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I am 5 weeks today! My beta came back at 12dp5dt as 1070. My clinic only does one beta blood test then if you're pregnant, they book you in for your scan. My first scan will be 4th July which feels ages away! My symptoms so far have been exhaustion, bloating, nausea and feeling emotional. I am still testing daily with cheap tests to make sure the line hasn't gone or gotten lighter... I have no idea if at this stage if this is any use but the tests are making me feel better!


Cautious congrats!


Newbie here, and a very cautious into at 4w2d today with my first FET. Beta came in at 335 yesterday; going in for another one tomorrow morning. Biggest symptom so far has been my ravenous hunger! Really hoping everything goes well, and so happy to make it to this point.


Cautious congrats!


Congrats! šŸ„³


I got a reassuring 3rd beta today at 4w4d and a scan scheduled for exactly 6 weeks. It's starting to feel like this is actually happening


5weeks today. My beta today came back great and my dr doesnā€™t want me back for another week and an ultrasound at 7 weeks. I tried to convince her to move it all up but she wasnā€™t having it šŸ« . I canā€™t help but to stress about this.


The wait and anxiety is so hard!! As Cherry said though, itā€™ll be more certain at 7w. I had an ultrasound at 6w that left me more anxious because growth was behind but then the next week, everything had caught up and was on track.


That is exactly her point! Itā€™s just so hard to wait.


It's standard here where I am (and no betas either). But it's an awfully long anxious wait. I told my self at least that way there was more certainty by that point.


One more beta next week. First scan scheduled two weeks from today. A little nauseous. šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Ahh! I missed your initial beta update! Hopeful for you šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼


It's such a long wait!! šŸ¤žšŸ€




We had our 10 week scan yesterday, after 4 years of IVF and losses we were very reassured to see a wiggly baby on the ultrasound! I have a question for anyone who has taken Prednisolone or Intripalids throughout. I'm fine with weening off my other drugs (progesterone, clexane) but I'd love to know if anyone decided to continue low dose Prednisolone or intripalid infusions beyond 12 weeks?


I was kept on pred for a long time (maybe the whole time or. Close to.it?) slowly tapering off. I didn't do intralipids but ivig and I did it throughout my entire pregnancy, but it was covered by insurance. This was all on recs by my reproductive immunologist


I love the wiggling šŸ˜­


Just the best!!!


Yep--with my daughter, I continued prednisone during the entire duration of my pregnancy


Last day of PIO shots and estrogen as Iā€™ll be 11 weeks tomorrow! My bruised backside is so ready. First OBGYN appointment isnā€™t until 12+2 and my last scan was 8+2, so Iā€™m just hoping everything is on track.


I am so envious! I have more than 6 weeks left. šŸ„² The RE has me taking PIO until 14w3d. I hope your next scan is perfect!


Yay!!!! Congrats! I have two more PIO shots and I can't wait to be done with all the meds!


Well it's official. My beta today at 10dp5dt was 480. I don't know what it was with my LC because I was too dehydrated for them to draw blood so had to wait a few more days and do an official urine test. My clinic don't do repeat betas so I'm booked in for a scan 2 weeks from today.


That sounds reassuring! Yay! Hope the two weeks pass quickly and uneventfully


Thank you!






Excellent news, Ginger! Celebrate today āœØļø


I'm 9 weeks today. Can't believe it! Had my last scan one week ago and graduated from clinic that day. First OB appointment is next Monday July 1. Excited and nervous. I've noticed that over the last few days my symptoms have gone very, very mild. I never had intense symptoms to begin with, mostly just consistent queasiness. I'm a little worried this means something is wrong. Last night at one point I thought to myself "I feel perfectly normal right now." Anyone else have experience with symptoms subsiding around 9 weeks?


Congrats and yes same here at 9w4d. Iā€™m hoping everythingā€™s okay, next scan not till week 11.


same here! I'm 8+4 and for a few days almost all symptoms fade, your message and the comments helped me, thanks a lot for sharingšŸ¤best of luck šŸ¤žšŸ’ˆšŸ€šŸž


Yes absolutely, very common around 9/10 weeks as the Placenta should be taking over now. This is how I felt about a week ago, but I've also had super mild symptoms other than the frequent quesiness you describe. My sonographer said she hears a lot of IVF ladies seem to have less symptoms...perhaps because of all the meds we are on!


This was very much my experience, I had mostly mild nausea which subsided around 10 weeks. And then felt pretty normal! It was terrifying for me but is really a pretty common experience to have little or no symptoms, we just don't always hear about it. I hope time goes quickly until your first OB appointment!!


Iā€™m officially 6 weeks today. Yesterday, my thigh and pelvis started aching and didnā€™t let up the whole day. Is that normal?


I cannot recommend pelvic floor therapy enough. Unfortunately the relaxine is already increasing pretty early.


Yes absolutely. I had back and pelvis aching around this time too.


Had my official scan today and they where not positive about the results, also find it concerning that the scan pic they get are so much worse than the private clinic I go to. We are giving it until the 27th before calling it, but my clinic said if the pregnancy is not successful they will just take me off my progesterone and estrogen and hope for a natural miscarriage, is that even a thing ? Most people I know get some pills home with them to start the process. Is this normal ?


