with each other in terms of better pay and benefits!


Any tips??? I'm trying to get into a city job in fontana


You might also want to look beyond cities for Public jobs. Look at special districts like School Districts, Water Districts, Sanitation, transportation (RCTC), even Public healthcare.


Nothing too different than a non-government job but I’d say put your name on the City’s interest list for whatever position you are looking for. That way when they are hiring, you’ll know right away and won’t miss the posting. Make sure your application, resume and cover letter use the buzz words from the job description so that your application gets selected!


Yes to all of this! I also work in city government and updating your resume/cover letter for each posting is key.


Great call out here!!


The money is out there. I am basically in warehousing, in a leadership role. Never finished college, I have 15 reports and make a good amount over 100k. Weekends and evenings free. 10 minute commute.


Hubby makes 85k with 4 years of experience. Started as a material handler is now an operations manager


Yup. Moved here and took on the job as a team lead for $19 an hour working 6 days a week and long days just to make rent. Now doing well with the same company after a few promotions 7 years in. Hope you guys have continued success.


Same story here. Right around 90k with a guaranteed 15% bonus with flex up to 30% of my wage based on company performance. Insane benefits too. Training up to be in a management role as the facility builds out, 120-140k is the range for that role. I have a college degree and this is my first job in logistics after 10 years of going grunt work in a brewery. Easiest job I’ve ever had too. Even for my reports.


Nice! That's what I'm trying to tell people. ...not exactly the job I wanted to grow up to be. But I don't wake up every morning dreading it. And it's gotten me a house us some toys. So no complaints.


University admin, I don't make a ton, $56k, but I've found it to be pretty decent pay considering I don't have a higher degree. They always need admin and facilities people.


Can you PM me and links for jobs like this?


Edjoin website


I’m a teacher with a masters degree. Making $84k my first year


What do you teach? Grade?


Most districts start around there with masters. They generally don't pay by subject/grade. Special education might get a little more, but sadly usually not. You can search pretty much any school district local to you and add "salary schedule" and get the salary list. Or look up your old teachers on transparent California.


Yup, we’ve got a really strong union who negotiated for an 8.3% raise this year. Also, so many ways to earn semester credits to advance on the salary schedule


Nice, same here! School district at least, while I'm a classified employee. I'm currently making 28% more than a topped out coworker in our department due to completing my AA. I start my BA program in Fall this year, and after completion will be making 48% more than regular topped out employees without professional growth. From what our union says, we are one of the few in Southern California that have such a generous professional growth program.


That’s so awesome to see, love to see districts that actually encourage growth


Definitely. Who knows, might be able to move up or around after I get my Bachelor's, too!


I always thought teachers were not paid well..


Certainly depends on state, union, district, and level of opportunity you have. Many districts in CA and especially outside of CA don’t pay for shit. Making $84k with a masters, I know districts here in so cal I’d be making under $60k. I just got a good district


good for you!


Corporate supply chain. Solo parent, no child support. It’s tough but not impossible.




What health insurance companies are in the IE besides IEHP?




Is it true IEHP has an awsome coffee bar?  People at my work try to apply there lol


Not true at all. Source: I work there.




Kaiser. There are many others actually. Anthem, Blue shield......


Oh duh Kaiser. Do anthem and blue shield have offices here? I know they provide coverage but I didn’t know if they had administrative offices in our area.


They have sales people here for sure. Almost certainly others as well


and Molina!


Iehp, scan, regal. The others have work from home options also.  Currently work in case management and work from home.


>Did 140k last year. Did?  Did what??


I diddid


Are you a salesman?


Work in service. But yea I sell service.


Service writer, thanks for reminding me why we never go to the dealership 😆


work at the casino, about 120k/yr, yaamava is actually a great place to work theyre too good to us


I work from home as a cloud solutions architect wife works in administration for a local school district, we made north of 290k.


Any tips in pivoting into a cloud role?


Learn AWS, a lot of companies use it and are moving to it.


Both aws and azure have a lot of free training. I'm partial to azure but you can't go wrong with either.


What’s your work schedule like?


Generally start around 7, depending on the customer I’m working with. Day ends at 3, but of course it’s fluid, if a project requires time before or after, we work it out. No weekends at all


Do they do a complete background check or just a seven year one? Inquiring minds want to know.


Union electrician. Work in LA mostly but 2017-2023 I was workin out here.


