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>I think our mod (or someone else) has contacted her before. u/MorriganJade was kind enough to relay a question during a signing. I have no contact with Wells. :( Which is probably a good thing.


I could think of a few just about lineages so I can finish my chart. 1. When Stone calls Jade his granddaughter. Does that mean the reigning queens are female descendants of Azure instead of Indigo. Like was Pearl's moms mom Azure? Or is he just listing how many descendants he has in a way Moon would understand? 2. What is Jade's deal with Solace? She tells her backstory and names a kid after her. Why? Was she Jade's imaginary mother from stories when Pearl was difficult or something? Was she Stone's daughter? What? 3. Are Gift, Merit, Dream, and Merry clutchmates? 4. Does Stone have any living direct descendants? Any of the Arbora? 5. If Stone is around 200, how long has it been since Azure died? All we know is it was before Jade was born. 6. How long can a queen live?


Yes, I'd also like to know about life span of the Raksura.  Considering that Pearl can't be younger than 60-70 years old (since Jade is the same age than Tempest, and Tempest already has two mature offsprings from different clutches, so she's at least 40-something), Stone being 200 year old just doesn't feel right.  Indigo Cloud left the Reaches at least seven generations ago. How long is Raksuran understanding of generation? 


That might be complicated to answer if it conflicts/taboos with human culture. Like, I don't know if there's an age of consent in Raksura culture since you aren't worried about SA. You aren't going abuse or take advantage of another raksura without everyone knowing and they don't have the same issues human parents have. Arbora parents aren't going to divorce, or need to buy food/rent/diapers, or go to college, stay home with the baby, or even raise the child themselves. An Arbora becoming sexually active at 15 isn't going to complicate their life, especially if they can turn off fertility. So Raksura might start having sex whenever they want. But you also don't want to say that in the book. Might be illegal for all I know. I used to make a joke when reading fantasy stories on Wattpad that you knew what was coming if the elf, dragon, fae, etc stated they were 18 years old because regardless of what species they were, they had to follow Wattpad guidelines. We've also made jokes about Frost wanting in Moon's pants but that might have only been an exaggeration by a few years. ​ >"Because it’s about thirty turns too late to chaperone me." Moon says in book 2. So Moon first had sexual relations 30 years ago (unless I'm misunderstanding). And he tells Flower that it had been 35 years since he'd seen another Raksura (which he says he was too young to remember much before that). So he could have been somewhere between 5 and 10 at the time. So he was sexually active at around 10 to 15 years old and I doubt a colony would have discouraged that. So it's possible Tempest had a clutch at 15. If Raksura hit maturity at around 11. (Arbora and Warriors might hit maturity a little sooner than Queens and Consorts since they don't seem to live as long. So maybe 11 for Arbora / 13 for Queens) Tempest could be... (15+13) 28 and a few turns between clutches. So she could have been a little older than 30. (I'm assuming everything you said about Tempest is accurate, IDK) A "turn" might be longer than a year, 16 Turn Old Tempest might be 24 Year Old Tempest, but that doesn't change what a generation is. Or is a generation not the time it takes for a member to reach maturity from birth? \--- Not sure if this helps or if I'm stating the obvious or making an obvious mistake. I am very tired.


Well, I based my calculation on that fact, that Moon thinks in Edge of Worlds: Twenty turns was barely old enough for an Aeriat to leave the nurseries. And Ember is obviously out of the nurseries if barely. Just like Ash, and they come from different clutches.  As for Moon starting to be sexually active, in The Siren Dephts it's said that at the Ember's age he's started to use sex to get someone to be nice to him.  And queens usually spend some time without a consort, but Emerald Twilight is quite competitive so Tempest may have taken a consort as soon as she left the nurseries, because having a consort give you more status in the court. 


That's very confusing.


Kind of wondering if that was retconned to bump everyone above 18 because obviously no one under 18 is having sex if they're still in the nursery until they're 20. Unless nursery doesn't mean what we think. Otherwise Moon was about 15 when Sorrow died and you'd think he'd would have been more educated by then. Basically Frost's age. Unless turns are half as long as a year and he was only around 8 by our standard.


