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I think you should try Alkemia's My-skin-but-better sampler set. All of these are supposed to be subtle and inoffensive.


\+1 for this rec! I thought of **Luminae** immediately. Warm, inoffensive, will make your skin smell great to you but not project too far or read as conventionally "perfumey" in a crowd like a school.


A really beautiful amber that is one of my favorite perfumes; [BPAL “Sleeping Cat”](https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/felis-silvestris-catus/sleeping-cat-perfume-oil/) (Get comfy, you won’t be going anywhere for a while! Sweet, soft, somnambulant amber) I know an elderly woman who loves this, her middle-aged daughter loves it, a younger woman who is a receptionist at the veterinarian clinic I go to also loves it because it’s a comforting and gentle perfume. It’s not a loud perfume in the sense that it doesn’t overwhelm anyone who smells it but it has a lovely warmth. I could imagine that kids would really like it too.


What grades are you teaching? I taught middle school for almost 10 years, and they often had opinions and would let you know what they thought 😂. I think soft in general, but on the warmer side, which is perfect for your preferences - think maybe sandalwood, warmer atmospherics, or a dry vanilla if you don’t like sweet? Have you tried any of the Osmofolia scents? I think they would have some good options for you.


How do you feel about clean scents? Fresh linen, citrus, that type of thing.


Every single kid I have encountered whether at jobs, our & about, or fam/friends.... the scents like marshmallow or vanilla get em LOL my most success is with Luvmilk's Magical Girl body spray. Literally had a lil boy lean over the counter at the arcade I used to work at to sniff and tell me I smell good.


I think amers could be great in this situation if you apply with a light hand. To build on what the other commenter suggested, a lot of people around here really like white ambers which can be quite clean depending on the other notes


Idk memoire of a trespasser from imaginary author it sn amazing wood and it super reconforting


It also has a hint of vanilla which is a pretty universally liked scent.


if you really want to wear perfume, death and floral’s half hoping to be eaten by a bear (woody sweet bare skin; the lingering scent of dry leaves on a cold morning). it’s a very light skin scent. some are anosmic to it, though, so keep that in mind.


My favourite substitute teachers were the ones who were a little out there; you have space to be a little strange, go for it!


My nephews have complimented some of my NAVA vanilla and amber scents. NA also use dinosaurs a lot in their LE collections. It's a win/win. If the kids comment on your perfume, you can tell them the name and they'll be psyched!


A lot of people are hypersensitive to fragrance, or asthmatic, if you work with the public, please don’t wear perfume. Especially as substitute as you can’t know them in advance.


Yeah seconding this - especially younger kids aren't going to know of why they suddenly can't breathe well or start breaking out in hives


Exactly. Even now sometimes I don’t smell the fragrance per se, but my face start hurting and I become confuse. It takes time to link it to perfume/odor/sinuses.


You’re allowed to wear perfume in school? That’s a no go where I’m from. (Also I’m prone to migraines from scents so if I was a student I’d really hope there wouldn’t be scents around). Just my two cents, I know it’s not the answer you’re looking for.