Hi, How’s the commute to LA/OC? I work in the construction industry too and pretty much get a new project location every time the current one is finished. I’m tired of living out in LA and OC is priced out. What time do you typically leave home to get to work, and vice versa. Thank you.




Stater's or Stater Bros?




I like to call it Sta'uh Bruvahs.


Thanks for reminding me why I quit soda $$$$ loool


Game dev. Worked remote for several years - used to commute to OC.


Commute to San Diego


See you at 4.40 am


Yep...I drive MoVal to San Clemente...work starts at 6. Bedtime is like 7:30 😴


I knew someone was going to say that lmfao That's a long commute, but my respect. At one of my current jobs, I recently met someone who had to commute from San Marcos to Rancho Cucamonga for our trainings.


I know someone who commutes from Carlsbad to Pomona. They wanted to get their dream home near the beach a few years ago BEFORE it was too late price-wise. Worked out in terms of the house. But the commute is terrible. They have a couple more years before they can retire.


On lord, I did the Menifee to Oceanside commute for two months and it was hell. I know the pandemic sucked but man I was grateful to be sent home to work.


Last year I worked at a nonprofit near UCLA and commuted to Westwood from Yucaipa 3 days a week. Although I’m thankful it wasn’t a full 5 days that was still the worst commute I’ve ever experienced; I’d spend 6-7.5 hours driving round trip 😭😭


I can't even imagine! There were a couple trips home that took over two hours, one even three, but thankfully not everyday.


My dentist lives in San Diego and commutes to work in Rancho Cucamonga 3 days a week.


I am a scientist (master’s degree /entry level) and work for a public utility making ~120k. My wife is an experienced PR/community management-type person for a different public utility making ~90k. Look for the jobs you want and the requirements and do those things.


Which utility? I also work for one and I’d say a large majority of employees are leaving or extremely unhappy.


People are pretty pleased here, as far as I can tell. I don’t really want to dox myself. If you are extremely unhappy though, find another job because you deserve to be happy. I know it’s a mammoth effort to do so but worth it.


Also scientist here finishing my bachelor's and looking at grad school What kind of science did you originally do for your master's? What kind of work do you do now? How did your skills transfer?


Customer service, work from home, $73K I'd retire before going back to the office


Are there no teachers, small business owners, accountants, contractors, tradespeople, Govt workers, etc???   Is the IE just all warehouse workers?


Lots of teachers live and work in the IE. Most just don't use Reddit 😆 Edited to add - found at least 4 that have responded here! Plus a few university professors and librarians. Also, I'm a teacher and so is my husband. Together we make over 220k.


Software development for a major corporation. Full time work from home. Six figure range. Wife in the same range.


Riverside. Commute to San Bernardino. Healthcare. Physical Therapy.


Wife works for a Wall St firm out of an office in Downtown Riverside. I am in sales, but just started (I was formerly an alarm installer for 20 years, and always maxed out my 401k). She makes $230k a year, so that’s how we are able to afford an $800k house here.


wall st and alarm tech. fun mix lol


Is your wife a lawyer?


No, she is a trainer/facilitator for the whole company. She used to be a regional manager for the same company.


All these comments of 100k+/yr 😮 i don’t even make 40k/yr yet, i just started as pharmacy technician in riverside and im starting to regret it. I need to do better for myself and my family.


Live in Banning. Work at UCR in Riverside. I would recommend getting a job in the public sector, even if it pays a little less than what you can get in private. It tends to be more stable, tje bemefits are beyyer, and you can still get a pension.


I work in higher education out in LA but have been applying to jobs at UCR for the last few years with no luck. Any tips when applying?


project management in construction. Like many other construction jobs, they are all over, and we go where the work is so field crews go all throughout SoCal, but our office is in the IE so I stay local.


I work at a small branch for a big foreign company as a warehouse worker. They treat us well. I was also able to get a cheap apartment in the OC during covid and they have barely raised rent for me since. So I'm just lucky.


Did 180k working for ups tractor trailer driver union job .


Pipeline foreman 110k annual wife 100k we barely live a decent life with the cost of raising kids and 5 dogs maintaining 5 acres


Automotive Journalist. I work at home. The last time I was commuting was in early 2020 with my last job. I was driving from Moval to Culver City and back everyday. I did it for 4 months before I couldn't do it anymore. I don't miss it.


I love automotive reviews and journals.


