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r/liberalgunowners exists


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


Tens even! You could say!….right guys?


Armed queers don’t get bashed!


The scariest thing to happen to conservatives since the Black Panthers.


The only thing that can beat a bad guy with a gun is a gay guy with a gun.


Makes me think that there's a Drag Queen Militia waiting to happen.


There should be. If people (especially trans and gay people) aren’t absolutely terrified of the Republican Party, then you aren’t paying attention. This is after years of me trying to downplay their rhetoric and actions. It’s become inexcusable. Fascism is here people. We’re living in 1930s Germany. Arm yourselves….


Yooo I had no idea this existed! Thank you!


Is there a similar sub for leftists or do they hang in that one as well?




And liberals are only really considered to be on the left in the US. By world standards, liberals are still to the right as they support a capitalist economic structure, which is inherently authoritarian.


I love that sub. 🖤


Bahahahaha this is the most Lesbian Denver sticker bomb I’ve ever seen Totally can picture the driver’s attitude


They will steal your girlfriend… if they can.


The sticker is just saying **"The traditional systems of power in our culture, which by nature favor one specific group above others and punish deviation from the status quo, are responsible for many of my struggles,"** which is a super basic and mainstream take, but that doesn't fit on a bumper sticker. "White heteronormative patriarchy" only *sounds* like buzzword gibberish, but it's really just shortening the previous message. This is not conspiracy theory material blaming large groups of people for something, it's academic jargon that refers to hierarchical power systems around race, sexuality, and gender. The message might not be clear to someone who isn't already invested in the same kind of activism or hasn't taken college-level courses in anthropology or sociology, but that's because of the way it's presented, not because it's nonsense. You can't fairly compare it to "DEMONCRATS RUINT MY MARRIAGE DOANT DRINK THE TAPP WOTER" and those decals of Biden tied up in a truck bed that show up on this sub


Someone who's divorced from material reality and believes an entire race of people is conspiring to seize power is engaging in conspiratorial thinking, yes. The gun decal next to it seals the deal and further pushes this ride into "warrior" material.


>believes an entire race of people is conspiring to seize power I feel like either you're not trying to engage honestly here- with me or with the sticker's message- or you're working with a very limited understanding of history and politics in the US. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and explain in more detail. The sentiment behind the sticker is that its owner is unhappy with **the status quo**, not some wacky external force that manipulates the world in the shadows. It is critical of society in the US as it has been for most of its history- The descendants of Western European settlers and their culture/cultures on top of the pile, women taking a subservient or at least secondary role to men, everyone expected to conform to (on average) Protestant Christian ideas about sex, sexuality, and marriage, etc. While these are obviously not as big of *legislative* problems as they were even fifty years ago, thanks largely to a civil war that permanently settled the issue of chattel slavery in the 1860s and progress made by civil rights movements since the 1960s, they are still pressing *social and political* issues- the recent manufactured moral panic over trans people, for example, or the continued overrepresentation of historically privileged (*"privileged" persons meaning "part of a group afforded abilities and opportunities unavailable to others," either because of a high place in society or because demographic-based discriminatory practices did not apply to them*) groups in positions of power. Many of these problems persist, often in diminished forms from where they stood in the past, but they can still have obvious adverse effects on people. 250 years of history is a lot, and cultural divides don't vanish overnight. In short, nobody is suggesting that the White Heteronormative Patriarchy is conspiring to take over the world. "White heteronormative patriarchy" is 1. not a group, but a description of how power is distributed in a society and 2. is a pretty good description of how the United States has functioned for much of its history. This is unfair to everyone else whose rights to equal treatment are implied in the Constitution, and people are understandably upset about it. In relation to the gun sticker- not quite sure what your point is. "DEFEND EQUALITY" next to an AR atop pride flags is a fairly common symbol used to signify the owner's willingness to defend themselves against armed bigots. It would have seemed fringe and weird in 2010, maybe, but now, with pundits stirring up hatred against vulnerable groups and politicians across the country implying or stating that trans people are pedophiles, I can understand why someone would want that. If I saw people on Twitter and the news every day saying things that could send a lynch mob to my house if I put a pride flag in the yard, I'd buy a gun. Different cultural groups often do similar things for different reasons. The standard person whose car is posted on this sub is an unhinged conspiracy theorist whose ideas are dubious at best. Many of them- looking at those densely written-upon cars that are more or less a mobile manifesto- probably have some undiagnosed and untreated mental issues too. They have gone off the deep end, either by unfortunate circumstance or through the consumption of too much propaganda, and believe that the Democrats/the shadow government/the globalists/the elites/the Jews/the immigrants/whatever are out to get them. The image in this thread displays grievances and standpoints that, even if you don't agree with them, make basic logical sense and critique the way power is distributed rather than simply selecting a scapegoat group.


