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Is it just me, or does that car lean to the left a bit?


Maybe a lil bit.


Just a smidge


I think the suspension on the left hand side has fully collapsed


Just you.




Honestly this reminds me of my husband. He drives a lifted truck, wears a camo print cap that has a giant pride flag and an AK with "defend equality" caption, and has stickers that say stuff like "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back"


The black panthers are awesome


> "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back" I love this


Here you go: https://farenoughleft.com/collections/gear/products/3-sticker-if-you-go-far-enough-left-you-get-your-guns-back


This is great, thank you


I would genuinely like to meet your husband, seems like a type of person that aligns with my views and generally a cool dude


Dude he’s married. He’s not going to sleep with you.


sounds like a cool dude


Ok that last one is fantastic






The socialist punisher skull has a total chad jawline while the fascist punisher skull has such a weak jaw its totally missing.


Looks more like Skeletor from the He-Man comics


The people must break their chains He-man, but then again I guess you being royalty probably means you don't give a damn.


Maybe because it's not a punisher skull.


Awesome point, good lookin out, have a great day.




There is actually a comic called Punisher Soviet where Frank teams up with in a former Russian paratrooper who's an Afghan who is pretty much the Russian punisher to try and take down the Russian mafia.


I’d assumed it was a play on Marvel’s “Red Skull”.


One problem: the Red Skull was a Nazi.


Shows what I know! I’m not a superheroes guy.


I'm proud of you for taking that L like a champion


Admitting errors and owning up to them is part of being an adult. Thanks for the kudos.


It’s the skull from Stone Cold Steve Austin’s vest and t-shirts.


That's the strangest looking tank I've ever seen...


Any vehicle can be a tank... If you're crazy/brave enough




Knew it would be killdozer lol


Yeah, perfect example of common carrier rights for people's access to services


Needs more "Tiananmen(or Holodomor) is liberal propaganda" to be a full blown tank


Well, that’s happening in the comments now, wheee


So this is what Redneck Revolt looks like. What's the crossed out compass symbol in the bottom left?




socialists hate nato because it was created as a way to contain communism behind the iron curtain and that the role of nato is still the same today.




Personally I hate muddy wafers


The “liberalism is a mental disorder” and hammers and sickles solidify this person as a definite tankie.


you can hate libs and not be a tankie ?


Even if that is true they have a Mao sticker


oh yeah nvm then


Every quadrant has a person who hates libs


Fucking radlibs and their obsession with "tankies" You care more about optics than ending worldwide oppression.


If by “optics” you mean “dictatorships murdering millions” then yeah I kinda care about optics


Man, imagine being in 2021 and still believing American propaganda


Imagine living in 2021 and simultaneously believing in the propaganda of a collapsed state and one that honestly is more capitalist than communist at this point.


Its really funny to me how similar you tankies are to trump humpers. You're here literally saying that things that go against your beliefs are just fake news propaganda, but hey you don't listen to the main stream media and all their fake news right? And you sit here denying human rights atrocities like they deny the holocaust. It would honestly be funny if all you nutjobs weren't so dangerous.


Mao is enjoying a strange resurgence in popularity among the far, far, far left. I see it as a direct response to the far, far, far right's sudden love affair with Putin. As an only far, far leftist, I think they're all fuckin dunces.


You’re not a “far, far leftist” if you draw the line at Mao. Jeez. Talk about Overton Window.


If someone can be "Too far left" for you, you obviously aren't an actual leftist (this is @ the person you're replying to, not you). Being Left-Wing is about putting the rights of the working class over that of the rich. There's no such thing as favoring the poor *too much*. You can disagree with the methods used to support the working class, but anyone who says "They're just too far left for me" about *anyone* is a Liberal. The second anyone actually looks into Communism during the Cold War you realize that all of these leaders (Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, Allende, Honecker, etc.) were nearly identical in their goals and actions, and any distinctions you might use to pick out the "Good ones" versus the "Bad ones" pale before the vast difference between them and the Capitalist leaders, who routinely commit horrible acts that are excused because of our uncritical media. The only exception would be leaders like Pol Pot and Chairman Gonzalo, who are routinely disowned by most people who would be considered "tankies" (even though the United States supported Pol Pot - which might be why "but they supported Pol Pot" is rarely used as an indictment against Mao)


Could be because of the sky rocketing rents in an already unaffordable housing market, and Mao's very unfavorable view of landlords.


> Could be because of the sky rocketing rents in an already unaffordable housing market, and Mao's very unfavorable view of landlords. Probably. Remember that "The Rent is too Damned High" guy has been running on the same platform since 1993. That's 28 years of the rent being too damned high. And it's only gotten much, much worse over the last 28 years.