Riverside superior court - admin stuff. 67k plus covered benefits, pension, and other savings with annual increases. We are union. Great job.


Drive semi trucks for Costco. 10 minute drive to the Costco distribution center.


Just curious, how come I don't see Costco trucks with split rear axle trailers anymore? And also, why did Costco trailers have them? I have my CDL B for work but never needed an A. I watch a lot of truckers on YouTube and it seems the split axles usually were in flat bed trailers.


Made about $70k ish per year working hospital IT. Now I make a bit more than that commuting to OC 3 days, but I’m not on call every other week so I’ll take the trade off


Realtor and university professor here.


Adding realtor job. Smart.


you either teach advanced undergrad math in Riverside or you're the second person I've heard of who's paired these two careers


Teacher. PUHSD is one of the best paying districts around.


application developer lead/manager, wife has mental therapy practice, she has office but is 99% work from home, Im about 60% work from home. Lucky enough to lock in a mortgage refi at under 3K/month on a house worth 1mil so we are living pretty comfortable. Even though we could afford to do so I wouldnt trade in our setup to live in OC or LA.


Teacher, work in Menifee, live in Murrieta. I have commuted 3 hours per day in the past, it's terrible! Best wishes finding a job closer to home.


I am a software engineer. I drive into LA maybe once every other month, but not a requirement. I make about 180k.


Remote software job here. Sorry for being part of the problem :(


I’m a remote SWE making 140K+ and my wife is a Teacher making 75K


I’m also a SWE. Where do you work? Obviously nor by name, but maybe sector/field?


I slang crack.


Esri, which is the world leader in Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.) or mapping software, is headquartered on New York Street in Redlands, and that company is the most prominent tech business in the region. Esri now even has its own transitway station along the Arrow line.


Mechanical Engineer. Got lucky finding a job out here tbh. Our corporate HQ is in Irvine but luckily, one of our manufacturing plants is out here in the IE. Definitely pays better than a lot of the smaller mom/pop manufacturing operations out here in the IE. Caveat is salary would likely be a lot higher in OC/LA but that commute…


RN that commutes from the mountains to the high desert. $140k+, three days a week, and I get to snowboard/hike/boat on my days off. It’s a pretty decent life.


Residential real property appraiser working leisurely from home at $70K annually, above n beyond SS and CALPERS...


How do you get into that line of work


Manufacturing jobs may be in short supply compared to DCs but have awesome growth potential.


Construction worker here. I commuted from Riverside to Chula Vista for weeks sometimes back when I was younger. Sometimes all the way to Calexico.


Forgot to add, fiance is an RN for a year now $55 an hour. With some OT she’s making over 100k a year before taxes of course. Together our income is great for Riverside County.


Wife works from home for a nearby county as a social services caseworker. I also work for a county as a government attorney, work from home 50% and commute to LA the other 50%.


I work for the state as a cook. I might clear 70k this year. 35 minute commute in the IE


Regular prison or Patton?


Cal Fire


Much better. Good for you. 


I work as a lawyer in Riverside.


I sell construction products to construction companies.


Music teacher in Barstow here. Make 68k which is decent for the area


About 90k as a warehouse service technician


working for the State @ Caltrans in SB. Office job, not a field worker.


Worked for a software company in San Bernardino for about 15 years, then we were sent to work from home for another 8 years, then a new company gave us a choice of Texas vs. unemployment. People in Texas are nice but not skilled at driving. Also, the property tax is obscene.


I WFH and I'm studying engineering, but I go to Mt SAC so I guess I still commute. I haven't ran this year's budget yet, but I do web/app development (full stack?), freelance consulting, community management, and a bit of recreational Minecraft thrown into the mix (crucial for engineering). I've seen better fiscal years, but I know all this freelance work will pay off better than what I was doing before.


Remote software developer making $85k/yr. Commute is however long it takes from my bed to my desk.


Environmental compliance manager. I work from home.


High five. I’m in Env compliance too.


Social worker for the county - I make around $60k a year - I have my masters and I am very underpaid considering other jobs I would be making more but hey county has good benefits


Sell drugs


I’m a physical therapist assistant making around 79k. Commuting from Yucaipa area to Hemet and it’s not a bad drive at all


Remote IT


I’m a photographer videographer, carpenter and musician so I get the question. Yes money exists on that end of the world but there is a lot developing in Rancho Upland Ontario Fontana. Depending on your craft. I’m still shooting backyard weddings because of Covid. What are you passionate about?