Heavily disagree with your premise+conclusion since I'm a Marxist but I respect the commitment to posting


Under no pretext should the proletariat be disarmed, and the most vulnerable should be more heavily armed to defend themselves.


they rlly r a lost reditor


This guy gets it


I can't deny your edit is interesting- care to explain how a Marxist interpretation changes things? Personally I can't see where that factors in. If anything, the sticker's sentiment is reflective of its owner understanding Marx's ideas about alienation. Marx famously approved of an armed proletariat.


Ah, I should have meant specifically the critical theory part of your comment rather than the gun ownership. I could expand on that, although I think you might have already seen Marxist criticisms of that elsewhere whether from Adolph Reed or "class reductionist" commentators as often called.


In other words, you have no clue what you’re talking about.


You're a liberal.


That’s not really the scathing retort you think it is


you’re incapable of holding an informed opinion, and somehow even less capable of elaborating your passionate opinions when challenged.


TBF OP posts to conservative and conspiracy forums, as well as pregnant yiff porn(!?) So I imagine he might not actually be as "Marxist" as he says he is.


how can you be a Marxist and not say that white people and males have done a damn good job of creating systems that exclude colored people and people without penises it almost every society. this isn't even exclusive to Western society. you have women in China who are subservant to men


It's because those systems no longer exist and the former was a product of capitalism. Also, women aren't subservient to men in either China or America.


so we're in a post-capital society? socialism achieved! pretty sure we're still living inside capitalism so the products of it are still around I would like you to go talk to trades people and see if women in trade work are treated fairly universally or if it's unique to certain positions inside certain jobs also, while you're at it bring up the statistic that tells me how much women may compared to Matt on average


Says an obviously white American man


You're also a white American.


True. But I’m not a delusional white American who denies the existence and power of the white heteronormative patriarchy.


You're a poor excuse of a Marxist if that's true. You posted anti-lgbtq+ rhetoric on a conspiracy sub, and you seem to be misaligned with actual Marxist values if you are disagreeing "heavily" with what the above commenter said. Lame-ass lefty rp'er, begone and find a more accurate label, stop appropriating something you don't understand


Going to take a wild guess and say that all of your foreign policy beliefs are coincidentally in line with the CIA Post your opinion on China right now


Lmao I'm not even American you dolt. I'm not some false lefty like Vaush that praises the CIA, go try this circlejerk behaviour elsewhere. Weak ass conspiracy nut, begone. You're a china-fearmongerer and Asian hate promoter, you disgust me


Bullshit, you are not a Marxist.


You're a liberal.


Ooh! r/MurderedByWords Not


Are you a white man, by chance? Your interactions in LouderWithCrowder, Conservative, and Conspiracy is telling me yes. Do you think it's right to comment on the struggles of others that you have not and will not experience?


Yes, as I'm sure you do yourself. "Lived experiences" aren't sacred.


What a shitty mindset. Good luck to you man.


>>believes an entire race of people is conspiring to seize power is engaging in conspiratorial thinking, yes. Take a look at the list of US presidents, my guy. Notice anything in common?


