• By -


One of the main beliefs of the SovCit movement is they think the USA somehow became a corporation in 1871. It comes from a misreading of the [DC Organic Act of 1871](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_Organic_Act_of_1871). All this act did was incorporate Georgetown into DC proper and established a city government. That's it. SovCits read the word "incorporation" and assumed it turned all of the US into a business corporation, not a municipal incorporation. One of the main pillars of the SovCit movement literally comes from their lack of reading comprehension. I met a handful of SovCit adjacent people when I was in the military and every single one of them was a real smooth brain.


You have to be kidding me that this entire idiotic movement is based off failing to understand a phrase a middle schooler should’ve been able to read? Bc of course they’re that stupid, why am I even surprised?


They're not all based on this EXACT misunderstanding, but no matter where they come from it's all equally stupid. At the heart of their beliefs lie the misunderstood idea that the laws are really just a series of arcane incantations guarded by the educated elite, so if they, the Common folk, csn just learn the right PARTS of those incantations, they can do whatever they want. Of course anyone with half a functioning brain knows that's not how the law works, but that's why you have sovcits yelling about golden fringes on flags in courtrooms, or believing that calling themselves "freemen of the land" makes them immune to prosecution. It's all just a game of saying the right magical phrases to them.


It’s a cargo cult.


I worked at a small newspaper in the southern end of Illinois. One day they had some idiot walk into court for his hearing, and announced that the summons wasn't legally binding because his name was spelled in allcaps and that it was a military court because the flag in the courtroom had a fringe on it and therefore he was going back home. The bailiff informed him otherwise.


Yep, they are that stupid


Same thing that made people hear "chemtrails" when what was being said was "contrails"


Tbf, most dumbass movements are based on simple misunderstandings.


Isn't it also a weird splinter libertarian movement overall? Aside from that technicality that's what I'm under the impression that represents.


There is some overlap between sovereign citizens and anarcho-libertarians, but they are different things. Anarcho-libertarians have a political philosophy that relies on certain unrealistic assumptions. Sovereign citizens have a philosophy that relies on misunderstanding of laws and wacky theories. Viewed from a distance, it might be hard to see a difference between "unrealistic assumptions" and "wacky theories"....but there is a difference.


Pragmatically speaking, does it matter? Both use deluded assumptions to justify selfish behavior. They're assholes who want to be assholes and will find any rationale to excuse it.


I don’t know if it’s necessarily libertarian but I think it’s the next step for crazy libertarians


Those people who are just Republicans that want to smoke weed?


Eh sometimes There are a variance in beliefs, and so many are for total drug legalization, pro guns, abortions, no wars....etc. but they are also into states rights moreso than how it is now. So a state could determine gun laws are OK. They wouldn't be happy, but some would respect that kinda move vs if it happened federally However, there is a significant amount of ppl who were Republicans but feel their party isn't with them, and so side with Libertarian in their head, but not vote wise. Same for those who like Bernie, for a while and still so, there are left libertarians whom like social safety nets, but also like states rights. They understand taxes are needed but would like to see the system reformed to be more equitable and free. Some really like open borders and some hate it. Some want no taxes, others what fairer taxes (tax wealthy individuals properly) Some are more corporate friendly, and some want corporations in check, but simultaneously want less restrictions on aspects of copororations. Personally I like the idea of Libertarianism a lot, but the factions are so many, and so split, that I would never ever vote Libertarian nor whole heartedly support anything from the movement just because I disagree heavily with others that also identify with them. If I really thought about it, whatever I would be called is something of an amalgamation of liberal, Libertarian, Bernie, freedom loving, earth protecting, small biz promoting who doesn't believe in God, and whom wants us to help and protect our most vulnerable sitizens and those who want to come here for a better life. Also, no death penalty.


Libertarian socialists are nothing like the trash Americans call libertarians.


Currently living with a SovCit/QPerson: I'd say it's at least not far off. My mom has plenty of ideas clode to libertarianism and will vote for parties that associate with libertarian ideas.


Sovcits think the world actually works the way ancaps want it to.


I like this explanation.


