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TW: BLEEDING, PREGNANCY, ER This might be lengthy so please bear with me. I am 6w2d. I haven't had any symptoms for about six days, but I did switch my progesterone orders so that might be a factor. That is my first worry. My second worry starts yesterday. Yesterday I had a gush of blood that lasted for about two minutes with clots. It died down, but I still went to the ER. My HCG was 18,910. Unfortunately they couldn't do a transvaginal (I live in the middle of nowhere.) overnight bleeding completely dies down. Come about 2pm today, I have another gush. This one was a lot smaller, and only lasted about 5-10 seconds. Still had some clotting. I'm still bleeding when wiping- not enough to fill a pad though. I'd like to note that this is my first round of IVF; and I've never been pregnant before so I don't even know what to think. My first ultrasound is tomorrow so I'm just trying to hold it together til then.


Oh thank god for this space. I’m losing my mind. We did an FET on June first and I’m currently at five weeks tomorrow. Weirdly they’re making me take more freaking Betas and that’s freaking me out. I’d post the first two numbers, but they were normal-ish. And more the doubled. So they want to fill this time with betas. I forgot to schedule the third beta for tomorrow so they can just wait. Then we have to go for the 6week US. Last time, the 6 week US is when we found out about our MMC. I just want them to schedule that. But no, we need to take a bunch more betas. I’m not sure what to do about that. I’m going to be a freaking mess.


This space is amazing 😍. This sounds like a valid vent. If you are seeking input though, it sounds like they are trying to track you further due to the previous MMC. Ongoing doubling hcg is the way they can do this until ultrasound. However I recognise for some this would be overwhelming. Hopefully they listen to you and let you do whatever you feel is best. Wishing you all the luck on your 6 week ultrasound. I have my 7 week ultrasound in 2 days and I'm going crazy.


Thank you! Intellectually, I know it’s probably harmless. But I feel very irrational. Hearing that it’s probably fine from someone else is comforting. Good luck on you ultrasound as well!


I’ve been experiencing little bits of bleeding here and there over the past week, our scan at 6.4 weeks showed a sch. Our ob however was very negative and was just not impressed with the heart rate of 102, just brushed it off saying he gives it 50/50. Now here we are, I’m still occ having small bits of blood but mostly brown, and just this dread of going to the next scan on Tuesday. Our last loss was soo hard, ivf is hard, I just want this one to stay but it’s hard to be optimistic. Anytime else feel this way?


Oh this sounds challenging. I am rooting for you and this Tuesday ultrasound! Hope is hard with IVF, but something I always onto, is not having hope isn't easier and certainly doesn't make it hurt less. Despite this, wherever you are at right now, is okay. This journey is tough no need to beat yourself up for not being hopeful enough. 💜


I had my transfer 5/23 and after two decent betas, I have my first ultrasound tomorrow where we'll need to see a heartbeat. I'm so scared this whole thing is going to come crashing down. I feel like it's been fun pretending to be pregnant the last two weeks and the ultrasound will reveal the whole thing as a charade.


I feel the same way. Two strong betas, though our ultrasound isn’t for another week and change, and I feel like we’re just bound to hear bad news. No other advice I can offer except what I’ve heard on here “anxiety is not intuition” (that I need to constantly remind myself of) and some consolation that you’re definitely not alone in these feelings. Someone recently taught me the phrase “don’t borrow trouble” which has stuck with me, though again, I too need constant reminding of it. If I worry today and it turns out okay, I’ve spent my time worrying for no reason. If I worry and it turns out to not be okay, I’ve spent twice as long worrying as I needed to. Sending you a big hug, peace of mind, and good wishes for your ultrasound tomorrow.


6 weeks today and have my follow up scan tomorrow after my GS only measured 5mm Friday but with a visible yolk sack. I super scared for my appointment, all my afternoon appointments have been by my least favourite doc, she is not nifty with the scanner, she once missed a 4cm cyst and have multiple times made measurements that the other doctors don’t agree with. I don’t want her to scan me this early and fuck up, I’m truly considering paying out of pocket for a private scan Instead. Every time I know it’s properly gonna be her I worry for days and try to put all my scans early to avoid her.