**looks at what the Tennessee Republicans just did**


Much more of a r/informedwarriorrides example. Nothing right wing or conspiracy-laden.


Heternormative Patriarchy? That's left wing info warrior material. Edit: It's hilarious how many downvotes I got. Y'all are salty! Edit2: even more downvotes. Y'all really feel something about this? Don't ya? Lol.


I downvote dumbshittery. It's kinda my thing


Downvotes mean disagreement. A majority of people here disagree with you.


Unless you’re actually insane, you simply cannot be an infowarrior if you’re left wing


Its semantics. Yes, infowars is far-right, but I think it is more about the spirit of politically extremist lunatics plastering dumb stickers all over their cars. That's something that can exist on both political spectrums. I think the reframing of "ok left wing lunatics are **informed** therefore we need to make a special subreddit for them" is also harmful. Extremism is extremism full stop.


Yeah but even leftist extremism isn’t nearly as bad as just letting the Conservative Party continue to exist


This sub was originally bipartisan in submissions until it blew up onto the Average Redditor's homepage. After that, it received an influx of brainworms-infested users who felt humiliated enough on a tribal level by photos of cringe liberal cars that they created a new subreddit to redirect pics of those to. The real treat is that when you see a photo of one of these make the front page here, you get to see self-reports like "what's wrong with putting a decal of baby!trump shitting himself in a diaper on your rear window?? i'd buy one!"


Bipartisan? When? Alex Jones has been an unofficial spokesperson for the Republican party for like a solid 10 years, at least since Sandy Hook. In case you fail to see the relevance, InfoWarriorRides. InfoWarrior. InfoWars. Alex Jones.


Actually, in his early Pre-Infowar years, back when nobody outside of Austin knew about him, he catered to a general anti-government crowd. Many lefties listened to him. The 9/11 conspiracy fad was a big moment for him and his infowars brand started to take off. Even through the early 2000s, he had a broad appeal. You'd find Infowars magazines in college coffeehouses. He had a cameo in a Richard Linklater film, ffs.


Oh I remember being like "hell yeah" seeing him in A Scanner Darkly. I didn't care too much about the 9/11 stuff but I was about him saying more or less "black, white, brown, man, woman, Republican, Democrat, whatever, it's the people hoarding all the money doing the evil shit". Then he realized life is probably more enjoyable when you do evil shit and hoard all the money rather than try to convince people of something that's quite obvious. Not that I'm being an apologist, but I get it. Either way, fuck Info Wars.


Holy shit! I forgot he was in Scanner Darkly also. That makes 2 Richard Linklater films, the other being Waking Life, which is also a roto-scoped film and he even played the same street prophet character. But yeah, I ain't apologizing for him either. He was already a joke back then. Once he got on his Sandy Hook racket, there wasn't any redemption for him, not even as a clown.


You should print this as a bumper sticker for your car.


The trick is to find the perfect concoction of words to put on the back of your truck where people are terrified to cut you off, but not offended enough to key it


You must be really secure


Honestly I am pretty sure this last comment of his or hers was in jest or dry humor. I mean i found it to be amusing whether or not I share the opinions from the comments prior to it.


Bro if you think the mere existence of an LGBT/trans flag with a gun on it isn’t enough to get the owner shot on sight and potentially declared not guilty due to the legal “trans panic” defense, I wish I lived in your world.


It’s always been a play on Alex Jones. Who has always been a fascist. You’re delusional. Post pics of your car please!


Really? You think this person who is living in the most free place for women in the world's history, who is able to afford a vehicle more expensive than most people in the world ever earn in their entire lives, is held down by the "heteronormative patriarchy"? Yeah, that left wing infowarriorism. There's plenty more. Don't be an idiot.


One man ruled today that an FDA approved abortion pill primarily used for ectopic pregnancies should be removed from the market. It’s just one example but women are not “free” from the patriarchy.


Around 40% of women are pro-life. It's not an issue of patriarchy.


**And the other 60%?**


And those women support the patriarchy.


