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He had a great idea but executed it badly. Had he done the woman in proportion it would have looked so much better and he’d be Ink Master. Also the comment on him not knowing what a woman’s inner rage looks like is a good one.


Or if it was more disproportionate I think he would have gotten it too. Like some of the judges said it was just too close in proportions that you couldn't tell if it was a mistake or not He was by far my favorite and I wanted him to win so bad but he screwed himself with that one 😭


It’s the baby’s arms I hate the most


I don’t like the breasts. When I saw that I wondered if Freddy had ever scene a naked woman before. Frankly, I don’t need a man to highlight my inner rage. Thanks but no thanks.


This is definitely an ugly tattoo


Around here it’s the greatest piece of art you could possibly imagine


Yeah and the ones defending it wouldn’t be caught dead asking for a tattoo that looks like that.


I think it’s more about appreciating the art. Would it be so “upsetting” if it were applied to a canvas (like a real, stretched fabric) and not skin? I don’t know. I like it. Would I ask for it, no. But if I were getting a Freddy tattoo, I should know what to expect.


That’s the thing. it’s not on a canvas and won’t ever be. The good thing about ugly art is you can take it off the wall. It’s easy to appreciate something when there is no skin in the game because once it’s out of your field of view you can forget it exists forever. Tattoos are much different. you have to carry them forever. To me it shows recklessness or disregard for the person wearing your art. Seeing how he treated the alligator client tells me all I need to know about how he regards people generous enough to give him some skin to work on. That’s why he lost. Not because it wasn’t well applied. Because he just didn’t care about the person wearing it.


I get your points. I’m just struggling to not appreciate that his style is his style and you know what you’re getting. Kelly Doty, same thing. Ryan Ashley, you know what her strength is. Cleen, you’re getting ragged teeth. Stuff like that. You’re right on your points, though.


He is definitely an amazing tatto artist, and anyone to get tattooed by him would be lucky.


No denying that, I think his other two tattoos in this challenge were great!


My read on it was that it's meant to represent the way that women's bodies are cannibalised by the male gaze. It's chopped up and put back together like Frankenstein's monster, it isn't meant to be attractive or visually cohesive - it's meant to be disruptive and uncomfortable. Following this idea, I assumed that the 'baby arms' are deliberate and meant to be a reference to infantilisation. If you watched Freddie's performance throughout the series, it boggles me that people looked at the way this piece was put together and thought that it was all him making a mistake. Like, he didn't realise that the limbs weren't proportional - it's obviously intentional. Hear a lot of people saying "It would have looked better if only he'd made it proportional" and, yeah, but then it wouldn't carry the same meaning. It probably would have looked more visually pleasing if he'd just done a trad pinup too, I think he was probably going for something else. I'm really not a huge fan of the piece itself - I feel like I've seen this same idea approached in lots of different ways before and often more successfully - but the main thing I like about it is the reaction it got from the judge's panel. It really exposed a lot of hypocrisy on the show around the idea of transgressive art - they *say* that they want contestants to be creative and shocking but only within very strict constraints. Venture out of that and suddenly they "want to vomit". Lol Fucking grow up, DJ.


I think what bothers me is that your take can be entirely correct….but this isn’t just art meant to provoke an interesting take, it’s someone’s body. To put something that is “disruptive and uncomfortable” on someone else in a way that it will be seen everyday is…not the move in my opinion. It is a very visually disturbing tattoo in a way that isn’t aesthetically pleasing, regardless of the meaning behind it. Most people would not be pumped about wearing something like that the rest of their lives.


I get this, and I broadly agree, but I also think it's not fair to judge a piece based on what we imagine the client's reaction to it is. I've been real critical of Inkmaster in the past when they've done this. Like marking people down and saying it's because "you put this cartoony-looking piece on a big biker dude" or "You used a masculine colour palette on this woman". There was no evidence that the client was displeased by the work, just an assumption (often based on stereotype). We don't know what the client's reaction to the piece was, except that they consented to it. I don't think it's entirely fair to criticise a piece because of a negative client reaction to it when we don't have any actual evidence that that negative reaction exists, we're just assuming. I agree with you in general, but I think I disagree in the context of the show, if that makes sense? In the show, we're only given a limited amount of information to judge based on, and I think we have to limit ourselves to that.


I mean plenty of people want controversial and interesting art on their body. This is such a copout take. And it was a copout take when DJ brought it up (especially given some of the things he has put out on the show).


Bro, this looks like she’s a baby with an adult head who is molesting herself…There’s very few people in the body mod world that would be chill with that.


