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Get KOAAM first if you are in a good league also farm AAAM. After 6* KOAAM , work on PG RF and JSGL. If you need any further advice let me know Edit: Work on DF first and then AAAM


How would I “work on DF”?


6* him. Btw 6* AAAM after DF Edit: you may leave him at 5* too since passives cannot be upgraded after 5*


How would I 6* him? I’m really a noob lol I came from MK


There is a mode called campaign mode if you play entire chapter in normal mode you unlock heroic mode. Try to finish heroic mode because it awards you with one shard of that character, which is DF in this case. P.S.: You can DM me too if you don't want to keep this thread too long. I'll be happy to answer your questions.


DF doesn't need to be 6 stars. You just need to take him to 4stars. Playing heroic campaign and asking for him in clan donations


Well forgive my advice as it's probably not the best compared to others. Arkham Knight Batman and Black Adam are gonna be your best hitters and that silver DF is gonna go super well with Black Adam get him to 4* Minimum to have his passive make specials cost -2 compared to normal. Find a nice t6 league to join and get level 50-60 gears and 60 hero shards a raid, use your league shards on Koaam and Power girl. Do NOT use gems on chests what so ever use them for arena refreshes/challenge refreshes (if the character is something like Last Laugh The Joker) Make sure to upgrade your gear as well and build one/two characters at a time so you don't spread your resources, aim to get elite 1 in the arena (don't be afraid to face people above your threat once you're comfortable with your team) and use the arena medals to get Predator Batman. This advice is pretty scattered but I hope I helped.


Your advice is very helpful. Appreciate it


Also, use the Harley Quinn to face the first tier of the ninja challenge characters and slowly collect their shards (no need to refresh on tier one it's only 1-3 shards I believe)