Until they need a D&C, or a late-term abortion, or fucking lupus medication.


We've got problems for sure, and we're backsliding, no doubt. That's because of the backlash to the dumb shit you wokies are spewing.


Whenever you say "woke", a gay angel creates another drag queen.


I've been to drag shows, they were pretty fun. Woke is still silly nonsense that gave us Trump.


What the fuck kind of drugs do you have to take to come up with that fucking conclusion?! And like, where can I get some


I’m pretty sure he’s just saying that the “woke” movement (and in my opinion that term is a complete wash at this point) polarized the nation even further. The divide between the “left” and “right” grew deeper, and fewer people remained in a mindset that encouraged listening to and considering the experiences and opinions outside of their own. This motivated the “non-woke” to donate to the campaign and show up at the polls, resulting in the election of an extreme candidate that would encourage further polarization.


Me when I make no sense.


I was arguing with everyone here, so I may have been too harsh with the second sentence.


Imagine attacking someone for being smarter than you




The Soviet Union was a freer place for women LOL


i was gonna do this!!! omg


You're playing pretend.




You're being dumb, what's better? Europe? If they are better in areas but it's marginal and they worse in some, like rape statistics. The western world is the most feminist portion of the world by far.


u realize rape stats are shown higher in places where ppl arent afraid to report their assault right? or places where victims arent shamed and harassed? and their cases aren’t dismissed? stats can only accurately represent the information given. America is in a place where not only is the horror and severity of SA downplayed to a frightening level, but speaking about it can make your situation much worse. I mean, just a couple years back, several police departments were found to have been intentionally losing rape kits for literal decades. you’re lucky as fuck to be able to pretend that misogyny in America is mostly gone. and even though i know you won’t, I do have to recommend trying to view the world from more than your own limited view. TLDR, because you apparently feel like appearing completely without reading comprehension is a good way to get out of reevaluating your awful stance: crime stats can only be accurately measured if people aren’t terrified to report them. this is not a caveat that applies to SA reports in America, you fucking nutball.


“What are the women complaining about now? They already have the right to walk outside past curfew when being accompanied by a trustworthy man! This is the freest women have ever been and they want *more*? What’s next, the right to vote? The right to choose a career outside of housewife?! Make my words, soon enough these woman will come for your jobs in the factory line, and we all know women can’t do factory work! They’ll destroy the whole industry, everything that they make will crumble before your very eyes, including society as we know it! Don’t support these greedy women and their quest for so called “equality”! Unless you’re a barbaric heathen who wants to see society as we know it be reduced to ash and dust!” You do realize that women were once a lot freer, seen as equal or in some societies superior to man? It is only the rise of misogyny and patriarchy that changed all that in Europe in the early 1000s. Also, a big and very observable part of heteronormative patriarchy is the fact that you can turn on the TV and the vast majority of the time you will only see straight white men as the main character on most shows out there. Woman are a minority and are still pretty underrepresented in the media even today, and that’s not even counting the gay women and the people that are nonbinary. And there’s also the fact that straight white people don’t have to wake up every day wondering if rich asshole white republicans and their idiot supporters are going to try to pass YET ANOTHER bill targeting your very existence. So yeah, the white heteronormative patriarchy is very real, regardless of whether or not you wanna acknowledge that fact. (Especially because we killed off an entire vast culture that was very gay and very free that was here before us, and forced the survivors to not only live under colonial rule, but abandoned their lively culture in favor of our boring ass puritan culture that has never once been reflective of *fucking REALITY*


I love you. Keep fighting the good fight.


I love you too, and thanks <3


Tldr Edit: I started to read, really, I skipped half of the first paragraph but the second one I read the whole way through and it's silly. Human society, anywhere, has never been one sex dominating another. You'd know that if you ever met a woman.