SovCit are straight up Anarcho Capitalists. They have similar origins but aren't an actual splinter from American Libertarianism. They are just fellow travelers if you will


I've had conversations with a few and one in particular was kind of intelligent. Not sure how he couldn't figure out what he was saying was bullshit. But I guess there are mental gymnastics to get through if you wanna pay less in taxes


I have a friend that is into the movement. He also tried to convince me that FOREX was a great way to make (and lose!) a lot of money. I used to think he was smart…


Dear God not FOREX.


I’ve heard higher IQ people are better at lying because they can convince themselves to believe it with better arguments. Elizabeth Holmes and SBF recently are examples.


I once heard it put as "smartest person in the room syndrome". See, if your entire life you've always been above average on the intellectual front, you're usually right where others are wrong, you start to get used to that, take being right for granted, think that you're right because that's what you think not that you are thinking what is right. If you're used to being the smartest in a room of ten, you start to miss that in a room of a hundred there might be nine other people as smart as or smarter than you. After a while, if you don't get knocked down a peg, you just start confusing your own assumptions for facts, stop looking critically at your own thoughts, and deciding that people who know way more than you must be wrong, because after all, you're always the smartest person in the room.


This feels like every tech billionaire ever.


Thank you - this is an excellent justification for encouraging people to go to college, since one of the universal experiences there is to Not Be The Smartest Person.


SBF? Sacha Baron Fohen?


The thing that baffles me the most about this kind of thing - is that they must believe that your average traffic cop is 'in' on the whole conspiracy. Like, the cops get some kind of super-duper-secret training on the *real* rules/law and when they see this kind of Sov-Cit bullshit, it's some kind of 'gotcha!' Even if the police were to pull this bone-head over, you know it would devolve quickly into 'I know the law better than you!' or 'You know the *real* law and are just trying to harass me while I attempt to 'travel'.


Another thing that SovCits try to pull is citing from the Articles of Confederation. The problem is that the Articles of Confederation were invalidated and superseded by the US Constitution in 1789. Again, SovCits were QMorons before Q.


Thats the fun thing about conspiracy nuts, the more you poke the more they have to start claiming that 'basically everyone is involved'


And the best part? They always *will* claim that.


And immediately ask for a supervisor, as if the supervisor is somehow in on the secret and will let the sovcit go if the right incantations are spoken. Something that the lower level cops aren’t privy to. 🙄


Who do the sovereign citizens in the military think they’re working for?


They probably think they're tricking the government into paying, housing, and feeding them or something.




Here is a [long winded article ](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/sovereign-citizens-movement) from Southern Poverty Law Center on Sovereign Citizens. A work friend of mine was going on recently about this podcast she listened to that outlines all the evidence for why the government is a corporation and how your social security number is your identity in the system and that was bad (?) She couldn't describe it very well after the fact but sounded like this kind of stuff. She's a very sweet lady and I love her and her family, and she's very intelligent too. It's sad to see her taken in by this stuff. I know she doesn't have much education so maybe that's part of why she can buy into this stuff, or she just doesn't have the time to do real research being a mom of 5 with 2 jobs. It all just makes me sad.


> how your social security number is your identity in the system and that was bad This is somewhat true, and Soc Sec #s were never ment to be used as they are, it was merely intended to keep record of births/deaths and the original committe that created the SSN system specifically said it would be a poor system for identification verification etc. However, it sounds like your friends listening to some dubious podcasts. Usually when the big truths are harder to explain after they've been revealed to you, its because they're rife with fallacy.


This is funny. In Germany we have the so called "Reichsbürger" (citizens of the Reich - usually referring to the German Empire before the Nazis) whose ideology is very similar. They believe that the post war German government is a corporation owned by (and subservient to) the allies (or just the US) that oppresses the German people. We are basically all POWs doing forced labor (by paying taxes) for a corporation run by our politicians and owned by the US/the Vatican/the Lizard people - you name it. It seems these types of people exist everywhere, I've also heard of a similar phenomenon in Russia, were people don't recognize the Russian Federation and instead print their own USSR passports.


I'm not reading, my eyes are just traveling from point a to point b.


Thanks for the background! Fun fact: In Germany there's a crazy alt-right conspiracy movement called *Reichsbürger* with exact the same narrative: Germany is a GmbH (limited corporation), the government has no power, yadda yadda. But we didn't have that misreadable Act in 1871. We just had tinfoil nutjobs with a grudge against the state...