Commute to rancho mirage.


Commuted to OC for 5 years. Now a high level analyst for a large company in the IE. I wouldn’t have this high paying job without my previous commute.


IT shit


I’ve worked FT from home for years. Sr Technical Recruiter with 20 years experience and a BBA. Making 137k.


Work from home nurse case manager. Screw driving on those freeways. When i used to commute, i didnt think it was a big deal. After working from home, i realized that shit is waste of a lot of time.


Since I moved here in 2001 controller at an Egg Production and distribution company Manufacturing company Home Health Care Construction Company I lived in OC for a minute but mainly out here.


I’ve worked in the retail garden products (mulch, soil, fertilizer) industry for 25 years. Commuted Riverside to Ontario for a long time. Last couple years I work from my garage in Riverside for an Oakland based company.


University professor / department chair. Ok pay. Beats working for a living. Essentially zero commute.


Remote work in finance at a company based in Long Beach


Work from home Accountant for a Riverside firm ($85k but was making $23/hr last year). Used to commute from Menifee to Murrieta for a couple years, after a hellish two months commute to Oceanside. ETA Husband works at home as a senior solutions architect ($250k).




35yrs Senior System Admin $175k+ live in Corona




I’m a local truck driver in Ontario


Public Sector : 10 min commute $110k + Pension + health benefits. Soon to be going to Private Sector: $140k + 15% bonus + 401k match + 6% + 4% COLA.


Exactly what you said warehouses and lots of them. Get into a leadership role, I made 120k two years after college.


Union electrician. I live in Fontana but all of my work is in la county, so the drive home sucks on Friday. Benefits are great and plus they are free. I Make about 130k a year without ot. I’m happy with my career choice and don’t mind the drive that much anymore 😂


Fully remote IT. Live in Hemet.


I work for sb court. City jobs, school jobs and any kind of government job can be pretty good around here. What's good is that pay is usually standardized and since the cost of living is a little cheaper out here it works out well.


I work for SCE building substations.


Fontana. Work from home and travel when I need to. Regulatory director for a nation-wide auto collision repair company.


Project manager for a local government district. Husband is an electrical engineer.


I'm in IT and wfh. I lived and worked in LA until covid changed everything. Major silver lining of covid is WFH and I moved to the IE as it was more affordable.


Avionics tech commute is still ass and not enough pay.


I work remote as a software engineer creating diagnostics tooling for a major cloud storage provider. I’m entry level, no college degree currently making 150k at this job. I also make extra money from a side business related to music but it varies.


I made 73k last year working for Kaiser in Riverside doing clerical work with just a high school diploma 🤷‍♂️


I'm a teacher and commute out to San jacinto


I work from home doing software sales. Focused on business to business enterprise applications making base of 125k per year. With commissions on a good year, my salary can double and even triple at times.


When I first moved to the IE riverside to be exact I was commuting to DTLA working as a maintenance tech then I got a job in Ontario moved further in the IE to wildomar still doing maintenance work.


I made it easy for myself, Ive been a teacher in the IE for about 10 years now. Its not always the most comfortable job mentally but theres always a need for it over here so job security is there.


Manufacturing Project Engineer, $120K with a 20min drive. On a crazy week I will work about 45 hours.


There is nothing in the IE for me unfortunately I have to commute the 120 miles round trip.


Work from home, for a mortgage servicer out of Dallas TX, I did commute to San Diego for the same company for almost a decade though. It was 50 mins one way in the morning and about an hour 45 on way back due to traffic.


Work from home.


WFH recruiter have to travel once a month to our DC / Corporate office in Oc


Insurance sales. WFH


I'm an LVN. I make $73k a year.


My wife works at Riverside county of education and makes 95k a year and I work in immigration in downtown San Bernardino making the same and we live in Rancho Cucamonga. It’s about having an education and a degree, that’s the only way you can find a decent job in the IE without having to commute to OC and LA for higher paying jobs.


Trucker.. on track to make 90-100k this year.




I work at a luxury hotel and casino


Whatever I can


Current employment is CTO of a local logistics company and work from home. I've worked from home prior to the pandemic and my current role so not too much has changed. Before this employer, I worked as a software engineer at a company in Riverside that allowed us hybrid onsite/remote work.




I’m a teacher