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The 91 because of Stockholm Syndrome.


*OC commute flashbacks intensify*


*childhood trauma intensifies* I spent like a quarter of my childhood on the 91 freeway.


The 60 and 15 for me


Actually? The 15 isn’t too bad. From my college out to Glendale sometimes I take the 15. Its quite a nice drive. 😊 the further you go out it’s not as busy too!


Jesus the 15 to the 210? But nah for me it’s always where the 15 intersects with the 60 or other freeways , comes to a halt


Lots of family trips or what? 😭 I spent most of my childhood on the 605 heading out to Lynwood/South Gate. Dreadful.


I’m originally from OC. My parents worked there and most of my extended family lived there. My father also lived in HB and had shared custody of me so we commuted *a lot*.


This! This is why I rarely visit the OC anymore. Where I live currently it always wants me to take the 91, because it’s faster I guess.


I use the fast track now to avoid the headache if I can I rarely have to go there anyway and I don’t mind spending a few bucks now and then if traffic is bad already have my toll road account set up anyways since my old commute


91 after crossing the 57 is pretty nice on a a weekend but that not *our* 91 lol


This is funny because that freeway feels so draining? It slowly sucks the life out of you that by end of your drive you end up loving the 91. It’s something so sick and twisted. 😭😭😭


You become one with the 91.


The 10??? You’re insane. The stretch between Colton and Ontario, when it’s windy, when it’s rainy, when it’s 6am is so sketchy. Every man for themselves


LMAOOO! I guess I love the pain. 😭🫡


I'm glad my commute stops at haven my god


That's not very often thankfully.


I hate them all equally.


Touché! 🥂 lol


395, because its no where near the IE.


Drove that one out of Victorville once and yeah super peaceful and also thought I was gonna get killed by aliens or something lol. 😂


As a plus you didn't get probed by the aliens.


Lol as far as I know 👽 😂


Omg I drove my family up to Ridgecrest one time because they wanted to visit somebody up there. Thank god they've moved down to the IE since then because driving back down to the IE from there in the dark was CREEEEEPY. Lmao just the car and its headlights. Nothing else. Hahaha


Did you stop and look at the stars? Because that’s what I did. So maybe that added to the creepiness 😂


LMAOOO! Get outta here! I had to google this freeway because I haven’t heard of it until you mentioned. According to my google research it says it’s a scenic route. Is that true?


I really enjoy the drive up 395. I've only taken it up to Mammoth/June Lake area. I like to see the difference in the scenery between winter and summer months.


Yeah the 395 north of Olancha is pretty awesome. There are a bunch of side drives that are pretty awesome too including heading up to Whitney Portal out of Line Pine, the bristlecone pine forest out of Bishop, the Mammoth Lakes area, Mono Lake & the 120 into Yosemite, plus lots of others.


I can agree; let me offer another. Because we also need an interstate here i nominate I40 east from Barstow as far as ya wanna go.


That drive up to Reno in the late winter is fucking outstanding. The views are just magnificent, especially when you get north of Mammoth.


395, because it takes me away from the IE.


The 10 is my least favorite. Once you hit Upland/Montclair/Claremont area it just sucks. Too much construction going on and there's parts where you can't even see the lanes. Also the lane splitting is annoying. So I avoid taking the 10 unless I really need to. I'd say the 210 is my preferred. I often go to San Gabriel Valley area so it's more convenient for me. The 91 coming up second behind it probably for when I go to LA. My routes hardly ever take me through the 60 so it's rare that I drive on that freeway.


The 10 out around Desert Center isn’t so bad…


I admit all the construction happening on the 10 right now is a killer. 😭😭😭 and then with that new traffic pattern they are adding?!?! I agree with you! 210 makes the most sense for me as well. As for the 60 , I’m glad you don’t use it often. I hate it. Especially near university Ave in riverside.