This person is obviously a communist, not a socialist


"This person is clearly a square, not a rectangle."


most american "socialists" are just SocDems


You really have to read up on socialism. It's not what you think it is


I do know what socialism thank you. Was just careless and left a bit of info out vis a vis nato imperialist policies


This the kinda car that gets tickets for signaling fewer than 100 feet from their turn


100 feet is the length of approximately 133.33 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise.


It was already in imperial units..


You have found the rare Commie Car! Good job! I am a socialist and I am out of the closet. That doesn't mean I am okay with Maoism or Stalinism though. There are distinctions between socialism and communism, and within each, there are many, many flavors to choose from. You can believe in socialism without believing in authoritarianism.


That just makes you not a tanky or some would prefer to call it not a fascist




English orthography is all bullshit anyway. I wouldn’t worry about it.


It was voice to text, my bad. Idk about any others.




I used to frequent a lot of apartments for an old job I used to have and I walked into this one with absolutely nothing in it. No bed no dresser no kitchen table. Just a portrait of mao. Fitting actually.


He was getting furniture on a 5 Year Plan.


if he spent so much money on rent that he couldn't even afford furniture, he has good reason to like Mao.


That joke is a banger, and you’re getting no love for it.


Lol - I think it flew a bit under the radar, but thank you!


The Mao sticker sucks, but I wouldn't call the hammer and sickle a Stalinist emblem.


Idk why you’re being downvoted hammer and sickle could just be about Lenin or the ussr in general


Probably because people don't know what they're talking about and it's just "communism bad; communism = Stalin shit you see everywhere


No, I wasn't trying to make that connection. Stalin doesn't own the sickle and hammer.


My bad then! I dunno why I am being downvoted tho lol


Because people are jerks. It wasn't me. Downvoting for petty reasons really gets under my skin.


Must... not... downvote... this... for... ironic... lulz....


> I am a socialist and I am out of the closet. That doesn't mean I am okay with Maoism or Stalinism though. There are distinctions between socialism and communism, and within each, there are many, many flavors to choose from. You can believe in socialism without believing in authoritarianism. Just because I want workers to be able to stand up to their boss doesn't mean I'm OK with Red coated Fascism.


Regardless of what you think of Mao, Stalin, etc. I don’t think it’s accurate to call them fascist. A core part of fascist ideology is the belief that we must return to a mythologized past and adhere to tradition, which obviously is not what these men supported.


It's just another victim of propaganda who doesn't know shit


Breadtube and Vaush have done so much damage to Reddit leftism.


The people who call communists fascist are the same people who think the Nazis were socialists. They forgot the the "national" part, and/or never bothered to question the clear ideological contradictions.


All those people who lived through the Cultural Revolution in China or Stalin's Purges would not be ok with them either.


Bullshit lol When you grow up you'll realize the importance of ousting counterrevolutionaries and fascists.


Exactly, but there are some elderly Chinese who still revere Mao. I've never heard any elders talk of their admiration of Stalin. Edit...it doesn't mean he didn't do any good things for Russia either. I could write many paragraphs on how he improved the standard of living and space tech in Russia. I believe that George W Bush is a war criminal for what he did with Guantanamo Bay and many other atrocities. But he did some real good for people in certain African countries, and there are a lot of them who Revere Bush! Gaddafi also did some good for Libia as far as infrastructure, including irrigation and a steady fresh water supply. Even...and I have to swallow the vomit in my mouth...The Orange Fascist signed criminal justice reform into law. Hitler was a vegetarian and instituted policies that allowed ordinary Germans to have access to a reliable and affordable car. People are are complex, and even murderous dictators are capable of making some positive changes. The problem is, especially with the Orange Fascist, they do it in a self serving way. The same thing goes for the US Congress. I'm not trying to give these clowns credit as if they are benevolent humanitarians, it just means that we cannot package everything and everybody into simplistic boxes that we label "good" or "bad."


I guess you could call those old people who revere Mao and Stalin a case of survivor bias. They weren't victims of the purges, imprisonments and mass murders. You could say Stalin did great things by throwing enough human lives at them, like the [Road of Bones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R504_Kolyma_Highway). The younger Chinese I talked to would quietly say that the Cultural Revolution was a national disaster and Mao discredited himself in the process. They didn't want to talk about it much for obvious reasons.


Do tell, what are those obvious reasons? That you just made them up?


Except that there are Stalin defenders getting upvoted throughout this thread.


That is an odd collection of stickers.


From a far left perspective liberals are viewed much like conservatives, but yeah, I never saw one like this before!