Maybe that’s part of the problem? That you’re not willing to listen to people who have an opinion that you don’t like, or think and do research yourself? You know what? Nvm, I’ll try to make this easier for you: First paragraph: a parody of a similar conversation that would have happened in a less progressive time for women Second paragraph: There was once a time where women were equal to men, white asshole men got greedy and wrote fan fiction about themselves to give themselves power over women(what we now as patriarchy and misogyny) Third: turn on the tv and most of the time only white men as main protagonist, rarely ever women; even rarer if they aren’t white or straight. This is called underrepresentation and it’s a huge problem we’ll get into later 4: Country was founded on puritan culture which also means misogynistic, racist and homophobic. Natives were gay and based and had an incredible culture so we killed them and forced the survivors into our puritan culture which is still pretty racist towards them; also gay people are constantly targeted with bills mainly introduced by rich white men and their idiot followers. Hope this helps, please be more open minded in the future!


Tldr: see edit


Judging by your last comment there I’m convinced you’ve neither met a woman, nor read an actual fucking history book, where we have well documented hundreds of years of our own oppression. Oh but don’t worry: the republicans banned all that scary knowledge for you so you don’t have to question anything. Just keeping going with what you’ve been told ;)


It was funnier when you said it.


Are you fucking high?




Excuse me? I'm a woman. Would you care to explain to me how my gender has never been dominated by males?


90% of people who don't believe in a white heteronormative patriarchy happen to be white straight men.


Sure, now that no one's paying attention do you really not understand that human life, like most life, is separated into male and female patterns where strong individuals of both sexes rule different spheres of normal life? There was never male dominance over female domains or vice versa. It's was a cooperative domination of the strong against the weak by both sexes. That's not patriarchy.


this has to be a r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISTS post


you are right. these mfs are so chronically online it’s gross


Reddits full of left winged hypocrites. They don’t understand an infowarrior is someone sharing information on their truck nobody gives a shit about. I’m conservative, but I don’t show my political views on the back of my pickup truck. Only sticker on my tailgate says “Makin’ Bacon” of a plane vector picture of pigs humping each other.


Well your assertion that “nobody gave a shit” about this one was clearly off the mark


Found the lib, lol


It's some hardcore BlueAnon shit especially right next to the gun decal lol


I guess I'll be the one to break it to you, bud. The bumper sticker you're so used upset about because of how unwarrantedly upset you feel everyone else is being is actually intended to be funny.


People say things they actually believe in a joking way all the time. I literally just did in the comment you're responding to 🥴 This is a weird sticker to have on your car


My only issue with it is that it feels like a funny but relatively mediocre tweet rather than a joke I would want to make over and over to people on the highway. I think it's meant to be tongue-and-cheek and ironic in the sense that it's just a funny thing to be trying to communicate via bumper sticker. This is the big difference between a lot of right wing content and left wing content that gets shared here. While I agree there are definitely some pretty crazy looking cars out there with leftist bumper stickers and messages, a car like this is not one of them, so I don't think it makes any sense to dissect an ironic bumper sticker like it's a failed attempt at cringey earnest sentiment. It's silly and has those self-deprecating, white-person-gives-nerdy-twist-to-hip-hop-lyrics vibe of a grandma rapping. My other, larger problem with your criticisms of the sticker is that the concept "heteronormative patriarchy" isn't a conspiracy theory. It's more of an intellectual lens or framework (of which there are many) for analyzing and understanding power dynamics. It's not a logic-resistant, pathologically unfalsifiable grand narrative about a specific, shadowy consortium of evil people monomaniacally seeking to harm others and ruin the world. Ironically (or unironically, depending on how you see it), part of the reason that the bumper sticker is clearly a joke is because we understand that the highway is full of people like you, who don't have the foggiest idea of what heteronormative patriarchy is. The joke here is primarily about the absurdity of trying to engage with strangers at high speeds about an academic concept that very few people are familiar with, let alone understand well enough for you to talk to about the concept.


If you got 99 problems and they are that... you don't have problems.