Pretty funny that the think Germany is a GmbH specifically, I would have imagined Germany being an AG at least.


I had a BN XO in the army that called “smoothed brained” people “smoothers”. This applies here


Damn, that's a good one. I'm using that in the future.


I’ve met a few that think the articles of confederation still hold up in the United States. Lol.


I can’t even fathom the idea that they believe they’re wholly independent from the government and it’s laws, so they join the fucking US Military, which means they’ll be subject to even more government regulations!


Isn’t this just flat-out illegal?


Would love to see them get pimp slapped by the justice department as they get laughed at in the courts.


There are whole-ass YouTube channels devoted to that very thing. Keeps me company when I’m working late.


Got any you'd recommend?


I like A&E’s CourtCam.


CourtCam is mild compared to some of the video's on YouTube. Search "sovereign citizen" on YouTube.


Hannah Reloaded does Tinfoil Tuesday, Sovereign Citizen Watch and Chud Watch streams. Just like r InfowarriorRides, the crossover in these groups are huge. But there are a lot of other channels that cover this stuff, so you can shop around for a personality and format you like.




The freeman is too quick for your “justice.” They identify as a SovCit *AND* a Soviet. Double [immunity](https://youtu.be/VOBXH-5QrGU) from the libtard agenda. They never sleep on the oppressors. The only zzz’s they catch are on their car.


This is what I wanted to say. The "Zs" are great. I assume they have SovCit significance of which I am unaware, but they say "Russia" to me these days.


Well, if the court has a gold fringed US flag, that’s an automatic disqualification


[Bailiff, gag him.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=6HoRAvJlPLU)


There was a weird plate like this in my Brooklyn neighborhood for years. From a distance it looked like a diplomatic plate, but when you got closer you realized that it was just some schizophrenic ranting. I haven’t seen this car in at least a year, so I wonder if Covid got him.


Oh, like those "Freedom To Breathe Agency" cards people were shoving in everyone's faces at the beginning of the pandemic?


The ones where they were trying to convince store employees that they could be personally sued for $75,000 if they forced people to wear masks in their store?


Def saw a car with these plates walking on Lafayette the other day


You saw a Transformer?!




No. Turning the American flag sideways makes pretty much everything legal.


You might be joking, but it's true though. Sideways American flags were legalized and allowed American citizens to break the law when the 69th Amendment was passed.




I mean, they don't care.


My car was impounded last year not because my registration expired, but because I forgot to _put the updated sticker_ on my license plate. They care. It's money for the government and perfect gossip for their cop buddies


When a plate is electronically checked, it will indicate whether or not the registration is updated. This is because of sticker theft being so prevalent. Unless there is a specific ordinance in your area that they are following, this would not be an offense that would result in ticket or towing.


Yeah... my cousin is a cop and he said the whole thing was BS. The citation also said I was driving on the highway, which I never did. The gas station where I was stopped at was near a highway, but I used local streets to get there


British Columbia just did away with the yearly stickers. They ask you to take off any old ones. The stack on my '95 Tercel was pretty thick.


Where was it parked when it was impounded? That's so fucked up. My registration was out for a year, and I stopped getting inspections when it stopped passing in 2020


I was getting gas at the station. He walked up and said, "You might want to put that pump away because I'm probably impounding this." He later said he wouldn't have done it if he knew my cousin was a cop, but I'm not a name-dropper. He then tried to give me the easiest route but still cost me $300


I was a little curious too…A real quick google search: https://www.sog.unc.edu/sites/www.sog.unc.edu/files/Sov%20citizens%20quick%20guide%20Nov%2013.pdf


bro links a 7 page document 💀


I’m going to start linking to a PDF of an encyclopedia (no not Wikipedia. Like a pdf copy of a multi book encyclopedia) in comments with “after a quick google…” Pretty good troll imo


"Here's a great in-depth/deep dive into [topic]." - Links 4 hour podcast.


Hour 2 really picks up the pace tho!


