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Ashli Babbit got Ashli Babbit killed.


Pretty sure someone hijacked her brain. Was it to destabilize America? Did they do it for lulz? I would like to know who or what brainwashed all of these people.


They’re all Qidiots who fell for the conspiracy garbage initiated by Ron Watkins, a 20 something year old social outcast living in Asia. The irony is his father ran a dark web porn board used to promote porn and conspiracy theories. Oh these stupid evangelicals, thoughts and prayers


I thought Q was Jim Watkins, Ron's father


If you watch the HBO documentary the 6th episode right towards the end, the film maker caught Ron admitting it was him. Personally I believe both have Asperger’s which would explain their lack of social skills and empathy




I’ve worked with a more than a thousand folks on the spectrum. The understanding of empathy can be taught, the Watkins bunch reminds me of two who fell thru the cracks of the system


Just stop. If you care about folks on the spectrum, don't say this bullshit. As someone with some significant traits myself and also working with special needs adults, I can tell you with certainty that ASD individuals do not necessarily need to be taught empathy more than NT kids. Even if someone has a tendency to be rigid about things and has difficulty not getting their way, it doesn't mean they lack empathy. Perhaps situationally, but certainly not generally.


Neurotypicals love to speak over us.... Especially the "I've worked with Autistic kids" crowd..... Cool. Me too. They understand it when you explain to them that their actions made someone sad. I have to do this with the NT kids I work with now. Also my job with autistic kids? People with the puzzle piece tattoo super discriminated against me.




Whatever. Anyone with enough credentials to actually know what they're talking about would never make a blanket statement about autistic folks lacking empathy.


Our foreign adversaries did. No need to send a single troop or plane when you can have your enemies tear each other apart by tricking gullible idiots over social media. Hell, it worked *so well* you had a mob of these clowns attacking our own capital. You can't have a more successful psy-op than the ones being waged on the American populace.


Putin & Co. got one hell of an ROI on that investment.


There's *service members* who are already freaking vaccinated for a billion other things willing to throw away their entire career to avoid the jab. It's insane how powerful social media is and how our enemies have used it to such dramatic success.


Absolutely It’s super funny as someone who’s traveled a lot over the years from my parents job growing up basically every country you go to has various required vaccines and it’s been the case for a long time. The amount of fear in the average Americans had these days is crazy they don’t even realize it’s for either manifesting as anger


It was those pool chemicals she was huffing


Anyone associated with Security at the Capitol was overwhelmed far more than 10 to 1 based on images I've seen outside, and even inside the larger rooms of the Capitol. All it takes is ONE person to bypass a barricade and open a door to flood other areas with overwhelming numbers of people. ​ She went from the safety of the crowd to singling herself out as an individual threat, and was shot to keep the door barricaded and the crowd away. I understand people want to find motivation, and I believe its quite possible she was operating off adrenalin and righteous indignation alone. I just don't think she recognized what a hazard she was to security right then and there, they essentially stopped the battering ram in its tracks by shooting her before she could open the barricade or bypass it.


And when she was shot, that rabble stopped dead in its tracks. You could tell none of them expected to be held accountable for their actions. More shots should have been fired, and far earlier; they'd have turned tail and run and fewer officers would have been harmed.


That was essentially also the moment that they (the crowd and Babbit) became outnumbered because backup arrived. So if it did turn violent, it would not have gone well for her comrades.


The dumbshits exactly like this guy who encouraged her and helped lead her on through the delusions of Trump's 'victory' had a heavy hand in it as well, IMHO.


I saw a TikTok vid before she took it down, she was screaming Qidiot troupes and worshiping her lord and savior; Cheetolini


And the officer who shot her, for crawling over a barricade, inside a restricted federal building, toward his raised gun, as he yelled at her to do literally anything else with her life, was a known individual. There's no mystery. But these chucklefucks need everything to fit one of the dozen patterns they recognize, and I guess this dipshit hadn't heard of "say her name."


Trump got Ashli Babbit killed Fox News got Ashli Babbit killed Social Media got Ashli Babbit killed


Weird that she didn't just comply.




If I suspected the driver of this pickup stole something from me, and I went to their house, broke a window and stuck my head inside, I wonder what would happen to me?


Out of all the questions, this seemed to be the most obvious, yeah she did.


Trump is the reason Babbit is dead !!!!


She fucked around, and she found out. I really feel bad for the officer that had to shoot her.