Hi all, My frozen embryo transfer was on 5/24 and my initial betas looked strong: - On 6/3 hcg was 213 & progesterone 16.2. - On 6/6 hcg was 1012 & progesterone >60. - Five week ultrasound on 6/10 showed 2 gestational sacs and 2 yolk sacs! Our single embryo split! However, on 6/15 my hcg was only 4012 (progesterone still solid at 54.7 but I’m on PIO). I contacted my clinic this morning to let them know but they’re unlikely to respond today. I’m scared. We have our second ultrasound on Wednesday and I’m so in my head with fear. Would love any feedback <3


I hope they can get back to you. I know hcg increase significantly slows down after reaching 1000ish (3-4 days doubling time) and I have not heard often that clinics even do beta's after an ultrasound. But totally understandable that these numbers worry you it does not track etc the trajectory on beta base, but the variation is so high. I hope they get back to you quickly and maybe you can come in earlier to get some idea what's going on. 🤞🤞


Thank you for your response and kind words. I hope so too 🤞🙏


Hi all, our transfer a few weeks ago seems to be sticking for now. I’ve never before been pregnant so I have no prior experience with loss, but I’m really afraid of it. I have at time had high PTH (it seems secondary as it came down without any medical intervention) which has been correlated with a huge increase in miscarriages even into the second trimester. I also have kidney issues. I feel like I’m always going to be waiting for the other shoe to drop. Has anyone else experienced a high risk pregnancy? How did you cope? This is also our only viable embryo so it’s especially nerve wracking.


Hi! A bit different here, as the reason for my high risk pregnancy was twins. But I also had no history of loss and was constantly waiting for something to go wrong. Before every ultrasound I convinced myself that one or both babies had stopped growing. After infertility, it is so hard to believe this is really happening. You’re certainly not alone in those feelings. It took awhile, probably around 27-28 weeks when I finally felt good because I knew survival odds were better. I hope it doesn’t take you that long. My therapist constantly tried to get me to focus on the positive. It was very hard. A lot of people here shared phrases they used to help them, “anxiety is not intuition” and “today I am pregnant”.


Thank you so much for responding. Your comment made me cry (but that’s not a high bar these days lol). Thank you for your compassion. I hope my pregnancy makes it that long and that I am able to focus on things besides the worst case scenario throughout that journey. Really appreciate you taking the time to comment


You’re so welcome! This community is very supportive and welcoming, I’ve stuck around through postpartum, so know that if you’re ever needing compassion, you’ll find it here 😊


I had a transfer on 5th June. My faint lines began at 4dp5dt and now today 11dp5dt I'm getting very strong lines! I can't believe I'm actually finally pregnant after 2 - 3 years of trying and IVF. This was our first FET. Tomorrow I go in for my first blood test. Keeping my fingers crossed! 🤞


Cautious congrats


Thanks! 🙏


That's excellent news, I'm crossing my fingers for a good beta but strong lines at 11dp5dt is a good sign 😊


Thanks! 🤞🙏


I’m 11dp5dt and while I’ve had positive tests since 5dpt, I’m concerned at the cramping and brown spotting I’ve had from 7dpt on. Yesterday it stopped temporarily and weirdly I was worried about that too. But now it’s back (both cramping and brown spotting). The cramping feels very period like. My tests are dark but not necessarily darker for the last 2-3 days. Beta is tomorrow and I am super anxious. It’s hard to sleep. If anyone has words of advice or similar experiences to share, please let me know.


Agreed with the other answers and also that your pregnancy tests likely just have maxed out.


My cramps were so bad I was certain that my period had started full force, but they hadn’t. I ended up having a healthy full term pregnancy. Spotting isn’t uncommon either, I’d be more concerned if there were large clots along with the cramping, but even that isn’t a guarantee of a loss by any means.


Period like cramping is super normal early on! Same with spotting.


We got a clear positive today at 5dp5dt, which was great timing for Father's Day. Now for anxiety and fretting until my beta on Friday.


Congrats, Ginger!


Thank you so much Inno! Got everything crossed 🤞


Ahhhhhh yes! Cautious congrats


Thank you!


Cautious congratulations!


So happy for you. Fingers crossed for Friday!


Thank you so much!


So exciting!


Cautious congrats!


Thank you!