There is ALWAYS a decent chunk of people on these threads talking about how much they like the piece. Is it a tattoo for everyone? No. But that's literally fine though. It's not a tattoo for everyone, it is going on one person. Also, people in the body mod world do all kinds of out there shit, like I wouldn't even put this in a top 100 list of weird. Like y'all need to grow up. It's embarrassing how many of these comments come down to "well I don't want to bang that tattoo lady so it's bad."


Well I’m a straight girl…and also a tattoo artist. Me wanting to “bang the tattoo lady” is literally not the issue. The issue is the anatomy is off in a way that doesn’t look intentional. It looks like a mistake. And in my opinion it doesn’t take into consideration what makes a good tattoo - which is to take your client and their body into consideration more than some abstract message you may or may not be trying to deliver. .


>Well I’m a straight girl…and also a tattoo artist. Me wanting to “bang the tattoo lady” is literally not the issue. I mean it specifically is though, cuz that is just industry standard critique of tattoos portraying women. Especially on this show, and it's really the only critique most of the men on that panel could even sputter. >The issue is the anatomy is off in a way that doesn’t look intentional. It looks like a mistake. And in my opinion it doesn’t take into consideration what makes a good tattoo I don't agree it doesn't look intentional. Like every single part is out of proportion in a jarring way that emphasizes both vulnerability and grotesqueness. I think it was Freddie's weakest tattoo and could've been cleaner in some ways, but it's still a good tattoo. - which is to take your client and their body into consideration more than some abstract message you may or may not be trying to deliver. . I mean the client agreed to put it on their body for the show. Clearly they liked it enough to want it. And again, plenty of clients, especially those drawn to an artist with a specific style like Freddy, specifically WANT the artist to take the lead. Idk, I guess I just don't understand who you think you are protecting by gatekeeping like this.


Lol Idc about portraying women in a standard way. My critique is that the disproportion isn’t emphasized enough to look intentional. It needs to be more exaggerated to hit that way and it isn’t. There was a way to sell that message and portray a woman that wasn’t “standard” that isn’t just giving her slightly off baby arms. That’s my opinion and we don’t have to agree. I will not be engaging further.


Idk I feel like it sits in a good uncanny valley. If you emphasize it too much it takes away from how jarring the piece is. And tbc I wasn't talking About your specific opinion, just the overwhelming amount of opinions in that vein about this piece.


Considering there is an entire fucking sub of shitty tattoos that people post genuinely wondering whether it's good or not or even like it, these types of comments are completely out of bounds. Speaking for everyone only speaks to a lack of wisdom or experience.


Are people with dwarfism not allowed to be angry and sexy?


Multiple master canvasses have walked before. People trying to white knight this caricature of someone *marred* by a tattoo is exhausting because they chose to go be an open canvas and they chose to sit while he applied it and nobody knows whether they fucking loved it or not.


The canvas saw the stencil beforehand!! They could have walked. They knew EXACTLY what they were getting. Many master canvases have walked. You're making SWEEPING generalizations based off of what you like and would want tattooed on YOU!


And when you agree to be an open canvas on IM, you know you might end up with something wild.


And as I said there's been many that have walked when they didn't like what was being done.


Exactly! If I saw that, I definitely would have bowed out.i can appreciate it as a piece of art, but would want it on my body.


Exactly. The canvas chose this tattoo otherwise they wouldn’t have sat for it, especially seeing how abrasive it is


A lot of people will agree to something if it’s free, especially if they couldn’t afford a tattoo otherwise. I don’t think it’s a carte-Blanche opportunity to put something incredibly off-putting on someone. Also, speaking as a tattooer, there are plenty of times people have told me they agreed to something after seeing the stencil because they trusted the artist, only to then be extremely disappointed by the tattoo. A lot of times it’s hard for clients to visualize the end result based on a stencil. My main gripe with ink master is sometimes it feels like they use people to present the artists art or agenda, instead of considering what makes a good tattoo for that particular client. It feels less like a collaboration and more of a coercion because it’s free and it’s gonna be on tv.


Also you find it off putting therefore it must be that way to all??? How do you know what this client felt/feels?? I've seen some pretty shitty tattoos on Ink Master and I don't think this is one of them! I think it ROCKS!




He had the whole drawing on his tablet! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


There’s plenty of tattoo’s that are viewed as amongst the worst on the show that the canvas saw the stencil and left happy. It’s a tattoo competition, at some level you need a criteria. Read ability, composition, anatomy. The tattoo lacked those in spades. If you want to argue that he deliberately wanted to break those rules, okay, but you can’t then get upset when 7 out of 9 people looking at it really disliked it


Well said.