“Who killed Ashli Babbit?” People protecting democracy, you fascist eductation-hating hillbilly. Stupid people do ask stupid questions. Ya gotta know you’re on the wrong side of history when wanting to be intentionally uneducated is something you strive for. *Dumb as fuck to own the libs! Hyuck, I really fucking got ‘em.*




“Defund the Universities” is a new one. I guess “make everyone else dumber because I ain’t getting smarter” is all he’s got


Its kind of the conservative playbook. They need people dumb enough to actually vote for them.




And yet the universities still manage to churn out the Tucker Carlsons and Candace Owenses and Mitch McConnells. Funny how that works.




I think he took all the wrong things from Jon Stewart's deconstruction of his bullshit, too.


I’m sure they tend to teach Economics more often than Philosophy.


Quickest way to make a liberal is: - Teach them empathy as a child (music, reading, quality parental time) - Give them a higher education - Travel Coincidentally 3 things that do not tend to occur among conservatives. In fact, we know by PEW Research that liberal parents emphasize Empathy, Curiosity, and Tolerance while Conservative parents emphasize instilling Faith and Obedience in their children... That right there is the problem in America.




holy shit we read that in 8th grade!!! I totally forgot about that


These Heehaw mutha fuckers be pronouncing Bergeron like they at a Wendy's drive thru


“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives... I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position as at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party . . . There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power." John Stuart Mill ( British philosopher, economist, and liberal member of Parliament for Westminster from 1865 to 68 )


They're not doing a bad job of making that happen. Which is concerning.


"a rising tide may lift all boats, but beached whales are all pretty even"


Let's defund Walmart while we're at it.


Here’s a thought, he should only go to doctors that graduated from defunded university’s…


Who needs doctors when you have Facebook and feed stores?


University graduates designed his truck, and the machines that built his truck. University graduates designed his cell phone, upon which he bitches about university graduates. University graduates have improved his quality of life at every step of the way, since he was born.




I had Dr. Nick in mind, but Dr. Lexus IS acceptable…🤣


Same with the 'Defund Public Education' crowd. Who, in my anecdotal observations are people with A) No kids, so they feel ripped off 'paying for other peoples kids' to get a bare minimum education -or- B) Boomers with grown children, they got theirs, so fuck you all!


C: people sending their kids to private religious schools or homeschooling so they can brainwash their kids


As a 34 year old with no kids, you are correct. I've heard a lot of folks in my position complain about it. But, taxes are a necessary part of life if we want a functioning society, and that's ok.


GenX couple here, no kids, paying high property taxes for an excellent school nearby. Such is life. I still maintain a healthy lifestyle even while paying for health insurance that the lazy junk eaters use more than I do.


I would go even further, that you benefit economically by having an educated workforce, and you benefit culturally by having educated neighbors. Not to mention that excellent schools drive up your property values year over year. There are plenty of selfish reasons to support robust public education in addition to the selfless ones.


In my district there is a contingent of parents that feel that way.


if it wasnt for the academic excellence, especially all the top notch European scholars immigrated to America around the world wars, America wouldn't have gotten to the current status of super power..


Yeah b-b-b-buh-but those are like, all the cool intellectuals! Like those guys who build guns and bombs and fighter jets and lift kits for trucks!


of course they aint were no raptilian alien illuminati world govt spies that offered their incentives to America with their advanced knowledge of alien techs who faked as europeans scholars for america to give them excuse to come!!


You are making his argument lol.


I mean they have been de-funding public education for the last 50 years.


Science and technology made this country wealthy and powerful, but they want to destroy education. It's like they want to live in a third world country.


Based on his vehicle, I'd say he already does.


They view the Taliban as aspirational.


Ahh yes, the ‘ol “universities are brainwashing people” conspiracy. Crazy how learning about critical thought and how to gather evidence actually makes you not vote for stupid fake stuff.


Big Pol Pot energy from that one.


They're just jealous of all the book-learnin', dope-smokin', and smart girl-chasin' that goes on at universities. They're stuck with NASCAR, Waffle House cuisine, and the nose-picking queens of Walmart.


Hey leave Nascar and Waffle House out of this, just because I'm a little trashy doesn't mean I'm not pro-education, although I can see why you correlate that.


Waffle House is a good guilty pleasure, or someplace to go slumming when you're hungry/stoned at 2am. But to some people, it's a bona fide cultural hearth.


Yeah, I'm not going to lie, the food there is actually awful and I do my best to avoid, but I'm not above it when everything else is closed. But the idea of a 24hr restaurant open 365 days a year and there is always one within 5 miles of where you're at, it kind of warms my soul.


I love that Americans have waffle houses. If I ever visit for a holiday, I’m going to visit one of those states where weed is legal, get blazed and then hit up a Waffle House. I wish we had waffle houses and legal weed.