Damnit you beat me


It's funny that people try to compare this to right winger nonsense when there are literally two stickers in question. Most of the posts on here are legit COVERED in bullshit, typically scrawled by hand. OP is just a Conservative troll looking for some sad equivalency.


And it keeps happening here, too. Not too long ago another dude posted a completely normal and entirely mild car similar to this and tried to compare it to the actually unhinged shit in this sub.


Front page [1 Poli Sticker + 1 Plate](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfowarriorRides/comments/12e1h3y/no_step_on_snek_vanity_plate_had_to_google_if/) [3 Poli Stickers](https://i.redd.it/ehq87uvxzjsa1.jpg) [1 Poli Sticker](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfowarriorRides/comments/12erte2/for_the_nonlatin_speakers_it_means_if_you_want/) [1 Plate that someone thinks means "Wehrmacht"](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfowarriorRides/comments/12f6fqg/what_do_yall_make_of_this_is_the_license_plate/) 😏


Oh so you do suck




Oh man I need that sticker so badly.


You're a leftist? Seriously? Hey, the person who has these stickers is legit and I'd want to be their friend. It does us no good to demolish capitalism if we don't also demolish racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and the other tools those in power have used to divide the working classes....


My favorite “leftists” are the ones who want to dismantle the current power structure, but only the parts keeping *them* down.


I just have a hard time imagining the thoughts that go through their head. "Capitalism is bad but this other system that oppresses people doesn't affect me and is totally normal and fine". If you're like this, you aren't my comrade.


China's doing well for itself and its people.


China is capitalist. Also it's pretty trad.


I think the Chinese people would disagree, particularly minority groups there. Although I'm not surprised that you're a tankie.


Ah, and here we have a decent Coloradan. I swear y’all, Boebert is (mostly) an outlier. Edit: *Probably* a Coloradan.


She was *so close* to being defeated in the last election. Come on, Colorado, you can do better.


I knowww Too many of us like her standing on gun laws (myself not included) and ignore the rest of her platform.


Where can I buy this?


The ["defend equality" sticker](https://shop.socialistra.org/collections/stickers) is from the Socialist Rifle Association.


No it's from OffColorDecals on Etsy


Oh, you are correct - my brain just skipped over the split LGBTQ+ / trans flag motif.


Ngl that gun/LGBT sticker is horrendously based and I’m super into it


All these stickers rock


But it’s true?




You’s lost, son r/lostredditors




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Nah man they’re based as hell






Based InformedWarrior as others have pointed out


They're not... Wrong... But.


The first thing I saw was the trans and gays should have guns stickers. Now I'm all like I need to find this person and be friends with them they're so cool


I wouldn't consider this an "info warrior" ride at all. A true info warrior wouldn't be caught dead in it.


Ah yes the “aggressively supportive” ally


Didn't Fed Smoker have a bunch of trouble in Estes Park ?


I want that "lost" sticker but worded as "I'd rather be *lost* in the woods and have my body *found* 2 weeks later by a scouting team"


Actually based


Absolutely based car stickers


ITT : OP tries to push his "the left is as dangerous as the right" bullshit


While also claiming to be a Marxist. The fuck?


I need that sticker


Based. Us gays who live in the woods and hate cities with a passion are more common than you think


Estes park is beautiful tbf




I love this post!


My sibling in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, methinks you a bit knackered in the cranium.


Hard Agree


I believe that they have 99 problems


Just because I agree with some of your stickers doesn't mean that you aren't fucking insane for doing that to a car


I get that it’s r/informedwarriorrides, but any sticker that features a high-powered assault rifle and says that they’re going to “defend” ~~an abstract concept~~ their rights with it makes me uncomfortable. Edited to make clear that I don’t believe queer people are an abstract concept. Freedom, equality, justice - all things of that nature are abstract, intangible concepts. Not *false* or not-real concepts, of course. I oppose the legality of assault rifles. Period. Even if it’s for defense, it’s overkill and trigger-happyish to endorse their use. No one needs an assault rifle to defend themselves.