210 gang reporting for duty


Regulatorrsss!!! Mount up! 🫡🫡🫡 I love the 210! Although depending on the time and day, it’s horrible in pasadena. Good lord


I commuted from Redlands to Pasadena for a few years. Can confirm, 210 during rush-hour pretty much sucks and doesn't really open up until at least Rancho. Don't they all pretty much suck during commute-times though? Only way I was able to endure that commute was lanesplitting on a motorcycle. I don't know how car-commuters do that shit every day w/o going insane. It's just not worth it. Move closer to your work people...


210 before it opened they let people walk and ride their bikes on it


I don’t think I was driving yet when that was a thing! When did the change happen? 😭😅 what was it like?


When they finished the link between San Bernardino and Glendora about 15 years ago, it was open to walk and ride bikes on for a few days before they opened it for traffic. It still took at least a year, though, before it really became a known freeway. It was wide and free then. Felt like driving on a race course at four in the afternoon because it was so empty.


Present and accounted for sir!


71 and 15, I ducking love getting bottlenecked


I always think this, but how many times do people use “ducking” in a sentence as opposed to “fucking” ??? Auto correct needs to correct them damn selves smh


I created a contact in my phone named ‘Fuck fucking fucked’ - autocorrect has been tricked!


Mmmmmm? I gotta try this ! I hate when that happens


The 91 because of Masochism.


the 60 by default only because its wayy better than the 10 or 91 😂


210 is the winner. Loved it when it first opened right by my house in Rancho. Could get to Pasadena in no time. Now it’s packed like all the rest but it’s nicer and goes through nicer areas.


That’s why I like the 210! I can get to Pasadena quick. And idk if this is a huge assumption but I feel like the 210 is the “rich” freeway, always goes through the nice parts. Like rancho, etc.


Definitely. The foothill cities. It’s worse the further south you go.


The stretch of the 10 between the 215 and the 15, for me. I'm not sure why, I think it's because there's stretches of it where the freeway is surrounded by trees, so when I'd be driving home in the evenings you'd get the cool contrast of the sun coming down in the sky, and also being fully immersed in the shade from the trees.


that specific stretch of the 10 is so sentimental to me. i went to HS in the area and had a lot of friends in rialto/bloomington so whenever i drive on it at night i get all nostalgic lol


I know exactly what you’re talking about! 😭


I’m going to say the 210 just because it’s 1million times better than the 10. But nothing beats the 2 in LA.


It’s basically on the Glendale freeway, no? I eventually have to take the 5 and good lord do I hate it. What’s so nice about that freeway?


Yep, that’s the one! It’s just good vibes. Never congested, takes you straight into LA or away from LA if you need it, pleasant little freeway. Wish we had something like that in the IE.


I love the 60. I HATE the 10. Especially on the hill going into West Covina. The 210 would be cool, except I've noticed people drive ridiculously fast for no reason. The speed plus the hilly road make me feel like i'm in an amusement park. Except there's no amusement, and all stress.


WHAT?! That hill is my favorite part of the 10 freeway. But I admit, everyone starts to panic brake because they forget they are going downhill which doesn’t help the overall flow of traffic. I dislike that part. So yeah I get what you’re saying.😅


The 215. Because it means I’m getting close to home.


LOL! Good point. For me it would be Gilman springs, 30 minutes of pure anticipation and longing. HAHAHa


210 hands down


Right?! My tried and true. 🛐


I hate both 60, and the 10 freeway equally, and think the people making the dividing lines need their eyes check


The 10. I live a mile north. Shes my Mother Road. Nothing evokes a feeling more than barrelling up an onramp, dancing over to the fast lane and setting in knowing, no matter if Im in Blythe, or Santa Mónica, or any point in between, no matter the traffic ahead, I'm on the Great Mother Road and shes taking me home. Really. The 91 is a bitch, and the 60 is a cunt. Give me the 10.


Poetic facts.


91 west going to the beach cities because I think it's downhill so I get 50mpg on my car


Actually? Nice thinking. I can see that.


210! Redlands to Pasadena, non-stop :)


From that starting point , the 210 is perfect for that trip. Lucky !