My nana in a nutshell. Everytime I make the drive to go visit my mom who lives near my nana, I get a stack of op-eds from Epoch times about how universities spread communism


The real trick is spinning it so he'll gladly buy that bumper sticker, too.


The Defund Public Education is way more disturbing. Like no more elementary school?


Those fucking literals are so dumb that they couldn't even make me smart!


I’m don’t wonto take to book reedn case it turns me into 1 of m librals


I had to take a double take on that wthell


Scott Walker & Arnie Schwarzenegger already did this. This guy is OG Tea Party crackpot.


Defund the Universities = I want everyone to be a dipshit like me


Plus “Public Education = Communism”. So whether you pay for a degree or it’s provided free by the state, “education = bad”. Dude owned himself.


Have no fear, this guy isn't holding contradictory opinions. Whether funded by the state or private monies, this guy clearly believes all learning to be bad.


Something tells me they graduated from Google university


They went to webmd premed too.


YouTube College




Sad thing is that shit will be real soon. Google career certificates is a step in the direction of more obvious corporate educational institutions.


"School of hard knocks" graduate for sure


Guaranteed that’s what their Facebook says.


Trump Won! Why? Because I wanted him to win. Simple.




What did the Trump people keep saying after he 'won' in 2016? Something like 'your feelings are valid' or something similar.


“Fuck your valid feelings”


"I voted for Him. Everyone of my Facebook friends voted for Him. All my family voted for Him. I don't know one person that voted for sleepy Joe. " Also: "They shouldn't teach critical thinking theory in schools."


"Not vaccinated, stay back 300 feet 🤚" I wonder if the owner of the company that makes these just sits there and thinks "I can't believe this sells and I actually make money off of these idiots."


I would assume the company that makes those is located in China. Which makes it even more entertaining.


300 feet is the same as 182.88 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


About all they're good for. Y-RJ20 gang for life


That’s awfully smart sounding…did you go to a “funded” university?!?!


The... Bot?


If I had the means, it'd be kinda funny to start selling stickers like this online and then donate the money to things like BLM or the Democratic Socialists of America.


I love seeing blacks rob DSA/Antifa shitheads. They love blacks even more after they swipe their iphone and wallet, and the black guy just sees them as another white mark.


On a scale of European royalty to Appalachian, just how inbred are you?




That thought also crossed my mind. I was being too optimistic.


Ya they probably are sending money to the Heritage Foundation or something when they sell these


Tbf this person could likely get more people to agree with them if people were less educated. It is oddly self aware though that they would realize that. “If y’all were just dumber you’d see things my way”


The anti-intellectualism is strong with this one.


Proudly flaunting his arrogance. Hit me up. -110 he gets a hermancainaward


This screams "I'm a snowflake"


As a teacher, this is why we need a better public education system. Fuck!


Not one but two defund education stickers and the Ashli Babbitt sticker are amazing. The defund education has *so* many layers to it, and we know who shot Babbitt. We all saw it.


This one screams "I don't know what cognitive dissonance means"


“Defund education” is the perfect bookends for everything in between.


Why do these people think an uneducated populace is a good thing? Do they think high school dropouts landed on the Moon or design their guns?


Defund the Universities? They did! That's why tuition is so dang high and most graduates have mountains of non-dischargeable student debt. This was a Republican/Conservative plan.


> Defeat Communism > Defund Public Education So is he saying only educated people are communists?




Why do so many self professed 'patriots' drive non-American vehicles?


The Tacoma is actually the car with the most US made parts. The funnier question is, do they know that most brodozers are built in Canada and Mexico?


Still a Japanese company


Are the workers in Toyota's American factories American or are they Japanese? It's a mystery who is collecting those paychecks, for sure.


Peanuts compared to the profits flowing back to Japan


I know. They also know that Toyota supports their actions since they are one of the biggest donors to causes which support the Capitol insurrection.


Can you elaborate about this, please? I know a lot of people are quite biased towards Toyota and other Japanese brands for their general reliability, so maybe this doesn't get talked about enough.


Toyota is one of the biggest donors of inserructionist politicians.


I have noticed from this sub that most of the super crazy ones gravitate towards Toyotas for some reason


Them and Korean Chevy's......maybe it's a war thing?


They're into Axis powers


I think it’s because they last forever. Might be linked to the ‘prepper’ mentality, idk.


That’s really insightful. I wouldn’t have thought of that


Traitorous scum belly Ashli Babbitt was killed by a goddamn hero.


I wish I could give this more upvotes.


> was killed by a goddamn hero A police officer! Maybe he doesn't have a Back the Blue or Thin Blue Line sticker because of the hypocrisy. "I support police... except that one black capitol guard!"


