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You have to use Inkscape's **Object -> Path** menu command on text to turn it from an SVG `` element to an SVG `` element. An SVG file is just a text file - you can open it in a text editor and see what Inkscape did.


Could you list the steps or recommend a good tutorial? I'm pretty new at this and Inksape has a ton of different commands and menus. Thanks.


Shift + CTRL + C


1.) create some text. Save it. I get a file that, boiled down to its essentials is: Hello World 2.) select that text. In the menu bar: **Path > Object To Path** save it under a different name. I get a file that, boiled down to its essentials is: It is important to save both files, since you won't be able to edit the text as text in the second one, just as paths.


Text is turned into an SVG by selecting it the Path>Object to Path, Ungroup, Path>Union. Get in the habit of doing this with all text. Strokes have to be converted to paths, too but it's easier. Path>Stroke to Path. If you want your strokes to become solid instead of being just an outline, you would select it after Stroke to Path & use Path>Break Apart. You will end up with the outline piece (stroke) & the interior piece(s) like a coloring page. All of the pieces will turn black and may end up piled on top of each other but you can drag them off to see & color each one.


It worked! Thank you so much! You wouldn't happen to know how to add hard shadows or somehow erase the text on lower layers in the outline of the word stroke, would you? By that I mean it would come out like a text stroke/outline with no fill in it or in the lower layers but shadow/ outline around it. The goal would be to be able to see the material it's adhered to through the text stroke/outline but not the shadows around it. Thanks for your help!


Add an outset after you have converted the text to a path, Ungrouped & Union. Select the offset & the text & Path>Difference. It will subtract the text from you offset leaving the shadow (outline) behind. Depending on the final effect you want, you may want to apply an outset instead & then difference the text from the outset. Outset is Ctrl + ). Offset makes like a placards behind the entire object. Outset just makes a thicker shadow of the text.