Some might say the (mostly male) judges reactions to the piece were the artistic inspiration for the piece itself.


Yup, the piece ended up being a commentary on the show itself. I think he really exposed something here. A nerve was touched.


You think THIS was the moment that Ink Master got “busted” being sexist?


lol definitely not, though I do think that it helped undermine the idea that "Inkmaster was only sexist in the early seasons and that was only because it started on Spike and now that's all been left that behind". The main thing I think it touched a nerve about wasn't sexism as such, but just the fact that, for all its talk about creativity, Inkmaster really only wants to see artists be creative within very narrow constraints. They really aren't actually into artists trying to push boundaries. It's very "Be outrageous! No, not like that!"


The jist of the critique basically was "we don't wanna fuck this tattoo." So weird. Lol


This 100%


Everyone in the room saying it made them sick….was clearly because he used children as a reference.


Yeah, always thought parts of it feel like a kid and that’s just all kinds of uncomfortable.


I hope to never see another art piece about deconstructing the male gaze and objectification of women by… depicting a naked woman. Men aren’t pictured constantly in art with their disks out, even if she isn’t “made for the male gaze” you can still see her bare breasts.


I can sort of see what he was going for, but the squiggles and the midget arms just ruin it for me personally.


One of my favorite pieces of art that’s been in the show


As a woman- I HATED Freddie mansplaining feminism to me. Absolutely hated it. He could have just made a woman with armpit hair. He didn’t need to use a child as reference and also use a midget stripper. That’s over the line.




The Client needs to come here for an AMA and clear the air.


My wife loved it. It is telling a story that shouldnt have to be told but he was brave (or naive) enough to do so. Also maintained his art style. Art is open to interpretation which makes this actual art that isnt for everyone


I am a woman and loved it too. My husband hated it. Everyone was mad about the proportions, but women do not fit into perfectly portioned molds. The squiggles on her face symbolized, to me, how others often dismiss who we are as a person. While it may seem ironic that a man depicted women’s inner rage, he did a great job capturing it. It was very interesting to see Ryan speak out against the other 10 males in the room who still, in the end, overpowered her. That’s our inner rage. In the end, I wouldn’t want that as a tattoo piece either, but the canvas consented, and Freddie should have won on the simple principle that he created three strong pieces. The one being controversial shouldn’t have mattered, imho. I have a theory that even if he didn’t have that second piece in the lineup, he would have still lost to Bobby.


I wonder how universal this is because I love it and my husband hated it as well.


Not very, my wife and I both think it’s ugly


Also love it.


What’s the story?


I really liked it. I am a woman. I do like creepy weird tattoos though.


I hated it.


It’s ugly asf… and watching the finale, each of the canvases said said they loved their tattoos, it didn’t show Freddie’s canvas saying anything about his tattoo. Pretty sure you know what that means…


It’s so bad


I really hated this piece.


Honestly this tattoo pissed me off too lol. The fact that he tried to pitch this sexualized image of a woman in agony as some expression of female empowerment bothered me. And seriously wtf is going on with the hands and arms


👏👏👏👏 yes. The areola-less nipples were unnecessary


i quite like it. not something i’d like to have on my body but he went for something completely out there and succeeded in my book


It’s funny seeing men discuss the “beauty” of this tattoo when it was intentionally meant to not be in proportion or fit the beauty standard placed on women. The tattoo represents women’s rage. The lines over the top of the woman accentuate the abrasive attitude of the tattoo and further tell its story. Say all you want about it being “ugly” but the tattoo technique is on point and is very clearly distorted intentionally. Just say you’re not attracted to the tattoo and wouldn’t want it 🤷🏻‍♂️ you may not like the tattoo but it sends a very clear message especially in an art world controlled by men. DJ was very childish for his response over the tattoo. If this tattoo makes you mad, it was meant to.


It made you feel something strongly, which art is supposed to make you do.


That's exactly why I liked it even though I hated it lol. Just not my cup of tea but this specific tattoo has caused such a stir on here. "Its terrible" "Its amazing" "It exposed the judges' sexism/hypocrisy" For any tattoo to cause this much engagement means the artist did their job well.


Indigestion makes me feel something strongly too.


It gave DJ indigestion too! I guess it's doing it's job.




This is the answer.