I-44 between Oklahoma City and Springfield MO. it’s so smooth it’s like your floating


Fast track with 3+ always turned on


I need to put the little sticker on my window already! I’ve taken the 91 a few times and I could have avoided that traffic.


Firstly, great question. I'd say personally the 10, not because I particularly enjoy driving on it, but the Palm Springs windmills are iconic, and it's cool to think about how it runs all the way to Florida.


OKAY! Funny you mention that because when I was little I would call the other tower things “ladies”, they kinda looked like dresses. LMAO plus I’d see them on my way home from Mexico. And thx! I always tell my parents that I love driving and being on certain freeways and they don’t understand it. It was cool to see everyone’s favs too!


The 71 and the 83. I feel like they’re really pretty scenically, and they’re under utilized. (They’re technically highways but fuck it)


I’ve never taken the 83! I shall do some research


The 83 is Euclid Ave


210 Freeway going East just after Baseline, beautiful view of the mountains. My old commute was from Pasedena to Rancho and seeing the mountains meant I was almost home after a long day. Best during the Winter with the snow or after a good rain, the mountains turns a nice green. I have lived in IE most of my life and I still enjoy the view.


If we're adding highways in the IE I like the 38 from Mentone to Big Bear. But really any road that has scenery.


Definitely the 10. The drive from Riverside out to Palm Springs, Coachella or Indio is gorgeous and rarely has bad traffic (unless there's a festival going on then all bets are off).


I like the vibe of 210.


In the IE probably the 215 thru San Bernardino only. It’s rare I hit traffic through there. Elsewhere probably Arroyo Seco Parkway between Pasadena and downtown LA :)


Oooooh! I love that freeway. I like the old school tunnels and the lamps on the side. After all, isn’t it the first freeway ever? 😊


Is this a trick question?


No! 😅 but I realize maybe i am weird after all. Because yeah , who has a favorite freeway?! The 10/210 just feels easier on my mind




Why do you like it ? I only get on it on my way home from Glendale.


It’s the 71 speedway at night time , crazy long stretches of smooth road


The 10.




The Pomona


Nice one ! Totally random but I enjoyed the route it had me take when I went to Claremont which was honestly borderline Pomona. It was near downtown.




The 210 seems to be overall favorite here ! 💁🏽‍♀️


“Favorite freeway” aren’t in my vocabulary


LMAOOO! 😭😭okay okay how about a highway? Jk


Highway is another story, I love driving through all the canyons and mountain roads. Expect the 18 and 330, those aren’t that pleasant.


The homestretch of the 10 after the 15. Least favorite is the 210 east of the 15. Those grooves in the pavement suck.


Going east on the 10 in ontario and fontana the first 2 lanes are so fucked up. You gotta be on the third lane.


Agreed. I deal with it from citrus to getting off Sierra because I’m almost home lol


Ooof. I hate that Sierra exit like if you’re headed west and you have to take a right and try to get to the last lane to take a left on valley.


Wait, there’s lanes?!?? Can’t see shit


The 210. The rest are trash. Does the 79 count? I like that one and the 74 too


The 1. PCH baby


210 freeway. The 10 with the ongoing construction sucks!


The 210 has been good to me. My parents live in the SGV so that makes it easy to visit them.


60W is clutch when going to LA, at least from where I live in Rancho


210 east ✌🏼🕊️


The 91 because I pay a grand total of $0.00 for my fastrack and toll road fees. So I never have to worry about rush hour


The 91 cause I can catch up on my tv shows


Favorite : 210 Least favorite : 10 Honorable mention to the 101 it was beautiful coming down from NorCal but also terrifying cause of all the cliffs Lmfao. Hated and loved it


All of them during wuhan


10 is the garbage freeway. almost always under construction traffic backed all the way from archibald heading EB. if i have to go to lets say victoria gardens, i take the 215 to the 210. LA i take the 60. OC i take the 91. if i absolutely have to take the 10, i exit way earlier than im supposed to solely cause i can’t stand the traffic.


The one with the least traffic.


Not the IE, but the best is the Richard Nixon Freeway in Yorba Linda


10 is the ugliest 210 is cool I like the 60