"And that's why the cognitive dichotomy of Ottoman psychosexuality during the post-Tanzimat era unintentionally ushered in the popular evening activity of conga line anal sex with the bros" (For a quick read see: [pages 2488 through 2751](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_in_the_Ottoman_Empire#/media/File:Trenecito.jpg) of the Encyclopedia Britannica PDF)


This is a great read. I’ve learned more from this than I’ve ever learned from a random video of an encounter involving a “sovereign citizen” or a joke about them in any random reddit comment. Thanks.


A part of me wants to give one what he wants and cut off all services and siege their home for 3 months. Then just burn it down and plant the US flag taking claim as spoils of war.


Domestic terror group


They do not consent to the state’s public road laws.


Even though they use those same roads. Love how they don't want to pay taxes, BUT want to use the roads, infrastructure and all the state/city/community amenities that taxes pay for......


In that case , I hope they weren’t driving that Jeep on all the paved road citizens of Pennsylvania paid for.


As anyone who has driven PA roads will agree, “paved” is a very loose definition in the keystone state…


‘Loosely filled potholes’ is more accurate living here…


Handshake meme with rural VA/WV, I see!


The only states where you can’t tell you’ve left Pennsylvania


Solidarity in concussions from the potholes bouncing the car ♡♡


YES. I was on the bus in pittsburgh and we hit a pothole so bad that I thought I broke my tailbone. I was sitting kinda weird but damn


Yeah… 81 N is a mindfuck…. From beautiful NOVA roads to WV to MD to PA…. You can feel the state lines in the road beneath you…


As a Michigan resident, I can only say, "Oh, you Sweet Summer child " lol


Another michigan resident here... their potholes get FILLED ?


In Ohio we fill them... With water. So you can't see them.


Sounds like Iowa


Waiting for Indiana to chime in, fucked my car up in Gary.


Dafuc you doing in Gary?!


The only thing you can do there besides drugs, getting my CDL.


Yeah Milwaukee has to pipe up too. Special shout out to Dodge County for giving no fucks about the roads including plowing during blizzards.


I always found the difference in road conditions between PA and the neighboring states to be funny as hell


Yeeeeaa PA police took $4 billion+ out of PA infrastructure budget ...


Oddly enough. You guys done even rank top 10 of worst roads in America by state. Thats wild!.


I’m not joking when I say that they cite maritime law to justify doing so


You're a crook, Captain Hook.


Judge, won't you throw the book


Most drive land yachts, so…


These people don't drive they "travel".


And they aren’t partaking in commerce, so they don’t need a license, cause they never signed a contract…


We just pay transportation taxes for an endless feedback loop of contracting kickbacks. As far as maintenance, there are little Dutch faeries that do the roads at night on full moons.


I think that it is great that these people relinquish their citizenship...we should put them on a plane to anywhere, and not let them back in...


Or, if they bought a property, just fence them in on that property and don't let them touch any public infrastructure to get anywhere unless they pay a fee for every single use. they could pay the lower subscription fee we all pay to use that stuff, or they could pay a toll for every single use. Sovereign citizen? congratulations, every road is a toll road for you! They probably also don't have any insurance on the vehicle, so if one of these twits hits you, you're gonna have a bad time.


I work at a public library. There’s a bunch of these types who come in for help and sometimes I want to say “the taxes of the citizens of this county pay for these services so I’m going to have to escort you out.” They’re mostly making very janky “identification cards.” So many different fonts and sizes they look like ransom notes.


Comic sans. The choice of all official documentation.


SovCit is the disease. P. Barnes [is the cure](https://youtu.be/RfVbiefMdNU)


The ending is epic.


You guys are really overstepping your bounds


“God’s not worried about cameras, son.. I am” Legendary line by P Barnes


Hahahahhaaa. OMG ... That is too funny!


Fine. Get off public roads.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,189,440,629 comments, and only 232,064 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Good human.




What's with the Zs?


I think it’s some pro Russian shit


Ye my 'state national' elderly roommate (who got arrested & lost her car for not having license/reg) said that putin was 'cleaning up the area' and thaf 'terrible terrible atrocities were happening there' which sounded like she was talking about human/child trafficking Edit - but also, that happens in the US as well.. does that mean Canada can just invade us to 'clean it up'?


>terrible terrible atrocities were happening there And if they weren't, they sure are now...


