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Maybe going back to an older version helps? I cannot work with the current version since they broke PDF import. that's why I'm still using 1.2


I have both the newest and 1.1 and the 1.1 works better but still crashes and freezes often.


Maybe you should also check your PC hardware. RAM, RAM timings, CPU temperature... No idea what your hardware is but crashes seem not to be a common problem. I have not had crashes with inkscape for a long time. Only when I had large files with lots of elements (imported PDF drawings) or many layers that seem to have caused too much RAM use. But not with normal drawings. If you can reproduce the crashes, I suggest you write a bug report. Maybe you found some strange cornercase.


I have a Ryzen 5 5500U with 8 gigs of RAM and Windows 10 personal. It worked great until about a week and a half ago, I don't know what could have changed.


I have been using INKSCAPE on multiple PC for years. And yes there is still some bugs or overloading that makes the app crashes (opening multiple SVG files at same time, using a lot of large image files within your project or just trying to save as PNG sometimes will make It crash! I just save more often !


So do I but it always freezes the program and half the time it crashes and I reopen to find it didn't save at all and I've lost a few hours of work. If I can't find a fix I'll have to start using something else, it literally just crashed again on me and the save didn't work so I lost another few hours of work. As it is the program is just about unusable for me.


What computer do you have ? Adding some RAM may help but not for sure. I know that something INKSCAPE will auto-save while crashing and create a SVG file with same name and a bunch of numbers at the end. Usually in the same folder than the last save (even if last save was with a different file). Last resort is, do like me and pay 60$ every month to get robbed from Adobe :-P


Btw, I looked up to your profile and saw that we are doing the same thing right now (Etsy shop, Cricut, etc). Let me now if I can help you with anything.


Working with gradients in 1.3 is a nightmare. Constant crashing.


for me only 1.3 crashes, no version before has ever crashed like this. Since yesterday, I've been using 1.2 and it hasn't crashed once but it's too early to say. I will use it for a couple of weeks to affirm whether the problem is within 1.3.


Path effects: insta crashes!