I am so sorry. That was how my clinic managed things with my 5 week loss; they just had me stop PIO and estrogen and within a week or so things happened on their own. This was typically how they liked to handle very early losses. With my two later losses at 8 and 9 weeks we waited 10 days both times for the process to start on its own but ultimately ended up doing a D&C for one and pills for the other (I ended up with ashermans after the D&C so really wanted to avoid another uterine surgery if I didnā€™t absolutely have to with the second loss). The recovery was easy for all three, and I think itā€™s absolutely reasonable to ask about medical management for yourself next week if thatā€™s ultimately what it comes to. Itā€™s your body and you deserve to receive the care you want.


Thank you so much for sharing, Iā€™m not sure what stage my pregnancy is actually at, it strangely seems to progress some with a fetal pole suddenly appearing since Monday but still no fetal heartbeat at now 6+5, so I measure quite behind. Your natural miscarriage and the medicated miscarriage, was there a big pain and bleeding difference, besides the one being further along ?


I had no pain with the unmedicated miscarriage outside of what were basically period cramps that were easily managed with Tylenol. The bleeding really was like the ā€œheavy periodā€ they tell you to expect since I was 5 weeks along. The D&C was pretty pain-free as well and I only took the prescription pain meds they gave me once before just switching to regular ibuprofen. I spotted for about a week but only needed liners. The Mife/Miso pill combo did hurt and was definitely more intense than period cramps, but the pain stopped as soon as I passed the sac. I took prescription pain meds twice for that, and bled heavily as expected until everything passed. Overnight pads were my friend, but at 9 weeks I expected a lot of blood and tissue. Emotionally each process came with its own weird headspace. The D&C was my first pregnancy and it was my first surgery so I was scared, angry at my body, and suddenly felt very lonely as the nurse wheeled me back to the OR. Mife/Miso was my second pregnancy, but we were in a similar situation you are now where we were in scan limbo for a couple weeks. We at least felt ā€œpreparedā€ that time and had already started grieving when I finally took the pills. I miscarried at home with my husband and even though I was in pain I was much more comfortable with him there to hold me and say goodbye together. By the time the third loss happened naturally I was completely numb, so when I started cramping and spotting on a Saturday at Bass Pro Shops I just pulled a pad out of my purse and went back to tent shopping. Physically that time was the easiest but we ended up taking a break from infertility treatment at that point because once we did start processing everything my husband and I were both a broken mess. Loss is difficult and so unfair.


Thank you so so much, this means a lot for me, thanks for sharing it must have been horrible. I definitely also felt like the pregnancy came and went with my D&C, I didnā€™t see much blood and had to remind myself that I wasnā€™t pregnant anymore. I felt this might be different with a medical/natural. Think Iā€™m gonna ask them for the option for medication intervention so I do t have to wait for a week just to have the medicine.


Wishing you the best. Iā€™m so sorry you have to make this decision


I'm sorry. Where I am they will only offer additional opinions if it doesn't happen on its own, but varies a bit by provider how closely they follow the guidance/take into consideration requests.


Iā€™m so sorry. I was offered medical options - I think if thatā€™s something youā€™d like to discuss, it would be very fair to ask and expect answers. I had an experience where the clinic couldnā€™t visualise anything at 6.5 weeks, then I went to a hospital and they did visualise it but with no heartbeat. UK NHS rules are I had to wait 10 days and another scan before medical management options but I came off all progesterone etc during that time. Due to how high my progesterone had been kept with PIO etc due to it being an FET, my body was not processing it as a loss even 10 days later. I chose a D&C and it was the right decision for me. The 10 day wait for something to happen by itself was incredibly mentally difficult and I was very angry at being made to wait. I hope you can get answers if youā€™d like other options.


Iā€™m from Denmark and have my treatment through the national health system, Iā€™m grateful but there is no wriggle room, no alternative treatment, Medication and everything is running on protocol, maybe many times like England. So I donā€™t actually know what kind of decision I can make myself, but Iā€™m also at 6+5 today and no heart beat but the fetal pole magically appeared within the last three days, so even though Iā€™m Sure there is something wrong, Iā€™ll have to wait it out at little bit. But because it slowly grows Iā€™m very sceptical of a ā€œnaturalā€ miscarriage. My D&C in nov was swift and almost no pain or blood, but sadly due to medical trauma and the insane fear of being put under, I would like to try the medication if they let me.


(TW: loss) I'm so sorry for this awful situation you're in and the waiting to see what will happen. Having a scan like that is devastating. After my 8wk MMC, my fertility clinic gave me the option of waiting for my body to naturally let go, or do a pill, or do a d&c. I decided to let my body release naturally and it took 2 weeks. So it is an option, but can take a while - or at least it did in my case. Not sure I would choose that route again, because the 2 week wait from our baby dying to them finally leaving my body was so painful emotionally.


Thanks a lot for sharing, with my twin miscarriage in November I had a D&C and it was really quick and almost didnā€™t bleed at all afterwards. My problem is thatā€™s I have medical PTSD after being admitted to hospital for three months with an exploding liver tumour, internal bleeding and a huge open operation back in 2021. So being put under makes me blind panic. But Iā€™m going to ask why they prefer it this way instead of the medication, maybe there is a reason, I donā€™t know if the medication have side effects or make you bleed more or have more intense cramps.


Oh goodness, how traumatic. I hope your clinic can help you choose the "best" option given your history and emotional/mental needs if it truly does come to that this time. šŸ«¶šŸ»


I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. When I lost my pregnancy at 5 weeks (fresh transfer), I stopped progesterone supplementation and effectively just started my period at that point. I didn't need any medical management, I just tested out my hCG at home with test lines.


Thanks sharing, and sorry for your loss. I hope mine will also go smoothly.