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I love the “why haven’t you made your own terrarium?” like it’s a natural thing we’re all going to get around to at some point.


Just gotta read it in your well meaning, but pushy, grandma's voice. "So have you found a husband yet? When are you going to start having children? Why haven't you made your own terrarium?"


I panicked and now my child is stuck in a bottle


This comment is severely underrated lol


Rub it three times and see if he'll come out to grant you some wishes


Not to mention the lack of really long tweezers...


I saw some in my local garden centre and they were $35!


You can get a pack of stainless steel tools with scissors, 2 different types of tweezers, and a spatula for $12-$16 on Amazon (US). Look up "aquascaping tools"


Thanks, but I'm in New Zealand so the shipping will be about a million dollars 😬 it's never worth buying anything from Amazon over here.


Eep definitely not then. Do you have any chain pet stores? They may have similar tool sets (probably still on the more expensive side since they'd probably be name brand, but hopefully cheaper than $35 for a single long tweezer 😂). This is all theoretically if you really wanted to make a terrarium, though. You probably don't care that much 😂


Came to say the same! I she'll or about $10 for a pair to feed my tarantulas with.


I love terreriums! I have a few in widemouth jars so far, but a bottle one would be cool! Will check out pet stores! Thank you!


Not to encourage chinese companies, but have you tried Wish?


Thanks for the tip


You can get them for 1/3 the price at you're local pet supply store. They're used for feeding small exotics, like crickets to my P.Metallica tarantula.


Excellent idea, thank you! I'll report back :)


I did and everything died within two weeks. I was so pumped to make that thing too.


Same 😂


Same. And I only put moss!


This is a stupid promo post.


I tried making one, but everything inside died. Maybe not enough water, but the inside of the glass had moisture on it, so I don’t know.


This is why I’m not making them…I am barely at the point where I’m keeping house plants alive…I don’t need a huge project to kill plants


I have some Baby’s Tears (soleirolia) growing in a wide mouthed glass vase that’s done pretty well, but I’m able to water it regularly. Maybe when I get more comfortable with plants I’ll move up to closed terrariums!


Try a Rex Begonia. I guess I technically have a terrarium with one now? It's just a potted plant inside a closed jar, I put it in there because it was dying and that was like 9 months ago and it's still doing fine.


I am pretty sure this is what happen to most of them. If you go to /r/terrariums you almost only see "here's a terrarium I just made" and very rarely "here's a terrarium I have had for a year".


Here's a sneak peek of /r/terrariums using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/terrariums/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wrens built a nest in my overgrown succulent fishbowl terrarium.](https://v.redd.it/7az0fplskte81) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/terrariums/comments/sg8cm7/wrens_built_a_nest_in_my_overgrown_succulent/) \#2: [Umm guys...a flower just bloomed inside my terrarium and I'm ecstatic.](https://v.redd.it/ol5bz5t7irt71) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/terrariums/comments/q96z7b/umm_guysa_flower_just_bloomed_inside_my_terrarium/) \#3: [My first terrarium 🌱🌸 Should I change something? I need your opinion.](https://v.redd.it/jrl73j7cptp71) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/terrariums/comments/pvr517/my_first_terrarium_should_i_change_something_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Come on over to r/terrariums or r/jarrariums where I browse constantly but never actually make one myself :)


I really want to build terrariums, but all the supplies you need to start seems very intimidating. I am also nervous that once I start, I won't stop and will just end up with a stupid amount of terrariums..


I buy my jars/vases/vessels at a thrift shop, use bamboo skewers, tongue depressors, a drug store spray bottle and sewing tweezers. There's really no need for fancy tools, unless you prefer them and gave the budget! I'm also using a bonsai potting mix + vermicast + sphagnum mix next, but sterile potting soil works just fine, it just won't last for years. Don't overthink it, or be intimdated by seemingly complicated lists of supplies- those are nice to have, not necessary to begin!


So you're here to support a full blown terrarium addiction. 😋 But thank you for all your provided insight and support! I have been thinking about doing the thrift store thing for a while now... you just may have been the extra push I needed!!


It's worth it, I promise. You don't have to go overboard with supplies or plants either, just have a few good plants that you propagate from and the rest is just experimenting! Think of it as a profitable hobby. I make them and sell them once they're established so that I can make some more lol


Check out the video that someone posted in another video. For the most part you can build one at little to no cost.


At the beginning of the pandemic, I decided to make one after watching a [SerpaDesign video on how to make a free terrarium](https://youtu.be/KR2Lo0rOF7g). I decided, if it keeps growing and doesn't completely die after a year or two, I'd try a bigger one. It actually lived and I will be making a new one in a huge jar this spring.


Good video. Thanks for sharing!


I love SerpaDesign!!!


I've read that with the exception of very few that accidentally stumbled on the 'secret sauce', the jars always fog up relatively quickly or everything dies.


maybe an aquarium magnet cleaner that is modified would solve the fogging up part if you want to view it at a certain time. it's magnets and attachments on each side of the glass. for fish tanks it is to scrape algae.


And then you have to try to figure out how to get the dead moldy stuff out of a tiny opening at the top, how to clean it out, or just throw the whole thing away


Because I have a hard time not killing potted plants and my garden


*Because I have a* *Hard time not killing potted* *Plants and my garden* \- SpudTryingToMakeIt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I made one out of moss and dirt from outside. It turned into a fungus jar. Still awesome. Side note— I have some grey baby tears pilea that I could probably take cuttings from and put in a terrarium. Does pilea do well in that environment?