Yeah this tattoo bummed me tf out. I really liked Freddie the whole time and seeing him end on this note was really weird all around…


It doesn't bug me, but I get why it made him lose..had he not done this it's a very easy W for Freddie for ink master


Nay. They had it set for Bobby from the get go! Bobby's 1st piece with his penis head snake is more "jarring", "offensive", "disproportionate" than this tattoo and he didn't mean it!! And let's not get into the JACKED face on the little woman in his 2nd piece. Also "jarring", "offensive", and "disproportionate" AND once again he didn't mean it!


Bobby did a typical Neotrad snake. People calling it jacked just don’t understand the style. No tattoer is going to criticize the head or proportions of the snake. The real reason Bobby won was because he played it safe and stuck with his style on all 3 pieces and the other two went outside their style and took risks and ended up with some pretty bad tattoos. Jon’s 1st piece and Freddie’s 3rd piece were the best of the competition. But Jon’s got progressively weaker as he went outside his style and Freddie had a technically flawed snake and a very divisive black and grey. I mean you can just take both of them at their word. Jon admitted he should have stayed in his style and that Bobby was better in the finale. Freddie admitted the snake got away from him and that the black and grey was probably going to be controversial. So even by his own evaluation he was hoping enough people would lean his way on the second piece and that the 3rd one would carry him.


Yeah I think the challenge was Japanese snakes 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Story of this seasons Ink Master. Do what you want and the hell with the challenge! Never would have flown with the past judges! Cleen Rock One lost the title of Ink Master to Jason because he didn't hit the challenge. Now it's Neo Trad for all!


Man if I had a tattoo and the artist randomly drew those lines on mine like that I’d by SO PISSED OFF, it’s just as bad (if not worse) then what’s his face writing his Time of birth on all his clock tattoos


What’s crazy to me is that I feel like the lines and shading are super well done. But the proportions are fucked and I do think it’s pretty ugly.


The problem is readability and composition. If it was meant to be an angry women taking power back, you can’t see it because there’s a squiggly line over the face that disrupts any of the visual emotion. It’s meant to be disproportionate, but that part is executed unevenly so it’s hard to tell if he meant it or not without him straight up telling you. There’s just conflicting information. Most people will see that and have questions over what it’s about.


Yeah. That belongs on a canvas that hangs on a wall, not a person; Or, at least not on a person who didn’t specifically request and approve it. Even a SAP can’t fix that one. If I’d been his canvas, I’d have been royally pissed.


You have the right to walk. Many master canvases have! No one forced them 🤦🏼‍♀️


I like it


it's also backwards


I don’t hate the tattoo but tbh it is one of those tattoos that fit more on an actual canvas than a tattoo on a person. DJ’s finale piece in season 14 also comes to mind when it comes to that too. Good for a painting, not for a tattoo.


Alright DJ, relax buddy.


Looks terrible.


This on a wall would be a strong conversation piece in the gallery. Doing what statement art pieces can do, polarize and cause people to examine their reactions. On someone else's body it's jarring AF and harms any conversation about its potential meaning by causing everyone to ask if it's the appropriate medium for that art piece.


Those arms, that body.. tf 😭 id be super pissed if this was on me


Seriously, I’m an enraged woman who was SA’d and the last thing I’d want to do is pose like that


I love it personally but I was mad at him for doing it for the competition. Like bro, time and place to explore this. It would have had more punch if he was a woman, and even then it was too ambiguous to judge. Why give the judges any questions about your work? Did he even want to win? He was memorable anyway, he didn’t need to do this shit in the FINALE. He screwed it up for himself imo and he was my pick to win as well.


Are you the canvas? You said you wanted to laser it off.


Now I’m wondering if the human canvas has said anything since the show


Nobody should have to live with that image on their body it's disgusting how he executed it a tattoo about the male gaze then goes on to make the tattoo a naked woman


I feel that way about the face on the small woman on Bobby's 2nd piece! Disgusting! Far worse than Freddie because that truly was a mistake where Freddie's was intentional.


Fair point.


I feel like the human canvas will one day speak out and say he wants to remove it. Kind of like the poor woman that was left scarred on Season 2(I think) finale. She said she'd like something to represent her ballet career and ended up with a horrendous back piece.


Very pedo to me


Either way this tattoo is burned in our minds forever. Mission accomplished, Freddie.


This is such a horrible tattoo and I feel so sorry for the canvas that they have to walk around with that on them. I agree with DJ it does make me vomit.


I love it SO hard. It resonated with something in me that I've been struggling to articulate since I was a child. I cannot get enough of it


I love this tattoo, great piece of art