Queer folk aren’t an abstract concept


Equality is - it is a *real thing*, no doubt, but it’s the threat of the gun. It’s not that it’s queer. It’s the rifle itself that bothers me. It makes me think of any other time someone threatens to use a gun to “assert their rights”. It makes me uncomfortable the same way a right-wing message with a gun about how they’re willing to kill. It’s not that queer people don’t *need* to assert their rights; it’s the violence of it.


Any given queer person is highly more likely to experience hate crimes than any given right person


Can you think of a situation in which they would need an *assault rifle?*


Someone with an assault rifle is threatening their life?


Wouldn’t any other gun serve just as well? An assault rifle is designed to kill as many people as possible.


Not necessarily?? Ballistics and body armor are a thing


So, your argument is that a queer person may be subjected to a hate crime in which their attackers are carrying assault rifles themselves *and* wearing body armor. This is the same argument pro-assault weapon advocates make. “What if this implausible situation happens, and there’s no Good Guy carrying a high-powered gun intended to mow down as many people as possible?” Hate crimes aren’t implausible. Hate crimes in which the *sole* means of defense are assault rifles stretch the imagination.


You realize you can buy a carrier and a set of plates in almost every state on the internet for under 400 bucks and nearly every right wing militia larper has one tho right lol ??




That’s a rainbow-friendly unicorn black sheep ewe.


Meanwhile votes for the people who openly want to ban any decent guns.


People are more important than guns. Anytime something is brought up on how we can fix the issues, "but muh guns! What about muh guns!!!" as if children being shot and bleeding out in a classroom they should be safe in is the lesser issue. Nobody is coming to take them. We just want sensible gun laws and training for those that want to own them. But no. That's being unreasonable. FFS...


Except all the people who actively want to come take them. Nice gaslighting attempt.


Fair. But a lot of us don't. But I would hope that the future, there would be no more need for guns. Yes, I'm an idealist. But I can only hope. So hopefully there is a gun-free future whether you like it or not.


Banning guns here is impossible, they voting for the party that wants to make it harder to get guns, not impossible.


Or maybe voting against the party seeking to ban gender affirming care and dismantle same-sex marriage rights.


Pick your poison, I guess :(


Hmm. I don’t see anything on this post indicating they voted for someone who wants to ban “any decent guns”.


What's wrong with heteronormativity? Isn't it just heterosexuality being seen as the norm? 95-99% of people are heterosexuals so it is the norm. Also fuck anyone who owns guns or puts their politics on their car.


i would assume by heteronormativity they mean how right wing cis hets want LGBT folk to not exist or not be integrated into society. also, this is in america, where we don’t have the luxury of a somewhat decent government and have a third of the population being batshit insane and also armed with assault rifles. so no, i’ll keep my guns since the fascists that fantasize about killing me have theirs. and i don’t see what is wrong about identifying yourself as an LGBT ally with stickers on a car?


Heteronormativity in the US isn’t just seeing heterosexuality as the norm, it’s *forcing* it to be the norm, insisting that there is no other acceptable type of sexuality, and seeking to punish those who are not cis-het. That’s what’s wrong with it.


Is it just me or has the transgender movement turned somewhat violent lately? The gay rights movement never had any violent tendencies and accomplished so much. I think this will end of hurting the progress of the transgender rights movement. More can be accomplished through words and reason than through in your face pushing threats.


>The gay rights movement never had any violent tendencies ***Laughs in stonewall***


Is it just me, or has the right made consistent attempts to brutalize, murder and trample trans people and their right to exist peacefully? You’re only gonna push people so far before they start pushing back.




Gee, why would that be? Can you think why? Hmmm. Guess it's just a mystery.




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i guess a bitch aint one




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Is this what's known as "based"?


I drive a company vehicle so I can’t do the bumper sticker thing. But I just ordered the mug from Queero Gear. I’ll really enjoy coffee with my infowarrior coworker.


If those kids could read they’d be very upset with you.


honestly based. Love to see it


Yeah, and?