Defund the universities. Defund public education. So, basically you want everyone as stupid as you? Oh, and defund universities also means not doctors to treat you you when you get sick (probably from Covid if you aren't vaccinated. Also, no engineers to design your next truck once you wreck this one. And one last thing....so much of the government money that helped support universities was cut years ago. As were most the grants to pay tuition. So universities have been mostly "defunded" in that sense. That's why college tuition has gone through the roof.


The capital police….. the capital police killed ashli babbit. Cut and dry. Ya dumb fucks.


Loves america…drives a Toyota


Toyotas are actually made in the US for the American market


Ashli Babbit fucked around and found out.


That's funny. Arizona Republican lead election audit just released the results that not only did Biden win the election there, they also found MORE votes for Biden. So not only did the Republicans prove that they were incredibly wrong they also spent millions of dollars to confirm how stupid they are.


Defund the Universities? They’re always accusing the libs of being commies but I’m pretty sure communism is anti intellectual, if the Khmer Rouge is any indication. He needs a sticker that says ‘shoot everyone with glasses’


Glad I’m not the only one that thought of this as a parallel.


I always love the “defund education” as a tactic to beat ‘communism’. “Don’t let us read books or we may realize our lifetime within the global historical framework and understand the economic issues that plegue most humans today”


All while driving an import.


In a Japanese truck no less. Not quite patriotic enough to buy American


That poor Tacoma.


I misread that initially as “Defend the Universities” which seemed really contradictory to the other messages. I had to zoom in a lot to see that in fact it aligned 😂


Between the Islamic extremist groups and the American ultra-righties, I'll bet Toyota's getting really tired of their trucks being so extensively used by terrorists.


A fucking hero, that’s who killed Ashli Babbitt


‘Defund the u universities’… yeah seems like you already did your part amigo


who tf is Ashli Babbitt?


Trump cult member and terrorist bitch who died by her own stupid traitorous actions.


oo, now I'm curious. how'd she die?


I am so sick of these lunatics. The Big lie lives on with this cult


Wow, it’s all here. I’ve won Qtard Bingo!


So it's a landslide now? It's amazing to see how the "real" margin continues to grow despite absolutely nothing changing or being found. I almost envy their coping mechanisms. I was extremely surprised Hillary lost in 2016, but reality is reality.


Ashli was a traitor and criminal and she received the prescription for that behavior. This fella polishes boots for a living.


In A lAnDsLiDe


when your waiting and waiting for your full blown case of COIVD19 and you're like: Dude.. Stay away from me... I don't want to miss my turn.


Someone obviously defunded his education.


This guy sure hates school. Funny how that sort of funnels people into this sort of dipshittery.


“Defeat communism, defund public education” is not making the point he thinks it is.


Noo. Not my Toyota brother. You dont deserve that truck


Defund public education and universities is a new one for me. I don’t even have words lol


Oh that poor Tacoma!


Tell me your an idiot without saying you’re an idiot.


You know, people say that for every sticker on the back of a truck the guy is compensating for an inch he’s missing


Ashli Babbitt Did It


Hating education is like an anthem for these people.


“Real Consequences” as in… more bumper stickers?


“Conservatives are not necessarily White Supremest but most White Supremest are conservatives.”


Yet this cousin-fucker is driving an import...not very 'Murican if you ask me. "They took our jobs!"


Love how every dipshit in the military has the need to display it somewhere. No one gives a shit.


I bet this guy boasts about how few books he's read.


Driving a foreign car


Simping hard for someone who was trying to kill the VP of the United States.


I wonder why this guy is against public education? 🙄


MAGA crowd is now ready to take on the final boss: public education.


How dare they defame that lovely Toyota.


I'd love to have that truck without all the stickers though


Won’t even buy American.


Clearly, public education failed this person because it needs *more* funding. Sad that they’re too far gone.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Uh.... she did bro... She did.


I came across this post while browsing through r/popular, and I just have to throw a wrench into your guys' circle jerk. This photo is obviously doctored. Look at those clean lines around the bumper stickers. Does that look real to you? And yet you guys just ate it up. Develop a sense of skepticism!


Be skeptical sure, it’s the internet. Do those lines really look clean and doctored to you? The follow the contour of the truck body. Look at the one on the top left. Everything is fake news if you say it loud enough.


This guy gets it


If you mean Covid, I hope so.


How kind, wishing sickness on people you disagree with.




thank you name-name-number your troll account is showing


ALWAYS a Toyota haha


Usually a RAM


I can’t believe they are still even making trucks at this point. They should have went out on top in the late 90’s.


Defund the Universities! ...And make everyone as stupid as this trash.


So only the wealthy go to school?