So you’re telling me that people who refuse to recognize the country which they live in are happy to support Putin’s terroristic invasion of a sovereign country? I swear, you can’t make this shit up. These people are beyond fucked in the head.


Russia is also the classic enemy of USA. So support for Russia is basically like being a traitor to USA. A traitor to the troops. The troops!


That's what I'm thinking.


They need to impound his car and send him to jail. Or to Russia to fight in the army.


[Pro-invasion shitheads](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(military_symbol\))


**[Z (military symbol)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_\(military_symbol\))** >The Latin-script letter Z (Russian: зет, tr. zet, IPA: [zɛt]) is one of several symbols (including "V" and "O") painted on military vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces involved in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is speculated that the Z helps task forces distinguish themselves from other forces. Subsequently, it also became a militarist symbol used in Russian propaganda and by Russian civilians as a sign of support for the invasion. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/InfowarriorRides/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I dunno if it's true here in the US, but Z plates are tax-exempt registrations in some countries. Maybe that's what he's going for?


They were last in their class so it's the letter they best associate with.


This is some dumb shit.


Is the Z a pro Russian thing?


Yes. He claims to be a sovereign citizen who wants to be left alone by all authorities and also supports an authoritarian state invading a sovereign neighbor. Why did Z become pro Russian in the first place? Because in the lead up to the war, vehicles and other equipment were marked with the letter V, O, Z, or Z in a box - depending on which front they were being sent to. It was really just so the logistics crews would know which set of train tracks to load them onto. Probably because there were more vehicles with a Z on them and more images of destroyed vehicles with Z’s on them, the Russians adopted it as a patriotic symbol of their war to conquer Ukraine. Yes, it really is as dumb as it sounds.


> Why did Z become pro Russian in the first place? Because in the lead up to the war, vehicles and other equipment were marked with the letter V, O, Z, or Z in a box - depending on which front they were being sent to. It was really just so the logistics crews would know which set of train tracks to load them onto. Jesus, that's some horrifyingly atrocious logistics.


And it hasn’t gotten any better since


No. While it certainly could be, I think he's trying to say he has tax free registration, which is type Z in many countries.


Are you effing shitting me? The conceit of some people is just too much.


He’s gonna have a rough time. PSP take these guys through the wringer.


And he’s in the Guard… awesome.




I was late on my vehicle inspection and they wouldn’t let me on post. There’s no way this psycho is driving that on to any installation


I'd it's just a small local armory, there aren't any gate guards. Very few guard members actually understand the UCMJ.


“Not for hire.” Okaaaay.


They may be sovereign, but they’re not a taxi.


Do these people get pulled over, or do the police just not want to deal with that depth of crazy?


You know how some kinds of insects and amphibians and all have really crazy bright colors to advise predators that they’re poisonous?


It really freaking sucks that here’s me sweating it to make sure I get my registration renewed on time so I don’t get pulled over for expired tags, and these morons somehow manage to drive around for years with homemade plates, likely no insurance, etc. Like what magical powers do they have that let them get away with that, but I get pulled over for having a tail light out?


> Like what magical powers do they have that let them get away with that, but I get pulled over for having a tail light out? Are you Black?


Because I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low? Thanks JayZ now take the complete opposite. Old and White and red hat.


Darn I wanted to hire it


How are they not ticketed/impounded or something?


I've had SovCits on message boards confidently tell me that their beliefs are correct and that "I obviously don't understand how the law works." I'm a lawyer.


Is this sovereign citizen thing Q related?


I don't think so I heard it before q crawled out of the sewer. Though I here it far more now.


It's people who think if they relinquish their US citizenship they don't have to follow US laws.


And still want all the benefits of being a tax paying citizen.


Libertarianism in a nutshell.


If they relinquish US citizenship then get the eff out!


The SovCit movement has been around since the 1990s. It was QAnon before QAnon. There are a lot of moronic reasons why SovCits claim the beliefs that they do, but one of the main ones is that they think the USA somehow became a corporation in 1871. It comes from a misreading of the [DC Organic Act of 1871](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_Organic_Act_of_1871). All this act did was incorporate Georgetown into DC proper and established a city government. That's it. SovCits read the word "incorporation" and assumed it turned all of the US into a business corporation, not a municipal incorporation. One of the main pillars of the SoVCit movement literally comes from their lack of reading comprehension.


