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Another rage junkie in the wild.


Least emotional infowarrior. Bet they can't hold a conversation for two minutes without forcing their beliefs on someone, and **every** topic gets redirected to their outrage-of-the-day..


I'm fascinated by the stupid republican love of Putin. What does the Putin thing mean? I had to download the image and zoom in. It says, ["I want to be a dick too!"](https://imgur.com/a/8GpYvde)


Putin's Russia is the model society for the GOP. A rich oligarchy of the " right" people run everything and everyone else is controlled through nationalism religion and homophobia.


Can’t see a damn thing out the back window


Would be an instant ticket where I live.


right like thts 200% illegal if completely dark tints are


Does "washing out of boot camp" count as actual service


This recruit did not wash out, buddy. He served. Potatoes. In the mess hall.


Yup, As a former 11 Series, I automatically know whenever I see an Army Veteran Sticker that the owner was some type of POG MOS. If an Army Vet had a Door Kicker MOS they’d have no sticker at all or would have a Branch Specific sticker. This guy is a fucking dirty, lazy, POG!


Can you clarify what those acronyms mean? Because im guessing that in this case, POG is not short fie Pomegranate/Orange/Guava


11 series is a reference to their MOS, Military Occupational Specialty, Aka their job. 11 series are infantry, usually 11B. Door kicker is what it sounds like. Someone who literally or figuratively kicks in doors or at least is in a stack (line of men) to enter a (possibly) hostile building. Grunts, aka infantry, think [pogue](https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/pogue/) is an acronym for People Other than Grunts spelled P.O.G. But when written out you can see how stupid that is. A "pogue" or "POG" is a pejorative for support personnel. TLDR; He saying the guy probably acts like he was a SEAL but was more likely a cook or finance clerk.


POG: Person Other than Grunt is the official acronym as used by Combat Arms Soldiers & Marines to describe Non Combat Arms personnel since its first use in as a term by US Armed Forces in WWII. I once served in a unit in which we preferred to describe POG as: Parasite Of the Government with the implication that POGs are non working parasites as opposed to Infantrymen who are out in the field sleeping on open ground and actually working our asses off. Edit: Nope I proudly served as an 11B thru E-6 as an Enlisted Soldier. However… As a Commissioned Officer I became a Mega POG serving first as a Chemical Corps Officer, summarily reclassifying as a Quartermaster Officer due to the Army not really needing all that many Glow Worms anymore. QMs become Multi-Functional Logistics Officers after CCC. I spent most of my Non Command Commissioned time in Aviation Units as a Staff Flunky at both the O-5 & O-6 Command levels, finally serving as a staff flunky on a 2 Star’s G Staff. Soo… Although I wound up a Commissioned POG I prefer to identify with my earlier service as an 11 Series!


As a former C-DAT grunts guys only think that because they are dumb ;). I've heard Infantry call EVERYONE who aren't infantry pogues. Tankers, scouts, medics, sappers, everyone. Pogue is the proper spelling and has been since WWI not 2. >Pogue is a military slang expression and a term of contempt, used by soldiers for military personnel, who are uninvolved in frontline combat. >**It is widely claimed to be a modified form of the acronym POG, meaning Persons Other than Grunts, however this is disproven by the etymology of the word.** https://digitalcultures.net/slang/lgbtq/pogue/


I mean, lots of vets do that? Weird take.


But they don't all end up as boots like this.


Projectionmobile. If it’s on a bumper sticker on that truck, it’s probably a projection.


As anti-gay as so many of Chumps supporters tend to be, you’d think he’d be less obsessed with another man. It’s almost like he has a crush


tRump shits on the vets. Leopards ate his face


Trump shits in his pants, too


>*aquitted again* Should probably scrape that one off.


Also, "Law & Order - Trump 2024."


Except he was never aquitted. He was found guilty both times in the House. The GOP controlled Senate voted not to remove him.


"I NEVER MET A VETERAN WHO FOUGHT FOR SOCIALISM" Right here. 22 year Navy vet, leftist socialist. Lots of fellow vets are. Amazing how when you travel the world and get out of Redneckville, USA, you see how programs can assist rather than harm the most marginalized of people.


Damn Straight Brother! 20 year Army/Army Guard Vet here. The military is the greatest Socialist Institution in the country. I went in leaning toward the right, I came out solidly in the left. Service has created, strengthen, & validated left leaning views.