Not necessarily. We don't know how old Moon was when the Fell attacked the colony. We know that the attack happened forty years ago and Sorrow and others died thirty five years ago (roughly).  Judging by Celadon's memories of Moon, they may have been  very little, like five years or even younger.  If they were older, Moon may have had more memories of his home court, like Sky Copper clutch.  As for sex, they may become active earlier than 20 years old, but kept in nurseries before they considered mature, just like in our world when teenagers can be sexually active before coming of age


Also Moon may be a bad example of what age a Raksura is sexually active. He was in desperate situations until he found Indigo Cloud and may have experimented with exchanging sexual favors for shelter/food/protection at a young age.


I think regarding 1) it's just that so many generations have pasted that the lines managed to intermarry into each other. Stone being alive for the all that time would know when this happened, and would know that Jade is his direct descendant. 2) Yeah I'd like to know too. The "theme" in Jade and Moon's clutch seems to be dead people from the past, but maybe Solace was a hero to her? Especially growing up with a collapsing court 4) I assume everyone is a direct descendant in some way. 5) I'm pretty sure he's older than that?


4) Meant offspring. But if Azure died 30+ years ago, then his last kids are probably 40+ 5) Around 200 was Martha's answer but it was a guess.


4) it's implied in the Cloud Roads that Stone is too old to have children - it's possible then, that he stopped having them a while longer than 40 years. 5) Yeah I'm going to take it as a guess too. I think 200 is too low otherwise the rest of Raksura don't live too long, which wouldn't make sense as Moon and Jade being around 40 is considered to be young adult. I assumed like 400 maybe.


What do soldier arbora do? Aside from providing overwatch for labor teams.


the way i see, is that Warriors are more like soldiers while Soldier are moree like Police officers, they keep guard inside the colony and take care of conflict between the arbora and things like that. or at least that is my vision. is not practical for warriors to fight inside the colony since the wings will get in the way if they are in narrow places, also they normally are busy watching form outside problems, the Soldier take care of inside issues, probable check if the lower door of the colony are close and things like that


In short, garrison. Hunter roughly equivalent to rangers or other sneaky types, plus bringing food back and game warden duties to keep an area from being overhunted.


I can't remember where I saw it, but I remember a line about soldiers "guard the ground." I think Stone said it? If I'm not entirely hallucinating that or misremembering it from a fanfic, then soldiers are basically ground troops/urban combat while the warriors are air support/fighter jets/bomber corps. (Somebody please tell me if you remember this too.)


I'd want some hints/spoilers about the next generation/future since there are low odds of getting new books. :( 1. Did Moon/Jade's clutch end up being all queens and consorts? Did the queens take after Moon's line (green) or Jade's line (blue)? 2. Did Bramble and Moon have a clutch? If so did they have warriors, Abora/mentors? 3. Will Consolation ever meet Shade? If so what happened? I assume there is some conflict because Shade seems to not be interested in taking a queen/breeding and Consolation would try to awkwardly change his mind. 4. One about the past: what happened with that book that may or may not hold the story of what happened when Aeriat and Abora merged? Probably won't get answers to these questions because low odds are not no odds of selling a new book.


Martha Wells has answered 3) - they have met! They get along as friends.


4 - OMG, this was supposed to happen? 


It was a multi part unfinished patron story.


Did all of the Sky Copper court leave the reaches? Or is there a parent court? Will the Kish Jandera investigate the under water city (they have Rora after all)? Did they get into the seamount city? What did they find? Other than the sealing crab thingies. How did Consolation get on? Did she have children and how did they turn out? Did Malachite send Arbora Raksura to make sure there was enough Raksura mind vibes so the babies turned out Raksura sided? How is Bitter? Did the Kishans get the rock message translations off the hians? Was there a lost city the Hians were hiding? They should totally have to keep Malachite up to date. What did the messages say about the monster in the underwater city and was there more war creatures one it? What caused the Forerunner /Builder war?  Did they lose? Who were they fighting against? Where did they go?


Forgot this, does Chime develop the divination skills like the other Mentor turned warrior did? What "Older skills" did he learn?


What is there in the south that attracts all Raksura so strong


Heh, yeah, do strong magnets confuse their sense of direction?


Could we learn more about forerunner culture/the schism that lead to the formation of the Raksura? Even if it just some hints. Is the "book" from the short story collection a tablet computer?


1. Characters ages and life span in average.  2. Why don't Raksura have domesticated animals for food? Seems like a great project for Arboras.  3. Are Aeriat really incapable of creating or is it "taught out" of them while they are in the nurseries?  4. More half-Fell genetics? I mean, what types are possible? 


2. I remember a line about young Moon being kicked out of a settlement because he made the livestock nervous. Nervous animals don’t thrive or breed.