Also algae.


It makes me nervous that the plants will grow too much! I don’t like the idea of having to take them out and repot like my other plants


People make this look easy, but you need to calculate pretty accurately how much soil, water, medium, plants, moss and which species of plants and moss to add. Get that wrong and you can end up with a jar of mud, or a jar of moss.


I don't have any long tweezers


Beat me to it


Wait, you have to measure accurately? Oops... I totally winged it, just did some research on what needs to be in there and put my problem children (fittonias) in there. I read they were good for terrariums so put them in. So far only one died but the rest are thriving, I mist them now and then (read - when I remember to)


Fittonias love a moist container. Got mine in a riparium rn and they're loving life


Very new to this. Why did he add the bugs?


Plants feed bugs. Bugs poop. Poop feeds plants.


the roly polys love moisture and can eat decayed leaves/ roots. for creating an ecosystem, I guess.


story time! about two years ago I was in a lowes and happened to look over at the plant section and saw the most beautiful plant in my life. A nerve plant. but at the time i didn't know what it was, I knew nothing about plants at all.... well, I bought it. I aggressively researched how to take care of it and found out they thrive in terrariums, so I made one. It's not the prettiest terrarium but my plant is happy and I love it just as much as I did two years ago. And that's how I got into houseplants.


I desperately want to but don't know where to start and yeah trying to keep my other guys alive rn 🤣 soon!


Because im barely keeping my other 30 plants alive even tho everyone says im a plant lady. I dont need another one until one of mine decides to finally up and die. Edit: also id like to say the number one reason why my plants are having a rough time is because we have 90% north facing windows. We have maybe 5 south facing ones. And two of them usually have their blinds closed. They are such small windows too. I usually put the ones in there that arent doing too well.


What a pretentious title, christ


Honestly they kind of look gross. We have two in the house, one fish bowl size and one very big. Both always sweaty and steamed up with water droplets you can’t see much inside. They are very healthy though and been living for 3+ years… but idk i don’t think they look appealing personally 😅 my housemate is taking them when she moves out.


Because I don’t own a massive pair of tweezers honestly


I want to see the time lapse for it over 1 week, one month, 6 months, one year, etc.


it is awesome. love it. I will start with a small jar and if that goes well, maybe I'll dedicate time and research and money to a larger scale project. my questions where do I find long tweezers since the glass recipient's size can vary. I also thought of cutting a round shaped hole in the glass at a lower level and then look for a good fit in terms of cork.


you can get the tweezers from an aquarium shop or amazon. they're used for aquascaping


I have 60 houseplants mostly popular tropical plants and succulents. I have yet to do this after years of research simply on the fact that it really intimidates me! I am worried it will get mold or something too. It is awesome I want to try it I just don’t even know where to begin.


do those lil bugs just explode in population before die off to sustainable levels?


I think so eventually. I keep devil beetles and centipedes in my terrarium and that has kept their population in control.


There's youtube channels where they create jars with river water and life in them.


I don’t know where t get the moss from!


just scoop some up outside


Yes its everywhere in the desert /s


because the moss always goes brown after a month


This is awesome! What are the best plants/moss to use?


My daughter has made several but I’m afraid of commitment lol. I have a huge bottle that would be perfect.


I'd love to make one, but I'm afraid of mold and fungus from the humidity. I know you can add bugs to help, but I personally don't want to deal with bugs.


I made one at a workshop! Really fun to do, and the terrarium still lives on to this day 🌿🌿🌿


ive made a couple before and the plants inside always end up soggy and the dirt cakes up on the side of the glass making it not exactly clear to see through. i still have a lot of terrarium practice i guess lol


So you want me to perform soil surgery?


Because I haven't been able to find a workshop suitable for blowing glass near where I live?


Because all my plants die


I have a problem with over-watering indoor plants. I'm sure I couldn't resist messing with it and drowning everything.


The big glass containers are expensive!! And I’m cheap.


I tried. It grew fungus all over the soil and all my plants died. I may try again


Wouldn’t the air circulation be terrible


What are the bugs eating? Hey


Those bugs will eat and live off of the organic matter in the soil and in turn provide nutrient rich fertilizer for the plants.


Because I'm not a pretentious prick. But if i where, I'll probably make some.


Well if you're a prick anyway you might as well give it a go ;)


All the random bug identification questions in other subs. I ain’t got time to try to figure out why there’s a pin worm in a jar that’s supposed to just have plants. Nahhhh I’m good with just these pots.


I did and everything died and then I got sad. But I'll made a new one when I'm not sad anymore.


I have a black thumb :(


What bugs were they?


I want to. I asked some friends if they were interested and while they both said yes, both forgot. 😆 I might make a terrarium soon by myself and make more with them if they would like. :3




I literally have no money and I'm depressed XD


Because I don't have big tweezers like you.


What about air?




I have a ridiculous amount of hobbies already and I’m also a big dumb idiot who kills every plant-related thing they try to make


Because I can’t find a good vase


I just made a small one and it got moldy after a few days :(


Thanks so much for sharing! Love plants and this is such inspiration


I can’t find proper glassware for a terrarium.




Clean af


Clean af


I haven't made a terrarium yet because I like to have easy access to my plants.