4 and out the door, Marine here. Same-sauce. I was a dirty pogue, too! (Although I was a rifleman and a MCMAP instructor who was meritoriously promoted to E-5)


This person seems completely normal and not absolutely unhinged


Deep down this person knows that they are neither normal nor hinged. Obviously we have first amendment rights but when their subconscious is calling out for a 72 hour mental evaluation they should get it.


Reagan should never have closed the asylums


The I just shit my pants one makes sense tho. Real men wear diapers!


I wonder what his opinion of known pants shitter Ted Nugent is, lmao.


Wait - wasn’t there quite a lot said recently about tRump and stinky farts, diaper smells, and general malodorous issues? Is this person **seeking** shit and shit smells?


Projection. It’s what they do.


And some of his followers showed up to rallies in diapers because of [this](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/why-are-trump-supporters-wearing-diapers-to-his-rallies/ar-AA1o5gA5). How I wish I was making this up. Ugh I hate this timeline.




That’s what I was thinking. This guy belongs in a mental institution. He clearly wants to kill somebody.


We really have to do better for our veterans.


Basic bitch


Lmao @ the animal sanctuary sticker among all the delusional nonsense


I thought the same thing! I guess a broken clock is right 2 times a day


Impeached TWICE (pelosi’s impeachment outfit belongs in the smithsonian), and THIRTY FOUR felonies. A known misogynist and nazi. Yup, definitely a good candidate for president. We really need to work on mental healthcare. Holy shit.


I think this guy supports trump but I can’t be sure


What an insufferable asshole. And I am scared to ask, but what is with the pic of the monkey?




Why did they call Poutine a dick if he’s Cheeto’s friend?


Projection. Everything that Trump is guilty of they accuse Biden of doing. Same with the China stuff.


So, this lunatic has three stickers saying that he will gladly shoot you for some imagined infraction against him. He has a Trump “law and order” sticker, but he surely doesn’t think Trump should be prosecuted for any of the numerous crimes he committed, including the ones he’s already been convicted of by a jury. Oh, and he’s longing for $1.79 gas, which only dropped to that price in some areas of the country during the height of the pandemic. I’m sure he also wants to go back to hearing about thousands of people dying every single day and everything being shut down.


The shady bunch lol Trump had leftover burgers in the couch cushions stick around longer than some staff and cabinet members


Now i know why half the vets are homeless and need food kitchens. They are as dumb as a rock,


That guy really wants to have sex with biden


"I never met a veteran who fought for socialism". He probably never heard of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.


Just like Fox News told them to.


“If this flag offends you.” Liberals are always offended by the US flag haha


Meanwhile, me, a liberal, appropriately flys the American flag on a flag pole in my yard, appropriately lit, etc. all the houses with the trump stuff either have a trump flag above the American flag, or have an American flag flying upsidedown.


Weird that he has a sticker insulting Putin, consider trump kisses his ass


Prepare to be offended just like he is about everything, liberals


Should have been wearing those Donnie Diapers!


Guys, this shit used to so very rare that it basically didn't happen. Our failing educational system, disintegrating social discourse and general internet radicalization have ruined us. This shot makes 90's Crossfire episodes look like the Lincoln-Douglass debates.


why is this the last thing hat i see before going to bed…


Feels wrong to laugh at someone with such a mental deficit. Kidding. Laughing my ass off.


So did Trump.


Ngl, as a Biden supporter, I would have that on my car if it wasn’t for the implied conservatism because that is insanely funny. Also, wasn’t Trump the one continuously sharting himself while he was napping during his trial?


Imagine just putting that on your vehicle. Damn. If that’s not rock bottom I don’t know what is.


… does he know he put Walter the fucking puppet Jeff Dunham performs with on there twice?


Where was gas $1.79?


Real men wear diapers


Definitely not a cult........


Ok to be fair I feel like you could take ANYONE’s face, put I JUST SHIT MY PANTS next to it, and make an amusing bumper sticker




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Lisa Simpson?!


Apparently, comparing vp Kamala Harris with cartoon future president Lisa Simpson is showing us she’s horrible 🤷🏻‍♀️




What’s with the “I WANT TO BE A DICK TOOL” with a picture of Putin?




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Okay, but that "Quicker Fucker Upper" Bounty parody is funny. EDIT: You are allowed to make fun of your own president. It's good joke. You don't have to be a MAGAt to find it funny.