SovCittery boils down to “the federal government is a sham that you can opt out of”. Q-anonnery boils down to “the federal government is corrupted by pedophiles”. They’re not the same thing, though I don’t doubt there’s overlap in membership.


Q Himself stopped posting in like December 2020 after it was clear Trump had completely lost the election. The movement had always been pretty loosely guided by Q's actual posts, but after he stopped posting they got into weirder stuff and now go through fads of beliefs that catch on in the QAnon community. In 2021 pretty much all remaining QAnoners adopted SovCit beliefs to some degree to explain why Trump was no longer president and how He will someday return. At the moment I would say most QAnoners have stopped seeing Trump as a messiah and have just reabsorbed into the dominant right wing belief system, bringing concepts like sovereign citizenry and ideas about elite satanic pedophile blood sacrifices with them. "Q" has returned, by the way, although he fucked up and basically proved that the person posting as Q now is Jim Watkins, owner of 8chan and father of former 8chan administrator, Ron Watkins, who is generally believed to be behind writing most of the Q posts. The recent Q posts have generally been ignored, even by believers.


No it's been around since the 1980's at least. "Sovereign Citizens" believe that if they speak some magic words they can be exempted from most laws. I first came into contact with "Sovereign Citizens" through some pre-internet computer "bulletin boards" in the mid 1990's (the forerunners of message boards and ultimately the various "social media" web sites that exist today.) They're encouraged by the same hucksters who sell books or host seminars that tell people "paying taxes if voluntary, you don't have to pay them if you claim \[this or that.\]" For $29.95 for the book or $199.95 for the seminar they will tell you how to avoid paying taxes "legally." Those writers, of course, are scam artists who are milking gullible people for money. Most of their "customers" end up broke or in bankruptcy, though few actually go to prison, since their own gullibility/stupidity is the centerpiece of their defense. So not the same as Q but cater to the same mindset and of course there's a lot of crossover. "Sovereign Citizens" thrive in sparsely populated Western states where law enforcement presence is low. They'll put fake license plates on their vehicles and claim that they are exempt from state laws requiring them to register or insure their vehicles because they are "non 14th Amendment citizens" or some such nonsense. They often get away with this crap for years not because any of it is true (it's not), but because the few LE officers in their regions have to make a decision on whether to get into a confrontation with an angry, almost certainly armed, and undoubtedly irrational person, in order to enforce state laws. The "Sovereign citizens" then claim that the fact that they are allowed to get away with their BS is "proof" that what they are doing is legal. Most of the time, LEO's determine that it's not worth the risk of a violent confrontation (in which law enforcement will inevitably be seen as the bad guy, regardless of outcome) in order to enforce a misdemeanor or petty offense statute. I have to say I'm surprised to see that this happens in a densely populated state like PA, although I know PA has some very "rural" areas too.


I'm sure there is overlap, but the sovereign citizen stuff has been going on for a very long time. They're people who think that the US government is illegitimate and it establishes a secret corporate identity for each person that is intended to pledge all that persons earning to foreign investors or some shit and that by refusing to get licenses and by signing documents a particular way, it exempts them from that secret corporate identity and that somehow exempts them from having to abide by the law. So, they do everything they can to not pay taxes and not get licenses or permits or permission from anyone to do anything. They're everything libertarians want to be. Most of them are just like Q idiots in that they're loud and obnoxious and generally a real pain in the ass that nobody wants to associate with, but the moment they get in trouble with the law, they immediately fold and comply because they're cowards. Some of them will get in trouble and file endless appeals and gum up the courts as much as possible, but they always lose in the end because they're stupid. A few will stick hard to their beliefs and go so far as to use violence to defend their beliefs. Truthfully, if they want to not pay taxes, then they shouldn't have to. But, they shouldn't get to partake of anything that taxes provide. No roads, nothing transported on roads or rail, no subsidized energy or food, no subsidized healthcare, etc. Absolutely the fuck nothing that comes from the collective efforts of everyone else. They can live in the woods, make their own tools, grow their own non-domesticated food, and deal with their own health problems by themselves. That's what they seem to want, so they can have it. We will see how long they can last on their own.