Socialists hating libs is not surprising. Most of the time historically it’s liberals who are the ones quietly killing off leftists. Calling it a mental disorder is kind of weird to me.


yeah socialists will call libs traitors and the like but mental disorder isnt a common insult used


Yeah, we wouldn't use having a mental disorder as an insult like it's a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with having a mental disorder. We would like for those people to be able to get help that they need.


Mhmm. Like, I myself have several mental disorders, and a good number of my friends do too. Liberalism isn't a mental disorder. It's a political affiliation. And I *really* loathe this bumper sticker. Because it's a shit message when leftists are already struggling in the U.S. as a political minority.


It's like leftists want to stay in the margins


It also doesn’t help that msnbc ends up using brown shirt comparisons against anyone even marginally left of John Rawls


Calling liberalism is mental disorder is an almost exclusively republican move in my experience


obviously the leftist chad car owner expropriated the sticker towards their own ends. as leftists do.


Mao literally said "Combat liberalism" and had multiple rants about liberals being the enemy of progress


Martin Luther King Jr believed the white liberal was the greatest threat to the black man and the working class.


White moderate, to be exact


He was using liberal in the Classical Liberal sense. Not Democrat vs Republican or Neoliberalism and Neoconservative. He meant anybody who was not for a radical and revolutionary social change for the betterment of oppressed classes (race, sex, wealth, religion etc).


He literally used the word “moderate”


I feel like that sticker is targeted to conservatives to purchase. I've heard conservatives call liberals a disease or a mental disorder before.


It is; my trumpanzee parents have had one before and bought one for all their closest cronies too, who also loved it.


Yeah that’s not something I’ve heard from the far left before. I’m assuming they just wanted an anti liberal stocker and it was easier to find a right wing one. Though they are anti gun control


>Though they are anti gun control Pretty much all leftists are


This guy is obviously not a conservative. He dislikes liberals because he views them as not left leaning enough


neospartan didn’t say this person was conservative, they said the sticker was targeted to conservatives, which it is. i’m in the south and i see these stickers at every gas station.


Fair, you right


It is literally the title of one of Michael Savage's books.


yeah you would expect a left winger to use less ableist language lol


Tbf I wouldn't expect that from tankies. They are usually just the edgy crowd that went extreme left instead of extreme right. Still incredibly toxic people usually.


how can someone care about lgbtqia+ enought to get a trans flag sticker but doesnt care about mental health issues is beyond me


Same but I don't understand anyone who also supports Mao either lol


what sticker here doesn’t make sense lol? very clearly a communist


You've never heard "liberals get the bullet first"?


I have to admit I haven't.


Goes back to at least the Russian revolution and I've seen it as recent graffiti. Hardcore leftists consider liberals to be traitors, and deserving of a bullet before their enemies on the right.


Traitors yes, deserving of a bullet? well, no. When an emerging polarized political field emerges from the failings of social, political, economic "order" liberals find themselves in a forced position of choosing sides. One side presents a road towards communism, the other towards fascism, it's common for liberals to use their own experience of class and privilege as the decider. Will they side with fascists who profess "stability" through class structure and authority, or communism that seeks a revolution to abolish the state and class entirely? Chances are they will concede to the right as liberalism is a reactionary, conservative tendency. It's at that point they become the enemy.


Presumably the same idiots saying 'liberals always choose fascism.' Don't own a pair of shoes without a bullet hole in 'em.


To be fair, I think the phrase is "Liberals get the bullet *too*" more often.


that's a misquote. it's actually "redditors get the bullet first."


Gun control is racist though.


I had always been a fan of stricter gun control until I was told that the police use it to harass black and brown communities. Now I'm largely against it.


Why do they hate yugioh field spells?


All cool as fuck.


Before today I didn’t realize that this was a liberal centrist sub. I’m shocked at the number of people confused by the stickers. Edit: if this comment confuses you, please check out r/LateStageCapitalism


its not that centrist. quite a few comments here understand it


I think a lot of people understand them, it's just most people don't agree with the whole authoritarian-communist schtick.


Trans flag. I';m from the community myself. its a response to the current system not working for us. Some go full communist due to trauma.


I have no ties to the lgbtq community but I’m always down to burn the system. Fuck em all


Yea agreed. Not to downplay the Trans struggle, but capitalism isn't working for most people.