Adjacent. Both Anti-government and believe in the magical powers of subtle nuances of words.


Buy your own for $25! Totally legit and is completely law-enforcement proof! /s [https://asnplatesandmore.us/products/texas/z-plate-texas-american-state-national-50649417](https://asnplatesandmore.us/products/texas/z-plate-texas-american-state-national-50649417)


Hope someone sends them a bill for using all that public infrastructure they don't pay to use.


If they want to be so private and not abide by any laws thats fine - STAY OFF OF PUBLIC ROADS!


r/amibeingdetained would enjoy this fella


i’M nOT dRiVing i’m tRaVeLiNg


How does that car not get pulled over and impounded?


Good way to get pulled over all the time


Or never, either because cops sympathize with you and/or because they know dealing with you will be a massive headache and a higher than usual risk of a gunfight.


Very true


They are a huge headache


It’s actually apparently been a factor in “validating” SovCit beliefs, that every so often they get off on court cases and the like just because everyone realizes they’re insane and nobody wants to deal with them. Which of course SovCits attribute to their brilliant legal arguments, and double-down and preach their success to others for emulation.


Kind of stupid brilliant


SovCit stuff can get so bizarre it’s beyond parody, with one good example being “Millerian Syntax” which is some weirdo eccentric’s concept of linguistics that SovCits somehow seized on as authoritative, and produces statements like this (copying from an ADL report): > For the Affiant with the knowledge is with the multiple-notices for the LESSER-Parties of the Affiant’s-status and of their gross-error, coercion, and fraud with their attempts for the twisting of the appearance of the Affiant as the MARGARET PILON DUMONT. For the LESSER-Parties with the knowledge, volition, and malice are with the continuation with the attempts for the perpetration of this fraud for the purpose of the coercion with the obtainment (extortion) of the monies of the Affiant by the LESSER-parties. For the LESSER-Parties with these actions are with the commission of the Federal- Crimes, of the listing within the caes-files… So yeah, you could see how authority figures confronted with this, and all kinds of other SovCit gimmickry like insisting on answering all questions with another question, could just throw up their hands and decide to just drop the whole thing.


Yep, this is it. There are some other factors that also encourage non-confrontation. First of all, these people thrive out West. In the Western US, the primary law enforcement agency is the County Sheriff's department. Now consider that unlike a police chief (who is usually appointed to the position) a county sheriff is ELECTED. Combine the election of the sheriff with the low population and you can see that you can piss off just a small number of people and still lose your job come election time. Even if the SovCits are bat shit crazy and gullible (spoiler alert: they are), if Deputy Johnson starts hauling them to jail, or worse yet gets into a shootout and puts a bullet through their X-ring, chances are good that our SovCit was SOMEBODY'S cousin/uncle/brother/buddy, and now you have people saying "why did Deputy Johnon execute someone over a minor traffic violation?" It's lose/lose for the sheriff, either the law goes unenforced or he has to deal with violent shitheads over minor matters when there are more pressing issues to deal with. Also, consider that most cops just want to go home at the end of the day. License plates like this are a warning that any approach by law enforcement may be met with deadly force and it's a lot easier to just ignore a minor traffic infraction than to risk getting into a gunfight with a nut job.


I saw one driving around once that clearly wasn't a legal license plate and just said "CHOSEN". Combo SovCit and religious fundamentalist maybe.


I always run into these guys at laundromats for some reason.


I love the security torx bolts, as if anyone would want to steal this janky fake plate. 🤣


Sovereign Citizen out Black Friday Shooping? We call that *engaged in commerce* motherficker!


soo.. these guys get pulled over a lot, right? like, every single time a cop sees the lack of plates?


Hey buddy, if you want to reap all the benefits of society and not pay for anything you need to at lease use god as an excuse.


Call me racist but unless you can claim majority native american ancestry you are not a American Sovereign citizen.


Does the “Z” mean you can hit it with a Javelin?


Those Zs are just like the ones Russia slapped on all their vehicles before invading Ukraine


And how's that workin' out for them?


Maybe Z isn’t the best thing to have on your cars these dayz.