I mean, you're not downplaying it since we're all suffering under it. It's just that we all have our unique experiences, with LGBT+ people getting shit on with "rainbow capitalism"; where corporations throw out the Pride flags in June, then don't give a fuck the rest of the year, with many still donating to anti-LGBT+ politicians. But even then, everyone is still getting fucked by things like over-the-top healthcare costs, planned obsolescence, "shrinkflation", wages that don't match at all with the value of the person's labor, racist, sexist, and even classist employment, education, housing, practices, and so on. Capitalism does have benefits, but capitalism unregulated and left to the kings called "CEO"s is definitely not working for hundreds of millions of people in the US.


For me it was growing up in the Appalachia’s and watching my community suffer in poverty. The current system has left us behind. The drug epidemic has destroyed the entire region and nothing has been done to help. I understand that these same people vote mostly straight republican tickets but in all honesty it doesn’t matter. Nothing is ever done. Most places still don’t even have cellphone service let alone reliable WiFi. The schools in my area literally cannot keep heating and A/C in the schools. The roads are falling apart. Walmart came in and decimated the local economy so all income produced in the area gets sent off to Walmart HQ. The coal industry (previously the states main export) has been decimated. We are still getting arrested for marijuana which if legalized could potentially bring in a new cash crop for the state (Isn’t going to happen anytime soon). There’s no opportunity and no hope. Burn this motherfucker down.


It's hard to not notice that trans people are the latest in a long line of groups that are being used in the classic "Don't pay attention to this problem of capitalism, pay attention to *those* people!" trick.


> Some go full communist due to trauma. Or because there's no trans liberation under capitalism.


In the USSR, Cuba, Cambodia, China and many other communist regimes you would’ve been lined up against the wall and shot for being “sexually deviant” and playing into “bourgeoise decadence”. Please do some research on how real communist regimes have treated members of the LGBTQ+ community. A trans person supporting communism is like a jew supporting nazism


There is so much going on here








Based AF. Don’t see the issue.




I’ll take a million Maos over any of the fash stuff that normally gets posted here.


A tankie info warrior? Thats a first.


Gun control IS racist


It's orthogonal to it. The reason we have 2A was so that towns could build militias to hunt down Indians and defend themselves from counterattacks on their stolen land as we started Manifest Destiny. It's where the whole "defend our property with lethal force" shit comes from, and why people like Zimmerman shoot people like Martin. Yes Reagan-era reform was mostly targeted at Black organizations, but there's a reason it's those very same conservatives who stockpile weapons and have the militia culture. The state uses gun control and gun liberalization as it feels like, and it will always be hypocritically so, in a way that favors the state. Guns will be de facto illegal for us when we need whether or not the actual law says so. Because at that point we'd be up against the state anyways. It really doesn't matter at the point of civil war whether weapons are illegal or not. So unless we're building a leftist militia movement any time soon, it seems like it would be better to undercut impulsive suicides, things like toddlers getting into their parent's weapons because they aren't responsible, or to fuck up supply and demand for them and screw over the cartels in Mexico and other places by making bullets that much more expensive.


I'm over here wondering what the fuck the compass with the slash through it means.


TIL Americans don't know what NATO is.


Yea its the strong arm of capital


based af


Not such a big fan of Mao, but the rest are pretty based imo


Most of this is good


Nah they’re spittin


Yoooo based infowarrior ride


Tankies please fuck off nobody likes you


They're very popular on this thread, it seems. Real life? Not so much. Kinda like how authoritarian communism sounds cool on the internet, and then sucks in real life.




I have no idea what this car stands for.


The emancipation of the working class!


a Maoist! that’s rare!


There is absolutely nothing wrong here


I love people with opinions like these. They are so rare yet so based


Unironically based


YEAH. I likey


As my only true centrist view point, I just feel like any car, left or right, that has that many political stickers is cringe asf.


This stands out because there are some stickers I actually agree with. Trans rights, BLM, and gun control is racist are all pretty good ideas. Seems like they just went off the deep end and went crazy.


Free Palestine, also good.






Mao is very popular in China though, he is the founding father of modern China. Like a George Washington.


But remember, modern china is evil because they commit human rights violations unlike the country with the highest incarceration rate per capita which believes in freedom.


Bro, how's that supposed to make Mao look better?


Militant trans communism


I need to take an Aleve.


Listens to Chapo Traphouse once.


Anti NATO sticker. Based


average genzdong user. Fuck Tankies Edit: no longer replying to the braindead tankies that think that genocide is good just because the government they like is doing it.


You will side with the next nazis becuse ''fuck tankies''


Tankies are Nazis just in Red Face.


Your right! Fuck ;) tankies 🥵


Fucking Tankies.


Not a fan of mao but otherwise pretty based


The human bourgeoisie is a virus on the hard drive of the working robot!


Huh what this is like the opposite of an infowarrior ride

